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科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit4.4.doc
标题 Mainly Revision
章节 第四单元
关键词 内容     
当我们捧着一期新到手的报纸并惬意地享受它所带给我们的众多新闻与信息时,我们是否曾为它如何诞生的而感兴趣呢?文本意在告诉读者一些有关报刊行业的常识性知识,了解报纸作为人们日常生活中一种不可替代的消费品从采访、初稿、编辑、审定直到最后排版校样的一系列工作中,工作人员所付出辛勤劳动,言简意赅,生动形象。对扩大学生的知识面,了解实际生活都有好处。同时,对中国日报(CHINA DAILY)作为较为详尽的介绍,还将有助于提高学生们的英语学习兴趣。
1.对话(Lesson 13)
Making an appointment(日常约会)
Will you be / Are you free this evening? Yes,I'll be free.
Are you going to see the new film? Yes,I'd like to.
Let's go together then,shall we? Ok.
What time shall we meet? I suggest 7 o'clock.
Where is the best place to meet? What about meeting outside the theatre?
Sounds good idea. See you. See you then.
a.理解课文大意,能回答有关问题(Wb.P89 Exercise 1);

journalist, event, cover, fix, face-to-face, interview, photographer, editor, save, headline, check, develop, deliver, rail, daily, cost, everyday.
get down to work, fix a time for, work on, type……into computer, hand sth. to sb., be popular with, as well, care for, take a photograph (of), look up.
例1:What's on this weekend at the People's Theatre?
"The Red Roses" are giving a performance.
例2:If you want to get a job in the company, you may have a face-to-face interview with the manager.
例3:As a teacher of English, she is liked by her students.
As a teacher of English, she ____ ____ ____ her students.(is popular with)
例4:Final examination is coming, and you should begin to prepare it.
Final examination is coming, and you should ____ ____ ____ ____ it.(get down to preparing)
例5:It is said that the performances are very good.
People ____ ____ ____ ____ are very good.
The performances ____ ____ ____ ____ very good.(say that the performances);(are said to be)
1、The most important event of this year is that Macao will return to China in December.
2、Which events have you entered for?
3、They sent the best reporters to cover the conference.
4、Cover the table with a cloth.
5、By sunset we had covered thirty miles.
6、His research covers a wide field.
7、Is that word covered in the dictionary?
8、They have fixed the date for the wedding.
9、My watch has stopped.It needs fixing.
10.Her eyes were fixed on the gun.
11.He is fixing his thought on what he is doing.
12.He had a shelf fixed to the wall.
13.It will save time if we drive the car instead of walking.
14.It will save me 50p if I buy the smaller box.
15.He is saving to buy the computer.
16.The doctor saved the child's life.
17.The man saved the child from drowning.
18.We are saving for a new car.
19.We delivered your order to your door.
20.Did you deliver my message to my father?
21.He delivered his speech effectively.
22.We must help to deliver them from misery and suffering.
23.It's time to get down to some business.
24.Let's fix a time for meeting.
25.He sat up far into the night, working on the report.
26.We had a face-to-face argument with them.
27.They are standing there, face to face.
28.Please type the article into the computer.
29.Please hand the book on the desk to me.
30.Hand in your examination papers now, please.
31.The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson.
32.His new book is very popular with readers.
33.I'm going to London and my sister's coming as well.
34.I realy care for the students in my class.
35.She cared for her father in his dying years.
36.Would you care for some tea?
37.He wants to take a photograph of the Great Hall of the People.
38.Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.
1)Seeing is believing.
2)Playing football is his favourite sport.
It is +名词(或形容词)+动名词
No use
It is no good doing that.
A waste of time
So nice / interesting / foolish……
It's a waste of time waiting here.
It'sso nice talking to you.
