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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit11.doc
标题 Unit 11
章节 第十一单元
关键词 内容
theatre, leader, value, remain, boyfriend, appear, electrical, neighbour, fun restaurant, successful, broadcast, success, society, anger, political, equipment, beauty, pop star, pop music, make fun of, think of, on the radio, make a record, no longer.
Haven’t you heard of … ? That’s a good idea. You’d better…
I think you’d enjoy it. I’m afraid I’m not. Why not? Why don’t you?
⒈ They are talking about the coming weekend. 他们在谈论这个周末怎么过。
coming在句中是形容词,作“即得到来的”或“正在到来的”解。the coming weekend = the weekend that is coming,指本周的周末(即将到来的周末),但the coming week = the week that is coming,指的是下周(即next week)例如:
They want to go the Great Wall the coming Sunday. 本周日他们想去游览长城。
What do they plan to do the coming month? 下个月他们计划做什么?
⒉ Haven’t you heard of him? 难道佻没有听说过他吗?
hear of作“听说”,“听到说起”解,例如:
Have you ever heard of this kind of thing before? 你以前听说过这样的事吗?
I have heard of this person, but I don’t know him. 我听说过这个人,但不认识他。
I hear that some American students will come to study in our school next year. 我听说明年将有一些美国学生一我校来学习。
I hear that English teachers are badly needed in your school. 我听说你们学校非常需要英语老师。
hear from的意思是“收到……的来信”,例如:
Have you heard from your parents recently? 你最近收到父母的来信了吗?
I haven’t heard from them for a long time. 我已经很长时间没有收到他们的来信了。
⒊ I think you’d enjoy it. 我想你会喜欢它的。
You’d better hurry and buy a ticket then. 你最好赶快买一张票。
注意这个句子中的you’d都是缩略式,第一句的you’d是you would的缩略式,而第二句中的you’d是you had的缩略式。had better do sth最好做某事;had better not do sth最好不做某事。例如:
It’s cold outside. You’d better stay at home. 外边很冷,你最好待在家里。
You’d better not tell anyone about it. 你最好不要把这件事告诉任何人。
We’d better hurry up, or we’ll be late for class. 我们最好快点,否则就迟到了。
⒋ He writes most of his songs himself. 他唱的大多数歌曲都是他本人写的。
The doctor said so himself. (The doctor himself said so) 医生亲口这样说的。
Did you see the manager himself ? 你见到经理本人了吗?
by oneself意思是“独自”,“独立地”,相当于alone,例如:
Can you finish this work all by yourself ? 你能独自一人完成这项工作吗?
She dare not go out all by herself at night. 她晚上不敢独自一个外出。
⒌They broadcast a programme of his music last month on the radio. 上个月电台广播了他的一个音乐节目。
broadcast (broadcast, broadcast)可以用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意思是“(用无线电或电视)广播,播送(节目)”,“发表广播演说”等。例如:
The CCTV broadcasts the news at seven in the evening. 中央电视台晚上7点广播新闻节目。
He will broadcast on current affairs on TV this evening. 今晚,他将在电视上发表时势广播演说。
The Prime Minister will broadcast this evening. 首相将于今晚发表广播演说。
The BBC broadcasts all over the world. 英国广播公司向全世界播送节目。
The concert will be broadcast on the radio and on TV. 这场音乐会将在电台和电视中播出。
They are listening to the broadcast of a football match now. 他们现在正在收听足球比赛的广播。
⒍Song writers are no longer writers about the modern value of the USA… 歌曲作者不再写美国的现代价值观……
no longer (not … any longer) 作“不再”解,通常放在行为动词的前面,如果是”be”动词,则放在后面,例如:
Mary no longer lives here. (Mary does not live here any longer. ) 玛丽不住在这儿了。
He is no longer a football player now. (He isn’t a football player any longer now.) 他现在已不再是一名足球运动员了。
⒎Instead they are writing once more about things that are common for everyone…而他们现在再一次写常人常事……
once more (once again) 作“再一次”解,例如:
Will you please explain it to me once more/ again? 请你再给我解释一下好吗?
