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Teaching objectives and demands:
1. Words and expressions:
Advertising; advertisement; firm; legend; comment; typist; express; satisfaction; product; description; boring; bring in; humour; humorous; advantage; hand in hand; umbrella; board; poster; gift; aeroplane; jokingly; try out; review; researcher; failure; microcomputer; viewer; translation; handsome; telegram; companion; blame; freeway; housewife; librarian; luggage; tense; fragile; insert; split; sincerely
2. Daily expressions in communication (agreement and disagreement):
I agree with Bob.
I am afraid that I can’t agree with you.
3. Grammar: Revise the use of past participle.
4. Language use: The students are supposed to learn something about advertisement, how they are produced and the function in the commercial society.
Lesson 17
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework exercises.
Step 2. Presentation
SB Page 25, Part 1. Find out how much the Ss know about advertising.
Where can you find advertisements? (On TV, radio, Internet, in newspaper, magazines, concert, cinema, station, bus, balloon, board on roadside, etc)
Why do companies advertise? (increase their products; reduce the price)
Do you watch advertisements on TV?
Which are your favorite advertisements?
Step 3. Listening
Now listen to the dialogue and find out this information:
① How many people are there in the discussion? (Four)
② What were they talking about? (How to produce an advertisement)
③ Whose ideas for the advertising program are the best? (Bob’s ideas)
④ What’s the final decision? (To use the customers comments)
Step 4. Reading and explanations
Now get the students to read the dialogue in pairs and underline the difficulties and the key points that they think.
1. secretaries and typists: A secretary is usually paid more than a typist. A secretary, in addition to doing typing, may be asked to arrange a manger’s appointments, to take notes during meeting and so on.
2. express their satisfaction with the product+ to say that they are happy with the quality of the product they are using.
3. Do you think so?= A [polite way of disagreeing with someone.
4. produce an ad: ad, short for advertisement.
5. the biggest computer producers = the biggest computer manufacturers. .
6. We can photograph them using it too. = While they are using the computer, we will take photography of them.
7. Then they can express their satisfaction with the product. 这样,他们就可以表示他们对这种产品很满意。
express their satisfaction with 表示对……满意。
The teacher expressed her satisfaction with their scores. 对他们的成绩表示满意。
c.f. satisfy, satisfied, satisfactory, satisfying
See Revision book Page 177. (①)
a satisfying meal/result
It's an immensely satisfying job.
It is very satisfying to know that the project was a success.
8. So what exactly are you suggesting? 那么,你到底想建议什么呢?
现在进行时和过去进行时有时代替一般现在时和一般过去时,表示一种称赞、厌烦等感情,常和副词 always,constantly,continually等连用。如:
He is constantly leaving his things about. 他老是把东西乱扔。(表示不满)
Bob is always making things. 鲍勃总是制造东西。(表示赞许)
You are always thinking of others. 你总是考虑别人。(表示称赞)
The boy is always making trouble for me. 男孩老爱和我捣乱。(表示不满)
He was forever complaining about something. 他老是怨这怨那。(表示厌烦)
9. 短语动词bring in意为引入,增加,请来参加,收获(庄稼)等。如:
Tea was brought in, but no one touched it. 茶被送上来,但没有人碰它。
It is my own act. Why do you bring my mother in?
We can bring in some humour too. 我们还可以引入一些幽默。
Farmers in the south have also brought in good crops. 南方的农民们也取得好收成。
▲含有bring的短语动词还有bring up(抚养大,教养),bring down(使倒下,击落),bring about(引起,造成), bring out (出版,显示)。如:
She brought her children up to be considerate of others.
The wind brought down a number of trees. 风刮倒一些树木。
He brought the deer down with one shot. 他一枪击倒鹿。
It brought about a great change in the life of Mr. Polly. 它给波利先生的生活带来很大变化。
(See revision book P177 ④)
10. produce an advertisement for
have comments on sth from sb
give a description of
bring in some humor
do some telephone interviews with sb.
Step 5. Practice
SB P25, Part 2.
Of course/ That’s true/ Right./I agree./ I think so.
Do you really think so? /I don’t agree with you./I don’t think that… / I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.
Step 6. Consolidation
WB Ex.1.
Step 7. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 17, Exx.2.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 17 in the workbook.
(2) Preview the next lesson if the students have time.
Lesson 18 Advertising (1)
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of Lesson17.
Step 2. Pre-reading discussion
Get the students to discuss the “What’s the feature of a good ad?” according to their knowledge. The students are divided into groups of four, and they are told to form a collective opinion of the group. Pick out some students to report to the class their result of their discussion.
