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科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit12.1.doc
标题 Unit 12
章节 第十二单元
关键词 内容
★ 单元背景知识介绍
  同学们,你想迅速提高听力吗 ?BBC 英语教学节目可以助你一臂之力。BBC 是 British Broadcasting Corporation (英国广播公司) 的缩写。它是为英国国内及国外提供广播和电视服务的非商业性公立组织。BBC 最早是作为私人企业成立的。1922年2月14日开始广播,该公司成立于 1926 年底,由英国六家大无线电广播公司和电器制造公司组成。1927年收归国有,1929年秋开始试播黑白电视,1936 年正式创办“英国电视台”,1967 年播出彩色电视。BBC 总部设在伦敦摄政公园 ( Regent's Park)以南的邮政塔(P. O. Tower)附近,在舰队街 (Fleet Street)不远有一座 20 层的对外光比大楼。全公司共有工作人员 25,000 多名。对内广播的经费主要来自收音机、电视机用户的执照费,对外广播的经费由政府拨给。对外广播创办于 1932 年,用 39 种语言播出。BBC 以提供最新消息、娱乐及教育为目的。这些节目不受政府控制,不受其它机构的影响,同时不对时事或公共政策发表自己的意见。
  BBC 拥有两个全国性的电视频道,即 BBC— 1 和 BBC — 2 ,三个无线电广播网,即家庭服务网,轻松娱乐节目网,专为特殊兴趣而服务的第三节目网。第三节目网有四个主要节目:古典音乐、学习课程、运动及最著名的高级艺术、知识性节目。BBC 提供 30 多种外语节目。
★ 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南
Suggestions (建议)
Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语
  1. The + 比较级 … , the + 比较极 …… “越是……,越是……”
   The more you watch , the more you laugh . 你越看,你会越笑。
   The harder you work , the greater progress you will make . 你越是用功,进步就越大。
  2. That's easier said than done . 说着容易,做着难。
  3. Thanks . I must try to do that . 谢谢,我一定会尽力的。
  4. Do you think that would help ? 你认为那样行吗?
  5. I'm sure you can get there in this way . 我可以说用此法你一定能到达那里。
  6. Why not have some beef ?= What/ How + about having some beef ? 吃点牛肉怎么样 ?
  7. You can / could clean the office while I'm away . 我不在时你可以打扫办公室。
   You might have a look at these pictures . = You might as well have a look at these pictures . 你不妨随便瞧瞧这些画。
  8. Have you ever thought of going to see a doctor ? 你想过去看医生吗 ?
  9. Would / Might it be idea to leave your luggage at your friend's ?
   Don't you think it might be an idea to ask for some information ? 你不认为索取一些资料是个好主意吗 ?
  10. If I were you , I'd give up smoking .
  11. I wonder if you'd like to do some shopping before you leave . 不知你走以前是否想去买点东西。
  12. You'd better eat less at supper .
  13. I suggest you should take more exercise . 我建议你要多锻炼。
  14. I f I make a suggestion , it's easy to solve this problem .
  15. Have you considered paying a visit to Beijing ? 你考虑到要去北京吗 ?
  16. Would it be a good idea to invite your neighbours to our party ?
  17. My advice would be to ask him to help us .
  18. If you take my advice , I'll be very satisfied .
★ 单元重点新词透视
  1. impossible 不可能的;办不到的 (副词是 impossibly , 名词是 impossibility)
   That's an impossible plan . 那是一个不可能实现的计划。
   Such a task is impossible . 这样的任务是不可能完成的。
  (1) 不能用人作主语,可以用物或者 it 作形式主语。例如:
   Nothing is impossible to a willing mind . (谚语) 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
   The accident seemed impossible . 这意外事故似乎是不可能的。
   It is impossible to get a taxi on such a rainy day . 在这样的下雨天是不可能搭到出车的。
   It is impossible for her to eat up such a big cake , isn't it ? 要她吃完如此一个大饼是不可能的,对不 ?
  (2) impossible 作宾补。Illness made it impossible for him to go on with his work .
