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科目 英语
年级 初三
文件 middle3 unit7.doc
标题 初三第七单元
章节 第七单元
词组/句型: help oneself help oneself to sth
go shopping for sb It is time for sb to do sth
take sth home take sth out of…
a bag of sweets break open
do with fill in a form
arrive,reach,get to
日常用语:What have you done with the library book?
That was quick.
That wasn’t clever.
Bad luck!
What’s another way of saying bike?
Bike is short for bicycle.
语法: 复习过去进行时和现在完成时
N-----------Adj V------------N Adj----------Adv
help helpful run runner bad badly
care careful win winner usual usually
sun sunny play player heavy heavily
cloud cloudy drive driver lucky lucklily

用法: 动词的过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作.
结构: 由助动词was (were)+动词的现在分词构成.
陈述句形式: I/He/She/It was dancing.
You/We/They were dancing.
一般疑问句形式及其简略回答: Was/I/he/she/it dancing?
Were/you/we/they dancing?
Yes, I/he/she/it was.
No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.
Yes, you/we/they were.
No, you/we/they weren’t.
特殊疑问句形式: What was I/he/she/it doing?
What were we/you/they doing?
过去进行时常用的时间状语: at noon yesterday
at two yesterday afternoon
when the teacher came in
助动词have (has)+ 过去分词
陈述句形式: I/We/You/They have just seen…
He/She/It has just seen…
I/We/You/They haven’t seen…
He/She/It hasn’t seen…
疑问句形式: Have you/I/we/they seen…yet?
Has he/she/it seen…yet?
简短答语: Yes, I/you/we/they have.
No, I/you/we/they haven’t.
Yes, he/she/it has.
No, he/she/it hasn’t.
规则形式: (过去分词与过去式的形式一样)
work worked worked
study studied studied
do did done
规则形式: tall taller tallest
important more important the most important
不规则形式: bad worse worst
规则形式: fast faster fastest
不规则形式: badly worse worst
(副词的比较等级与形容词的比较等级句型相同,但最高级前可以不加 “the”)
film,Mom,arrive,already,sweet,break (broke,broken) spend(spent spent) Help yourself.
Glad to see (meet) you again.
How’s Kate?
Happy Teachers’ Day!
We hope you’ll…
Bad luck!
Come on!
Well done! Congratulations!
Will you please say it again more slowly?
Hands up.
I agree with you.
I really can’t agree with you.
It’s quite a nice…
I’m sorry to trouble you.
What were you doing at noon yesterday?
I was mending my bike.
You’d better go to bed earlier.
You’d better not talk. It’s nice of you.
Hurry up! You go and find…, I’ll….
I have got a book.
Have you got…?
I’m so glad.
1.evening A.police B.result C.medicine D.ever
2.answer A.winner B.whose C.language D.sweet
3.noise A.spend B.shops C.horses D.house
4.break A.head B.already C.pleased D.great
5.forget A.doctor B.corner C.return D.person
1.Please wake him up. It’s ______ to go work.
2.Please help yourself ______ the food.
3.The new book is __________ you.
4.“________ _________ did you pay for this coat?” “Ten pounds.”
5.“_______ does your uncle do?” “He’s a teacher of Chinese.”
(1.time 2.to 3.for 4.How much 5.What)
1.A motor came up very _____. (quick)
2.”Good ______.” he said to me. (luckily)
3.I______ my pen when I walked past. (drop)
4.She enjoyed ______ at the party. (she)
5.Which lesson is ______ of the three? (difficult)
6.She looked quite ____ to see him again. (please)
7.Now the farmers are _____ than before. (busy)
8.Tom didn’t do well in the exam and I did much ____ than he. (badly)
9.I find the English book very ______. (help)
10.Do you know the English name of the _____ month of the year?(twelve)
(1.quickly 2.luck 3.dropped 4.herself 5.the most difficult 6.pleased 7.busier 8.worse 9.helpful 10.twelfth)
1.I _____ a car on the blackboard when the teacher _____ in.
A.was drawing…came B.was drawing…was coming C.drew…was coming
2.They haven’t seen each other _____ months.
