初三英语第十七单元What was it used for ?

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科目 英语
年级 初三
文件 middle3 unit17.doc
标题 What was it used for ?
章节 第十七单元
关键词 内容
A bridge group market museum crossing across point king surprise thirsty found entrance exist smoke smoking pull push pot teapot thermos PLA PRC sign
B turn right/left take the second turning at the third crossing
go along… go across on the left/right
between…and… go up…to the end the Party
the League a group of hundreds of
on show in glass-topped tables point at…
be surprised in the old days these days
feel thirsty move on make tea
have a good drink of
被动语态(二) 一般过去时的被动语态
1)结构: was/ were +及物动词的过去分词
wasn’t/ weren’t +及物动词的过去分词
was/ were +主语+及物动词的过去分词…?
The hat was made in China.
The hat wasn’t made in China.
Was the hat made in China?
Where was the hat made?
1)Can you tell the way to ?
2)Go across the bridge.
3)Go up the road to the end.
4)Turn right at the second crossing.
5)Take the second turning on the right.
6)It is between...nd...
7)You will find/see...
8)You can miss it.
向别人打听去某地怎么走法,一般说Excuse me,以表示礼貌,然后问路,询问的方式常见的有下面几种:
1)Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the museum please? 对不起,请问去博物馆怎么走?
=Excuse me, but can you tell me how to get to the museum, please?
=Excuse me, but can you tell me how I can get to the museum, please?
=Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the museum is please?
=Excuse me, sir. Where is the museum, please?
=Excuse me, sir. Which direction is it to the museum, please?
=Excuse me, sir. Do you happen to know where the museum is , please?
2)Excuse me, sir. How far is it to the museum? 先生对不起,请问到博物馆还有多远.
I’d like to go to the museum. Should I go this way or that way?
1)Go along/down/up this street. 顺着这条路往前走。
2)Follow this road and turn left at the second crossing.
3)Turn right at the next corner. 在下一个拐角处向右拐。
4)Go down this road to the end and you will find the museum.
6)It’s just around the corner. 就在拐角处。
7)The museum is on the left of the police station. 博物馆在警察局的左边。
8)The museum is across the street from the police station. 博物馆在公安局的对面。
9)The museum is between the post office and the hospital. 博物馆在邮局与医院之间。
10)It’s two bus stops ahead. 在前面两站路的地方。
11)You can’t miss it. = You are sure to find it. 你不会找不到的。
二者都可用来表示“向(或在)某一长方形物体如街道,马路,河流的另一边。 ”如:
She walked across/over/the road. 他走过马路。
He walked across the ice to the other side. 他从冰上走到河的另一边。
go over/across the street 意思是 “横穿街道”,指从街道的一边到另一边;go through the street 意思是“穿过街道 ”指从街道的一端到另一端。
表示越过某一高形物体,或在高空越过某物体,用over,不用across。如 :
When I saw him, he was climbing over the wall. 我看到他时,她正爬过围墙。
He practised the dialogue with his deskmate several times before class.
She practised singing every day. 她每天训练唱歌。
Don’t forget to practise after class. 课后别忘了练习。
4.They saw many old things on show in glass-topped tables. 他们看见在带玻璃罩的桌子里陈列着许多古老的东西.
1)表示“给某人看 ”,“出示 ”如:
Show me your hands, Are you clean? 把你的手给我看看干净不干净。
2)和某些表示方向的介词或副词搭配表示“带某人到……” 如:
We showed the visitors into the room. 我们领客人走进了房间.
He showed her to the door. 他陪她走到门口。
3)show (sb.) +不定式或从句,表示“说明”, “表明”。如:
Can you show me how to do it? 你能向我示范一下怎么做吗?
What he said showed that you are right. 他说的话表明了你是对的。
4)be on show表示在“展览中”; “展出”。如:
His pictures are on show in London this month. 它的绘画本月在伦敦展出。
They saw many old things on show. 他们看到许多古物展出。
5.It makes me feel thirsty! 这让我口渴。
make sb. do 和 be made to do
动词make, let, hear, watch, see, feel, help等后面做宾语补足语的不定时一般不带to,如:
The strange thing made me feel thirsty. 这个奇怪的东西是我感到口渴。
I heard her move about in her room upstairs last night.
Did you see Jack take away the magazine? 你看到Jack拿走了那本杂志了吗?
He was heard to move about in her room upstairs last night.
Was Jack seen to take away the magazine? 诱人看到 Jack拿走了那本杂志了吗?
(let, feel和少用于被动语态)
China is an old country with a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的古老国家。
Have you seen a dictionary with a blue cover? 你看到一本蓝封面的辞典吗?