  (3) 用于主语从句中。It is impossible + that 干……是不可能的
   It's impossible for one and one to make three . 一加一不可能等于三。
  2. advice 作不可数名词是“忠告;劝告;建议;指点”。
   Good advice is beyond price . (谚语)忠言乃无价之宝。
   Her advice to me was to work harder .
  (1) 表示可数时可以通过量词 piece , bit , word 来连接。如:She gave me a piece of advice .
  (2) 常见的搭配有:give / offer sb advice on sth 给某人做……的建议。follow / take one's advice 接受或者采纳某人的建议。disregard / refuse / turn a deaf ear to + one's advice 拒绝某人的建议。ask for one's advice = ask sb for some advice = ask advice of sb 征求某人的建议。act on one's advice 按照某人的建议做。give sb some advice on + 疑问词 + to do 建议某人干……。
  (3) advice 后可以跟从句,从句中要用虚拟语气。
   My advice is that he (should) keep his promise . 我劝告他还是信守诺言。
  (4) advice 的动词是 advise , 其后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。其搭配有:advise sb to do , advise sb + 疑问词 + to do , advise sb against sth , advise sb on sth 。
  特别注意:advise 后没有 sb 时,要直接接动名词。
   He advises waiting till proper time . 他建议等到恰当的时机。
   They strongly advised him to accept the present .
   The doctor advised taking a week's rest .
   Please advise me what to do next . 请指点一下下步怎么办 。
   I advised her to give up smoking . = I advise her that she should give up smoking .
  4. service 作不可数名词是“服务;效劳”。作可数名词是“贡献;帮忙;服务机构”
   His services to China have been great .他对中国的贡献很大。
   Do you need the services of a lawyer ? 你需要请律师吗 ?
   The food is good at this hotel , but the service is poor .
   He did me a great service . 他帮了我很大的忙。
   the World Service 国际广播,China Travel Service 中国旅行社,air mail service 航空邮政业务,the telephone service 电话业务
   service 的动词是 serve ,要注意为某人服务后不能用介词 for 。如:
   How can we serve you ? (营业时对顾客的用语) 需要我们为您服务吗 ?/ 您要买什么 ?
   Are you being served ? 您已经点过菜了吗 ?/ 有没有人来照料你 ?
   We must serve the people heart and soul . 我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。
  5. special 特别的,专门的,独特的 (副词是:specially)
   This is a special case . 这是个非常特殊的例子。
   — What's new ? 有什么消息吗 ?
   — Nothing special . 没有什么特别的。
   He has a special interest in physics . 他对物理有特别的兴趣。
  〖测试要点〗辨析 special 和 especial
  special 指所描述的或者修饰的事物在一般场合具有与众不同的性质、特性、个性或者用途,并表示它所修饰的事物是为特定目的而设立,且限定在一定的范围或用途。special 常修饰下列名词:occasion 场合,case 情况,purpose 目的,example , attention , mention , test , way 。
   This is a special soap for dry skin . 这是专门用于干性皮肤的肥皂。
   This is my father's special chair , no one else may sit in it .
   There is a special repair shop on the other side of the street . 街对面有家特约维修店。
  especial 强调超出一般的程度。如;
   This is an especial meeting for me .
   You must pay especial attention to this question .
★ 单元重点词组扫瞄
Lesson 45
  1. need lots of practice 需要大量的练习
   If you want to improve you spoken English , you need lots of practice .
  2. on the radio 在(从)无线电广播中
   You can listen to China Radio International or BBC English programmes on the radio . 你可以通过收音机听到中国国际电台或BBC的英语节目。
   I heard on the radio that it's going to snow the day after tomorrow .
   注意:by radio 通过拍发无线电报,通过无线电收音机
   The programme English By Radio is now on the air . 现在正播放《广播英语》节目。
   We have to send her a message by radio as soon as possible .
  3. go with 和……在一起;和相配
   Don't leave me alone , let me go with you .
   That tie doesn't go with the suit . 那条领带和这身西装不配。
   Disease often goes with dirt . 疾病总是和肮脏密形影不离。
  4. give advice to sb on sth 向某人提出……建议
   Give advice to your friend on how to improve his English .
