初二上学期>>Unit 11 Dates, months and seasons

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  通过本单元的学习,学生们应会:“年月日”(dates, months and years) 和“季节”(seasons) 的表达, 以及不同季节的特点、自然现象的描述等。
  / n / n nk  / N / ng  /Ng / ng  / Nk / nk nc
  L 41 date season write down January March June July August December spring last
  L 42 weather warm come out heavily crop really snow snowman all the year round
  L 44 true nearly unlike opposite
  3.介词in, on 和at与时间的搭配和一些特殊用法。
  Which is the second / fourth / month of the year? February / April.
  When is spring / summer / autumn / winter / in China? It lasts from March to May.
  What is the date today? It’s December the 20th, 2001.
  What’s the weather like in spring / summer / autumn / winter in your hometown? It’s very warm and windy.
  The days get warmer, and the nights get longer.
  Which season do you like best? Summer.
  Why? Because I can swim in the river.
  本单元主要是围绕两个话题开展教学活动。即 “日期”和“季节”。主要的语言项目是序数词,月份的名称和反意疑问句及回答。
  本单元的重点是学习并掌握反意疑问句的用法和介词in, on, at的用法。难点是反意疑问句的两种不同形式及答语。
  4.介词in, on以及at和时间的搭配。
  thank sb. for sth.为某事感谢某人
  ask sb. about sth. 就某事询问某人
  come out (花)开;发(芽);出来;出现
  rain heavily 下大雨
  a busy season 繁忙的季节
  harvest time 收获季节
  help sb. with sth. 在某事上帮助某人
  work on the farm 在农场工作
  make a snowman 做雪人
  all the year around 一年四季
  at this time of the year 一年中的这个时候
  in much of China在中国的这个时候
  last from...to... 从……延续到……
  go on to... 延续到……
  warm clothes 暖和的衣服
  the best time 最好的时节
  1) spring, summer, autumn, winter
  2) January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  2. 句型和短语
  1) It is... in winter/summer. ...
  2) It is/lasts from . . . to . . . .
  3) go on to...
  4) come after
  5) It/The weather is .. ., isn't it?
  6) at a bad time of year
  7) at this time/that time of year
  8) be different from
  9) What's the weather like...?
  以旧代新 在学习12个月份的时候,先让学生复习已学过的几个月份。用下面的表格引出以下新单词:
  ___________  __February__  ___________
  ___April_____  ___May____  __________
  ____________  ___________  _September_
  __October___  ____________  ___________
   autumn August February January September November December
   月份的简写一般是前三个字母。如:January Jan. February Feb.
   April Apr.等。
  1. 利用值日生报告学习日期的表达。
  值日生报告制度是老师们常用的训练学生口语的方式。此方法简单易行,深受老师和同学们的喜爱。学习本单元大约在一月份,可利用这一段时间反复复习日期的表达。重点是两类问题;What day is it today? What day was yesterday? 和 What is the date today? What was the date yesterday? 并以完全和缩略两种形式,把每天的日期都写在黑板上,如January 20th, 2003, Jan. 20th, 2003, 也可让值日生自己写,以加深学生们的印象。
  2. 利用常见句型,练习反意疑问句。
  It’s fine today, isn’t it?  Yes, it is.
  You’re from Japan, aren’t you?  Yes, I am.
  教学完日期的表达方法后,应要求值日生每天进行这样的问答:What’s the date today? What was the date yesterday?等。这是复习巩固日期表达法的最好的途径。
  Which month is the coldest / hottest in China / Australia?
  Can Australians have snow on New Year’s Day?
  反意疑问句(The Disjunctive Question)又叫附加疑问句,它表示提问的人对所提的事有一定的看法,但没有把握,需要对方来证实。反意疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,表示提问者的看法。后一部分是一个简短的附加疑问句,对前部分陈述句中所陈述的内容提出疑问。反意疑问句后半部分的附加疑问句应与前部分的陈述句在人称以及时态上保持一致。反意疑问句的基本结构有以下两种:
  例:They work hard, don’t they?
  She was ill yesterday, wasn’t she?
  You didn’t go, did you?
  He can’t ride a bike, can he?
