第十二单元English programmes

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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit12.doc
标题 章节 第十二单元
关键词 内容
运用所学语言,讨论如何学好英语,并围绕这一题材,完成教科书和册中规定的听说,写的任务。阅读课文“English on the air”深刻理解,并完成有关课文内容的练习。
学习不定式当主语的用法。 It’s…to do …
That’s easier said than done!
I’m sure…
Why not go tomorrow? Why don’t you go tomorrow? You’d better leave now.
Good idea/That’s a good idea. What about going there? Shall we go now?
The more you work,the more you will get . Work hard,and you’ll make progress.
Thank you for your advice. That will be a great help to me. Thanks,I must try to do that.
1.The more you listen to English,the easier it becomes.英语你听的越多,学起来就越容易。
The more …,the more 的句型表示:越…,就越…例:
 ①The harder you work,the greater progress you will make .工作越努力,成绩就越大。
 ②The more a person reads,the wiser he will becomes.一个人书读得书越多,就会越聪明。
 ③The sooner,the better=The sooner we do it ,the better it will be 。越快越好。
2.That’s easier said than done! 说比做容易!(谚语)如:Well begun is half done,好的开始等于成功的一半。
3.Why don’t you buy a radio? 你为什么不买一个收音机呢?
向朋友提出忠告和建议时,用以下几种句型。1)Why don’t you…?
2)Why not…? 3)You’d better do sth. 4)How about doing…?
5)Would you like to do…?
①Why don’t you go for a walk? 你为什么不去散散步呢?
②It looks like rain.Why don’t you take a raincoat? 好象要下雨了,你为什么不带雨衣呢?
③It is very hot today.You’d better stay home. 今天天气太热,你最好呆在家里
④You’d better buy a radio to follow the English programmes. 你最好买台收音机去听英语节目。
⑤What about going out for a picnic? 出去野餐怎么样?
⑥What about asking Mr Li for some advice? 征求一下李先生的意见怎么样?
⑦Would you like to go with us?你愿意和我们一起去吗?
Why not 是Why don’t you 的省略。
You’d better是You had better的省略。 否定形式为You’d better not do sth.
⑧It’s snowing. You’d better not ride your bike to work.下雪了,你最好别骑车上班。
4.And why not buy some English tapes and some books to go with them?
=Why not buy some English tapes and some books that accompany the tapes. 为什么不买一些英文磁带和跟磁带配套的书呢?
Go with “和…相配” “协调” These new curtains don’t go well with your carpet.这些新窗帘与你的地毡不协调.
5.advice 不可数名词.可用a piece of advice 一条建议.some advice.一些建议.advice的搭配有give (提出)/take follow(接受)/ask sb.for(征求)/advice 表示有关…的建议用介词on
①Can you give me some advice on how to improve my English. 你能给我提一些关于怎样学好英语的建议吗?
②Whenever I have difficulty in doing anything,I will ask my father for advice 不管什么时候我遇到困难,我都会向父亲请教.
③The patient should follow the doctor’s advice.病人应该听医生的话.
6.It isn’t difficult to find out information about the programmes.要查询有关的节目并不难. It 作形式主语It is adj/n.+to do sth.
①It’s important for us to read widely.广泛阅读对我们来说很重要.
②It is necessary to ask her for help.要求她帮忙是必要的.
③It’s kind of you to say so .你这么说真是太感谢你了.
④It is our duty to help poor people.帮助穷人是我们的责任.
⑤It is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes.必须用一台短波收音机才能收听这些节目.
“pick up”表示 “收听,收到”
My radio can pick up VOA very clearly 我的收音机收听 “美国之音”很清楚.
We picked up a voice for help from the burning house 我们听到那着火的房子里有人喊救命.
“pick up” 表示 “捡起”
please pick p all the pieces of paper 请把所有的纸片都拴起来.
“pick up ”表示 “(用车)接”
please pick me up at the station.请到车站接我.
7.If you do have difficulties,it is better to try once again another day
如果你确实有困难,最好改天再试. 句中的do为助动词,用来加强语气用在肯定陈述句中,根据和人称可以分别用do,dose,did 加动词原形 如:
I do think he is wrong 我确实认为他是错的.
He didn’t come yesterday.but he did give us a phone call 他昨天没来,但的确给我们打过电话.
Mary dose speak Japanese well. Mary日语确实讲的不错.
8.You can write to BBC English and ask for any information you need. 你可以给BBC写信要你所需要的任何信息.
“ask for” “作要求得到”, “要求给予”解例:
①The students asked for more time to review all the lessons.学生要求更多的复习时间.
②He was rather sorry that he didn’t ask for the job.他很遗憾当时没要求得到这份工作.
9.Such as:
• 表示 “象…这样的” “诸如…之类”
①He knows several languages,such as English,French and German.他懂得几门外语,如英语,法语和德语.
②Cold-blooded animals such as snakes and frogs have to go to sleep in winter.诸如蛇和青蛙之类的冷血动物在冬天就要冬眠.
③Such languages as Chinese,Russian,German and Japanese are difficult to learn well. 像中文,俄文,德文,日文等语言很难学好.
10.practise 的用法 “练习”, “训练” practise doing/n.
①We practised pronouncing the sound again and again.练习听力是非常重要的.
②He is practising singing the new song.他正练习唱那首歌.
11.They are of great help to learners of English 这些对英语初学者很有用be of+n 相当于be+adj用来表示主语的特征常可这样用的词 有:importance.use ,value.help
①Sports can be of great help to us=sports can be helpful to us .
②His advice was of no use at all =His advice was useful to us .
1.Mike me she was coming.
A.did tell B.did told C.does told D,does tell
2.We have not had for many weeks.
A.so cold a day like this B,so cold day as this
C.such a cold day as this Dsuch cold day like this
3.It’s very necessary to practise in learning foreign languages.
A.Listening B.Listening to C.to listen D.to listen to
4.It’s very clever the boy to make such an important experiment.
A.for B.with C.of D.to
5.—Did the medicine make you feel better?
--No,The more , I feel.
A.medicine I take;the worse. B.I take medicine;the worse.
C.medicine I take;and the worse. D.I take medicine;worse
6.It’s getting late,Why not a taxi.It’s faster than bus .
A.take B.taking C.to take, D.we take
7.---“What about the result of your exam?”
---“Not very good, ”
A.surely B.certainly C.I’m afraid D.I think so
8.---If you listen to the teacher attentively in class,you’re sure to make much progress.
--- .
A.You need more practice. B.Seeing is believing
C.That’s easier said than done. D.I shouldn’t turn to
9.This dictionary is not to the middle—school students.
A.of great useful B.great useful
C.of great use D.very much useful
10.Your trousers don’t your shoes.
A.go with B.go over to C.do with. D.turn to
1-5 ACACA 6-10 ACCCA




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