高一英语第五单元Why do you do that ?

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit5.5.doc
标题 Why do you do that ?
章节 第五单元
关键词 内容
  森林不仅提供木材和其它林副产品,还在维持生态平衡、保护人类周围环境中起重要作用。森林的社会效益,大大超过它的经济效益。森林是陆地最大的生态系统。从面积上农地占陆地面积 9.5% ,森林占29% , 森林占陆地面积最大。在各种生态系统中,绿色植物都进行着光合作用,制造有机养料,把太阳能贮存在有机物中。在这方面,森林也居首位。森林维护生态平衡方面的最大功能是调节气候。森林有增加降水、减轻霜害、减免冰雹等调节气候的功能。此外,森林还具有防风、涵养水源、保持水土不易流失等作用。森林在保护和改善环境方面的作用,主要是制造氧气、净化空气、过滤尘埃、杀灭细菌和消除噪音等。
  作为有理想、有抱负的中学生,学习本单元之后,应该认识到我国地域广阔,发展林业有较为优越的自然条件。但由于历史的原因,我国森林覆盖率只有 12 . 7% ,比世界上许多国家的森林覆盖率都要少。所以防止乱砍乱伐,大力开展植树造林,提高我国的森林覆盖率,是摆在全国人民面前的一项重要任务。
  A. 单元重点新词透视
  1. sow (sowed , sown /sowed) 播种
   We sowed our vegetable seed yesterday .
   This field was not sown / sowed grain .
  测试要点:在写作和阅读中不要把 sow 与 sew (缝纫) 相混淆。sew 的过去式是 sewed , 过去分词是 sewn / sewed 。
  2. feed (fed , fed ) 喂养;饲养
   The patient can't feed himself yet . 病人还不能自己进食。
   -Alice , you feed the bird today , ?
   -But I fed it yesterday .
  A. do you B. will you C. didn't you D. don't you (答案B)
  Well fed , well bread . 吃得饱,懂礼貌。(谚语)
  测试要点:(1) 作及物动词常用句型:feed + 食用者 + on + sth = feed + sth + to + 食用者 。用介词 on 后的宾语是食用者的生存需要品。
  What do you feed your cat on ?
  The nurse fed these babies on cow's milk . = The nurse fed cow's milk to these babies .
  (2) feed + 食用者 + with + sth 。“用……喂……”,这里用with 表达喂时所用的工具。
  Mother fed her baby with a bowl .
  (3) feed 作不及物动词时的常考搭配是:feed (mainly) on (主要) 以……为食。
  Cattle feed chiefly on grass . 牛主要以草为食。
  3. fetch 去取;去拿
  I asked him to fetch me the evening paper .
  She rose and fetched a chair from the next room .
  Let's go and fetch some water .
  测试要点:区别 fetch ; take ; bring ; carry ; get
  fetch 侧重动作的一去一回。get 侧重从此处去把……找来。carry 侧重肩挑、手提或者车船的拉运。take 侧重从说话处把某物拿走,是 bring 的反义词。bring 侧重把某人或者某物从别的地方到说话处。
  Next time , bring your friends to our party .
  Do take this letter to the post office after work . 下班后务必把这封信送到邮局。
  对比:I will bring my mother back home from hospital this evening .
  Let's have one more drink , and then I will take you back home .
  Bus No. 18 carried us ti the railway station . 18 号公共汽车把我们送到了火车站。
  Shall I get a doctor for you ?
  Will you please fetch me some water ?
  4. percent = per cent 百分之……;每百中
  I am 100 percent in agreement with you . 我是完全同意。
  12 is 1 % of 1200 . 12 是 1200 的 1 % 。
  测试要点:(1) 增加到 百分之几常用介词 by 表达。
  The number of the students has increased by 15 % . 学生的数目已经增加了 15 % 。
  (2) 百分数作主语,谓语同百分数后 of 短语的宾语相一致。当 of 后的宾语是可数名词复数时谓语用复数,当 of 后的宾语是不可数名词时,谓语用单数。有时谓语的形式还受句尾名词的影响。
  Ten percent of the pupils are from South China . 百分之 10 的学生来自华南。
  对比:Ten percent of the time has been wasted . How he regretted ! 百分之十的时间被浪费掉了。他真后悔。
  This company can only supply 30 percent of what we need . 这个公司只能供给我们需要的 30 % 。
  80 % of the population in China are farmers . 中国 80% 的人口是农民。
  5. operate 实施;负责;动手术;操作;经营
  Do you know how to operate this sewing machine ? 你知道如何操作这台缝纫机吗?
  It is difficult to operate this car . 操作这辆车并不难。
  He operates such a large factory well . 他把这么大的工厂管理得井井有条。
  测试要点:动手术 operate on
  This well-known doctor will operate on the baby's eyes . 这位名医将给那个婴儿做眼部手术。
  6. free 免费的;有空的;自由的
  Are you free this weekend ? 本周末你有空吗?
