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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit3.3.doc
标题 American English(美式英语)
章节 第三单元
关键词 内容
在过去300年左右的时间里,美国英语(American English)和英国英语(British English)都发生了很大的变化,它们的发展自然不尽相同,但二者之间区别并不是天壤之别。多数英国人和美国人可以很容易地互相听懂,两国的书面语言也非常近似。对于学习英语的中学生来讲,了解英语单词是美式拼写还是英式拼写,是美式发音还是英式发音,对知道某份书面材料到底是源出于美国还是英国是很有帮助的。从另一个角度来看,随着我国改革开和的步伐向21世纪的纵深加快,广播教学和录像教学日益普及,日常生活中对美国英语的直接接触更为广泛。目前中学英语中录制的各种英语教学磁带也多属美国英语。因而,特别注意对美语的学习,并不断扩充富有时代特色的美语式交际英语无疑是非常必要的。本单元将给同学们打开一扇了解美式英语的窗口,那就请同学们从本单元中边窥视它的区别点,边欣赏它们各自的独特魅力吧!
1.[i:]wheel reason 2.[ ]plan gas Spanish character
3.[u]cookbook 4.[ ]fall store
5.[ei]explain tape pronunciation mail 6.[au]pronounce however howl
7.[ ]European 8.[ ]Indian
9.[ ]Europe European 10.[z]reason
11.[i]difficult movie Indian direct indirect explain character pronunciation British
12.[ ]difficult pronounce however western Europe European pronunciation character holiday Britain
(1)have some (no, little, much, a lot of, a great deal of )difficulty/trouble+(in)+doing在……有困难 如:They have no difficulty in talking with each other in English. 他们用英语交谈毫不费劲。
(2)have some (no, little, much, a lot of, a great deal of, great )difficulty/trouble+
with+n.在……有困难 如:She has much difficulty with such a long speech.她作这样长的一个报告有很大困难。
(3)with difficulty“困难地,费劲地”是副词短语作状语。He breathed with difficulty.
(4)without difficulty容易地,不费吹灰之力地
(5)in difficulty“处于困境中”是介词短语起形容词的作用。
注意:sth+be+difficult+to do(习惯上不用to be done)。如:This play is difficult to enjoy.欣赏这部戏剧不容易。(不用to be enjoyed)
2.plan作可数名词是“计划,打算,规划,方案”。如:Fred is excited about his family’s plan for a vacation in California.弗雷德对于他一家人要到加利福尼亚去度假的计划感到非常激动。
He plans to go to Australia some day.他计划有朝一日能去澳大利亚一次。
He began to plan what he would do with his Sundays.他开始计划怎样度过星期天。
(1)该词的过去式、过去分词和现在分词要双写字母“n”。如:Have you planned your trip?你打算作一次旅行吗?
(2)a five-year plan一个五年计划,in a planned way有计划地
(3)make plans for为制定计划
(4)plan on +doing打算 如:I am planning on going to Beijing next month.我打算下个月去北京。
(5)plan ahead提前计划
--Have you planned to go abroad?
--Yes, I’ve planned to.(省去了go to abroad)
(1)给某人一些药give sb some medicine
(2)吃药/服药take/have some medicine
(3)学医study medicine
(4)medicine的形容词为medical“医学的,医术的,医疗上的,医疗界的”。如:a medical college医学院,free medical service
4.British不列颠的,不列颠人的,英国的,英国人的 如:the British Museum大不列颠博物馆
He is German, but his wife is British.他是德国人,他的妻子是英国人。
Britain不列颠(英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰的总称) 英国的全称:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
(1)常把however置于句首,句子使用倒装结构,即把后部的形容词和副词直接跟在however之后。如:She always goes swimming, however cold it is不管天气多么冷,她总是去游泳。
However hard the work may be, we must finish it on time .无论这工作多么难,我们必须按时完成。
However, we still look into the matter later.不过我们以后要调查这件事。
He was ill, however, he decided to go.他病了,然而他仍决定要去。
(3)He said that it was so, he was mistaken, however.他是这样说的,可是他错了。
a movie fan电影迷,a movie star电影明星,a movie house电影院,moviegoers常看电影者,go to the movies=go to the cinema=go to see a film去看电影
(1)by mail通过邮寄 如:I sent her a dictionary by mail.我寄给了她一本字典。
(2)作不可数名词时常和a lot of , much, a large amount of连用,表示大量的信件。如:
There was much mail last week.上周邮件很多。
The ship sank and the mails were lost .船沉了,邮件全丢失了。
(4)作及物动词用,如:He mailed /posted a parcel last month.他上个月寄了那个包裹。
These are our reasons for doing it .这就是我们干此事的理由。
You have no reasons to get angry.你没有道理生气。
There is a great deal of reason in his advice.他的劝告中有许多道理。
reason with sb for/against为了赞成或反对……和某人评理。
(1)the reason作主语其后的表语从句中用that连接。如:The reason why we are late is that our car did not come.那就是我们要你来的原因。(注意不要选why)
