高一英语第六单元A new factory

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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit6.6.doc
章节 第六单元
关键词 内容
⒈ 语言运用:
运用所学语言,学习用英文写通知的形式,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务。阅读课文“Anew factory”,确切理解,完成有关课文内容的练习,并练习用英文写通知。
⒉ 语法:
⒊ 日常交际用语:
How long have you had …?
I say, let's …
We'll meet …
Don't be late.
二 、重点难点分析
⒈How long have you had it ?
How long指行为或状态待续多久,常与延续性动词连用;How soon则为“多久以后,要多长时间才能完成,常用将来时”;How far指“多远”,与移动性动词连用。而与静态动词连用,则用How far away提问;How often“多长时间一次”,对表示频率的时间状语提问,例如:always, often, usually, every other day, once a week等,例:
①How soon will you finish this job ? 你什么时候才能完成这项工作?
②How far did you go ? 你走了多远?
③How far away did you live. 你住的有多远?
④How often do you have an English class ? 你多长时间上一次英语课?
⑤How long have you been in China ? 你在中国多久了?
⒉Can I take a look at it ?
take a look at (have a look at …)看一看,瞧一瞧
由take构成的词组常用的有:take a rest休息一下;take a bath洗澡;talk a walk散步;take a trip旅行;take a nap小睡;take a picnic野餐。例:
①He take a look at me and said nothing. 她看了我一眼,什么也没说。
②Don't you want to take a look at my pictures ? 你难道不想看看我的照片吗?
⒊The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month and a new company has been started. 盖一座新汽车工厂的建议已于上周得到同意,一家新的公司已经开业。
▲agree on (upon, about)在某方面或某一点达成协议或取得一致意见。(宾语为表示具体协议的文件计划或行动等)如:
①We haven't agreed on the price of the computer. 就电脑的价格问题,我们还没有达成一致。
②They agreed on that point. 他们在那一点上取得一致意见。
▲agree to … 表示“同意”时,后面的宾语常为下列名词:plan, suggestion, arrangement, proposal, opinion等,如:
①I agree to the plan. 我同意这个计划。
②She agreed to marry him. 她答案嫁给他。
▲agree with … 同意某人或某人说的话 表示“与…一致”,“适合(气候、食物)”
①We all agree with what you say. 我们都同意你的观点。
②I didn't quite agree with you. 我不大赞同你的观点。
③The verb agrees with its subject in number and person. 动词的数和人称与其主语一致。
④This kind of food doesn't agree with me. 这种食品不合我的胃口。
⒋A new factory will be built here.
build, set up, found和put up
build a road (house, ship)筑路(造房、造船)
Start(open) a factory (shop, business)
▲set up“开办”“创立”,常和表示组织、机构、团体等意义的词连用,与found基本相同。
set up a school (hospital, gonernment)
found a city兴建一个城市 found a theory创立一个学说
▲put up着重指建造或搭起一个具有高度的具体物体,在口语中与set up和build相同
put up a tent拾个帐篷
⒌At least 30,000 houses will be built for the workers .
least n.最少(的东西),at(the) least至少 反义词at(the) most
①He is at least as old as you. 他至少和你一样大。
②I have at most 10 days holiday. 我的假最多10天。
⒍The cars will be supplied to people all over the country.
supply n. 供应品 (supplies) v. 供应,提供
▲supply sth. to sb. / supply sb. with sth.
①Books supply us with knowledge.
Books supply knowledge to us. 书本为我们提供知识
②The government will supply the need for more houses.
▲a great supply of大量的,be in shont supply缺乏,供应不足
①They cut off all medical supplies. 他们切断了所有的医药供给。
②Next week, we'll be receiving a great supply of food.
⒎spend, cost, take, pay, for, buy … for …
▲spend … on sth. / spend … (in) doing sth. 主语一般是人,表示花钱和时间
①She spent much of her money on clothes.
②He spent his spare time (in) helping the poor.
▲cost (cost, cost) 无被动语态,只能用事物的名词或代词作主语,不能用人作主语,表示花费金钱、时间、劳力等。
①How must did the dictionary cost you ? 这本字典多少钱?
②The work cost them much labour. 这件工作花费了他们很大的劳动。
▲take主要指花时间而言。It take sb. Some time to do sth.
①It took me three hours to draw this picture. 画这幅花用了我三个小时。
②How long does it take you to go to school by bike ?
▲pay … for … 付钱买,主语必须是人。
①He paid ten dollars for the T-shirt. 他花了10美元买这件T恤。
②How much did you pay the doctor ? 你付给医生多少诊费?