Lesson 46
  1. on the air 在广播中,在播送中
   What's on the air now ?
   The TV play is on the air at 22:00 .
   These programmes comes on the air every day . 天天都有这些节目。
  2. in the center of 在……的中心(或者说是中央)
   The traffic accident happened right in the center of the city .
   In the centre of the hall stood a Christmas tree .
  3. with the name 名为……
   His father works in the tall white building with the name “Bush House”. 他的父亲就在那座名为“布什”的大厦上班。
  4. from mouth to mouth 口口相传
   The story about her was told from mouth to mouth .
  5. change from A to/into B “由A 变成B;把A换成B”
   She changed from her express train to a slow one .
   In winter , when the temperature is below zero , water changes from liquid into solid .
   change sth from A to/ into B “把A变成B”
   Hard work has changed her from a young lady into an old woman .
   注意:from … to … 中的名词前常不用 the 。又如:from age to age 世世代代,from cover to cover 从首页到末页,from door to door 挨家挨户,from place to place , from side to side , from day to day , from time to time , from hand to hand , from shop to shop。
  6. between A and B“在A 和B 之间”(可以是空间、时间、数量、地点、相互关系之间)
   A straight line is the shortest distance between two points . 直线是两点之间最短的距离。
   How far is the distance between Beijing and Guangzhou ?
   The Yalu River runs between China and Korea .
   Let's meet at the gate between 7 and 8 o'clock .
   He is a servant between 50 and 60 (years old ).
  7. sth be the easiest to do 最容易干
   These Japanese programmes are the easiest to follow .
  8. find out 了解,打听,弄清楚,发现
   The police have found out the cause of his death .
   The teacher got angry when finding out that the students had been cheating in the examinations .
  9. ask for 要求得到;要求给予;要求见
   He asked for the taxi to come at 8 a.m.
   The workers are asking for another increase in pay .
   There's a girl at the door , asking for Mr Li .
  10. pick up 收听到;拾起;拿起;接某人上车;学习
   They picked up signals for help from the burning plane .
   This kind of radio can pick up the programmes broadcast by BBC easily .
  11. have difficulties 有具体的困难
   have some (little , a little , no , a lot of ) difficulty / trouble + (in) + -ing 在干……有困难
  12. for example = for instance例如
   take … for example 以……为例
   A lot of guests here , for example , Tom , would rather have white coffee .
   Take our headmaster for example , he knows Australia well .
  13. tens of thousands of … = thousands upon/ and thousands of … 数一万计的……;无数
   Tens of thousands of foreigners come to visit China every year .
   There are tens of thousands of stars like the sun in the sky .
   After thousands and thousands of years Australia had broken away from the Asian and European continents .
  14. be well received 深受欢迎
   Many of the German programmes are well received .
  15. such as 例如。对前面的名词复数起举例作用,所列举的事物是前面复数名词所包含的部分内容。
   English is spoken in many countries , such as Australia , Canada .
   We are in need of some reference books , such as a grammar , a dictionary .
   There are different forms of energy , such as heat energy , sound energy , electric energy and chemical energy .
   注意:such + 名词 + as +名词“像什么之类”。如;
   Such books as this are easy to buy .
   He is such a good teacher as we all like .
  16. the answer to the question
  17. join sth together 把……连在一起
  18. at the festival 在节日里
  19. be short of 缺乏
   It's expensive for us to use electricity for cooking because we are short of electricity .
  20. turn down 把……关小,把音量调低
★ 单元核心句型剖析
  1. ( Lesson 45 ) 在对话中有这样一句:What do you find hardest in English ? 你觉得学英语最难的是什么 ?
   〖剖析〗本句是 find 的复合结构。hardest = the most difficult 作宾补。又如:
   He found it impossible to see her .
   能作 find 的复合宾语的有:名词、现在分词、过去分词、副词、介词、形容词、to be 。
   We found it a difficult problem to answer .
   She found him waiting for her in front of the office .
   We find this county greatly changed .
