Lesson41, Unit 11

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Teaching Plan For Lesson41, Unit 11
一、 Topic: Country music
二、 Teaching Purpose:
1. Oral practice: Grasp the expressions of advice and suggestions
2. Master the usage of some words and expressions.
三、 Moral Lesson:
Let the students to learn about American country music.
四、 Important and difficult Points:
How to improve ability to listen and speak.
五、 Teaching method:
1. Summarize the main points and design some scenes for practice.
2. Five-step methods.
六、 Teaching tools:
Pictures, a tape-recorder, slides.
七、 Teaching Procedure:
StepⅠ Revision:
Check the homework of Unit 10.
StepⅡ Lead-in:
1. Ask:
Do you like music?
How many kinds of music do you know?
Chinese music Pop music Country music
Western music Folk music
2. Have you heard of John Denver?
John Denver is a very famous singer. He is an American. He doesn’t sing pop music. He likes singing American country music. Most of the songs he sings are written by himself. Sometimes he broadcasts on the radio or TV. Many people like to hear him sing. He’s been to China.
StepⅢ Presentation:
Dialogue 1.
1. Tell the Ss:
In this dialogue two friends, Jackie and Yang Pei are talking about John Denver. Now read the dialogue and find out the answer to these questions.
1) What does Jackie tell Yang Pei to do?
(come to the concert, buy a ticket)
2) Where and when is he singing?
(He is singing at the New Theatre on Saturday)
3) What did they broadcast last month on the radio?
(They broadcast a program of his music last month on the radio.)
2. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue after the tape, then try to remember it.
3. Deal with the language points:
Useful expressions:
Haven’t you heard of…?
That’s a good idea.
You’d better…
I think you’d enjoy it.
I’m afraid I’m not.
Why not…?
Why don’t you…?
Words and phrases:
1) hear; hear of ; hear from
hear sb. / sth.
hear sb. / sth. do / doing
e.g. Can you hear somebody singing outside?
I heard him go down the stairs.
I heard the song sung.
They both heard a knock at the door.
The old granny can’t hear very well.
hear + clause
I hear you need some help.
hear of : 听人说起,听说
I have never heard of such a thing / him.
They haven’t heard of American country music 听说过
They haven’t heard American country music听过
hear from sb: receive a letter from sb.
e.g. Have you heard from your parents?
2) make a record: 作唱片
keep a record (of): 记录 record 记录
e.g. He was a famous singer and made a lot of records.
It keeps a record of the date on which they will travel .
3) on the radio / over the radio
e.g. He played the piano on the radio last Sunday.
Dialogue 2:
Here is the second part of the dialogue between Yang Pei and Jackie. Play the dialogue or let Ss read it quickly and then answer some questions.
1) Is Yang Pei going to hear the singer John Denver on Saturday?
2) How does she feel about it?
She feels sad.
3) Did she try to buy by a ticket?
4) Why didn’t she buy a ticket?
Because all the tickets had been sold out.
StepⅣ Drilling:
Part 2: Practice
Ex 3 at page 107
StepⅤ Consolidation: story-making
I have heard of something about Wei Wei. She is a very famous pop singer. She has made a lot of records. Last Sunday I heard a lot of her songs on the radio. Yesterday she appeared on TV. Everyone likes to listen to her songs.
StepⅥ Homework
1. Wb Ex 1, 2 on the page 107
2. Preview lesson 42
A. Translate the text into Chinese.
B. Sum up the general idea of the text.
八、 Blackboard Design:
九、 Teaching views after class