(some information; humor and interest; attract reader’s attention);
Step 3. Skimming
Now get the students to read the text and answer the following questions:
① What is one advantage of advertising? (It makes a product cheaper.)
② How many people might work together produce an ad? (Five)
Step 4. Scanning
Now get the students to read the text and answer the following questions on Wb Ex.1. Answer the questions with the class.
Step 5. Note making
Tell the students to read the text more carefully to find out the specific information. Answers: See SB Page 27.
a. Buy space: technical term for buying part of a page in a newspaper for an advertisement.
b. Buy time: technical term for buying a period of time on TV for an advertisement (e.g. 15 seconds / 30 seconds/ 45 seconds/ I minute)
Main idea:
Para 1: the functions of advertising;
Para 2: the ways of advertising;
Paras 3-5: the making of advertising.
Step 6. Language points
1. Go hand in hand with: develop together, side by side.
hand in hand意为“手牵手,携手,共同地”。例如:
They walked away hand in hand. 他们手拉手走开了。
War and misery go hand in hand. 战争与苦难永不分开。
1)at hand在近处,在手边。如:
The examinations are at hand. 考试即将举行。
2)by hand手工做的。如:
The clothes are made by hand. 这种布是手工做的。
3)in hand在处理或处事中,在控制下。如:
I have 1000 yuan at hand. 我手头还有1000元。
The work is in hand, but not finished. 这工作在进行中,但没完成。
4)out of hand难控制,无纪律,无法约束。如:
The children have got out of hand. 孩子们变得难以管教了。
5)hand up举起手来,举手。如:
Hands up, or I shoot. 举起手来,不然我要开枪了。
6)give a hand帮一下忙,give sb. a big hand向某人鼓掌。如:
I'm willing to give a hand at preparing the meal. 我愿帮忙做饭。
Let's give the young singer a great/big hand. 让我们鼓掌欢迎青年歌手。
【注意】英语中类似的短语有:face-to-face(面对面),mouth-to-mouth(口对口),arm in arm(臂挽臂),shoulder by shoulder(肩并肩)等。例如:
We'd better have a face-to-face interview with the famous scientist.
The best thing to start his breathing is to use the mouth-to-mouth way.
2. Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement,…出席会议的还有厂告的策划者……
此句是倒装句,正常语序应为:A person who thinks up an idea and a person who will buy space in newspapers or time on TV will also be present at the meeting.这样行文显得头重脚轻,所以把谓语提前。
think up 想出。又如:
It is very difficult to do this, but I'll think up a plan. 做此事很难,但我会想出计划。
I wish I could think up some ways of convincing them of their mistakes.
▲think out表示“精心想出,想清楚”(consider carefully and make a plan for)。如:
We should do nothing until we have thought out a plan. 想出一个方案之前,先别干。
【注意】think over也有“仔细思考”之意,它与 think up和 think out不同,前者只着重于思考,不涉及结果,即只说明主语作了思考,而后者着重于表示结果,即是否想出了办法、计划等。试比较下列句子,体会这些词组的差别:
We have thought carefully over your proposal of yesterday. 仔细考虑你昨天的建议。
Who can think out the solution to the problem? 谁能想出这问题的答案?
Delighted, the girls thought up many good ideas. 姑娘们一高兴,想出很多好主意。
He would have to think up some good names for these designs. 想出些更好的名字。
See the Revision book on Page 177 (②)
4. try out试用,试验。例如:
The idea seems good but it needs to be tried out.想法似乎很好,但是必须经过试验。
John was tried out in the marketing section before a decision was made about his future. 约翰先在销售部试用,然后才决定是否被录用。
The film studio wants to try out several of the new singers for the part.
▲try out与for连用时,有“参加……选拔”之意。例如:
Over fifty boys came to try out for the football team.
Wilma and her college teammates also tried out for the relay race.
(See revision book, Page 177 ③)
5. Isn't it time you made someone's life a bit easier? 你难道不早该让某些人的生活过得轻松些了吗?
“It's time+(that)+主语+动词过去式”意思是“早该是做……的时候了”。句型中的谓语动词用过去式,是虚拟语气的一种用法。如:
It's time you gave a reply to us. 是你该给我们回复的时候了。
It's time we ordered dinner. 是我们定购晚餐的时候了。
And I think it's time they were taught a lesson. 该给他们教训的时候了。
I said that it was time we were setting out. 该我们动身的时候了。
▲It+is/was time 后面还可接 for+n. 或动词不定式。如:
His talk was over; it was time for him to be off. 他的讲话结束了。他该走了。
It is nearly time for breakfast. 是将近吃早饭的时候了。
▲It+is/was high time+that-clause意为现在是必须做某事的时候了,不能再等待了。John's suit was old and it was high time that he bought a new one.