   We entered her house ,but found her out .
   We find these children at play .
   I found the singer to be a girl of 7 years of age .
  2. ( Lesson 45 ) The more you listen to English , the easier it becomes . 英语听得越多,它就越容易懂。
   〖剖析〗(1)“The + 比较级 (从句) ,the + 比较级 (主句)”结构相当于汉语的“越是……,越是……”,前部是主句,后部是从句。在这种结构中,比较级词可以一样,也可以不一样,可以是形容词或者副词,成递进或者递减。如:
   The more you practise , the more you know .
   The busier he is , the happier he feels .
   The sooner you do it , the better it will be .
   (2) 在时态上,如果主句为将来时,从句可以用现在时代替将来时。并且,句子常省去相同的成分。例如;
   The more you get together , the happier you will be .
   The less said about it , the better . 少说为佳。
   The more haste , the less speed . 欲速则不达。
  3. ( Lesson 46 ) If you do have difficulties , it is better to try once more another day . 如果确实有困难,最好改天再试试。
   〖剖析〗此句中的 do 是助动词起加强语气的作用。要注意 do 随着主语的变化而变化。该结构还何以用于祈使句的前面。如:
   She does look nice today .
   I did meet her in the street yesterday .
   Do have another cup of coffee !
   Do be a good boy !
  4. ( Lesson 46 ) They are of great help to learners of English . 它们对英语学习的人来说大有帮助。
   〖剖析〗“of + 抽象名词”表示主语的性质及属性。该结构可以转换为抽象名词的形容词。如:
   It is of great help to read such a book . = It is very useful to read such a book .
   注意该句型的名词前可以使用表示程度的 little , some , a bit , much , no 等。如:
   What he will buy her is of little use . 他给她买什么都用处不大。
Love Letters
  Jenny Gordon was a very kind and beautiful woman and before she married , many men were in love with her . Many of them wrote to her , telling her how wonderful she was , how much they loved her and wanted to marry her .
  Jenny kept all these letters . She tied them up with a red ribbon and put them away in an old box . She never looked at them as she was happily married , however , they were a part of her life and she didn't want to throw them away .
  Jenny had a daughter , Sue . Sue was a six-year-old girl .
  One day , Jenny had to leave Sue alone for half a day . “Now be a good girl ,”she said . “Play quietly . If you need anything , go to the lady next door . ”
  When she returned home , she asked Sue , “Have you been a good girl ?”
  “Oh , yes , Mommy , ”Sue said .
  “What did you do while I was out ?”Jenny asked her .
  “I played mailman , ”Sue told her .
  “How could you play mailman , darling ?”Jenny asked her .
  “You didn't have any letters .”
  “Oh , yes I did , Mommy , ”Sue said . “I found some in an old box upstairs . They were tied up with a red ribbon . I put one in every mailbox in the street . Wasn't I a good girl ?”
  〖赏析〗通过阅读全文可以知道是Sue 好奇地把妈妈收藏的爱情之信一一投进别人的邮箱。这下子可就要沸腾了。当Jenny Gordon 听到女儿那天真、可爱的当了邮递员的回答时,她过去的一切前被暴了光,她可能五雷轰顶,也可能哭笑不得。
柯南•道尔 著
Chapter XIII
( 华生医师日记摘录 )
  Here are some extracts (摘录) from the diary of Dr. Waston . From them the readers will learn of the events that happened after his last report to Sherlock Holmes .
  October 16th . A dull and rainy day . The house is as unpleasant as the weather . Everything is gloomy around and I myself have a feeling that there is danger here , though I cannot guess from where it comes . I certainly don't believe in anything that has something to do with God , but facts are facts and there is something very strange about the moor .
  Twice with my own ears I have heard a sound which was like the distant barking of a dog . But if there is a hound on the moor , where is it hidden ? Where does it get its food ? Another strange thing is this unknown man on the rock . He is not one of those whom I have seen here and I have now seen all the neighbours . Is he a friend or an enemy ? Is it possible that he is the man who followed Sir Henry in London ? If only I could find out who he is !