▲buy … for买东西用多少钱
①She bough three jeans for 180 yuan. 她用180元买了3条牛仔裤。
⒏There are plenty of offices, factories …
plenty of大量的,可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词,但只限用于肯定句中,相应的疑问句和否定句分别用enough / many, much等,如:
①I have plenty of books to read on holidays. 我有大量的书在假期里读。
②─Have you enough money for the tickets ? 你们有足够的钱买票吗?
─Yes, we have plenty. 足够了
⒐Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory. 不是所有的汽车部件都在这家工厂制造。
=some parts of the car will be made in the factory, but some not.
当not与all, both, every, everyone, everything, always等词连用时,表示部分否定“并非都…”
而和no, none, no one, nobody连用时表示全部否定,例如:
①Not everyone likes this book. 并不是每个人都喜欢这本书。
②Not all birds will fly to the south in winter. 在冬季,不是所有的鸟都飞向南方。
③Both of his parents are not teachers. (One of his parents is a teacher, the other one is not.)
④None of them agree with me. 他们都不同意我的观点。
⑤No words can express my thanks to you. 任何语言都不能表达我对您的谢意。
三 、学写通知
Students of Grades 1 and 2 will go for an autumn outing on Wednesday, October 25th. Well go to the Great Wall first in the morning and then have lunch there. In the afternoon We'll go to visit the Ming Tombs.
Please bring your lunch and drinks. Wear your sports shoes as we shall do a lot of walking. And bring more clothes, because it is cooler on the Great Wall than here. We'll meet at the school gate at 7:00 on Wednesday morning. Please don't be late.
四 、被动语态
时态 被动语态 例句
现在时 助动词be的一般现在时(am/is,are)+动词的过去分词 I'm often asked to answer such a question.
Our classroom is cleaned every week.
过去时 助动词be的过去时(was/were)+动词的过去分词 Nobody was allowed to enter the building.
We were given some gifts.
将来时 助动词be的将来时(will/shall be)+动词的过去分词 Xiao Hong will be looked ofter by Mrs Li.
A new hospital will be built here.
五 、典型例题
⒈As we known, knowledge begins _____ practice.
A. with B. from C. through D. by
⒉They're made up their minds to ______ a basketball team _____ .
A. put up, of their own B. build up, of their own one
C. set up, of their own D. made up, of their own
⒊The dictionauy is useful to those who are learning spanish as _____ foneign language.
A. the second B. second C. a second D. his second
⒋The whole morning _____ the windows and the floors tomorrow.
A. shall be spent to wash B. is going to take to wash
C. will spend in washing D. will be spent washing
⒌ ______ we've heard!
A. How good news B. What a good news
C. How a good news D. What good news
⒍The number of tractors made in factory each year ______ five thousand.
A. has grown B. have grown C. was grown D. have grown to
⒎ ─Do you have _____ time to do the work ?
─No, I don't have _____ time.
A. enough, much B. plenty of, much
C. enough, plenty of D. many, any
⒏The factory ____ us _____ some parts of the car.
A. supplies … to B. supplies … for
C. supplies … of D. supplies … with
⒐The naughty boy doesn't _____ much time _____ his homework.
A. spend, on B. take, on C. pay, for D. cost, to
⒑We couldn't eat in a hotel because _____ of us had _____ money on us.
A. all, no B. any, no C. none, any D. no one, any
⒒How long have you _____ this motorbike ?
A. had B. bought C. got D. borrowed
⒓He told me he would not _____for New York until the end of next week.
A. begin B. be going C. be left D. start
⒔Mary had an accident ______ a December afternoon when the road was very icy.
A. in B. at C. on D. during
⒕I don't know _____ she will be here. We've been waiting for long.
A. how often B. how long C. how far D. how soon
⒖Are these machines made ______ Japan ?
A. in B. of C. from D. into
1─5 ACCDD 6─10 AADAC 11—15 ADCDA
⒈begin with以…开始 正如大家所知的那样,知识来源于实践的。
⒉ 他们下决心组织一个自己的球队。
⒊the second是特指第二个,隐含条件只有一个且只能有这一个。
a second 是泛指第二个,可以是任何一个被放在第二位的人或物。
⒌news是不可数名词,一条消息应用a piece of news
⒍The number of表示“…的数目”用单数谓语动词
⒎ 见前讲解8
⒑No one和none都表示一个都没有,但no one只指人不表物,后面不能接of,none既可表人又可表物,通常和of连用。
⒒ 完成时要与连续动词连用
At last the train started.
⒔ 有定语修饰时morning, afternoon, evening前用介词on
⒕ 我不知道他什么时候才能到这儿,我们已经等了很多时间了。
⒖be made in +place由哪制造




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