The First Period

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I Lead-in
What month is this month?
There’s a very important international festival in this month? What’s it?
II Warming-up
III Listening
IV Speaking
V Language points
1 admire
1) 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕
They admired our garden.
I admire him for his success in business.
2) 表示赞美,夸奖
Aren’t you going to admire my new hat?
3) admirer
4) admiring
give sb./receive admiring glances 投以/赢得赞赏的目光
be welcomed by admiring fans 受到崇拜者的欢迎
2 inspire
1) 激发,启示
His noble example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts.
The West Lake scenery inspired him to write his great poetry.
2) 极力,鼓舞(inspire sb. with sth./ inspire sth in sb. inspire sb. to do sth. )
Our first sight of the dirty little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence.很不痛快
Inspire hope, loyalty, enthusiasm in sb. 燃起某人的希望,唤起某人的忠诚,激起某人的热情
The teacher always inspires us to speak English.
3) inspiring, inspired
3 have high marks for maths
4 become of 某人情况如何
What will become of my child if he dies?
I wonder what became of the people who lived next door?
What became of the dreams of our youth? 我们年轻时的理想今何在?
5 mean
1) 吝啬的,自私的
She is very mean with money.
She’s too mean to make a donation.
2) mean ( to sb. ) 卑鄙的,不善良的
That was a mean trick. 卑鄙的伎俩
It was mean of you to eat all the food. ….太坏了
Don’t be too mean to your little brother. 刻薄
1) 意思是,意味
A dictionary tells you what words mean.
Spending too much now will mean a shortage of money next year.
This new order will mean working overtime.
The sudden thaw means spring is here.
2) 怀有某目的,打算,意欲
What does she mean by putting off her performance?
We always mean what we say.
She means this gift for you.
I’m sorry to have hurt you, but I didn’t mean to do so.
I wasn’t serious. I meant it as a joke.
I didn’t mean you to read the letter.
I mean you no harm.
His father meant him to be an engineer.
3) mean to do, mean doing
6 generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的
Mr. Li is a generous man.
He is generous with his money.
Mother Teresa was generous in giving help to the poor.
It was generous of you to share your food with me.



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