  This morning there was a small scene after breakfast . Barrymore said that we had no right to hunt down Selden after Mrs. Barrymore had told us of her brother's hiding-place .
  “The man is dangerous ,” answered Sir Henry . “You know that there are some lonely houses on the moor . It is necessary to let the police know where he is .”
  “Please , sir , don't call the police . I promise that he will not attack anybody . In two or three days he will be on his way to South America and will never trouble anyone again . ” Begged Barrymore .
  He begged so hard for the sake of his poor wife that Sir Henry agreed not to let the police know anything about Selden . Barrymore thanked him and turned to go, but then hesitated and came back .
  “ You have been so kind to us , sir , that I want to tell you something which maybe has something to do with the death of Sir Charles . I have spoken to no one about it yet .”
  We both jumped to our feet .
  “ Do you know how he died ? ”
  “ No , sir. But I know why he was at the gate that night . He had to meet a woman there . I don't know her name , but I can give you the initials (姓名的开头字母) . They are L.L.”
  “ How do you know this , Barrymore ? ”
  “ Well , Sir Henry , your uncle got a letter that morning . It was addressed in a woman's hand . I didn't think of this letter at the time , for Sir Charles usually got many letters . But only a few weeks ago my wife was cleaning Sir Charles' study and she found the ashes of a burned letter in his study . The greater part of it was burned , but one little bit remained and the writing could still be recognised . It said:‘please , please , burn this letter , and be at the gate by ten o'clock . L. L.’”
  “ Have you got this bit of the letter ? ”
  “ No , sir, it crumpled (易碎的) all to bits after we had touched it .”
  “I cannot understand , Barrymore , why did you not speak about it before .”
  “ Well , sir , on one hand , we had our own trouble with Selden at that time , on the other hand , we both loved Sir Charles and thought it would be better not to tell anybody that there was a lady in the case . But now , sir , you have been kind to us , and I feel that I must tell you all I know about it .”
  When Barrymore had gone , Sir Henry turned to me .
  “ Well , Waston , what do you think we must do ? ”
  “ I shall report to Holmes at once . Maybe he will come here himself .”
  October 17th. It has been raining all day . In the evening I put on my raincoat and went for a walk on the moor . I wanted to see the rock where the stranger had stood that night . All was silent there and I could not find any trace of the unknown man . As I was walking back , I was overtaken by Dr. Mortimer driving home in his dog-cat . He was returning from one of the distant farms . He invited me into his cart and told me that he was very much troubled , for his little spaniel had disappeared on the moor . I thought of the dreadful Grimpen Mire and said nothing .
  “By the way , Mortimer , ”I asked a little later , “I suppose you know all the people on the moor .”
  “I think so .”
  “ Do you know any woman in the neighbourhood whose initials are L.L.? ”
  “He thought a little and then said that it probably was Laura Lyons the daughter of Sir Henry's neighbour — old Frankland . He told me her story. She had married an artist named Lyons who soon deserted her . Her father refused to help her , because she had married without his permission . Besides he had very little money himself . The neighbours were sorry for her , and several of them helped her to learn typewriting and get some work . Stapleton and Sir Charles were among those who gave her money . She was now living at Coombe Tracey .
  I didn't tell Mortimer why I was so much interested in the woman , but tomorrow I shall go to Coombe Tracey and try to find her . She may help to make things much clearer .
  There is one more incident to put down on this unpleasant day . It is my conversation with Barrymore .
  “ Has your wife's brother gone at last? ”
  “ I don't know , sir , for I did not see him when I brought his food three days ago . ”
  “ But did you find the food at that place the next time ?”
  “ No , I didn't , but perhaps the other man took it . ”
  “ You know that there is another man then ? Have you seen him ? ”
  “ No , sir. but Selden told me about him , a week ago . ”
  So Selden had seen that other man too ! Who is he and what is he doing there all alone ? Now I must devote all my energy to try and solve this new problem .