  一、当陈述部分的主语是I, everyone, everything, nobody等词时,后面的附加疑问句一般这样来表示:
  1. I am a student, aren’t I ?
  2. Everyone is in the classroom, aren’t they?
  3. Everything begins to grow in spring, doesn’t it?
  4. Nobody will go, will they?
  二、当陈述部分有never, seldom, hardly, few, little 等含有否定意义的词语时,附加疑问句多用肯定式。如:
  1. He has never been to(去过、到过) Nanchang, has he?
  2. There are few apples in the basket, are there?
  3. He can hardly swim, can he?
  4. They seldom come late, do they?
  三、当陈述部分是I think加宾语从句时,后面的附加疑问句应和宾语从句中的人称和时态保持一致。如:
  I think chickens can swim, can’t they?
  I think Lucy is a good girl, isn’t she?
  四、当陈述部分有had better时,附加疑问句应用hadn’t开头。如:
  You’d better get up early, hadn’t you?
  Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?
  注意:Let us go out for a walk, will you?
  Turn on the radio, will you?
  They don’t work hard, do they? 他们工作不太努力,是吗?
  Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力。
  No, they don’t. 是的,他们工作不努力。
  分析in, on 和at 的用法
  表示年、月、季节、星期等用in: in a year / season / month / week / the morning / the afternoon / the evening /
  They have four classes in the morning, and they have no classes in the afternoon.
  表示日、日期、某一天的早晨、下午等用on: on a day / date, on Sunday / Saturday on Wednesday morning, on the evening of March 7th, 2002
  It rained heavily on the evening of June 20th.
  表示几点、某个时刻用at:at eight / two / half past one / at this time yesterday / at this time of year / at that time / at present
  He was watching TV at this time yesterday.
  零介词:this year, last time, next month, the next day,all the year round, all the day, the whole day等。
  Their family are going to fly to London next month.
  At 还有一些特殊的用法,如:at work, at table,at hand, at once, at last, at home, at the same time
  at once 立刻
  His father telephoned him to return home at once.
  at hand 不远,快到
  Autumn is nearly over. Winter is at hand.
  at most 最多
  He looks very old, but in fact he is forty at most.
  由于书写习惯的不同,英语里日期的写法也有差异。美国人习惯先说日期后说月份,英国人则习惯先说月份后说日期,但年份均是放在最后。书写日期时,可用阿拉伯数字表示,也可用序数词的缩略式(1st 、2nd 、4th )表示,但是年份只能用阿拉伯数字。如1999年3月2日可表达为2 (nd) March, 1999(读作the second of March, nineteen ninety-nine)或March 2(nd), 1999(读作March the second, nineteen ninety-nine)。
  a. What’s the date (today)?
  b. What was the date yesterday (last Monday…)?
  其回答方式是:It’s (It was) …
  a. What day is today (tomorrow)?
  b. What day is it today (tomorrow)?
  c. What day of the week is it today?
  这种句子中可用today, tomorrow等名词作主语,也可用代词it作主语。其回答方式是:It’s (It was) …
  A: What day is today?
  B: It’s Sunday.
  A: What was the date yesterday?
  B: It was September 10th, Teachers’ Day.
Lesson 41 教学设计方案
  Step 1 Revision
  老师可先做Duty Report, 除规定的内容外,必须让值日生回答以下几个问题: What day is it today / tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What is the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday? 然后将答案(完全形式和缩略形式)写在黑板上,并让学生视听,初步了解英文日期的表达与中文顺序的不同。然后全班问学生几个问题:What day is our National Day? October 1st. / Oct.1st. Which month is the Spring Festival in? Usually in February. Who / Whose mother / Whose father was born in February / April / May / September / October? 最好先找几个学生是在已学过的这几个月份出生的,或他们的父母是在这几个月份出生的,这样可先复习学过的几个月份。按季节做以下表格。先填出学过的季节和月份。学完生词后填满表格。

