
中学英语教学资源网英语教案阅读专题指导 手机版

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1.通过提问温习第26课内容:1)Where is Canada located? 2)What is the population of Canada? 3)What is the capital of Canada? 4)How many official languages are there in Canada? 5)Why does Canada have plenty of fresh water? 6)What do you know about the industry in Canada? What is also important for Canadians?
3.准备阅读第27课,教师给出读前提问:1)What is the passage mainly about? 2)What is hoped to be kept alive for many more centuries.
1)In what part of Canada do North American Indians live? 2)How long have they lived there? 3)What did they live on in the early days ? 4)What are the people of northern Canada called? 5)Where did they come from and when did they settle in Canada? 6)What did they do in winter and summer? 7)What did they live on ? 8)How did they catch fish and seals? 9)How did they make clothes and shoes? 10)How many Inuit are there in all?
Key:1)North American Indians live in southern Canada.2)They have lived there for over20 000 years.3)In the early days ,some hunted animals from place to place while others remained in one place and started farms of their own.4)They are called Inuit .5)They came from Asia and settled in Canada about 4000 years ago .6)They hunted a type of deer in summer and in winter they built small round houses with blocks of snow.7)They lived on fish and meat .8)They used to make holes in the ice to catch fish and seals.9)They made clothes and shoes from furs and from skins of seals.10)There are about 25 000 Inuit in all.
5.课堂讨论:1)Do you think whether it is a good idea to have the way of Inuit life kept alive for many more centuries? Why /Why not? 2) In the past Inuit lived a quite different life from other people in Canada. Please pick out these differences.



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