Unit 2 In the lab

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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit2.2.doc
标题 Unit 2
章节 第二单元
关键词 高一英语第二单元
高中英语 SEFC Book 1A
(1) show sb. sth. (2) first of all
(3) once (4) unless
(5) turn off (6) by the side of
(7) hold up (8) be filled with
(9) what about (10) make sure
(11) as (12) instead of
(13) taste/smell/feel/sound/look
(14)none of (15) while (=but)
(16)enough (17) on holiday
(18) at the back of (19) at the end of
⒈ _____ you begin to do something, you must do it well. That's the way.
A. Because B. Imagine C. Suppose D. Once
⒉You'll fail in the examination ______ you work hard at your lessons.
A. if B. unless C. as D. since
【解答】答案是B。本题测试逻辑思维。四个选项都是连词,unless相当于if not。句意:如果你不努力学习功课,考试就不能及格。A、C、D选项不合逻辑,故应排除。
⒊The light is on. Don't forget to ______ when you leave.
A. turn off B. turn off it C. turn it off D. close it
(1)vt. +adv. (2)vi. +prep. (3)vi. +adv.前两种是及物动作,第三种为不及物动作(例如get up)。第一种的宾语如果是名词,置于adv.前后均可;如为代词,则必须置于adv.之前。第二种的宾语,不论是名词还是代词,必须置于介词之后。turn off中的off是副词,因此选C。
⒋He tasted the medicine and found it _____ .
A. tasted bad B. was tasted badly C. tasted badly D. tasted well
⒌Last night he stayed at home _____ to the movie.
A. instead go B. instead of go
C. instead goint D. instead of goine
【解答】答案是D。instead of是短语介词,可接名词、介词短语、形容词、副词等。注意instead of前后谈及的两件客体在意义结构上必须是平行关系。例如:
①He got excited instead of angry.
②He went to Shanghai instead of back to Beijing.
③He walked more slowly instead of faster.
Perhaps the most unforgettable person I have ever met is my teacher Mr.Smith. He taught us history. I still remember his lively way of teaching. Because he explained everything clearly and to the point, his classroom was always full of students. He expressed his ideas in a lively and interesting way, introduced many helpful things to his teaching, such as painting, recording and maps. He even sang a song in class to deepen his points. If it is true that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry, Mr Smith is of course a wise man.
此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。
If a fire broke away in your house, what would you
do ? First, you would warn everyone in the
house in the danger. Don't be afraid of it. Second,
you and all the other should get out of the house.
It's no good take some belongings with you.
Once you are out of the house, staying out.
Don't go back in for any reason. Finally,
when you are out of the house, call on
the fire department. Always try putting out
the fire yourself, that can be very dangerous. 1. ________
2. ________
10. _______
⒈away改为out. "break out"意为"突然爆发、发生".
⒉ 正确
⒊in改为of."warn sb. of sth."意为"提醒或警告某人注意某事".
⒋other改为others. others为代词,意为“其余的人或事”。
⒌take改为taking. "it is no good doing sth."意为"做某事没有用".
⒍staying改为stay. Stay out为祈使句。
⒎ 去掉in
⒏ 去掉on. call sb./sth.表示“给某人打电话”,而call on意为“拜访”、“号召”。
在近些年的英语高考中,本单元要求掌握的连词as, while, unless及半系动词taste等都是比较重要的内容及考查热点。其中as表示时间,注意和when, while的区别,表示原因,注意和because, since, for的区别;while在本单元中表示转折,相当于but,强调前后的对比。
单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
⒈ ______ the day went on, the weather got worse.
A. With B. Since C. While D. As
⒉Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _____ father was away in France.
A. as B. that C. during D. if
⒊She thought I was talking about her daughter, ______ , in fact, I was talking about my daughter.
A. whom B. where C. which D. while
⒋You will be late ______ you leave immediately.
A. until B. unless C. if D. or
⒌She tasted the coffee to see if it tasted ______ .
A. nicely B. well C. good D. properly
6._______ , I must say I'm pleased to see so many friends here.
A. First of all B. Not at all
C. After all D. At all
⒈ 答案是D。此处连词as引导时间状语从句,表示“随着……”。
⒉ 答案是A。该句中的as相当于when;during虽可表示时间,但它是介词,不能接句子。句意是“母亲焦急是因为小爱丽斯病了,尤其是当时父亲还在法国。”
⒊ 答案是D。并列连词while含有对照之意。句意是:“她以为我在谈论她女儿,而实际上我是在谈论我的女儿。”
⒋ 答案是B。unless引导一个条件状语从句。
⒌ 答案是C。第一个taste是及物动词,意为“品尝”;后一个taste是系动词,意为“尝起来……”,后接形容词good作表语。
⒍ 答案是A。first of all意为“首先”。全句的意思是:“首先我要说,我很高兴在这里见到这么多朋友。”
注意:⒈ 故事必须包括所有图画的内容,可以适当增加细节,使故事连贯。
⒉ 词数100左右。





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