  Step 2 Presentation
Learn and practise
  Today we’ll study the first month, the third month, the sixth month, the seventh month, the eighth month, and the eleventh month of the year.
  以下单词符合发音规律,请同学们自己拼读, 应该不会有太大的困难。
  March June July
   autumn August February January September November, December
   past last sing spring sea season 先让学生根据旧单词读出划线部分,然后再读整个单词。
  T: How many months are there in a year?
  Students: There are twelve months in a year.
  T: What are they? Can you say them in English?
  Ss: They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
Ask and answer
  T: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, slimmer, autumn and winter. Do you know when spring/summer/autumn/winter is in China?
  S1: When is spring in China?
  S2: It’s from March to May.
  S1: When is summer in China?
  S2: It’s form June to August.
  …  …
  1. We say “autumn” in Britain, and say “fall” in American English.
  2. When we say four seasons, we should use preposition “in”——in spring, in summer, in autumn/fall, in winter.
  3. Preposition “on”
  On Monday, On Tuesday, On Wednesday, On Thursday, On Friday, On Saturday, On Sunday
  4. Preposition “at”
  at 6 o clock, at 120 clock, at this time of year.
  5. Preposition “in”
  in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
Learn and practise
  T: Do you remember the cardinal numbers that we have learnt before?
  Let’s count them from one to thirty - one. OK! Could you please write them down in your note - books? Who wants to write the cardinal numbers on due blackboard?
  one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve … twenty-one … thirty thirty-one
  first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, … twenty-first … thirtieth, thirty-first
  Step 3 Practice
  T: Which is the first month of the year?
  Ss: January is the first month of the year.
  T: Show them the answers
  1. January  is  the  first  month  of  the  year.
  2. February  is  the  second month  of  the  year.
  3. March   is  the  third  month  of  the  year.
  4. April   is  the  fourth  month  of  the  year.
  5. May   is  the  fifth  month  of  the  year.
  6. June   is  the  sixth  month  of  the  year.
  7 .July   is  the  seventh  month  of  the  year.
  8. August  is  the  eighth month  of  the  year.
  9. September  is  the  ninth  month  of  the  year.
  10. October  is  the  tenth  month  of  the  year.
  11. November is  the  eleventh month  of  the  year.
  12. December is  the  twelfth  month  of  the  year.
  两千零三年一月一日 New Year’s Day 日期January the first, two thousand and three / Jan. 1st, 2003,  星期 Wednesday
  二月   Spring Festival    日期      星期
  三月八日 Women’s Day    日期      星期
  五月一日 Labour Day     日期      星期
  六月一日 Children’s Day    日期      星期
  七月一日 Birthday of the Party 日期      星期
  八月一日 建军节       日期      星期
  九月十日 Teachers’ Day    日期      星期
  十二月二十五日 Christmas Day 日期      星期
  然后让学生练习关于询问最近几天的日期 (pair work),
  S1: What day is it today?
  S2: It’s November 3rd, 2002/November the third, two thousand and two.
  S1: What day was it yesterday?
  S2: It was November 2nd, 2002.
  …   …
  What day is it today / tomorrow? What day was it yesterday? What the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday? When is your birthday? When is your father’s birthday / your mother’s birthday / your friend’s birthday?
  Step 4 Consolidation
  编一段小短文,假定我们班一月份有五个同学过生日,说出这五个同学的生日,我们准备给他们集体过生日,要开一个生日Party, 定一个日期。并向全班宣布时间、地点。
  Step 5 Exercises in class
  Filling in the blanks: (keys in the following brackets)
  1. New Year is on January, _________(the first)
  2 .May the first is _________(Labor Day)
  3. We love our teachers, we say Happy Teachers day on _________ (September, the tenth)
  4. Flowers come out in________(spring)
  5. Our second school - term lasts from ____ to ____. (February to July).
  6. June the first is _________. (Children’s Day).
  7. ______ is our National Day. (October, the first)
  8.We can make a snow man in _________(winter)
  9. September is the _________ month of year. (ninth)
  10. ________, the twenty - fifth is Christmas Day. (December).
  1. Recite the numbers, seasons and months.
  2. Make five English sentences according to this lesson.
  3. Do workbook.
  The design of the blackboard

