Unit 15 Thanks for the message

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

一、 语法要点
1. 句型:
1) Could you answer the telephone, please?
2) He’s out at the moment. Please ring him.
3) Could I have a full bottle / speak to him, please?
2. 语法:
1) There be 结构的一般过去时态。
2) Could …? 表示有礼貌的请求。
二、 教学建议
Lesson 57
Step 1. 教师准备一个铃或让学生模仿电话铃声。铃响后教师对学生说:Listen! The telephone is ringing. 然后提问一名学生:×××, Could you answer the telephone, please? I’m busy. 教师帮助学生回答:OK, I’ll get it.
Step 2. 学生听完录音后,两人一组练习这两句话。
Step 3. 教师和学生演示对话。
T: Hello. 68485950
S1: Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Green, please?
T: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
S1: Yes. Could I have your name, please?
T: Jim.
S1: Could you spell it, please?
T: J-I-M, Jim.
S1: And your telephone number, please?
T: 6-4-double 6-3-4-1-1.
S1: 6-4-double 6-3-4-1-1. Thanks a lot. Bye.
T: It’s a pleasure. Bye.
Step 4. 教师解释单词和短语后,让学生听录音和练习对话。
Lesson 58
Step 1. 教师就L57的对话提问题,引出新课内容。
T: Where was Jim when Li Lei called?
Ss: He was at the cinema.
T: Who answered the telephone?
Ss: Kate.
T: Did Kate take the message?
Ss: Yes, she did.
T: What was the message?
Ss: Li Lei wanted Jim to call him when he came back.
T: Jim comes home from the cinema now. Kate is going to tell him about the telephone call. Now listen to the dialogue.
Step 2. Now Li Lei knows about the telephone call. What is he going to do next? Can you guess? Yes, he’s going to ring Li Lei. What are they going to talk about? Listen to the tape and find out the answer. 听完录音后,教师可以先问几个问题,然后让学生练习对话。
Lesson 59
Step 1. 教师通过边放投影片边提问的方式,帮助学生回忆李雷和他的同学们在农场摘苹果的情况。
Step 2. 学生阅读文章后回答教师提出的问题。
1) When did the students go to the farm?
2) Were there many apples on the tree?
3) Why did the farmers need help?
4) Did the students enjoy the work?
5) Why did they need ladders?
6) Who picked the most apples?
三、 巩固练习
1. 用所给词的适当形式填空:
1) I’m sorry I was out when you (ring).
2) I wanted to show it to (they).
3) The next day Li Lei (bring) the photo to school.
4) There (be) not enough people to pick apples.
5) The children (real) enjoyed the work.
6) Kate picked (many) apples of all.
7) They needed (climb) up the trees with ladders.
2. 完成对话:
A: Hello. 1 Jim.
B: Oh, hello. Could I 2 to Kate, please?
A: I’m afraid he’s not 3 at the moment.
B: Could you take a 4 ?
A: Certainly. Could I 5 your number, please?
B: Sure. My telephone number is 6-8-double 7-4-3-1.
A: 6-8-double 7-4-3-1.
B: Please ask her to ring 6 .
A: OK.
B: Thanks very much. Bye.
A: It’s a 7 .
1. 1) rang 2) them 3) brought 4) were
5) really 6) most 7) to climb
2. 1) It’s 2) speak 3) in 4) message 5) have
6) me 7) pleasure



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