  测试要点:(1) set free 释放;给以自由
  After many years' struggle , they were set free in the end .
  I hope you will set the poor bird free . 我希望你能放了这只可怜的小鸟。
  (2) free of charge 免费
  You needn't pay for it . It is free (of change . 你不必付款。那是免费供应的。
  7. guide 作动词是“指导;引导”。
  Professor Wang guided him in studying history . 王教授指导他研究历史。
  测试要点:guide 作名词“向导;指南;入门”时,其后面常跟介词 to 。类似的名词还有:key , entrance , note , monument 纪念碑。
  Will you please buy me a guide to English grammar ? 你能给我买本英语语法指南吗?
  Don't lose the keys to our classrooms , will you ? 不要把我们教室门上的钥匙丢了,好吗?
  8. purpose 目的;意图
  What is your purpose in doing this exercise ? 你做这个练习有啥用意 ?
  His purpose in going to the US is to look for his uncle . 他美国之行的目的是找他的舅舅。
  测试要点:(1) “purpose of + 名词”是表达“……的目的”。“purpose + in + doing”是表达“做……的意图或者目的”。
  For what purpose do you want to go to the Great Wall ? 你要去长城的目的是什么?
  (2) on purpose = by design 故意的。by chance = by accident 偶然地
  It is not likely that he did it on purpose . 他不见得是故意做那件时的。
  I am sure that he comes here on purpose to borrow money from me once more . 我敢肯定的是,他来这里是为了再次向我借钱。
B. 单元重点词组扫瞄
  1. so that 做连词是“以便;以致”,引导目的或者结果状语从句。当引导的是目的状语从句时,从句中常有情态动词。
  Speak clearly so that we may understand you . 请说清楚点,以便我们能听懂。
  They sent him to a hospital so that his mother would not have to look after him all the time .
  She started early so that she could get there in time .
  测试要点:(1) 辨别 so that 和in order that
  二者都可以表达目的,但在目前的 NMET 测试中仍考查 in order that 可以放在句首 , so that 不能。
  In order that she can catch up with the other students , she studies harder than ever . 为了赶上其他同学,它比以前更加努力学习了。
  He often tells lies , so that no one believes him .
  It was so cold that the river froze .
  对比:We turned the radio up so that everyone might hear the news . 我们把收音机的音量调大,以便大家都能听到新闻。 (目的状语从句)
  We turned the radio up , so that everyone heard the news . 我们把收音机的音量调大了,结果大家都听到了这条新闻。
  (2) so that 表达结果和 “so + 形容词 / 副词 + that ”表达程度有区别。
  He got up early so that he could catch the early bus . (表达目的)
  He got up so late that he missed the bus . (表达结果)
  (3) so that 引起目的状语从句时,so 有时可被省略。引导结果状语从句时, that 可被省略。
  Let's take the front seats (so ) that we can see clearly . (表达目的)
  All possible methods were tried , so (that) they were able to find out which was the best . (表达结果)
  2. grow up 长大
  When you grow up , what are you going to be ? 你长大后想干什么?
  测试要点:区别 grow up ; grow into ; grow out ; grow on / upon ; grow out of
  grow into 成长为;变为。He has grown into a fine young man . 他已成长为一位潇洒的青年。
  grow out 肿胀;膨胀。He had his leg hurt and it began to grow out . 他腿部受了伤,开始肿胀了。
  grow out of 来自于;源于;变得不适合了。His troubles grew out of his carelessness . 他的烦恼来自于他的粗心大意。The boy grew out of this clothes . 这孩子长得衣服都不合身了。
  grow on / upon 逐渐加强;渐渐使人喜欢。 The wish to New York grew upon Miss Green . 格林小姐愈来愈想去纽约了。Football grew on Billy as he grew older . 随着年龄的增长,比利对足球的兴趣愈来愈浓。
  3. in the past 在过去 (注意时态用一般过去时)
  测试要点:区别in the past 与in the past few years , in the last few years , for the  past few years , over the past few years , during the past few years 这些都表达“在过去的几年里”(注意时态用现在完成时)
  What has changed in the past few years ?
  In the past , there were no trees left in or around the village .
  另外注意;at present 在目前;现在。in the future 在将来。
  4. A few of them 他们中的一些
   a few trees 一些树
  注意:a few of the trees 树中的一些
  5. since then 自从那以后(句子常用现在完成时)
  Since then great changes have taken place in China .
  注意:after that time 从那以后 (句子用一般过去时)
  After that time , many changes took place .
  6. knock down 拆掉;撞倒
  He almost knocked the boy down . 他险些把那孩子撞倒。
  测试要点:区别 knock down ; knock into ; knock over ; knock on ; knock out




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