Unit 14

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1 compare
compare one thing with another
Man's life is often compared to a candle.
The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems.
Poets have compared sleep to death.
3)(常与with连用) 与…比较;比得上
Walking can't compare with flying.
Living in a town can't compare with living in the country in many respects.
This can’t compare with that one.
4)compared to=compared with
Compared with(to) many people, she was very lucky.
It was a small place then compared to(with) what it is now.
2 know, know of
know 认识,知道,了解
know of 听说过,知道有
I know of the man, but I don’t know him.
To know everything is to know nothing.样样通,样样松
I know of a shop where you can get things like that.
3 ask for sth., ask for sb., ask sb. for sth.
ask for trouble, ask for leave, ask for two days’ leave, ask for advice, ask for help
4 celebrate, congratulate
celebrate sth./sb. celebrate the new year/Christmas/sb’s birthday, a victory, success
congratulate sb. on (doing) sth. cogratulations to sb. on (doing) sth
c.n. 连衣裙 She makes all her own dresses.
u.n. 衣服(男女),(尤指)外衣
casual/ formal dress evening dress care much about dress讲究衣着 a summer dress夏装
an evening dress夜礼服 a full dress大礼服
He was in special dress for the ceremony.
v 穿衣 He is too young to dress himself.
Time is up, be quick to dress.
He was dressed as a woman.
The woman dressed in white is a nurse.
Nowadays children are dressed well/badly/fashionably.
The beggar is dressed badly/poorly/well.
穿晚礼服 Do I need to dress for the party?
dress up 穿上盛装 They dressed up and went to the party.
化装打扮 Children love to dress(themselves) up as animals.
dress, put on, wear, have on, on
allow sth. allow doing sth. allow sb. to do sth.
allow 有听任、默许之意,有“并不禁止”的含义,词意较弱
permit 比更正式些,比积极,含有“主动许可”和“正式批准”之意,词意较强
Nothing is permitted, everything is allowed.
1 major
a major city 主要城市 a major road 干路a major operation 大手术
We have met major problems.
Her major is French.
She majored in maths and physics in university.
2 follow v
The children followed their mother into the room.
We shall follow closely the latest advance of the subject in the world.
We went upstairs, following the old man.
We went upstairs, followed by the old man.
We followed the road to the top of the hill.
Spring follows winter.
I didn't follow his line of reasoning.
The soldiers must follow the officer's orders.
Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug.
Will you follow my advice?
Disease often follows war.
If a = b and b = c it follows that a=c.
She’s not in the office but it doesn’t necessarily follow that she’s ill.
7) as follows如下
The results are as follows...
8)follow sb’s exmple
3 in common
have…(something, nothing, a lot, a little, little)in common (with…) 和…有…共同之处
in common with…和…一样
They had a lot in common(with each other) and got on well.
In common with many other boys, he is into computer games.
I have nothing in common with you.
4 honour n.
1) u.n.光荣,荣幸 It’s a great honour to be invited.
2) u.n.荣幸,名誉 We must fight for the honour of one’s country.
3) u.n.崇敬,公众表示的敬意 They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her.
4) an honour to sth./sb.给…增光的人或物 She is an honour to her family.
5)do sb. honour 向某人表示敬意或致敬
6)do sb. an honour, do sb. the honour of doing sth.给某人以特权,使某人有特殊的荣幸
You do us a great honour by attending. 你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸
Will you do me the honour of dining with me?可否赏光与我一起吃饭?
7)in honour of, in one’s honour出于对…的敬意
We held a ceremony in honour of the those killed in battle.
v 向致敬,表扬,给…以荣誉
I feel highly honoured by your trust.
Will you honour me with a visit? 如蒙造访则荣幸之至
5 for oneself(为自己;独自地,亲自地), by oneself(单独地,独自地), of oneself自然而然地,自动地
Finally the shop assistant didn’t give me the right change, but kept back five pounds for himself.
Do you have anything to say for yourself?
One can’t do such a thing for oneself.这样的事情,独自一人是做不起来的
They cook meals all by themselves.
The door opened of itself.
The enemy will not die out of itself.自行消灭
We must build a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
6 support vt
1) 承受的重量,支撑,扶持
Walls support the roof.
Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?
He was weak with hunger, so I had to support him.
2) support sb/sth (in sth.) 帮助某人(某物),支持,支援
We support the Conservative Party.
Will you support me in my campaign for election?
3) 资助,供养,赡养I
I was supported by my parents when I was studying.
7 as well as “除以外还,和一样也”,连接两个对等的成分,主谓一致依“就前一致原则”
English, as well as Chinese and maths, is of great importance.
The girl is lively as well as healthy.
He wants a pen as well as a pencil.
He gave me advice and money as well.
E-mail, as well as telephones, ________ an important part in daily communication.
A is playing B have played C are playing D play
John plays football _______, if not better than, David.
A as well B as well as C so well D so well as
8 light
n 1) u.n. 光,光线,光亮
This lamp gives out poor light.
This light is too poor to read by.
2) c.n.光源,电灯
A light was still burning in his study.
Far below the plane we could see the lights of London.
adj. 1)明亮的 a light room
2)浅色的,淡色的 Light colours suit you best. light green eyes
3)轻的,不重的 a light box
v.(lit, lighted) 1)(使某物)开始燃烧
This wood is so damp it won’t light. Light a cigarette
Let’s light a fire in the open air.
2)开(电灯等) Light the torch, I can’t see the path.
3)light up照亮 The lightning lit up the whole sky.
点上 He lit up a pipe.点上烟斗
(脸)放光彩,容光焕发 Her eyes lit up with joy.因喜悦而目光炯炯
Language study
1 give away 赠送He gave away most of his money to charity.
分发 The headmaster will give away the prizes to the sportsmen.
失去,错过(机会)They gave away their last chance of winning the match.
2 seem
seem + adj. What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others.
seem to be He seems to be an honest man.
seem like + n. It seemed like a disaster at the time.
seem + 不定式 She seems to be right.
They seem to have known the news.
She seems to be crying.
It seems that… It seems that they are quarrelling with each other.
There seems to be… There seems to be no need to worry about the examination.
It seems as if/as though… It seems as if they had finished the homework.
It seems as if he knew the star very well.
It seems as if it would rain.
Intergrating skills
1 rather adv.在一定程度上,颇
1)在adj.,adv.前 It’s rather cold this year.
You’ve done rather badly in the exam.
2)在比较级前 This hotel is rather more expensive than that one.
3)在too之前 This exercise is rather too difficult.
4) 和冠词连用 It seems a rather good idea. This is rather a surprising result.
The rather clever boy is his son.
It’s rather a shame/pity that John didn’t attend the meeting.
比较:a fairly good book quite a tall sportsman a quite tall sportsman
5) 用于动词之前 I rather think that we are going in the wrong way.
6) 与名词连用 It’s rather a pity. She’s rather a dear.
7) or rather He worked very late last night, or rather, early this morning.
8) would rather…than…
9) I’d rather that you came tomorrow.
2 take in 欺骗You won’t take me in that easily.
She took me in completely with her story.
吸入,摄取 Don't take in too much fat.
承揽(活)In order to send her son to school, she took in washing.




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