Chapter XIV
( 华生医师日记摘录 )
( Continued )
  October 18th. At breakfast I told Sir Henry about my meeting with Dr. Mortimer and our conversation about Laura Lyons . It was decided that I must go to Coombe Tracey alone , and I started in the afternoon . Mrs. Lyons was at home and received me . My first impression of her was that she was very beautiful , but when I looked at her more attentively I noticed something impolite and hard in her face . She asked me about the reason of my visit .
  “ I have come to speak to you about Sir Charles Baskerville .”
  “ What can I tell you about him ? All I can say is that he was very kind to me and helped me much . ”
  “ Were you ever in touch with each other by writing letters ?”
  The lady looked angry . “ What is the purpose of your question ? ” she asked sharply .
  “ I want to avoid getting you out of trouble , Mrs. Lyons. It's better to speak here than at the police station . ”
  She was silent and her face was very pale . “ Well , I will answer your questions . Ask me what you like . ”
  “ I repeat my question . Did you write to Sir Charles often ? ”
  “ I wrote to him only once or twice to thank him for his kindness .”
  “ Did you ever meet him ? ”
  “ Yes , several times , when he came to Coombe Teacey . ”
  “ Did you ever write to Sir Charles , asking him to meet you at the moor gate ? ”
  Mrs. Lyons was now red with anger . Certainly not .”
  “ Did you not write to him on the day of his death ?”
  Her face grew white again . She could not speak .
  “ Tell me why you wrote to Sir Charles and asked him to be at the gate that night . Why did you beg him to burn the letter ? ”
  Mrs. Lyons was now so pale that I thought she would faint .
  “ This is a private matter . I cannot tell you .” she answered almost in a whisper .
  “ Mrs. Lyons . If I have to call in the aid of the police , you will find how serious your position is .”
  “ I will tell you then ,” she answered through tears . “ My life has been very hard . I had made an unhappy marriage and my father refused to have anything to do with me . I could not get a divorce (离婚) from my husband without a large sum of money . I thought that if Sir Charles heard the story from my own lips he would not refuse to help me . I wrote to him , but I was afraid that somebody might see the letter , so I begged Sir Charles to burn it .”
  “ But why did you ask him to meet you at the gate at such a late hour? ”
  “ Because I had only just learned that he would go to London the next morning .”
  “ Well , what happened when you went there ? ”
  “ I never went there .”
  “ Mrs. Lyons ! ”
  “ I swear that I am speaking the truth . At the last moment I received help from another person .”
  “ But why did you not warn Sir Charles ? ”
  “ It was too late . I wanted to write and explain everything the following morning but I saw the report of his death in the papers .”
  The woman's story sounded truthful . I could get nothing more out of her, though I felt that she had not told me everything . Why had she lied at first ? Why had she been silent at the time of Sir Charles's death ? I asked myself that over and over .
  On my way home I decided to explore the moor once more , and try to find some traces of the mysterious stranger whom I had seen on the moor . There were many deserted huts scattered on the moor , and I was sure that the man must be hiding in one of them . I climbed a hill to have a better look at the surroundings when suddenly I saw a small figure on the top of one of the hills at the end of the path . The day was clear and , though the distance was great , I could see that it was the figure of a boy carrying a small package on his shoulder . In another moment he had disappeared behind the hill . I walked quickly in the same direction , but I failed . He was nowhere to be seen . There was silence around and I felt lonely and frightened . The huts were all quite ruined , as nobody had lived in them for many years . At last I came upon a hut which had something like a roof over it . My heart beat fast . I thought that this must be the hut where the stranger was hiding . I put my hand upon my revolver and looked in . The place was empty , but there were many signs that somebody lived there . Some blankets lay on the stone floor and a basin of water stood in the corner . In the middle of the hut lay a small package . It looked like the one I had seen on the boy's shoulder . It contained a loaf of bread and some meat . Under it was a sheet of paper . “Dr. Waston has gone to Coombe Tracey ” was written on it . It was I then , not Sir Henry , who was followed . What did all these mean ? Who could live in this lonely hut on the moor ?
