Unit 17

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Teaching Plan
(Unit 17 Book Ⅱ)
临汾五中 王文娟
Teaching Plan for Unit 17
What’s the weather like today?
Lesson 65
I. Teaching aims:
1. Words and expressions
dry wet cloud cloudy sunny rainy wind windy later on (Four skills)
2. Greetings: What’s the weather like today?
It’s very cold, but quite sunny.
3. Grammar: Exclamatory Sentences
4. Moral education: Love the nature by talking about the weather
II. Teaching importance: The words about describing the weather
III. Teaching difficulty: Exclamatory Sentences
IV. Teaching method: The Communicative Approach
V. Teaching tools: recorder, slides, cards, pictures.
VI. Teaching steps:
Step 1. Revise and lead-in:
Ask the answer something about four seasons.
T: How many seasons are there in a year?
S: Four.
T: Which season do you like best?
S: Spring (Summer, Autumn, Winter).
T: Why?
S: It’s not too hot or too cold. It’s warm.
T: Oh. Because of the warm weather, some of us like spring. Today, we’ll just talk about the weather.
Step 2. Presentation
Show the flash cards and pictures. Let the Ss try to read the words and understand them with the help of the pictures.
Step 3. Drill
Use the pictures to ask the Ss questions:
T: Look at this picture. What’s the weather like?
S: It’s very cold.

Step 4. Practice
Open the book. Look at the pictures in page 65. Talk about the pictures in pairs. As follow:
What’s the weather like?
Step 5. Presentation
1. Showing the flash card for “Cloudy” and saying:
“The weather is very very cloudy.”
“How cloudy it is!”
Explain the use of exclamatory sentences to show surprise, pleasure, anger, etc.
Repeat for the other flash cards. Then show the cards to the Ss and get them to say “How cloudy/ hot/ wet it is! Etc.
2. Draw the cloudy picture on the Bb. Write “morning” underneath. Next to it draw a sunny picture, with “afternoon” underneath. Tell the Ss to compare the two pictures.
Say: How cloudy it is this morning! But it’s going to be sunnier this afternoon.
3. Explain that, and repeat the procedure, using flash cards, for wet/ drier, cold/ warmer, hot/ cooler.
Step 6. Drill and practice
Get half the class to say “How wet it is this morning!” and the other half to reply “Yes, but it’s going to be drier this afternoon.” (by showing the pairs of flash cards)
Practise SB page 65, Part 2. Explain that “Late on = Later in the day.
Practise Part 3. Read through the dialogue and get the Ss to practise in pairs.
Explain that Both How cold it is! And What a cold day it is! Are exclamatory sentences though how is followed by an adj. or an adv. Whereas what is followed by a noun.
Step 7. Exercises in class (Show slides)
1. n. →adj.
wind — (windy) cloud — (cloudy) rain — (rainy)
snow — (snowy) sun — (sunny) ice — (icy)
2. Fill in the blanks
1) There is a strong (wind). It’s windy today.
2) It’s cloudy. Look at the (clouds) in the sky.
3) It’s another rainy day. There is too much (rain) this spring.
4) Look at the (ice) on the road. It’s an icy road.
5) It’s sunny today. The (sun) is very bright.
3. Ask and answer in pairs. (According to the information given to Ss)
Min(c) Max(c) WEATHER
Tian jin
Cheng du
Kun ming
Hong Kong 2 10
-1 8
1 9
5 10
4 23
11 17 Cloudy
Model: A: What’s the weather like in Xi’an today?
B: It’s cloudy in the morning and is going to be sunny later on.
A: What about Tian jin?

Step 8. Homework: P.65 Ex 2. Ex 4
VII. The design of writing on the Bb
What’s the weather like?
It’s very cold.
How cold it is today!
Yes, but it’s going to be warmer later on.
What a cold day!
Yes, but it’s going to get colder, I’m afraid!
VIII. Feeling after class:
Most Ss can learn the words and greetings easily. But it’s not easy to manage the exclamatory sentences. So we should give some more exercises about the difficulty.