Teaching Plan For Lesson42, Unit 11
一、 Topic: American country music
二、 Teaching Aims:
1. To understand the text as a whole; try to find out the main idea of
each paragraph in fast reading and to understand the detail of the text
by note-making.
2. To learn the use of some useful words and phrases.
三、 Teaching important and difficult points:
Some usage of the words and expressions
四、 Moral lesson:
Ask the Ss to know not only about American country music but also about Chinese Music.
五、 Teaching method:
To try to be a helper and organizer to elicit and help the Ss to learn through practice and activities.
六、 Teaching tools:
slides , a tape recorder and pictures
七、 Teaching Procedures:
StepⅠ Revision:
1. To revise the dialogue and introduce the text by a free talk.
2. To ask the Ss questions based on the title to help them predict text contents.
StepⅡ While-reading:
1. Skimming—to read the text fast and find out the answer to the question?
Is American country music about modern life?
No, it’s about “the good old days”.
2. Reading—to read after the tape in a low voice.
3. Scanning—to scan the text for the details
1) To tell the Ss to find the topics of five songs, such as: somebody’s success; the value of something; anger towards society; getting or losing a boyfriend or girlfriend; making fun of a political louder, etc.
2) Ask the Ss to find out what the American song writers write or write about in different times.
A. inthe1950s;
B. inthe1960s;
C. inthe1990s(today)
3) Ask the Ss to find out the characteristics of American country music at first by making notes and then by discussing in pairs.
The possible notes:
A. became big business
B. reach all parts of the states
C. (singers)…come from all over the world.
D. (singers)…played the guitar…need electrical equipment.
E. Remain much the same as before.
4. Summary for the theme of the passage.
The topics and characteristics of the American country music in different times.
5. Deal with language points:
1) no longer: not…any longer
e.g. I can’t wait any longer.
China today is no longer the China of the past.
2) Remain: stay as it is
e.g. Country music today remains much the same as before.
You may have all those that remain.
3) think of sb./sth.: have an opinion of sb. / sth.
e.g. In “the good old days” people thought well of each other.
4) appear vi. come into sight view; seem.
e.g. A lot of them appeared on television , too.
She appears to be very tired and sad.
5) make fun of sb: laugh or cause others to laugh/ rather unkindly at,
e.g. You always make fun of me.
StepⅢ Post-reading:
1. Practice
1) Have a group discussion to make the Ss familiar with the contents of the text with the help of the keywords on the Bb.
2) Have a dialogue about the American country music.
2. Communicative output.
To get the Ss to talk about a Chinese singer according to what they have known about.
StepⅣ Homework:
1. To write a summary of the American country music.
2. Finish off the workbook exercises.
八、 Teaching views after class:

九、 Blackboard Design:
Unit 11 Lesson 42 American country music
1. Topics of songs: ---
2. Something that the American song writers write or wrote about:
3. The characteristics of American country music 4. A general idea of the passage:
The topics and characteristics of the American country music in different times.
5. Language points:
1) no longer
2) remain
3) think of sb./ sth.
4) appear
5) make fun of

Teaching Plan For Lesson43, Unit 11
一、 Teaching Purpose:
1.To revise the useful words and phrases of the text.
2.Master “the Past Perfect Tense”
二、 Teaching Procedures:
StepⅠ Revision:
1. Check the homework
2. Fill in the blanks using words and phrases of the text.
1) He said he was no longer a student, but a doctor.
2) All the teachers think well of Yang Pei.
3) A bus appeared over the hill.
4) He asked me to remain at home.
5) Please eat up your food.
StepⅡ Grammar:
1. Revise “the present perfect tense”
1) Have you heard about the story of Adam and Eve?
2) The house has been empty for ages.
3) I’ll go with you as soon as I have finished my work.
4) We haven’t seen each other for a long time.
5) This is the third time that I have been to America.
6) Have you ever met him before.
7) What has changed in the past few years.
8) Since then, the forest have grown.
9) I have finished half so far.
2. The Past Perfect Tense
The usage of the past perfect tense.
A. 表过去某一时间以前已经完成的动作、常与by, before等,构成的短语连用。
B. 常用在宾语从句中,or when, before, after, as soon as引导的从句中,或者定语从句中.
C. 根据上下文决定其时态。
D. 用在no sooner……than / hardly……when 句型中
e.g. 1. Jack told me that he had posted my letter.
2. Marco Pole went back to China and told the Emperor everything he had seen.
3. After they had cleaned the classroom, they all went home.
4. We had known each other by 1980.
5. By the end of last year, we had built fine new houses.
6. I had learnt 5000 words before I entered the university.
7. No sooner had you left than he arrived.
StepⅢ Deal with Part 2 and Part 3:
StepⅣ Consolidation:
Translate these following sentences.
1. I had finished doing my homework by four yesterday afternoon.
2. I had known about that before you told me.
3. By the end of last term, we had learned 4000 words.
4. This is the first time I have been here.
5. Great changes have taken place in China in the last ten years.
Finish Ex 1.

Teaching Plan For Lesson44, Unit 11
一、 Teaching Purpose:
1.Listening and understanding from gist, information to detail.
1. Learn the usage of the words such as “but”, “and” , “however”.
2. Go through checkpoint of Unit 11 and make up some sentences using the useful expressions.
二、 Teaching Procedure:
StepⅠ Revision:
Check the homework.
StepⅡ Preparation for listening:
Turn to page 137. Today we are going to hear sth. about one of America’s most successful singers go through Ex 1 and make sure the students understand what to do.
StepⅢ Listening:
1. Listen to the tape attentively
2. While listening, finish Ex 1,2,3
3. Check their answers between students if necessary , let the whole class known.
StepⅣ Deal with language study:
StepⅤ Checkpoint:
1. Go over check point 11 and make some sentences
2. Encourage the students to raise any other language points.
StepⅥ Test
1. Have a dictation.
2. Make up some sentences using the useful words and phrases.
StepⅦ Workbook
Finish all the exercises left




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