A.for B.since C.over
3.There is a sports meeting at school. Now you’ll hear the results _____ the loudspeaker.
A.from B.with C.over
4.Mr Brown went on ______ late at night.
A.work B.working C.to work
5.Old people enjoy _______flowers.
A.to grow B.growing C.grow
6.In Shanghai it rained _______ last month.
A.little B.few C.lot
7.When did she _____ home yesterday afternoon?
A.get to B.reach to C.arrive
8.“Oh, Mei Fang. You speak English very well.” “_______.”
A.Thanks B.How nice C.Not well enough D.Don’t laugh at me
9.“________?” “She’s very beautiful.”
A.Who is your girl friend B.What is your girl friend like
C.How is your girl friend D.What does your girl friend like
10.“What’s your dog like?” “It’s _____ with white ears.”
A.the black one B.a black one C.black one D.the black dog
11.The bag fell off the truck and broke_______.
A.opening B.to opoen C.open D.opened
12.She chose several books and _______.
A.bought B.paid them for C.paid for them D.paid them
13.We all think ______ that subject.
A.better to drop B.it better to drop C.it better dropping D.better dropping
14.Remember to buy ______ things on the list.
A.whole the B. all the C.the whole D.the all
15.The teacher asked us to _______ more reading after class.
A.go B.do C.make D.give
Once upon a time, a great boxer, Tick Black, went to a restaurant __1__ dinner, He took off his coat and __2__ it at the door, but he was __3__ that someone would take it away. So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it. “The great boxer, Tick Black,leaves his –4—here, he will be back –5—a few minutes.” Then he put the paper –6—his coat and went to have his dinner. –7—he came back after dinner, he—8—that his coat was not there. But another –9—was left there. It said, “A great runner __10__ your coat, and he will never come back.”
1.A.to B.for C.by D.at
2.A.gave B.threw C.forget D.left
3.A.surprised B.excited C.afraid D.glad
4.A.bag B.coat C.cap D.shirt
5.A.on B.in C.for D.after
6.A.under B.away C.in D.on
7.A.If B.Before C.When D.Until
8.A.heard B.found C.learned D.knew
9.A.note B.coat C.bag D.cap
10.A.buys B.looks for C.looks after D.takes away
A long time ago there lived a very rich and powerful king. All the people in his kingdom were afraid of him. But was he happy? No, he was always ill and unhappy. His money and power could not help him. The doctor in his kingdom could not cure (治愈)him,either. He was so angry with them that he cut off their heads.
One day two famous doctors from another kingdom came to his palace.
“If you can cure me and make me happy,”said the king, “I will give you all the gold you can carry.”
The first doctor looked over the king. He found nothing wrong with him.
“You are a very healthy man, Your Majesty(陛下).” said the doctor. “You only thinkyou are ill and so make yourself unhappy.”
The king was very angry when he heard this. He told his soldiers to cut off the doctor’s head.
The second doctor knew he had to be careful. “Oh, king. You will be well if you wear the shoes of a man who is always happy.”he said. The king was pleased with his answer and thought that the doctor was very wise . He gave the doctor a bag of gold.
The king asked hundreds of people if they were always happy. They all said they were sometimes happy and sometimes sad. At last he met a beggar (乞丐)who said that he was always happy.
“Give me your shoes quickly.” said the king, “And I will make you a very rich man.” The beggar laughed, “I am sorry,” he answered, “I never wear shoes!”
1.All the people in his kingdom were______.
A.rich and powerful B.poor and unhappy C.afraid of him D.unkind to him
2.The king cut off the heads of his doctors because ______.
A.the doctors couldn’t cure him B.the doctors were too lazy
C.they disobey(不服从)his order D.they hated(恨) him very much
3.One day two famous doctors _____ came to see the king.
A.from another village B.from another country
C.from another town D.from the palaces
4.The king said he would give the two doctors ____if they could cure him.
A.all the gold they could carry B.all the gold they wanted
C.all the gold he could give D.all the gold they could find
5.The second doctor adked the king to _______.
A.go and find a beggar B.wear the shoes of a beggar
C.look for the happiest man in the world D.wear the shoes of a man who was always happy(CABAD)




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