I think it is high time that Mr Li made up his mind. 我觉得李先生必须下决心。
5. DEPT.(department)部;CORP.(corporation)公司;P.O.BOX(post office box)邮政信箱。
Step 7. Simulation
SB P27, Part 3. Get the students to simulate the dialogue and the text and talk about how to produce and ad and how to make it more persuasive.
Step 8. Workbook
Get the students to do the wb exercises individually and then check the answers with the class.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 18 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Lesson 19 Advertising (2)
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Ask Ss to tell about 5 advertisements which they have seen recently.
Step 2. Presentation
Read the passage quickly to find the answer to this question:
What is one danger with selling your product abroad? (You must make sure that the translation is correct)
Step 3. Scanning
Tell the students to read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Why do people read advertisements? What mistake was made in the translation of the ad for hair cream? What mistake was made in the car ad?
Step 4. Language points
1. What makes a good advertisement? (= What makes an advertisement a good one?)
make 有条件成为
David will make a very good football player.
Cold tea makes a good drink in summer.
What makes a good translator? It must be true to the original, and clear and easy to understand.
2. partly because they are interesting.
Partly: not completely
What you said is partly true.
We are all partly to blame.
A partly-finished building.
3. often start with a question
start with = begin with
This book starts with a folk tale.
c.f. end up with 以……结束
His speech started with an interesting story and ended up with a burst of laughter.
end up / end in 以……结果而告终
The battle ended in victory.
We didn’t like it at first, but we ended up cheering.
4. because when translated it meant “X puts living things into dry hair.”
When translated = when it was translated
Your exercises must be handed in immediately when they are finished. (= when finished)
The shop assistant when she was spoken to (= when spoken to) did not make an answer. 那位营业员在别人同她说话时,没有理睬。
5. its latest car
at the last moment
late later latter
latest last
the latest news / the latest storm
the last one
later adv.
See you later. / three days later
Latter adj.晚些的
In the latter years of his life he lived alone and never welcomed visitors.
6. The supermarket is crowded with shoppers. 超级市场里挤满了购物者。shoppers 顾客,购物者。注意这个名词是由动词shop(购物)派生出来的。
7. All the problems are settled.所有的问题都解决了。
settle 解决,安排,确定
That's settled; we'll put an advertisement in the newspaper. 那就决定了;我们将在报上登广告。
There is nothing settled. 什么事情也没有解决。
5. blame / scold
(see the revision book on page 177 ⑤)
Step 5. Practice---- grammar revision
SB P28~29, Part 2~5, Tell the students to do the exercises about the past participle in groups and tell each other what is the function of the participle in each sentence. After they have finished, some eloquent students are asked to report to the rest of the class.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 19, Ex. 2~3. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students if time permits.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 19 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the grammar of past participle.
(3) Writing: the students are told to write a passage about ad or a piece of ad.
Lesson 20
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Revise the previous two lessons about advertisements.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 137 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions. ② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 5 with the students. Get the students to make up sentences using the useful expressions if time permits.
Step 4. English in use
SB P30, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to tell each other what each picture mean and then translate them into Chinese. Answers: See P30.
Step 5. Writing
SB P30, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to reply to the business letter. Assign the work as their homework.
Para 1 Introduction: He Xianlin’s letter
Para 2 Reply to her offer to sell the computer
Para 3 If interested, arrange a time.
If not interested, thank her.
Dear Ms He,
Thank you very much for your letter of August 3rd, and also for your offer to sell us your computer.
I have discussed the matter with our Head Teacher and can tell you that we would be interested in buying it from you. We would be happy to agree to your suggested price of 3,500 yuan.
A Saturday afternoon would be the best time for me to visit you and try out the machine. Would 2 p.m. on Saturday be convenient? Unless I hear from you, I shall come to your office on that day.
I look forward to meeting you then.
Yours sincerely,
Zhou Lin
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 20. Ex. 1~3. Get the students to do the exercises and then check the answers with the students.
(1) Finish off the wb exercises of Lesson 20.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
(3) Writing: See Step 5.
Written English is different from spoken English. 书面英语和口头英语不同。
Did you see the little boy dressed in a blue jacket? 你看见那穿蓝色夹克衫的男孩吗?(=Did you see the little boy who was dressed in a blue jacket?)
There is boiled water in the bottle. 瓶里有煮沸的水。
试比较: Boiling water is not fit to drink. 正在沸腾的水不宜饮用。
The letter posted today will probably reach him tomorrow.