  Outside the sun was setting . All seemed peaceful in the golden evening light , yet my heart was full of fear as I sat in the dark corner of the hut , waiting for the coming of the stranger . And then at last I heard him . Far away , then nearer and nearer came his steps . There was a long pause which showed that he had stopped . I did not move , but held my revolver ready . The footsteps was closer again and a shadow fell across the opening of the hut .
  “ It's a lovely evening , my dear Waston ,” said a well-known voice . “ Come outside , please . ”
Chapter XV
( 华生医师日记摘录 )
(Continued )
  For a moment or two I was so much surprised that I could neither move nor speak . Then my senses and voice came back to me . “ Holmes , Holmes , is that really you ? ” I cried .
  “ Come out of the hut , and please be careful with your pistol .” said he .
  He was thin and looked tired , but his shirt was as white as if he were in Baker Street , and his eyes were laughing as he asked : “ Why don't you say you are surprised ? ”
  “ My dear Holmes , I am so surprised and I am so glad to see you ,” I answered shaking his hands .
  “ If you are surprised to see me , I am just as surprised to find you in this  old hut . I understood that you were here only when I was about 20 steps from the hut .
  “ Oh , you saw my footprints , of course ? ”
  “ No , not your footprints , but the cigarette that you threw down when you entered the hut . We have lived together so long that I know your cigarettes well . But how did you find my hiding-place ? ”
  “ I saw a boy carrying a package on his shoulder . He was climbing this hill and I followed him . ”
  “ That was Cartwright , the boy who often helps me . He is very clever and active and has brought me food and clean suits . ”
  “ But my dear Holmes , why did you not trust me ? Why did you keep me in the dark ? I thought you were in London .”
  “ My dear Waston , you must not be angry with me . Your reports have been of great help to me . I beg you to forgive me . I was obliged to cheat you , for I knew that this matter was very dangerous and difficult , and I could not leave you here alone . At the same time I thought it better to keep my presence a secret from everybody , even from you . I have discovered many things living on the moor . Do not ask me for details yet , but I can tell you that in a day or two . My nets will close upon the murderer , for I know now that there is a cold-blooded murder in the case.”
  “ But why does the boy follow me ? What does this note mean ? ”
  “ I wanted to know what you had decided to do . If you had not gone to Coombe Tracey today , I should have gone there tomorrow myself . Mrs. Lyons is the only person who may help us in this matter . ”
  The sun had set and the air had grown cold . We went into the hut and sat down on the blankets that lay in the corner . I told Holmes about my conversation with Laura Lyons . He took great interest in it and when I had finished he said : “Do you know that this lady is Stapleton's sweet heart ?
  “ I did not know it , ” I answered .
  “ There can be no doubt about it . They meet , keep in touch , and have a complete understanding between them . It is he who told her that Sir Charles was going to London , and it is he that offered her money at the last moment . ”
  “ But why , Holmes ? ”
  “ Because he wanted Sir Charles to be alone at the gate .”
  As we sat in the darkness of that lonely hut on the moor , Holmes told me what he had found out during that time . When he learned from my report that Stapleton had been a schoolmaster in the North of England , he made inquiries . It appears that Stapleton had robbed the school where he taught and fled from that part of the country , with his name changed .”
  “ The lady whom you call Miss Stapleton is in fact his wife ,” said Holmes.
  “ His wife ! Is it possible ? Why then did he allow Sir Henry to fall in love with her ? ”
  “That only helped him in his plans . But he did not allow Sir Henry to make love to her . You told me that yourself in your report . ”
  “ And how do you explain all this ? ”
  “ He hoped that it would help him in his ill plans , ” Holmes answered . “ Then he must be our enemy — the man who followed us in London .”
  “ I think so .”
  “ But if he has a wife , what could he promise to Mrs. Lyons ? ”
  “ Your talk with the lady shows that she hoped to become Stapleton's wife after a divorce from her husband . ”
  As I listened to Holmes , I began to see something terrible in that colourless man with his straw hat and his butterfly-net . A cunning man with a smiling face and a murderous heart . “One last question , Holmes . What is the meaning of all this ? ”
  “ It is murder , Waston , cold-blooded murder . Do not ask me about the details yet . In a day or two I shall know everything , but there is one danger — it's that the murder will act before we are ready . So until then look after Sir Henry . Even now I am sorry you are not with him .”