I’d like to go and see him once again/more. 我很想再去见他一次。
⒏Money was also thought to be important. 金钱也被认为是重要的(主题)。
think作“认为”解时,有时跟带不定式to be的复合结构,即“think … to be …认为…是”。这一结构中的to be常可省略。例如:
We all thought him (to be) the best singer in out school我们都认为他是我们学校唱歌唱得最好的。
I think her (to be) the most suitalble person for this job. 我认为她是最适合做这项工作的人。
Some people think him (to be) a possible future champion. 有些人认为他可能是未来的冠军。
He was thought (to be) the best singer in our school他被认为是我们学校最好的歌手。
She is thought (to be) the most suitable person for this job. 她被认为最适合做这项工作的人。
He is thought (to be) a possible future champion.
⒐During these years many young students were angry with society, so songs were often full of anger. 在那些岁月里,许多年青学生对社会愤愤不平,因此,歌曲里往往充满着怒气。
be angry with sb生某人的气,be angry at/about sth因……而生气,例如:
He was angry with himself for having made such a stupid mistake. 他因为犯了这么愚蠢的错误而在生自己的气。
Don’t be angry with me about it. 不要因这件事而生我的气。
She was very angry at being delayed. 他因被耽误了而生气。
⒑Politcal leaders were not well thought of and those songs often made fun of them. 人们对政治领袖的看法不好,那些歌曲经常取笑他们的。
(1)think well/ highly of sb/sth对……评价高,以……印象好。例如:
His work is highly thonght of by the critics. 他的作品深受评论家的推崇。(评论家们对他的作品评价很高。)
I don’t think well of our new teacher. 我对我们新老师的印象不怎么好。
We all think highly of his research work in this field. 我们对他在这个领域中的研究工作倍加赞赏。
(2)fun是不可数名词,意思是“娱乐,乐趣,玩笑,有趣的人或事”等,在本句中make fun of sb是“取笑/嘲笑某人”的意思。例如:
We had lots of fun at the Amusement Park today. 我们今天在游乐园玩得很高兴。
What fun it will be when we all go on holiday together. 我们大家一起去度假那可太有意思了。
It’s not much fun going to a party alone. 独自一个人去参加聚会没有什么意思。
It is not right to make fun of people who stammer. 取笑口吃的人是不对的。
Swimming in the sea is great fun. 在大海中游泳是件很有趣的事。
⒒ Once the home of American country music was Nashville, Tennessee, Now, however, the music has reached all parts of the United States, from Los Angeles in the west to New York in the east. 美国乡村音乐的故乡是田纳西州的纳什维尔,而如今这种音乐已经传遍美国各地,从西部的洛杉机到东部的纽约。
His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind. 他最初的反应是不同意,但是后来他改变了主意。
I thonght those figures were correct. However, I have recently heard they were not. 我原以为那些数字是正确的,不过我最近听说那些数字并不正确。
We all tried our best. We lost the game, however. 我们都已尽了最大的努力,不过我们还是输了。
Tom went to the party, but his brosker didn’t. 汤姆去参加聚会了,但他的兄弟没去。
He doesn’t like music but his wife does. 他不喜欢音乐,可他妻子却很喜欢。
⒓Singers do not just come from the States but from all over the world. 乡村音乐的歌手不仅来自美国,而且来自世界各地。
句中的just作“仅仅”解,”not + just…but”意思是“不仅……而且……”,相当于”not only… but also…”。例如:
He is not just a teacher but a writer. (He is not only a teacher but also a writer. ) 他不仅是教师,而且还是作家。
She can not just sing but dance as well. 他不仅会唱歌,而且还会跳舞。
⒔Country music today remains much the same as before. 今天的乡村音乐仍然同过去的差不多完全一样。
remain (continue to be )作“保持(某种状态),仍旧是剩下,留待以后去看,去做”解。例如:
After the fire, very little remained of my house. 火灾过后,寒舍所剩无几。
Much remains to be done. 要做的事还有很多。
It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确,以后可见分晓。
Ten years later, his friend Tom became an angineer but he remained a worker. 十年后,他的朋友汤姆当上了工程师,而他仍旧是个工人。
He remained silent. 他保持沉默。




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