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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit3.doc
标题 Mainly Revision
章节 第三单元
二会: L10 gesture Arab Puerto Rico
L11 communicate host
三会: L9 manage dining room type composition
L10 wave nod
L11distance fist juice one another
四会: L10 body language handshake agreement disagreement Asian kiss custom proud
L11 manner manners comfortable guest
Would you like me to …?
Would you like me to do this for you ?
No, thanks. I can manage it myself.
Is there anything else I can do for you ?
No, thank you. Thanks for all your help.
Can/Shall I help you ?
Would you like some help ?
Thanks/Yes, please.
That’s very kind of you.
Lesson 9
1.…Would you like me to carry it ? 要我帮你提着它吗?
No, thanks. I can manage it myself. 不用,谢谢。我自己能行。
1)当你主动提出帮助某人时(offering help),可以使用以下用语:
Can I help you ? 我可能帮忙吗?
Can I do sth for you ? 我能帮你干点什么事吗?
Would you like some/any help? 你要帮忙吗?
Would you like me to do sth. for you? 要我帮你做某事吗?
Do you want me to do sth.?你要我做某事吗?
Let me do sth .for you. 我给你做些事吧。
Is there anything (else ) I can do for you ? 还有什么事我能帮忙吗?
Thanks. 多谢。
Yes, please.好的。
Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
That’s very kind/nice (of you). (你真是)太好了。
It’s all right. Thank you all the same. 不用了,谢谢你。
No, it’s Ok. Thank you all the same. 不,没关系,谢谢。
No, thanks, but I can manage. 不,谢谢,我能行。
That’s very kind of you, but I can do/manage it myself.
A. Can I help you with the housework ? 我来帮你做家务吧。
B.No, thanks, but I can do it myself. 不,谢谢,我能自己做。
2.It’s a pleasure to meet you .我很高兴见到你。
1)It’s good to see/meet you.
It’s nice to see/meet you.
It’s exciting to see/meet you.
It’s wonderful to see/meet you.
It’s delightful to see/meet you.
2)I’m pleased to meet/see you.
I’m delighted to meet/see you.
I’m glad to meet/see you.
I’m happy to meet/see you.
3)I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.
I’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time.
Lesson 10
1.Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.
1)此句是一个复合句。主句是We make ourselves understood not just by words. 它带有两个从句。When we talk with others是时间状语从句;Although we may not realize it是让步状语从句。
2)make sb/sth +过去分词意为“使某人/某事被……”
句中的make ourselves understood直译为“使我们自己被别人了解”,意为“使别人了解我们”。
例如:①The teacher raised his voice trying to make himself heard by the students at the back.
②When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood.
2.Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement.
例如:①I like sports, while he enjoys music. 我喜欢运动,而他喜爱音乐。
②Mum was cooking while Dad was watching TV.妈妈在做饭,而爸爸在看电视。
①While I was sleeping, a thief came into the house.我睡觉时,小偷进了我的屋。
②While in America, I studied music and painting. 在美国时,我学习音乐和油画。
则while从句中的主语连同be动词,助动词或连系动词一块省略,可用这种结构的还有when, after,
once, until, though, as, since等等。例如:
①While watching TV, she fell asleep.当她看电视时,她睡着了。
②When going to school, I met a friend of mine .上学时,我碰到一个朋友。
3.These gestures are accepted both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meanings.
①I can’t accept you as my assistant.我不能接受你作为我的助手。
②We accept the conclusion as true. 我们承认这个结论是对的。
③Waving one’s arms can be accepted as crying for help. 挥舞双臂可能被人认为是呼救。
4.Take nodding the head for example. 比如说点点头这一动作吧。
Take …for example意为“以……为例”,“比如说……”例如:
①Take this problem for example.以这道题为例。
②Take my family for example.就说我的家庭吧。
5.In some Asian countries it means not “yes” but “No”在某些亚州国家,点头的意思不是“是”,而是“不”。
1)Not I but he is a teacher. 不是我而是他是一名教师。
2)I saw not Mary but Joan. 我见到的不是玛丽而是琼。
3)That’s not a pen but a pencil. 那不是钢笔而是铅笔。
4)My mother asked me not to go out but to stay at home. 我妈妈要我呆在家里不要出门。
5)He was born not in Beijing but in Tianjin. 他不是生于北京而是生于天津。
Not the students but the teacher is hoping to go there. 不是学生而是老师希望去那儿。
Not the teacher but the students are hoping to go there. 不是老师而是学生希望去那儿。
6.French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people.