Lesson 42 教学设计方案
  Step 1 Revision
  1. Duty Report: 让值日生报告,包括以下问题: What day is it today / tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What is the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday?等,并问学生What’s the weather like today? 老师可自己回答 It’s fine / cold.
  2. Review the names of 12 months and four seasons.
  Step 2 Presentation
  Spring is the first season of the year. The weather is very warm. 教warm, weather. I like spring best. Everything begins to turn green. Flowers come out. We can wear beautiful clothes, again. 教 come out. Summer is the warmest season of the year. It often rains, sometimes quite heavily, in the South. 教 heavily. The crops grow very quickly. 教 crop. Autumn is the busy season of the year. We often help them with their harvest. We really enjoy working on the farm. Because I like working better than having classes in the classroom. 教really. Winter is the coldest of the year. Old people don’t like it, but children like it. Because it sometime snows, sometimes very heavily. 教snow. Children can make a snowman. 教snowman.
  引导学生讨论re-reading questions。先找一两个较好的同学说一说,再找几个小组的学生代表在全班展示。
  阅读P.12, P.69和P.153三封信。让学生总结写信应有些什么套话。
  老师可总结一封信的格式, 用你自己学校的地址。

  观察SB P132 信封的写法。也可给让学生看一个真正的用过的信封、信纸。
  Step 3 Practise
  1)让学生快速阅读这封信,Say something about the weather in spring, summer, autumn and winter in Hangzhou.
  2)Say something about the four seasons in Beijing. 可以小组讨论后,代表发言,也可个人发言。
  1. There are four seasons in Beijing.
  2. It’s windy in spring. It’s warm in autumn.
  It’s hot in summer. It’s cold in winter.
  3. People like to have a picnic in spring.
  They like to swim in summer.
  They like to go outing in autumn.
  They like to go skiing in winter.
  Addition: How many kinds of sports do you know?
  eg. running, skating, playing basketball, playing football, playing volleyball, the high jump, the long jump, relay race.
  Step 4 Exercises in class
  T: Let the students close their English books and fill in the missing words according to the letter. Then check the answers.
  ___1__Helen ,I___2___you are well. Thank you___3__your last letter. You__4___me about the weather here in China. There__5__four seasons in a year___6__spring,__7__, autumn and winter.
  I think spring is the___8__season of the year. The weather___9___warmer, and the days___10__longer.___11__the fields everything begins to___12__. Trees__13__green, and flowers start to come__14__.
  Summer__15___after spring. It is the__16__season. It often reins .sometimes quite__17___ The crops grow very quickly. Many people love this__18__of year, __19__it is good for___20__. I often go___21__, sometimes in a___22_near my home, and sometimes in a___23__. I enjoy it very___24__.
  ___25__is a busy season. The days get___26___and the nights get__27__. It is the harvest time, and all farmers are___28__.Often, we help them___29_the harvest.__30__month we helped them with the rice harvest. We really enjoyed__31__on the farm.
  The coldest season of the year is winter. Some people___32___like winter, __33_I like it. Sometimes it snows, and the land is___34__white. Then we can play in the mow. I like to___35___snowmen.
  How many seasons are__36___in your country? I___37__it is cold all the year __38__.There are not four seasons,__39__there?
Wang Wei.
  Keys: 1. Dear  2. hope  3. for  4. asked  5. are
  6.here  7.summer  8.best  9.gets  10. get
  11. In  12.grow  13.turn  14.out  15.comes
  16.waimest  17.heavily  18. time  19.because  20.sports
  21.swimming 22.lake  23.river  24.much  25.Autumn
  26. shorter  27. longer  28. busy  29. with  30. Last
  31.woiking  32.don’t  33.but  34.all  35.make
  36.there  37.hear  38.round  39.are  40.Yours
   Step 5 Homework
  1. Read the letter fluently.
  2. Make sentences with the useful expressions.
  3. Try to write a short English letter.
  假如Helen 给你也写了一封信,让你谈谈你家乡的四季,请你回一封信。
  The design of the blackboard
Lesson 43-L44 教学设计方案
  Step 1 Revision
  Step 2 Presentation
  It’s fine today, isn’t it? Yes, it is.
  You’re from Japan, aren’t you? Yes, I am.
  They are waiting, aren’t they? No, they aren’t.
  He’s a middle school student, isn’t he? Yes, he is.
  She is at home now, isn’t she? No, she isn’t. She is at school.
  It was Sunday yesterday, wasn’t it? Yes, it was.
  Jim knows the way Australians speak, doesn’t he? Yes, he is.
  Han Meimei knows Jim a lot, doesn’t she?
  They were watching TV yesterday evening, weren’t they? Yes, they were.
  You like spring best, don’t you? No, I don’t. I like summer.
  Step 3 Drill
  Step 4 Practise pair work
  联系Part 2 可让学生自由发挥, 如两人谈谈北京的四季,和你家乡的季节,但主要练习反意问句及其回答。
  教单词:true  near nearly  like unlike opposite
  Step 5 Listen and repeat
  Open your books and do Exercise One, Lesson 44
  Pay attention to these pronunciations.
  Read the words again.
  T: Now let’s do Exercise Two. Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers on Page 134.
  Then check the answers together.
  Step 6 Consolidation
  1.看图并谈谈北京的四季。一个学生可重点谈一个季节。练习Lesson 43 Part3.
  2.让学生编一个对话,谈谈自己所喜爱的季节。引出一个十分有用的句型:That’s true.
  仿照Lesson 44 Part3.
  A: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter?
  B: That’s an easy question. I think I like spring best.
  A: Why?
  B: Well, I like travelling. You can do a lot of sightseeing in spring. What about you?
  A: Can you guess?
  B: You like winter, don’t you?
  A: Yes. How did you guess?
  B: Because you like skiing.
  A: That’s true, but I like summer better than winter.
  B: Why?
  A: Because I can have a long holiday in Summer then.
  3.Listen Lesson 44 Part 4 Read.