  A loud scream full of horror and fear broke the silence of the moor . We both jumped to our feet and dashed out of the hut .
  “ Oh , my God ! What is it ? What does it mean ? ” I exclaimed .
  “ Hush ! Hush (切莫出声)!” whispered Holmes .
  The cry was repeated nearer and louder and more terrible than before .
  “ Where is it ? ” Holmes whispered again and I felt that even he was frightened .
  “ There , I think , ” I pointed into the darkness .
  Again the cry turned up , but now a new sound was heard , like the growling (狂叫)of a dog .
  “ The hound ! Come , Waston , come , or we may be too late . ”
  He ran over the moor and I followed him . The loud cries were repeated somewhere quite near . Then we heard a heavy fall and all was silent .
  “ He has beaten us , Waston . We are too late . ”
  Blindly we ran through the darkness . The moor was now quite dark and we could see nothing .
  We stopped and Holmes struck a match . By its light we noticed something not far from the place where we stood . When we came nearer , Holmes struck another match and with horror we saw that it was Sir Henry Baskerville . We both recognized the brown suit he had worn in London . We stood near the body , and our hearts were full of sorrow and despair .
  “ Oh , why did I not act before ,” cried Holmes , “ and you , Waston , why did you leave him ? ”
  “ Oh , Holmes , I shall never forgive myself .”
  “ I am more guilty (负有责任)than you , Waston . But how could I know that he would go out alone in spite of my instructions ? ”
  “ My God . We heard his screams and yet we could not save him . Where is the hound now ? And where is Stapleton , the murderer ? ”
  “ He will answer for this . But now we must send for help . We cannot carry him all the way to the Hall .”
  He bent over the body and suddenly let out a cry of joy .
  “ A beard ! A beard ! ” he exclaimed , and began dancing and laughing .
  “ My God , Holmes . Are you mad ? ”
  “ The man has a beard ! It's not Sir Henry ! ”
  We turned thr body over and looked into the dead face of — Selden — the escaped prisoner . Then in a moment all was clear to me . I remembered that some days before Sir Henry had given Barrymore his old clothes , and Barrymore had clearly passed them on to Selden to help him in his escape . But there really was a hound on the moor , for we had both heard its growls . Obviously the animal had chased the prisoner . In his terror he had fallen over a large stone and broken his head . There was blood on it . But why had he been so terrified ? Where had the hound disappeared ? Why had it chased Selden ? This was still a mystery .
  “ Why can't we arrest Stapleton at once , Holmes ? ”
  “ Because we can't prove much yet . we cannot prove the connection between him and the hound . If we are not careful , he may escape . But what's this , Waston ? It's Stapleton himself coming across the moor . Not a word to show your suspicions (怀疑) or all is lost ! ”
  “ Hello , Dr. Waston ! What are you doing on the moor at this late hour ? ” said Stapleton , coming forward with a cigar between his fingers . “ Oh . I am sorry , I see that you are not alone . ”
  “This is Mr. Holmes , ” I answered .
  “ Dear me ! What's this ? Is somebody hurt ? I hope it is not our friend Sir Henry !” He was bending over the body . The cigar had fallen from his fingers and his face had grown quite white .
  “ It's Selden , the escaped prisoner ,” I answered , looking Stapleton in the face . For a moment he was silent , then , hiding his disappointment and surprise he said :
  “ I heard a cry . I was anxious about Sir Henry and ran out to see what had happened . ”
  “Because I was expecting him at Merripit House and he did not come . Then I heard cries on the moor . By the way , did you hear anything else besides a cry ?”
  “ What do you mean ? ”
  “ Oh , you know the story about the terrible hound . They say it's sometimes heard on the moor at a late hour . I thought perhaps — ”
  “ We heard nothing of the kind ,” I said .
  “What's your opinion of this poor fellow's death ? ” he asked .
  “ I suppose he fell over a stone and broke his head ,” I answered .
  “ I think you are quite right




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