(2)the reason后的定语从句的连接词可以是why, that或者省略。如:That’s one of the reasons (why, that, ×)I asked you to come .那就是我要你来的原因。
(3)reason的形容词为reasonable。如:His words sound reasonable.他的话听起来有道理。
(1)explain后不能紧接双宾语,应用:explain sth to sb。如:She explained the reason to ne carefully.她认真地向我解释了原因。(注意不要用:explain sb sth)
(2)explain后可以接that, how, why等引起的从句。如:
Please explain to me how this sentence is read .请给我解释一下这个句子怎么读。(不要用:explain me how …)
(4)explain oneself交待清楚。如:She was made to explain herself at the meeting .会上要求她交待清楚。
(1)in character在性格上 The twins are different in character.那对双胞胎的性格不一样。
(2)She is a woman of a firm character.=She is firm in character.她是个意志坚强的人。
(3)She is a woman of character.她是个有个性的人。
1.(1)have some (no, little, much, a lot of , a great deal of )difficulty/trouble+(in)+doing在……有困难 如:They have little difficulty in mailing the letter. 他们向国外寄这封信毫不费劲。
(2)have some (no, little, much, a lot of, a great deal of ,great) difficulty/trouble+with+n.在……有困难如 She has lots of difficulty with her geography.她学习地理有很大的困难。
2.ask sb for sth向某人要某物,向某人询问某事。如:
He entered, asked for a coffee and sat down.
A student asks his or her parents for money and clothing.
You can write to BBC English and ask for any information you need.
注意:ask after问候,ask out邀请外出
3.more or less或多或少;大体上;差不多
The work is more or less finished.
This train arrived more or less on time.
注意:neither more or less正好,恰如其分
What you said is neither more or less.你说得恰如其分。
4.come about产生;发生=happen, take place
How did these differences come about ?
注意:come across越过,偶然碰见,come after跟踪而来,come alive活跃起来,come along一道来,进展,come around绕道而来
5.the same as; the same…as和……一样
At first, the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain.起初,这语言与英国使用的语言一样。
She is the same age as you.她和你同龄。
6.a great many=a good many=a large/great number of很多,相当多的
A great many books in the library are new.图书室中的很多书是新的。
A great many of the books in the library are new.图书室的书中有相当一部分是新的。
7.and so on等等
The clothes were red, green, blue, yellow and so on.
They spent their time visiting friends, reading, watching television, and so on.
注意:and so on =and so forth=etc.=and so on and so forth=and the like =and things
8.bring in引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来
Stick to the point;don’t bring in things that are not important.紧扣要点,不要把不重要的话题扯进来。
They started to use English, but they also brought in some words from their own languages.他们开始使用英语,但把他们自己语言中的一些词也带了进来。
Someone wants to see you .Shall I bring him in ?
注意:bring about带来,造成,bring back归还,bring up抚养,呕吐,bring down打落,使……降低,bring out发表,拿出
Please change these sentences into indirect speech.把这些句子变成间接引语。
Heat changes water into steam.加热使水变成蒸汽。
I’d like to change these pounds into dollars.我很想把英镑换成美元。
注意:有时change into是指发生了化学上的变化。
10.over the centuries=in the past few centuries在过去的几个世纪中(注意句子的时态常用现在完成时)
American English has changed over the centuries, too . 在过去的几个世纪里,美国英语也发生变化。
如何突破语言障碍(How to smooth away the language difficulties)
1.文化背景(Culture Notes)
◆作为外语初学者,与外国人交流时,难免有听不懂的时候。此时,最好不要哑口无言,要找一些恰当的话语使交流自然地进行,如必须把下列功能套用语熟烂于心,并朗朗上口:I beg your pardon?/Would you please repeat it ?/Could you say it more slowly and clearly?/Pardon ?/I’m sorry I know only a little English./ I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you./How do you pronounce the word ?/How do you spell your name?/What does“fall”here mean ?/I didn’t catch you./I don’t understand what you mean./May I ask a question ?Could you repeat what you said just now ?……
◆A:Please get me a drink from the fridge, Tang jing.
