初三英语第一单元Teachers' Day

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科目 英语
年级 初三
文件 middle3 unit1.1.doc
标题 Teachers' Day
章节 第一单元
本单元主要涉及三个话题。其中围绕“问候、介绍”、“祝贺教师节”编写了对话课文。阅读课文的主题是介绍英语人名。主要交际功能项目是“祝愿”(Good wishes)。同时复习已学的动词四种时态。
在教学第 1 课第一部分对话时,可以采取复习的方式,将学过的问候用语,如:Good morning / afternoon / evening! Hello /Hi. How are you. And you ? Very well, thank you . 复习一遍。可以向学生提问:What can you say when you meet people?然后学生可以两人一组(in pairs)围绕已给出的话题在规定的较短的时间内自编对话,进行表演。学生会很容易地把上述问候用语容纳在自编的对话中,甚至有些较好的学生还能做到不仅双方互相问候,而且对第三者进行问候,编出下列这样的对话:
1.A:Hello, John. You look very well.
B: Thanks. How are you ?
A: Fine, thank you. How's Jane?
B: She's OK, thanks.
2.A:Hi, Betty How are you?
B: Fine, thank you. And your parents?
A: Dad is very well , but Mum's ill at the moment.
B: Sorry to hear that. I hope she'll be well again soon.
A: Thanks.
3.A:Morning, Bob. Glad to see you again. How are you?
B: Very well, thank you. And you?
A: Fine, thanks.
B: What / How about your parents?
A: They're both fine, too. Thank you.
最后,可以由教师来归纳、总结下列主要的问候用语,也是本课所要讲的主要问候用语:a.Glad to see you again . b. How's Kate ? What/How about your family?
在教学第 3 课第一部分对话时,教师可以采取前面所提到的方法,向学生提问:What can you say when you first meet somebody? How would you introduce people? And how would you introduce yourself to others?以复习下列日常交际用语:
This is Mr./Mrs./Miss/Comrade…
How do you do?
Nice /Glad to see / meet you.
My name is… I'm a student here.
What's your (full) name, please?
May I call you Bob/…
Certainly / of Course.
(二)教学有关“祝愿(Good wishes)”的日常交际用语。
祝愿的用语 ,如Good Luck! Best wishes! We hope you抣l…等主要分布在第 1 课第二部分学生向老师祝贺教师节;一段话及第三部分教师节贺卡的一个示例中。教学这两部分可以采取下列的步骤:
StepⅠ.先听录音,然后回答教师的问题:What's the date today? What day is it ? (The answer is: It's Thursday, September 10th , Teacher's Day.)
Step Ⅱ.由教师来总结学生已学过的一些中外节日:New Year's Day, Women's Day, Children's Day, Teachers' Day, National Day, Mid-Autumn Day, Christmas Day 等。这些节日前都无冠词。
Step Ⅲ. 通过复习,对节日祝贺语进行小结。
祝贺新年:Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
祝贺教师节:Happy Teachers' Day ! Good luck ! We wish you a happy Teachers' Day! Best wishes to you!
Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for helping us .I hope you enjoy your time with us.
生日祝贺:Happy birthday to you!
在教学第 2 课English names 之前,可以事先向学生阐明英语名字的表示方法,然后通过一个图表来说明英汉名字表示方法的区别在于姓和名的顺序,图表如下:

英语姓名译成汉语保持英语的特点,即名在前,姓在后,例如“约翰•史密斯”。汉语译成英语可以保持汉语特点,即姓在前,名在后,如Zhou Jianguo。但是,许多华人在国外入乡随俗,也把姓放在名之后,如Jianguo Zhou。甚至有些华人用了英文的名,保留自己的姓。如Jim Zhou。
英语的名和姓之间可能插入第二名字(Second name),形成full name(全名)。如John Robert Smith。这第二个名字也许是父、母或祖父、母的名字。不过,一般情况下可以省第二个名字。第一个名字通常有昵称。亲朋好友之间彼此用昵称,英语人名有男名和女名之分,例如Ann, Joan,Kate为女名。
John, Mike, Tom为男名。更加注意的是用Mr./Miss/ Mis称呼人时,后面要用姓(Mr. Smith)不可用名(Mr. John),这一点是中国人常犯的错误。
1.帮助学生复习学过的四种时态:构成,以及动词原形,单数第三人称、-ing 形式和过去式。指出学生常犯的错误,如crys, hitting, waiting, putted等。
1.)John enjoys (live) in China, China (have) so many places of great interest.