1)kiss sb. goodbye/hello意思是say goodbye /hello to sb. with a kiss.
I kissed her good night. 晚上我与她吻别。
She kissed her mother hello as soon as she got home. 她一到家就亲吻她的妈妈表示问好。
2)kiss v.(风、浪)轻拂
The wind was gently kissing the trees. 微风轻拂着树枝。
7.Generally speaking, people from English-speaking countries do not touch each other very much.
English-speaking countries意为“说英语的国家。”English-speaking是复合词,作定语,修饰countries,这三个词在逻辑上有主谓宾的关系,speaking可看作是countries的动作,是主动关系,因此用—ing形式,English可看作为speaking的逻辑宾语。
8.In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right hand; the left hand is not used at all.
此句中的using the fingers of you right hand是—ing短语,在句中用作方式状语,修饰谓语动词作eat。例如:
①Children usually count the numbers using their fingers .孩子们通常板着指头来数数。
②We show disagreement shaking our heads.我们摇头表示不同意。
9.In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.
with your feet pointing at another person是一种“with+复合宾语”的结构,又叫独立主格结构,它是由“with+名词+分词或分词短语”组成,在句中作状语表示伴随动作。分词的形式取决于该动词与前面名词之间的关系,是主动关系,用现在分词,是被动关系,用过去分词。
例如:①The boy lay on the grass, with his eyes looking at the stars in the sky.
②Father usually works in his study with the door locked.
10.Foreigners should follow these customs when they are visiting these countries.
We should follow the rules of the lab when we are doing experiments.
Lesson 11
1.It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking.
例如:It is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye. 不辞而别很不礼貌。
It is/was +adj/n +(for sb)to do sth.
句型中的for sb to do sth是不定式的复合结构,它是形式主语it所代表的真正主语,其中
的for sb是不定式的逻辑主语。例如:
①It is important for us to learn English well. 学好英语对我们来说很重要。
②It is our duty to help others .帮助别人是我们的责任。
2.The Arab who is friendly will stand close to his friend, but the Englishman will move back in order to keep a certain distance away.
表现友好的阿拉伯人会站得离他的朋友很近,而英国人则会往后挪动,以保持一定距离。句中的keep a certain distance away意为“保持一定的距离”其中certain意为“某个”,“一定的”“某种程度,”在句中作定语。例如:
There is a certain distance between the village and the railway station.
3.City people in Britain and the United States stand closer than those who live in the country.
句中的those who…相当于peope who,意为“凡……的人”。表示的是两者以上的不定数量。例如:
Those who want to visit the exhibition may write down your names here.
试比较:①Anybody who breaks the rules is punished.任何违反规章制度的人将受到惩罚。
②Those who break the rules are punished.
在①句中,主句的主语是Anybody,谓语是is punished, 用单数,Who breaks the rules是定语从句,修饰Anybody, who在从句中作主语,代表Anybody,所以谓语动词breaks也要用单数形式。
在②句中,主句的主语是Those, 谓语是are punished。用复数,who break the rules是定语从句,修饰Those、who在从句中作主语,代表Those,所以谓语动词要用复数形式break。
Lesson 12
Grammar: the Infinitive动词不定式
They don’t like to be too close to one another(不定短语作宾语)
They will move back to keep a certain distance away.(不定式短语作目的状语)
Would you like me to do something for you ?(不定式短语作宾语补足语)
Have you got anything to say ?(不定式短语作定语)
It’s a pleasure to meet you.(不定式短语作主语)
Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”.(不定式短语作表语)
I don’t know how to communicate with foreigners .(不定式短语作宾语)
To learn English well isn’t easy 要学好英语不容易。
【注】①由于主语过长,所以常用it作形式主语。It isn’t easy to learn English well.
Our work is to clean the windows. 我们的任务是擦窗户。
My idea is to plant some flowers in our garden. 我想在花园里种些花。
I want to visit the Science Museum. 我想参观科学博物馆。
I’ve got a bad cold. The doctor advised me to have a rest.
I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉你。
I’m very busy. I have a lot of work to do .
He woke up only to find every body gone. 他醒来发现人全走了。
He made up his mind to work harder so as to catch up with the others in his class.