B:Pardon ?
A:Please——a drink——fridge.
B:What do you mean by“fridge”.
A:Oh, that’s the short form for“refrigerator”.
B:Oh, you mean“refrigerator”.
A:Yes .
B:Ok, just wait.
1.直接引语是陈述句时,间接引语是由连词that引导的宾语从句,that常可省略。主句中的say to sb.常根据需要改为tell sb。
①He said, “I’m a doctor.”→He said(that)he was a doctor.
②She said to me, “I’m studying English these days.”→She told me that she was studying English those days .
③She asked, “Are you preparing for it ?”→She asked whether(if)we were preparing for it .
④“Shall we meet at the theatre?”he said.
→He suggested that we should meet at the theatre.
→He suggested our meeting at the theatre.
⑤He asked,“Which one do you like best?”→He asked which one I liked best .
4.直接引语为祈使句时,变成“ask /tell/order等动词+宾词+to不定式”。如直接引语是let引起的祈使句,改为间接引语用“should+动词原形”。
⑥He said,“Get everything ready in two hours.”→He asked us to get everything ready in two hours.
⑦Tom said, “Let’s have a cup of coffee.”→Tom said that we should have a cup of coffee.
⑧The teacher said to the pupils, “The earth is round.”→The teacher told the pupils that the earth is round.
⑨My father said to me ,“I was born in 1945.”→My father told me that he was born in 1945.
如直接引语要变为间接引语,转述发生在当天、当地的事,直接引语中的come here, tomorrow, this morning, today, yesterday等不必随着改变。
10.He said ,“I’ll come here this evening.”→He said he would come here this evening.
11.This morning he said ,“I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow.”→This morning he said that he was leaving for Beijing tomorrow.
12.He said,“You are in Class Two.”
→He said that I was in Class Two.(A对B、C转述)
→He said that you were in Class Two.(B或C对A转述)
→He said that he(he-指A)was in Class Two.(B对C或C对B转述)
13.I said to her, “I have done my best.”→I told her that I had done my best.
14.He said, “Will you do it ?”and I said ,“Yes .”→He asked if I would do it and I said that I would.
1.——You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?
——. How I wish to go there!
A. Yes , I have B. Yes, I haven’t C. No, I have D. No, I haven’t
2.——Please don’t make a noise.
——___.I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.
A. Yes, I won’t B. No, I won’t C. No, I will D. Yes, I will
1.——You won’t go there by bus, will you ?
——No, I won’t .I’ll just walk.是的,我不会,我将步行。
2.——You never fall asleep in class, do you ?
——Yes, I do sometimes.不,我有时睡。
3.——Please don’t be late for class.
——No, I won’t . I will be as early as possible.是的,我不会,我要尽可能地早到
4.——I hope you weren’t ill.
——No, Jeanne, I wasn’t ill.是的,让娜,我没病。
5.——Didn’t you have a good time at the meeting ?
——Yes, a very good time.不,玩得很痛快。
6.——Can’t you remember doing the silly thing ?
——Yes, I can. I regret having done it.不,我记得,干了这件事我后悔。
1.——Tom doesn’t like dancing, does he ?
—— ,but he used to .
A. yes, he does B. Yes, he doesn’t C. No, he does D. No, he doesn’t
2.——The book isn’t easy for Jack to understand, is it ?
—— .His foreign language is far better than expected.
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. I don’t think D. Yes, it does
3.——You didn’t go to the concert, did you ?
—— .I ought to have gone.
A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn’t C. Yes ,I didn’t D. No, I did
4.——Shouldn’t we invite more people to the dance ?
—— .A small dance is the most fun.
A. Yes, we should B. No, we should
C. Yes, we shouldn’t D. No,we shouldn’t
A Story About Four People
This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was a very important job to be done, and Everybody thought that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed(责备)Somebody when Nobody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could easily have done.
1.(1)Do you know the difference the two verbs?
(2)The two words are different the Chinese meaning.
(3)The word“past”is different the word“passed”.
2.(1)Ted cut the apple half.
(2)Ted cut the apple halves.
3.(1)It’s very kind you to help me with my studies.
(2)Our neighbour is always king us .
4.(1)The teacher is writing a piece of chalk.
(2)The teacher is writing red ink.
(3)The teacher is writing a piece of paper.
(4)The teacher is writing an old friend of his.
(5)The teacher is writing a letter an old man who can’t write.
5.(1)Meat does not keep good hot weather.
(2)Our teachers are always good us students.
(3)The girl is good drawing animals.
(4)Fresh air is good your health.
