
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Ⅰ教具 录音机 ,投影仪
1. 检查生词及短语。
2. 教师通过以下步骤导入本课
向学生提出下列问题:I’m sure you all know the story entitled
“The necklace”.Now read the play fast and find out how many people there are in the play and who they are.
数分钟后继续提问:Yes, you are right. There are three main characters in the play.Now please find out the relationship between the three people.
3. 根据本课内容,教师再提出一些问题,检查学生的理解程度。
1) When did the story happen?
2) Why do you think Jeanne could not recognize her old
friend Mathilde while Mathilde easily recognized her?
3) What made Jeanne think that Mathilde was ill?
4)When Mathilde mentioned the necklace,why do you think Jeanne was very much surprised?
5)Why did Pierre say it was wonderful news that they were invited to the ball at the palace ?
6)When Pierre said that he was the only person in his office to be invited ,what kind of feeling did he have?
7)Why didn’t Mathilde want to wear a flower for the ball?
8)What decision did they make finally?
4. 再放录音,学生跟读。将学生分为三人一组,分角色练习本剧的上半部分。
5. 讨论题(用投影仪打出):Why do you think Pierre and his wife considered the ball very important?In what way was it important to them?
6. 布置作业1)分角色练习本剧的上半部分;2)预习第70题;



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