There is no + 动名词
如:There is no joking about such matter.这事开不得玩笑。
Group I: admit, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy,
excuse, explain, finish, forgive, imagine, keep, mention, mind, miss, practise,
prevent,risk, suggest, understand……
GroupII: need, want, require
GroupIII: permit, allow, forbid, require
*Group II: need, want, require 三个词后面跟的动名词必须是主动形式。同时,其动名词不能随意扩大。例如:
(1)This house needs cleaning.这房间该打扫一下。
(2)That car wants repairing.那车需要修理了。(但不能说:I want resting.我需要休息。)
*Group III: 第三组词跟人作宾语后,必须用不定式作补语。例如:
This room won't allow smoking.在这间屋里不准吸烟。
We do not allow anybody to smoke here.这里不许吸烟。
(1)We enjoy dancing like you do.我们和你一样也喜欢跳舞。
(2)Would you mind opening the window?打开窗子你介意吗?
remember +动名词 表示动作已经完成
forget +不定式 表示动作尚未发生
I remember locking the door. 我记得把门锁上了。
You must remember to lock the door.你一定要记住锁好门。
I'll never forget seeing the Alps for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次看见阿尔卑斯山的景。
I'm afraid he will forget to write to me.恐怕他会忘记给我写信。
+动名词 表示停止做某事
+不定式 表示停下来,开始做某事
The man stopped working and began to have a rest.那人停下手里的活,开始休息。
The man who was talking stopped to work.正在说话的那人停下来开始工作。
+动名词 表示学习某事/物
+不定式 表示学会了某事/物
Having learned to skate, she began to learn swimming.
+动名词 表示继续做同一件事
+不定式 表示继续做另一件事(动作不变内容/方式变)
He went on reading the story.他继续读那篇故事。
He went on to read another story.他继续读另一篇故事。
+动名词 表示实验
+不定式 表示尽量:企图
I tried cooking the meat in wine.我试着用酒煮肉。
Try to get here early.尽量早点到这里。
+动名词 表示害怕做某事的后果(不具体)
+不定式 表示害怕而不敢去做(具体)
He is afraid of falling.他害怕会摔倒。
He was afraid to go there alone, so he remained.他不敢独自去,于是就留下了。
+动名词 表示意味着
+不定式 表示打算,意欲
This will mean giving you some trouble.这意味着给你添麻烦。
I don't mean to trouble you.我并没想给你添麻烦。
Prefer A to B
Prefer to do A rather than do B
Prefer doing A to doing B.
(=would rather do A than do B)
1)I prefer to stay in a house rather than stay in a hotel.我宁愿住在一所房子里也不愿住宾馆。
3)She prefers listening to music to playing the piano.她宁愿听音乐也不愿去弹钢琴。
+动名词 表示情不自禁
+不定式 表示不能帮忙(某事)
Hearing the news, she can't help laughing.
At that time I was very busy,so I can't help(to) repair your bike.
2)后面用不定式和动名词,其含义不变的动词有:begin / start / continue
They began working / to work soon after they arrived.
3)like, hate, love, prefer 等动词既可以接不定式,又可接动名词,意思相同。单表示一个特定的具体动作时,接不定式。
Children like / love to see cartoons.=Children like / love seeing cartoons.
--Can I give you a Life?
--No,thanks. I prefer to walk back, for it is not far.
完形填空(Cloze Test)是外语学习中一种综合练习或测试形式。这种题目提供一篇短文,把文中的若干词语抽出,留出空白,要求学生根据全文的意思,把正确的词语填入空白处。完形填空是一项考查学生综合运用所学词汇,语法知识能力和阅读理解能力的重要题型。同学们普遍认为,这种题很难。但是,如果你掌握了做完形填空的基本规律,正确运用已掌握的词汇,语法知识,完全可以取得较为满意的成绩。
(1)What's on this weekend?
What's on +时间/地点,表示“在……时间/地点上演什么”,其中on是副词,作表语,意为“上演”,“演出”。
What's on tonight?
What's on at Guanglu Cinema?
(2)They are said to be very good.
本句用了“sb. is / was said +不定式”的句型。它还可以转化为下面两个句型:
i It is / was said + that 从句
ii They / people say +that 从句
It is said that they are very good.
People say that they are very good.
[注]可用于上述句型的动词除say外,还有report, hope, believe, suppose等。
(3)There is no more time left for adding new stories ……
There is (no) …… left for sth. / doing sth. 的意思是“还留下(没留下)……来干某事。”
There is some time left for singing a song.
There is a little money left for buying the books.
There is no space left for putting the writing-desk.
(4)China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.
1.China Daily 是专有名词需要大写。
2.plenty of只用于肯定句,后面可接可数名词和不可数名词。
You have plenty of time to do the work.