Lesson 66
I. Teaching aims:
1. Words and expressions
Bright ice thin thick strong strongly blow beautiful shine sunshine at the moment too much ice
2. Greetings:
It’s blowing strongly. It’s quite windy, and there is a lot of snow.
3. Grammar:
Making words nouns→adj. adj.→adv.
4. Moral education:
Love the nature and learn to do sports outside.
II. Teaching importance:
1. adj.→adv.
2. Revise how to telephone
III. Teaching difficulty:
Too much + n.
Much too + adj. (adv.)
IV. Teaching method: The Audio-visual Method
V. Teaching tools: recorder, slides, picture
VI. Teaching steps:
Step 1. Revise
1. Check the homework.
2. Revise exclamatory sentences:
“Please speak the exclamatory sentences n another way” say to the class.
1) T: How sunny it is today!
Ss: What a sunny day it is!
2) T: What a nice girl she is!
Ss: How nice the girl is!
Step 2. Presentation
Using the pictures, present the dialogue:
Look at the rain! It’s heavy. What a heavy rain!
How heavy the rain is!
Look at the sun! — Yes, it’s very bright!
Demonstrate the meaning of “bright” with a gesture.
How bright the sun is!
Repeat with “snow/ very thick, ice/ thin”
Get the Ss to listen and repeat.
Step 3. Drill and practice
1. Divide the class into two groups to practise the dialogue.
2. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
Then Ss work in pairs.
Step 4. Practice
Revise how to answer the telephone. The teacher can say to the Ss: Bruce is in Beijing. His father is in Australia. Bruce wants to know what the weather is like n Australis, so he rings up his father.
Play the tape for the Ss to find the answers to following questions. (show slides)
1) What’s the weather like in Beijing?
2) What’s the weather like in Australia?
Then let Ss practise the dialogue in pairs.
Step 5. Practise and act:
Pair work: the Ss prepare and practise international telephone conversations about the weather, practise.
Ask the Ss to act out their dialogues.
Step 6. Exercises in class:
Show slides. Discuss the weather between the four cities. Make dialogues in groups. Some words and phrases can be given to help them.
A little
Much warmer/ hotter/ colder
A lot
Nealy the same, very much like… not like, unlike
Step 7. Homework P.66 Ex.1, 3
VII. The design of writing on the Bb
Look at the wind! bright—brightly
What a strong wind! quick—quickly
It’s blowing strongly. heavy—heavily
Too much ice too much rain
Much too thick much too dry
VIII. Feeling after class:
Part 1 is easier. In Part 2 we should deal with the difficulty points. “too much ice” “learn to do”.

Lesson 67
I. Teaching aims:
1. Words and expressions:
Country, go on, lots of (Four skills)
Nearly unlike (Three skills)
2. Learn to talk about different weather.
3. Moral education: Love our country
II. Teaching importance:
Talking about the weather
Some language points
III. Teaching difficulty:
Like unlike not like
IV. Teaching method:
Reading and describing
V. Teaching tools: recorder, slides, maps
VI. Teaching steps:
Step 1. Revise and lead-in
Ask the class some questions:
1) What’s the weather like in summer?
2) When is spring in China?
3) Which season do you like best?
4) Is autumn very hot?
5) Which is the coldest month?
6) What do we need t wear in winter?
7) Do other countries have the same weather as China?
Step 2. Presentation
Tell the Ss different countries have different weather.
Listen to the tape and answer the questions:
“Which country has weather the most like China’s; the USA, England or Australia?”
Step 3. Practice and trying to describe base on the key words and phrases given. (show slides)
In much of China, spring … summer … autumn … winter, the best time to …
The seasons of the year in England and the USA.
The Australian seasons are the opposite. …
Step 4. Deal with language points:
1) Last
2) Need to do
3) Unlike …
4) opposite
Step 5. Listening part
First talk sth. about the listening text. then let the Ss listen to the text carefully.
Step 6. Exercises in class
Show slides:
1. Fill in the blanks using the suitable words.
1) There’s a lot of _____ (rainy) in autumn.
2) It’s _____ (cold) today then it was yesterday.
3) Is it blowing _____ (strong)?
4) July is the _____ (hot) month of all in China.
5) It snowed _____ (heavy) the day before yesterday.
2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
1) Autumn starts in August, and _____ on to October.
2) The radio says it’s going to get _____ later on.
3) The weather can be _____ warm in autumn.
4) How _____ the rain is!
5) There’s too _____ ice on the road.
6) I like summer because I like _____.
7) It’s cold outside. We need to wear _____ clothes.
8) Spring in England can _____ three months.
Step 7. Homework:
P.67 Ex.2, 4
VII. The design of writing on the Bb
1. Last (v.) Every season lasts for three months.
2. Need to You need to wear warm clothes.
3. Unlike This photo is quite unlike her.
4. Opposite The things here are opposite.
VIII. Feeling after class:
Reciting the passage is easier. But only a few of the Ss can describe in their own speech.
Try to practise as often as possible.

Lesson 68
I. Teaching aims:
1. Talking about the weather.
2. Revise the Because-clause
3. Write a short passage about somebody’s favourite season.
4. Moral education: Love the life, because the nature is so beautiful and wonderful.
II. Teaching steps:
Step 1. Revise
1. Make telephone calls to Ss to ask about the weather.
2. Play the Month game.
Step 2. Presentation
Tell the Ss the teacher own opinion about the seasons.
I love/ like … best because … ; I’m afraid I don’t like … because…
Step 3. Drill
Ask a student: “ What’s your favourite season?” and help the student to answer with a season” I love… because…” get the Ss to ask another “What’s your favourite season?”
Practise ( I’m afraid) I don’t like …, Because…
Step 4. Practice
Read – practise in pairs. (P.68 part 1)
Step 5. Ask and answer
Wb P.68 Ex.1 Ss work in groups. Then write a passage.
Step 6. Checkpoint 17
1. Have a dictation.
n.→adj. sun—sunny wind—windy cloud—cloudy
adj.→adv. heavy—heavily bright—brightly quick—quickly
2. Turn the sentences into another way.
1) There’s a lot of wind today. →
It’s very windy today.
2) The snow was very heavy last night. →
It snowed heavily last night.
3) What a cold day! →
How cold it is today!
III. The design of writing on the Bb
I love/ like … because…
I don’t like… because…
n. →adj. roots + y adj. →adv. +ly
IV. Feeling after class: Try to practise speaking and describing as often as possible. The Ss can make progress quickly.




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