I hate to look through exercises written in pencil. 我讨厌看铅笔写的作业。
The problem being discussed is of much importance. 正在讨论的问题很重要。
You are invited to a party to be given at 7:00 p. m. Dec. 5. 请你参加将于十二月五日晚上七点举行的晚会。
They both got married. 他俩都已结婚。(系表结构)
We put some water into a bottle and did tests to see if it was polluted.
▲某些表示心理感觉的动词如 interest,excite,move,surprise,please,satisfy,worry,astonish,disappoint,delight等过去分词作表语表示处于某种感觉,而现在分词作表语表示使人产生某种感觉。如:
I am interested in travelling , but I'm often tired after/when I'm back from my travels. 我对旅行有兴趣,但旅行后常感疲劳。(试比较:Travelling is interesting but tiring. 旅行有趣,但令人疲劳。)
We heard the English song sung in the next room. 我们听见有人在隔壁房间唱那首英语歌曲。
Can you make yourself understood in English? 你用英语能使别人理解吗?
▲have/get+n. /pron. +过去分词有三种不同含义。
You must go and get that tooth filled.(=You must go and ask the dentist to fill that tooth. )你得去补牙。
She had her house damaged in the storm. (=Something had happened to her house in the storm. )他的房屋在风暴中遭到破坏。
They are working hard to get autumn sowing done well.
Compared with the developed countries, we still have a long way to go. (=If we are compared with the developed countries, we still have a long way to go.)
Absorbed in the work, he neglected food and sleep. (=He was absorbed in the work and neglected food and sleep. )他专心于工作,废寝忘食。
例1  单项选择:
Now I think it's time you ______ to bed.
A.go B.will go C.must go D.went
分析  此题的正确答案是D(went),句型It is time sb. did sth. 中谓语动词用过去式,意为是某人做某事的时候了,实际上是“现在做某事”。如:
Now then, children. It's time you were washed and dressed. 孩子们,是你们洗脸和穿衣的时候了。
例2  单项选择:
He ______ a suggestion or two when he read a report from his men.
A.used to making B.was used to make
C.would make D.will make
分析  此题的正确答案是C(would make),would +动词原形表示过去经常的习惯性行为,和used to +动词原形意义相近,但used to暗含现在已不如此。选项 A中 used to后接-ing形式不正确,应接动词原形;选项B中was used to后接动词原形也不正确,应用 was used to+n. /pron. /-ing形式,选项D中用will与句中时间关系不合。如:
Often he would take a seat at the pack. 过去他总是坐在后面一个座位上。
例3  单项选择:
Well ______ for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their affairs.
A.know B.known C.knowing D.knew
分析  此题的正确答案是B(known),过去分词(短语)作状语表示原因,其逻辑主语同句子主语,过去分词短语Well known for his expert advice相当于状语从句 As he was well known for his expert advice. 其他几个选项都不合题意。如:
Encouraged by the leading cadres, they continued their experiment. 由于受到领导干部的鼓励,他们继续进行实验。
例4  单句改错:
The scientists tried on thousands of chemicals before they found the right one.
分析  此题中tried on应改为 tried out,短语动词try on意为“试穿(戴)”,宾语是“衣、帽、鞋”等。短语动词try out意为“试用,试验”,宾语是“某方法,某物”等,或“试试某人的能力”。如:
They are trying out a new teaching method. 他们正在试验新教学方法。
I shan't know until you try me out. 你试试我的能力后我才知道。
例5  单句改错:
Arriving at the station, we found the train going.
分析  此题中going应改为gone,go的过去分词形式gone作宾语补足语或表语,意为“不在”,“走了”,“没有了”等。如:
When she found him gone and a note left for her,she knew it was up with him. 她发现他走了只留下一张便条,知道他俩关系结束了。
Now that he was really gone, she felt sorry. 既然他真的走了,她感到很遗憾。
题1  The Olympic Games, ______ in 776 BC, did not include women until 1912. (97年高考题)
A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be first playing
分析  本题考查非谓语动词的用法。
经过分析得知 the Olympic Games与play之间是被动关系,故排除A项和D项。B项是不定式的被动式,表示“未来”的被动动作,故也排除。因此C项是正确答案,它相当于一个非限制性定语从句 which was first played. 案选C。
题2  When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door____“sorry to miss you; will call later. ”(99年高考题)
A.reed B.reads C.to read D.reading
分析  答案选D。本题考查现在分词作宾语补足语,与其前的宾语构成复合宾语。句中pinned to the door是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰 message。类似表感觉的动词如:find, hear, listen to, watch, notice等。例如:
I saw the pretty girl dancing in the park.
He suddenly felt the house shaking




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