2.)He often (get) up at six in the morning. But he (not get) up this morning. Because it (be) Saturday today.
3.)I hear there it (be) a basketball game this evening.
4.)The bell (ring). It's time (have) a lesson.
5.) (read) in the sun (be) bad for your eyes.
Key: 1)linving, has 2)gets, didn't get, is 3)is going to be/will be 4)is ringing,
to have 5)Reading, is
Dear Ann:
Thank you for your letter. It (be) good to hear from you again. I (be) glad that you (enjoy) your summer holidays.
I (have) a nice time in my home town. My grand parents (give) me a new dress on my birthday. I (get) lots of presents from my friends, too.
Teachers' Day (come). What you (do) for your teachers? you (buy) any presents for them or (give) them cards?
We (learn) how to use a computer now. I (like) it very much. What about you? Please (ring) me up when you (get) his letter.
Best wishes
(Key: is/was, am, enjoyed, had, gave, got, is coming, are, going to do, Will, buy, give. are learning, like, ring. get)
1.They’re both fine, too. =Both of them are fine, too. 他们俩人也都很好。both adj; pron; adv. =the two“两个(都)”,在句子中可作主语、宾语、定语、同位语,作主语同位语时,其在句子中的位置应该是be动词之后,行为动词前,第一个助动词后面。它表示复数,但只能指“二个”。
1)both adj.作宾语,修饰复数多词。如该名词前有定冠词、指示代词或人称物主代词等限定词修饰时,both要置于这些限定词之前。如:both the pens; both these photos; both my parents等。
2)both pron. 作主语、宾语和同位语。
Both are good.两个都好。
Both my parents are workers. 我父母都是工人。
I don抰 know which book is the better; I shall read both.
Why not use both ?为什么不二者都用?
The girls both left early. 两个女孩都去得很早。
These children are both mine. 这两个孩子都是我的。
You must both come over some evening. 你们俩必须在那天晚上都过来。
They told us both to wait .他告诉我们俩都等。
──Are you both Young Pioneers?你们俩都是少先队员吗?
──Yes, we both are.是的,我们俩都是。
另外,both后常跟of短语,其后用复数名词或复数代词,如,可以说both of his parents,但不可说both of his father and mother;后接复数名词时,of常省略,后按复数代词时,of不能省略。如:
Both (of) the films are very good.两个电影都很好。
Both of us are interested in English.我们俩都对英语感兴趣。
3)both…and…意为“……和……两者都”用来连接两个并列的成份。如:Both his parents and his teachers are pleased with him.
Mary can both sing and dance .玛丽既会唱又会跳。(并列谓语)
He is both young and strong.他既年轻又强壮。(并列表语)
注意:“not both”是部分否定,完全否定用“neither”,如:
I don't know of them. 他们二人我并不都认识。
I know neither of them.他们二人我都不认识。
2.Yes, do please!好吧,就这样做吧!
在本课中的意思是 Do please talk about English names. 请讲讲英国人的名字吧。
Do be careful. 务必加小心!
Xu Feili does speak English well.徐莉菲英语讲得确实好。
He did come, but did nothing. 他确实来了,但没做什么事情。
1) ──Why are you carrying a ladder?
──I to get the kite in the tree.
──I to help you with it.
A. will go …will go B. am going …am going
C. am going …will go D. will go am going
【解析】be going to do …和will do…都可以表示将来时态,但是,在表示现在意图时,有较明显的区别。如果是表示事先考虑的准备、打算干……”就须用be going to ,不用will do …;反之,如果不是事先考虑的计划,而临时决定要去做的事,就必须用will do …, 不宜用be going to do。该题是两人简短的对话:
可见,扛梯子的人是打算从树上取下风筝,属事先计划要做的事,因此用be going to do …结构,而问话人是在得知此事之后,临时决定帮忙的,故要用will do…结构。
但是, be going to 和will有时并无区别。如“When are you going to leave?”也可以说“When will you leave?”