1.Will you speak louder so as to make yourself ?
A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear
2.David was busy at work his wife played cards all day long .
A. however B. while C. so D. therefore
3. Is possible to do the experiment in another way ?
A. that B. this C. what D. it
4. He lives in a house which is close a river.
A. by B. to C. with D. from
5. Not the teacher but the students excited.
A. is B. remains C. are D. being
6. It is very important the lessons before the class.
A. previewing B. to preview C. preview D. of previewing
7. They walked towards the mountain with a boy the way.
A. to lead B. leading C. led D. leads
8. I like reading my brother likes sports.
A. when B. as C. then D. while
9. I found it difficult his question.
A. to answer B. answering C. answer D. in answer
10. The two young men looked at as if one didn’t know the other.
A. each other B. one another C. one other D. the other
11.I think it bad to talk with your mouth full of food.
A. manner B. manners C. behavior D. polite
12. Though he had often made his little sister , today he was made by his little sister.
A. cry, to cry B. crying , crying C. cry, cry D. to cry, cry
13.My mother will not us to go out at night.
A. have B. let C. agree D. allow
14. The scientist came into the lab, by a group of students.
A. following B. to follow C. followed D. to be followed
15. She waved her hands in order to make herself .
A. seeing B. see C. to see D. seen
16. to take the English evening course please fill in this form .
A. Those who want B. Anybodny wants
C. Those that want D. people want
17. Canada is country. Have you ever been there ?
A. an English-spoken B. a speaking-English
C. a spoken-English D. an English-speaking
18. He usually works in his room with the door and windows .
A. closed B. close C. closing D. to be closed
19. you must be quiet or leave the room.
A. either B. both C. neither D. never
20. There was a terrible noise a sudden flash.
A. Was followed B. following C. to follow D. followed
A well-known old man was being interviewed(采访)and was asked if it was correct that he has just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday.
“That’s right.” said the old man. “Ninety-nine years old, and I haven’t an enemy in the world. They’re all dead.”
“Well, sir ”, said the interviewer , “I hope very much to have the honour of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday.”
The old man looked at the young man closely, and said, I can’t see why you shouldn’t. You look fit and healthy to me !”
1. The old man said he had not an enemy in the world, which show that he was a very.
A. friendly man -he never made any enemies.
B. healthy man-he lived longer than all his enemies.
C. lucky man-his enemies had all died.
D. terrible man -he had got rid of all his enemies.
2. When the interviewer said that he hoped very much to have the honour of interviewing the old man again the following year.
A. he was trying to make the old man happy.
B. he wished he himself would live another year.
C. he did not believe the old man would live to be one hundred.
D. he did not believe he would interview the old man again.
3. When the old man said, “I can’t see why you shouldn’t,” what he meant was .
A. “you must try to live another year to interview me again next year. ”
B. “of course you can see me again since you’re so fit and healthy.”
C. “If I live to a hundred years, you should interview me again
D. “unless you live another year, you wouldn’t be able to interview me again.”
4. What kind of man would you say the old man was ?
A. He was silly.
B. He was unpleasant.
C. He was very proud and sure of his health.
D. He was very impolite to young people.
Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly. If metal is heated and then cooled very quickly, for example by dipping(浸)it in water, it will be very hard but also very brittle(脆)—that is it will break easily. Metal that has been annealed is soft but does not break as easily. It is possible to make metal as hard or as soft as is wished, by annealing it. The metal is heated, and allowed to cool slowly for a certain length of time. The longer the heated metal takes to cool slowly, the softer it becomes. Annealing, can also be used on other materials, such as glass.
1. Annealing can make metal
A. hard and tough(韧) B. hard but brittle
C. soft but tough D. soft and britte
2. Why do people put hot metal in water ?
A. To make it hard B. To make it soft
C. To make it cool D. To make it brittle
3. In annealing, the required hardness of a metal depends on
A. the quantity of water used B. the temperature of metal
C. the softness of the metal D. the timing of the operation
4. As suggested by the text, how can glass be made less brittle?
A. It can be heated and then cooled quickly.
B. It can be cooled and then heated slowly.
C. It can be heated and then cooled slowly.
D. It can be cooled and then heatly quickly.
【 参考答案】
1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. A
11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B

A.1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C
B.1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C




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