The teacher came in with a book in his hand. 老师走了进来,手里拿着一本书。
I like doing homework with the radio on. 我喜欢开着收音机做作业。
7.That’s what we did in china in the old days. 那时我们中国过去的做法。
1)表示“时代”, “年代”,常用复数。如:
In those days we made a hard living. 那个时候我们日子很艰难。
No one can tell what will happen in days to come. 没人能预测未来会发生什么情况。
2)指”白天”, “日间”, “白昼”,与night相对. 如:
We travelled day and night without stopping. 我们日夜兼程,毫不停留.
3)最普通的用法是“一天”, “一日 ”,“一昼夜”。如:
I stayed there for a few days. 我在那儿呆了几天了。
He will be here in a few days. 过几天他就要来了。
in the day (daytime) 在白天(与night相对)
one day (有)一天(指过去); 总有一天(指将来。=some day)
the other day 几天前 (=a few days ago)
this day week (month, year) 下星期(下月,明年)的今日
Have you looked through the inside pages of the newspaper?
Don’t let the dog come inside the house. 不要让狗到房子里来。
9.a lot的用法
1)“很多”, “非常”, 在举重可做主与,宾语或状语。如:
I have learned a lot(=much) from him. 我从他那儿学到了促多东西。
They use the recorder a lot in class. 课上他们经常使用录音机。
2)a lot of = lots of,可修饰可数或不可数名词,意为“许多”, “大量的”,相当于many或much。如:
There’s a lot of work to do and a lot of people have been sent there.
(a lot, a lot of, lots of巡航用于肯定句,否定句中一般用many或much.
10.Some of the things were hundreds of years old. 其中有好些东西有好几百年的历史了。
hundreds of… “数百……” of的名词用复数形式。如:
hundreds of bridges/bicycles/markets/…
11.Isn’t it beautiful! 难道它不漂亮!
12.But in England we still make tea in teapots. 但是在英国我们仍用茶壶泡茶。
make tea 泡茶,沏茶。
13.The group of girls all moved on and had a good drink of tea together, from a modern thermos!
move on 继续往前 如;
The group of soldiers still moved on. 这群士兵还在继续往前走。
have a drink 喝
have a good drink 痛痛快快地喝
have a rest 休息
have a look 看看
have a good time 玩的高兴
14.It has often broken down. 它经常出毛病。
break down 坏了,出毛病。 如;
It’s broken. 它坏了。
1.The glass-topped table______ yesterday. (make)
2.People used metal for ______ machine. (make)
3.What ______ you ______ this time last month?(make)
(1.was made 2.making 3.were…making)
break down, look up, idea, smoke, keep, invent, surprise, on show, wear, interest
1.He has got a watch and ____ it to school every day.
2.My bike has ____. Can you mend it, please?
3.She was ____- to see such a strange thing.
4.Many old things are ____ in the museum now.
5.How______ this book is !
6.Thermoses _____ many years ago.
7.What are you going to do this evening?
I’ve no ______.
8.You’d better ____ the new words in a dictionary.
9.The card says; “No ______.”
10.How_______tea______warm in the old days?
(1.wears 2.broken down 3.surprised 4.on show 5.interesting 6.were invented 7.idea 8.look up 9.Smoking 10.was…kept)
People usually hate mice, but one mouse owns the hearts of the people all over the world---- the famous Mickey Mouse.
Fifty years ago, most films had no sound. A man named Wolt Disney made a cartoon mouse that could talk I these films. He named his mouse Mickey Mouse. Soon Mickey Mouse became a good friend of both young and old people. Children liked to see their lovely friend, because he brought happiness to them.
Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse. In his early life Mickey made some mistakes. People were very angry. They wrote to Disney and said that they didn’t want Mickey to do wrong things. As there were some things that Mickey could not do. Disney made a new animal named Donald Duck. He made a dog, Pluto. This dog does foolish things and makes mistakes wherever he goes. Now our Mickey Mouse is not only clean, but more interesting, he came out as a start of beauty and wisdom. He has his friends almost every country.
( )1. Mickey Mouse first come out ______.
A.on TV B.in the film C.in the play D.in a picture
( ) 2.People love Mickey Mouse because_____.
A.it can speak B.it is clean
C.it makes them happy D.it’s a mouse
( ) 3.The dog Pluto, is ________.
A.fool B.clever C.beautiful D.a loving animal
( ) 4.The best title for the passage is _______.
A. Pluto B.Donald Duck C.Donald Duck and Pluto
D.Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
( ) 5.Why did Disney make Donald Duck?______
A.Because Mickey Mouse needed ducks.
B.Because there was a dog, Pluto.
C.Because there were some things that Mickey couldn’t do.
D.Because Mickey was able to do everything.




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