2)Lily and Lucy are twins. They student.
A. are all B. all are C. are both D. both are
又如: They both know Japanese. 他们俩都懂日语。
They are all from Taiyuan.他们都来自太原。
3)Grandmother her grandson to live with her.
A. wants B. hopes C. lets D. makes
【解析】此句译为“奶奶希望让她孙子跟她住在一起”。但是,在英语中,有些动词不能带不定式作宾语补足语,hopes就是其中一个。这个句子如果用hope表达,则应该按宾语从句:“Grandmother hopes that her grandson will live with her.”或者说“Grandmother hopes to live with her grandson.”此题选项中,let、make后都接动词原形做宾补,因此只能选择A。
4)March 8 is .
A. the Womens’Day B. the Women's Day
C. Womens’day D. Women's Day
September 10th is Teachers' Day. 九月十日是教师节。
June l is Children's Day.六月一日是儿童节。
5)English names Chinese names.
A. are difference from B. is different from
C. are different from D. is different with
【解析】different adj.它的名词是different。形容词与名词有不同的介词搭配使用。如:A goat is different from a sheep。山羊与绵羊不一样。
What are the differences between English names and Chinese name?
6)Everyone in our class calls me .
A. Mr. Bob B. Mr. Robert C. Mr. Tom D. Mr. Brown
【解析】Mr./Miss/ Mrs.称呼人时,后面用姓,不用名。此题只有Brown是姓,故选D。
1)My father is fine. My mother is fine, too.
_______ ________ my___________ are fine.
【答案】Both of, parents
【解析】第一部分是两个简单句,它们具有相同的表语,主语是不同的两个人,由此我们可以想到用一个词来表达,当主语是两个人或两件事的时候,可以表达为:both of…。
2) That's the bell.
_________ _________ the bell.
【答案】There goes
【解析】第一句中的That's与正常情况中所表达的That's a pencil中的意义不同,它强调的是“bell”所处的一种状态,即正在响。那么,根据条件“The bell is ringing.”不能满足此题,因此,可用另外一种类似的结构。
3)Why did they choose that name?
________ did they choose that name __________ ?
【答案】What, for
Once upon a time there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? Well, he wanted to steal the bell on his neighbour抯 door. He wacked up to the door, took hold of the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was frightened and ran home. Then he sat down to think. 揑 must do something about the noise,?he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. 揂h, I'll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise.?The next day he went to the door of his neighbour抯 house and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour抯 came running out.
“Steal my bell? I'll teach you a lesson,”the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.
The foolish thief did not know the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. 揥hy did he come out just then??he wondered.
Kate was born in a small village. When she finished middle school in a town, she wouldn't 1 to the poor place and found work in a shop here. She wanted to marry (嫁)a 2 man. As she wasn't friendly to others, 3 would marry her .Five years passed and she became a twenty-seven-year old girl. She had to marry Mr. King who
4 maths in a school.
Mr. King likes his work and is kind to his 5 and they all like him .But his wife 6 him. She thinks him poor and is bad to him .One day the woman wanted to 7 a beautiful coat for herself, but her husband hadn't enough 8 . She scolded (骂) for a long time and let him 9 . He had to stay in his friend's house. 10 days later he went home with his friend. As soon as she saw him, she decided to 11 . She began to put her clothes into a trunk (箱). Mr. King and his friend couldn't 12 her. Before she went out, she said to her husband, 揙nly a man likes a dog like you!?/P>
At that moment his fried was reading a 13 carefully . Suddenly he jumped up and shouted, 揋ood 14 for you, my friend! You've won the first prize in the lottery(头彩)!”
“Really?”the woman stopped 15 .
“He'll get five hundred thousand dollars!” Mr. King's friend said to the woman. “Why not leave him now? Haven't you said only a dog likes him?”
“Bowwow-wow (汪,汪),”the woman said with a smile .“It was only a joke !?
