高二英语第二单元Mainly Revision

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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit2.1.doc
标题 Mainly Revision
章节 第二单元
1. 你经常聆听你心跳的声音,感受脉搏的跳动吗?
2. 你是否曾有过因生命的存在而激动不已的瞬间?
3. 有什么理由可以让你放弃对生命的拥有?
① 对话(Lesson 5)
a. 朗读:语音语调准确,情感适度;
b. 归纳:归纳出用英语进行请求、给予和拒绝的方法;
Asking permission Giving permission Refusing permission
Do you mind if I DO … ?
Would you mind if I DID … ?
May / Can / Could I DO… ? No. Go ahead.
Certainly / Of course not.
Sure . / Of course. I'm sorry , it is not allowed.
I'm afraid , you'd better not.
c. 运用:套用句型模拟对话;
d. 创造:自编对话并表演;
e. 写作:复述并将对话改写成短文。
② 课文(Lesson 6、7)
a. 理解课文大意,能回答有关问题。(Wb. P79 Excise 1; P80 Excise 1 )
b. 归纳大意,能复述课文。
c. 将课文改写成100词左右的短文;
d. 讨论吸烟的危害性。
a. 单词:chance , remain , compare, smelly , share.
b. 词组:go ahead , burn down , compared to / with , get into the habit of , be used to , compare … with …
1.Do you mind if I smoke here?
Would you mind ______ ______ here?
2. Many people have the habit of taking a walk after supper.
Many people _________ used ________ ________ a walk after supper.
3. The house was on fire and soon it was destroyed.
The house ________ fire and it ________ soon ________ ________ in the fire.
4. We must do something to encourage young people not to smoke.
Something must _______ _______ to encourage young people to _______ ______ smoking.
5. The bad weather prevented us from going there on time.
The bad weather ________ us ________ there on time.
1. my smoking
2. are; to taking
3. caught ; was ; burnt down
4. be done; give up
5. stop; going
1. After the fire , very little remained of my house.
2. I shall remain to see the end of the game.
3. The chances are a hundred to one against you .
4. This was the chance he had been waiting for.
5. If you compare both of our cars you'll find they're very much alike.
6. Compare your translation with the model translation on the blackboard.
7. Girls are usually compared to flowers.
8. Compared to (with) London , Paris is small.
9. If you don't give up smoking , your illness will get worse.
10. I give up ; tell me the end of the story.
11. Liu Hulan gave up her life for her country.
12. I'm used to getting up early.
13. I'm not used to the food here yet.
14. You'll soon get used to living in the country.
15. He used to stay up late.
16. Success calls for hard work.
17. I'll call for you at your house tomorrow.



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