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1. 表语 许多现在分词已经成为形容词,如amusing, annoying, astonishing, attracting, boring, disappointing, discouraging, encouraging, embarrassing, exciting, fascinating, frightening, interesting, inspiring, inviting, pleasing, puzzling, shocking, surprising, tiring等,都具有主动意义,译成“令人…的”,但是 missing是主动表示被动。这些词同普通形容词一样可以由副词修饰,也可以有比较等级。问:这些词能做定语和补语吗?
The story is amusing, more amusing than all the others.
注意:go, come, sit, stand等动词后面能接-ing作表语(或理解为状语)。如:
Jim has gone fishing. I’d rather come walking with him.
We sat telling stories to the children.
He stood watching the football match.
2. 宾语 以下几类动词可以接现在分词作宾补:
1) see, hear, smell, feel, watch, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to等表示感觉的动词,现在分词的动作与谓语同时发生。
Can you smell anything burning?
I saw them swimming in the pool just now.
2) have, keep, get, set, send, leave等表示“致使”等意义的动词。
I won’t have you doing that.
His remarks left me wondering his real purpose.
I saw him crossing the road.
I saw him cross the road.
3.定语 现在分词可以前置和后置。
1)前置 通常由一个现在分词承当。
hard-working people, that never-ending quarrel, fine-looking buildings, an English-speaking man;
2)后置 通常由一个现在分词短语承当。
I have a friend living in London.
Will the people sitting at the back please keep quiet?
1)时间状语 常在句首。
Hearing the bad news, she burst into tears.
Once, while working on a new invention, Edison made 8,000 tests without success.
Having arrived at a decision, they immediately set to work.
2)条件状语 较少见,常在句首。
Working hard, you will make it.
If playing all day, you will waste your valuable time.
3)原因状语 常在句首。
Not understanding the problem, he asked the teacher again.
Being a shy man, Einstein did not attend his fiftieth birthday party.
Having lived in Berlin so many years, he knew the city quite well.
4)结果状语 常在句末。
He dropped the cup, breaking it into pieces.
One by one Peter sold his tomatoes, getting only a small amount of their worth.
5)程度状语 常在句末。
The soup is boiling hot.
It is freezing cold.
6)伴随状语 常在句末,表示伴随情况、行为方式、补充说明等。
They stood at the roadside, watching the procession.
The children ran out, laughing and talking merrily.
He sat at the window reading.
7)独立成分 表示说话人的态度或看问题的角度。
Judging from what you say, he has done his best.
Generally speaking, this book is not easy.
All the tickets having been sold out, we went away.
She sobbed, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Weather permitting, I’ll go skating.
He sat there, children playing round him.
Helen Keller worked hard to help the sick and the dying.
He gave me a good beating.
They did all the cooking by themselves.
The building of a new economy requires all our efforts.




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