There are plenty of men out of work.
3.Which 引导的是非限制性定语从句。
My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well.
4.cut 这里是“削减”的意思。
His salary has been cut by ten per cent.
例1:The public library and the school stand across the street.
A.face-to-face B.faced-to-faced
C.face to face D.A or C
face-to-face带连字符的合成词在句子中作定语,而face to face不带连字符则在句中作状语。例如:After a face-to-face interview, he got the job.在一次面试后他得到了那份工作。In the carriage they sat face to face.在火车车厢里他们面对面地坐着。类似的结构:heart-to-heart贴心的back-to-back背靠背的hand-in-hand手拉手的shoulder-to-shoulder肩并肩的。
例2:He also learned to messages the 8th Route Army.
A.deliver; for B.delivering; to
C.deliver; from D.delivers; to
deliver: take (letters, parcels,goods, message, etc)to the place or people they addressed to 递送;传送
短语:deliver + 名/代 + to
We delivered your order to your door.
另外,deliver: to say; read aloud 发言;发表
deliver + 名/代
After he came into power, the President delivered a wonderful speech.
Jim: It's very kind of you to come and see me off.
Bob:My pleasure. 1
Jim: Thank you, and please say good-bye to all my friends in the college for me.
Bob:Ok.You can leave that to me.
Jim: 2 How can I thank you enough?
Bob:You're welcome. 3 I hope you'll come again.
Jim: Yes.I'll try my best to come back again and to see my friends here.
Bob: 4 .
Jim: 2:45, they say.
Bob: 5 .We'd better say good-bye now.
Jim: See you.
A.There is only a quarter to go
B.When will you get home?
C.I wish you had a good time during your stay here.
D.You have given me so much help during my stay here.
E.What time is your flight taking off?
F.I wish you a pleasant journey home.
G.I've been happy go do what I could.
6."Can I have a look at your new car?""Certainly, ."
A.please look B.it's to dear
C.it's really beautiful D.go ahead
7.A wonderful concert will be at the theatre across our school.
A.acted B.shown
C.played D.given
8.How many pages have you so far?Can you return the book to me tomorrow?
A.looked B.seen
C.covered D.turned
9.--What reason do you have for doing so?
A.I was told so B.I was told to
C.I hoped to D.I'd like to
10.Jim is often seen to be made behind after school.
A.to stay B.stay
C.staying D.stayed
11.It's time for us to to some work. We ought to do something every day.
A.get on B.get up
C.get down D.get in
12.When I write something, I usually go to the library to the necessary facts.
A.look up B.look out
C.look down D.look on
13.China is very with many college students.
A.satisfied B.popular
C.pleased D.agreed
14.No date has been fixed their visit china.
A.for; to B./; to
C.for; / D.at; for
15.The professor you want to see is an important experiment now.
A.moving on B.working out
C.keeping on D.working on
16.It's no use with him
A.quarrelling B.to quarrel
C.of quarrelling D.being quarreled
17.My brother regretted a lecture given by professor Wu.
A.missing B.to miss
C.improvement D.improved
18.This sentence needs .
A.improve B.improving
C.improvement D.improved
19.It's a good habit to practise English aloud in the morning.
A.to read B.reading
C.in reading D.to be reading
20.She suggested for an outing next Sunday.
A.go B.to go
C.going D.gone
21.To catch up with my classmates means even harder from now on.
A.study B.to study
C.studying D.studied
22. is easier than doing.
A.To talk B.Talk
C.Talking D.Having talked
23.The student doesn't mind when he speaks English.
A.being laughed B.being laughed at
C.to be laughed D.laughing at
24.---What are you going to do this afternoon?
---I'm thinking of to visit my aunt.
A.go B.going
C.having gone D.me going
25. a reply, he decided to write again.
A.Not receiving B.Not having received
C.Receiving not D.having not received
When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown wallet lying on the ground. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could 26 the owner's name.There was nothing inside it 27 some change and an old photograph-a picture of a 28 and a young girl about twelve years old, who 29 the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back and 30 the wallet to the police station, 31 I handed it to the desk sergeant. 32 I left, the sergeant took 33 my name and address in case the owner might want to write and thank me.