6.(1)We had learned 1,000 words the end of last term.
(2)We have the final examination the end of every term.
(3)They all passed the entrance examination the end.
7.(1)The teacher is rather strict his pupils.
(2)The teacher is rather strict his work.
8.(1)Paper can be made wood.
(2)Wood can be made paper.
(3)The chairs and tables can be made wood.
(4)The football team is made twenty players and a coach.
9.(1)The children are waiting the railway station their mother.
(2)The children wait their sick mother hand and foot.
10.(1)Henry dropped in Mr Crossette yesterday evening.
(2)Henry dropped in Mr Crossette’s yesterday evening.
1.between,in,from 2. in,into 3.of ,to 4. with,in,on,for 5. in,to,at,for 6.by,at,in 7.with,in 8. from,into ,of ,up 9.at,foron 10. on,at
1.——What will Jimmy do next Sunday ?
——He plans_____fishing.
A. to go B. to go to C. going D. going to
2.——How about going for swimming this Sunday ?
——_____very much.
A. I’ll like it B. I’d like C. I’ll like to D. I’d like to
3.Tom is strong,_______his brother is weak.
A. when B. though C. however D. while
4.I don’t know how the result comes____.
A. about B. on C. out D. over
5.MissShut, who teaches us ____English language, is _____European.
A. the ;an B. the; a C. 不填;an D.不填;a
6.She didn’t find the word____to pronounce.
A. easily B. is easily C. easy D. to be easy
7.I’m going to buy the same dictionary ____you bought .
A. like B. as C. that D. if
8.——Shall I explain it again ?
——Yes, Please. I couldn’t quite what you said.
A. agree with B. know about C. think of D. follow
9.Could you ___how to use the new computer ?
A. explain me B. explain to me C. explain for me D. talk to me
10._____he was interested in medicine, but now he wants to practise____.
A. First;drawing B. At first;drawing C. First;to draw D. At first,;to draw
11.In our hometown, people grow wheat, rice ,cotton,____.
A. and so on B. on and on C. for example D. so far
12.The English_____their language with them when the travelled to other countries.
A. brought B. carried C. took D. taught
13.Have you any trouble _____this problem ?
A. in B. of C. with D. to do
14.It takes ____hard work to finish the experiment.
A. a great many B. a good many C. a number of D. a lot of
15._____English is a bit more difficult to master than _____English.
A. Speaking;writing B. Speaking;written
C. Spoken;writing D. Spoken;written
【答案与简析】1.选A。plan to do“打算干”和go fishing“去钓鱼”的结合。2.选D。当接受别人的邀请时常用:I’d like/love to。意思是“很乐意”。3.选D。因为是两个不同对象比较,while含有对比性。4.选A。 5.选B。6.选C。句型为:find+…+形容词+to do。形容词作宾语补足语。7.选B。the same…as“和……一样”(暗指同一类),the same…that“和……一样”(暗指同一个)。8.选D。从再需要解释可知是用follow表示“明白,听懂”。9.B。explain sth to sb。10.选B。first“首选”,at first“起初,开始时”,practise+-ing。11.A。and so on =etc.=and so forth。12.选C。bring去带……,carry运载……,take随身携带。13.选C。have…trouble/difficulty+(in)+ing=have…trouble/difficulty+with+名词。“在……有困难”。该句型中习惯上不用to do。14.选D。A、B、C都修饰可数名词。D可修饰可数和不可数名词。15.选D。spoken Enlish口语英语,written English书面英语。
用间接引语将下列对话改写成短文。开关已给出,请续写。(Y——Yang Mei;S——Sara)
Y:Good morning, Sara. I’m Yang Mei.
S:Good morning, Yang Mei. Nice to meet you.
Y:Now we are in the same class. I come from China. I just learned a little English. I have some problems in pronouncing some of the words in English.
S:No, you are doing well. I can follow you.
Y:Thank you.
S:What are you going to do at the weekend ?
Y:I’m going to see a film. Will you go with me ?
S:Yes, with pleasure.
Sara and Yang Mei were new students in the same class at school in America. Before class they had a talk. First, they said“Hi”…
Unit 3
Sara and Yang Mei were new students in the same class at school in America. Before class they had a talk, First they said“Hi”to each other. Then Yang Mei told Sara she came from China and she knew only a little English. She also said she had some problems in pronouncing some of the words in English. Sara said Yang Mei was doing fine and she could understand what she said. Yang Mei was thankful. Sara asked what she was going to do at the weekend. Yang Mei was going to see a film and asked Sara to go together.




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