quite warm
very cold

Mar.-- May
longer than in China and USA
Not too hot or too cold

A nearly the same as China.

The seasons are opposite of China.

  Ask the students to look at the two pictures in students Book and describe the pictures in their own words.
  Let them talk about the weather in China, in England, in the U. S. A. and in Australia.
  4. Go over Checkpoint 11
  A: Grammar
  1. disjunctive questions  2. the prepositions: in, on and at
  B: Useful expressions
  1. turn green/yellow/…  2. this year/month/…  3. the next year/month/…
  4. be different from  5. What is the date today?  6. What’s the weather like?
  Step 7 Exercises in class
  Listening practice.
  Listen to a story and try to answer the following questions.
  Everybody talks about weather. “Isn’t it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain?” I think it s going to snow. These are common ways of starting a conversation in England.
  Many people think that they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly ever agree with each other. One man may say, “Do you see it is cloudy in the east? It’s going to rain tomorrow.” Another man will say, “Yes, it’s cloudy in the east. We’re going to have fine weather tomorrow.”
  People often look for the weather they want. When farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell himself that it's going to rain. When people play in a park on a rainy day, they are sure that the weather is going to be fine soon. They even sit eating their lunch while it rains.
  Most people listen to what the weatherman says on the radio. But he doesn’t always tell them what they want to hear. Sometimes he makes a mistake, but he is still right more often than anyone else.
  1. How do English people start a conversation?
  2. Do many of them think they can tell what the weather is going to be like?
  3. Why do they hardly agree with each other?
  4. What kind of weather do people think it’s going to be if they go out to play in a park in the rain?
  5. Who is right more often about the weather?
  1. They usually talk about the weather.
  2.Yes, they do.
  3. Because each of them is so sure of himself that only he knows about the weather.
  4. They think it s going to be fine.
  5. The weatherman is.
  Step 8 Homework
  1. Make up a new dialogue according to Exercise Three.
  2. Write about the weather of four seasons in China.
  3. Read the text fluently and try to recite it.
  4. Review Checkpoint 11 and the whole unit.
  5. Go over disjunctive questions.
  Blackboard Handwriting




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