That evening I went to have 34 with my aunt and uncle. They also invited a young woman 35 there would be 36 people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we 37 before, but I could not 38 where I had seen her. While talking, however, the young woman 39 mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. 40 I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl 41 the photograph, although she was now 42 .She was very 43 , of course, when I was able to 44 her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had 45 her from the photograph I 46 in the wallet. My uncle 47 going to the police station immediately to claim the 48 .As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that 49 was amazing that I 50 the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.
26.A.find out B.find C.discover D.look for
27.A.beside B.besides C.except D.except for
28.A.man B.woman C.boy D.young man
29.A.looked B.liked C.looked like D.as if
30.A.brought B.sent C.returned D.took
31.A.When B.which C.where D.then
32.A.Before B.When C.After D.While
33.A.up B.down C.with D.for
34.A.meal B.supper C.dinner D.tea
35.A.now that B.since C.as D.so that
36.A.four B.five C.three D.six
37.A.didn't meet B.had met C.had not met D.met
38.A.know B.remember C.see D.recognize
39.A.had to B.was to C.did D.happened to
40.A.All at once B.At once C.Right now D.Right away
41.A.for B.in C.to D.on
42.A.too old B.more older C.much older D.much elder
43.A.surprising B.excited C.exciting D.surprised
44.A.tell B.describe C.ask D.say
45.A.remembered B.known C.recognized D.seen
46.A.had found B.found C.saw D.had
47.A.insisted B.suggested C.insisted on D.advise
48.A.picture B.photograph C.woman D.wallet
49.A.it B.she C.that D.this
50.A.did find B.did not only find C.not only found D.had not only found
NANJING(Xinhua)—Suicides(自杀)are on the increase in China, but anyone who feels like taking that route and who lives in Nanjing can now dial 632977 to talk about it.
China's first-ever-suicide-prevention centre opened on July 1st in the capital of East China's Jiangsu Province.
Professor Zhai Zhutao, head of the center, said about 10 per cent of the population suffer from psychological(心里上的)troubles of various kinds, and that suicides are on the rise.
The center offers telephone, mail(信件)and face-to-face advising services while spreading knowledge on how to prevent suicides among people and families.
Friday, July 5, 1991
51.When did the centre open?
A.On July 1 every year
B.Three days before the news was published
C.On Children's Day
D.On the first Monday of July in 1991
52.What do we learn about the centre?
A.It sends telephones to those who try to suicide
B.It helps to stop suicide
C.It writes for those who have suicided
D.It often telephones those who live in Nanjing, advising them to prevent suicide
53.According to the news, .
A.a marked increase in suicide has happened in China.
B.Professor Zhai Zhutao founded the first suicide-prevention centre.
C.You'd better report to the centre on anyone's suicide.
D.Only Jiangsu Province has such a centre.
54.The centre's services will certainly work because .
A.it spreads knowledge of life-saving
B.one tenth of the people may suicide
C.many people are suffering
D.there must be some psychological explanation for suicides
55.My father is on China Daily. He is a j .
56.Professor Wang went to Paris to attend an i conference.
57.I'm going to have a photo taken by the p .
58.Did you buy his l book published last month?
59.have you got your films d ?
60.The newly-opened Children's Palace is p with a lot of children.
When you visit London, one of the first thing you will see 61._____
is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard of all over 62._____
the world on the BBC.If the House of Parliament have not been 63._____
burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have built. 64._____
It is not only of a huge size, but is extremely accurate(准确的)as well. 65._____
Workers from Greenwich Observatory have the clock check twice a 66._____
day. On the BBC you can hear the clock when it is stroke because 67._____
microphones connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone 68._____
wrong. Once , it fails to give the correct time. A painter who 69._____
had been working on the tower hang a pot of paint on one of 70._____
the hands and slowed it down.
1-5 FDGEA 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 CABAD 16-20 AABBC 21-25 CCBBB
26-30 ACBCD 31-35 CABCD 36-40 ABBDA 41-45 BCDBC 46-50 ACDAD
51-54 DBAC 55-60 journalist, international, photographer, latest, developed, propular.
61.thing-things 62.去掉of 63.have-had 64.have-have been
65.√ 66.check-checked 67.Stroke-striking 68.microphones-microphones are
69.fails-failed 70.hang-hung




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