1.A.turn B. return C. reach D. get
2.A. young B. poor C. strange D. rich
3.A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybody
4.A.learned B. studied C. taught D. dropped
5.A. students B. head master C. Head teacher D. door beeper
6.A.loves B. looks after C. head teacher D. hates
7.A.lend B. buy C. borrow D. sell
8.A.time B. places C. money D. ideas
9.A.go to work B. go to bed C. go home D. fall asleep
10.A.Litlle B. A little C. few D.A few
11.A.leave B. sleep C. cry D. sit
12.A.help B. stop C. mind D. trouble
13.A.book B. dictionary C. message D. newspaper
14.A.news B. letter C. hope D. film
15.A.ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked
2.从Kate 嫌贫爱富的心态,她当然想嫁给一个有钱的丈夫。故应选D。
4.Mr King能和Kate结婚,绝对不会是在校的中小学学生,就不会存在“放弃数学”
5.作为一个教师,Mr. King与学生相处较多,而从后面一句“…and they all like him”来看,也不是一个人。因此,应选A。
6.从Kate对Mr. King的态度来看,她根本不可能“爱”或“照顾”他,她也不是医生,选项C也不能选。故D是正确选项。
7.从Kate的心态,她不会让Mr. King“借”衣服给她,Mr. King也不可能“借”或“卖”衣服给她。当然选项B最合适了。
8.从故事内容来看,Mr. King没有给Kate买那件大衣不是没有时间,而是钱不够。因此,应选C。
9.从后面“Mr. King had to stay in his friend's house.”来看,Kate是不让他“回家”。故应选C。
10.从Kate对丈夫的态度,Mr. King 不可能很快就回家去。little不能和可数名词连用。只有 D 是正确选项。
11.从“Kate began to put her clothes into a trunk.”来看,她是准备离开。故应选A。
12.Mr King和他的朋友自然不愿让Kate走,要劝她留下。所以,B是正确选项。
14.Mr King 的朋友看的是报纸,告诉他的自然是报纸上的消息了。应选A。
1.Teachers' Day 这是表示节日的专有名词表达法,其前面无冠词,每词第一字母大写,Teacher 用复数名词所有格形式,即Teachers',如表示在这一天,要用介词on,即on Teachers' Day。
2.wish 与 hope 辩析
wish后可以跟复合宾语:Wish sb. to do sth ,而hope看后不可以跟含有不定式的复合宾语,如要表达“希望某人做某事”,可用hope+that从句。如:
I hope that he'll come again. 不可以说:I hope him to come again. wish后跟从句时,要用虚拟语气。hope后从句则不用。
I wish I could go there.(表示不可能实现的希望)
I hope I can go there. (表示能够实现的希望)
4.对于祈使句的否定形式作出肯定。回答,应用“No, I won't.是的,我不会了。”课文中的句子是这样:“-But please don't call me Mr. Bob.”
──I won't.
5.choose一定后接不定式做宾语,即choose to do sth.
6.如果表示一段时间没有见到某人,而又重新见面时,常用“Hello ,glad to see you again.”
1.Look! That's John. I Know him. And Susan, .
I know them very well.
A. too ; all B. either ; all C. too ; both D. either ; both
2.September 10th is Day.
A. Teacher B. Teachers C. Teacher's D. Teachers'
【分析】 teacher在“教师节”中,应用复数名词所有格形式,此题译为“九月十日是教师节” 。故选D。
3.We hope you us with maths.
A. to help B. helping C. will help D. helped
【分析】 hape 不能接宾语补足语,要想表达“希望某人做某事”,只能用hape+that从句。因此只能选C。
4.──Please don't forget to turn off the light.
──No. I .
A. don't B. do C. will D. won't
5.Would you please with water?
A. not to play B. not playing C. to play D. not play
【分析】“Would you please…”此句型后接动词原形,如否定动词,则直接在do前加
Summer holidays will start soon. You are going to Shanghai with your friends and stay there for about a week or more. You will go and see you uncle. Please write a letter to your uncle and tell him this news. Also tell him in your letter that you will go there by train. Let your uncle know that you will call him when you arrive in Shanghai, so ask him to write and tell you his telephone number. Make sure that you tell your uncle you will be very glad to see him and the family.
Remember that you are writing a letter, so you must write down today's date. Keep your words in no less than 50. Write carefully and watch your spelling.




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