Unit 22

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Word Study:
1. tale n. story n.
He told me a tale of adventure.
Have you read A Tale of Two Cities?
Children like to listen to fairy tales.
2. let … in “让……进来”,“放进”
The roof lets in the rain.
Open the window and let in some fresh air.
The baby is afraid of the dog. Don’t let it in.
let out 放出, 发出, 泄露
Hearing the good news, the boy let out a cry of joy.
It was Tom who let out the secret.
Mother won’t let her child out after the dark.
Someone let the air out of my tyres.
3. Many revolutionaries lost their lives for the people.
He joined the revolutionary army when he was 14 years old.
4. cruel adj.残忍的;冷酷的
He is cruel to animals.
5. have a test=take a test
We’ll have a test on irregular verbs tomorrow.
6. mental adj. 心理的,智力的,精神的, 思想的,
mentally adv.“精神方面地”,
(其相对应的词是physical生理的,肉体的 physically )
mental illness精神病
a mental patient精神病患者
mental powers智力
She has better mental powers than I.
a mental test智力测验,心理测验 a mental labour脑力劳动
a mental worker脑力劳动者
7. fortune----misfortune n.
It was his good fortune to be chosen to play for the school.
She had the good fortune to be free from illness.
I will try my fortune. 碰运气
He went to Australia and soon made a fortune.发财
seek one’s fortune 找出路,碰运气
He received a large fortune when his uncle died.
come into a fortune继承一大笔财产
be in good fortune 运气好
be in bad fortune运气坏
8. in peace= peacefully 平平安安地;和睦相处
Please let me get on with my work in peace.
He lived in peace with his neighbours.
at peace 处于和平局面;宁静
Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years.
She felt at peace and happy.
hold//keep one’s peace 保持缄默,忍住不说;
make peace 讲和,和解。
in surprise惊奇地
in excitement激动地
in silence安静地
in a hurry匆忙地
9. attend vt. & vi.
attend (on//upon)a patient看护一个病人
(wait on//look after//take care of)
attend a meeting//a lecture
attend the class 上课;
attend school
He attends church regularly.
Attend carefully to what she is saying.注意;仔细听
You must attend to your work. 专心, 努力
10. fall in love with…
He fell in love with her at first sight.
Love me, love my dog.(谚)爱屋及乌; 打狗要看主人面
fall out of love with sb.不再爱了;
be in love with… 与……相爱;
They have been in love for 5 years.
first love初恋
mother's love母爱
love of [for] one's country对国家的爱
Please, send my love to your mother.
fall ill; fall asleep; fall into the habit of…
11. make sure of…
You'd better make sure of the time and place.
Would you make sure of getting a ticket?
Can you make sure that you will succeed?
12. suffer from…
The crops suffered from floods. vi.
She is suffering from toothache.
He is still suffering terribly from the injuries.
suffer vt.“遭受(不愉快之事)”
suffer pain //defeat / losses 遭受痛苦//失败//蒙受损失
He suffered great loss.
13. in public= publicly
14. set fire to…----set sth. on fire
Who set fire to the house? =Who set the house on fire?
He set fire to the waste paper. 他点火烧着了废纸。
They set all the papers and documents on fire before fleeing.
15. burn … to the ground
They set fire to the house, and it was burnt to the ground.
他们放火烧了房子, 房子被烧光了。
The enemy burned the whole village to the ground.
burn // beat // starve … to death 烧/打/饿死
fall to the ground落在地上,
tear…to pieces把…撕成碎片
burn…to the ashes把……烧成灰烬
She sang the baby to sleep. 她唱歌哄婴儿入睡。
He tore the letter to pieces. 他把信撕碎了。
16. do wrong------do a good deed
do right-----do good----do good deeds
I hope you'll never do wrong. 我希望你永远别做坏事。
You did quite right to accept the invitation.
I’m only trying to do a good deed. 我只是努力在做一件好事。It’s not easy for a person to do good deeds all his life.
17. sentence… to death
----be sentenced to death
He was sentenced to death. 他被处以死刑。
The man was sentenced to three years in prison.
He was sentenced to pay a fine of $1000.
pass sentence on sb判…刑
announce sentence on sb 宣布对… 判决
18. eager adj.强调对“成功的期望或进取的热情”。
He is eager to master English.
He is eager to succeed= He is eager for success.
I’m eager for news.
He was eager to see her.他渴望见到她。
anxious adj. 强调“担心,焦急”或对结果感到不安的心情。
I’m anxious about the future.
I’m anxious to know the final result.
We were anxious for news of his safe arrival.
The End
Unit 22
Lesson 85 Ss learn this dialogue by themselves
1. The guards couldn't have been watching very carefully.
You must have been mad to speak to the servant! She might have called for help.
You might both have been caught and killed!
(1). can’t//couldn’t+have been doing,表示“想必不可能一直在进行”的意思。表示对已经发生的事情进行推测:
It’s raining now. She can’t have been waiting at the bus stop.
All the students went home. He couldn’t have been studying in the classroom.
It couldn't have been raining all night yesterday.
might /could /must/can//may + 完成时,
He could have swept the floor. 他可能已经扫干净地了。
You must have been mad to speak to the servant! She might have called for help.
It must have been very interesting! 那肯定很有趣!
You were so stupid to try climbing the tree; you might have killed yourself.
I might have been trapped in the fire if I had not run away fast enough.
It was really dangerous for you to try to swimming in the river. You might have been eaten by the fish.
(4).如果表示对现在情况的推测,则用may, can或must+动词原形这一结构。例如:
It’s late now. She may be at home.
She can’t he alone. She must be with her friends.
2. It was not yet light, so it was easy to stay hidden. 天还没亮,所以很容易隐蔽。
It was not yet light. 天还没有亮。
I live in a light room. 我居住在明亮的房间里。
It gets light at five now. 现在五点天就亮了。
light还表示“重量轻的” “浅色的,淡色的, ”:
The coat is very light but warm. 大衣很轻但是很暖和。
I took some light reading for the train journey.
Light colors suits you best. 浅色的衣服最适合你。
It’s as light as feather. 这轻如鸿毛。
I like (the) light green colour. 我喜欢淡绿色。
Lights are still burning in the rooms. 房间里的灯仍在亮着。
Can you give me a light? 能借火使使吗?
light 光线
People used to read by the light of candle.
Hang the picture in a good light, otherwise no one can see it.
3.Stay hidden
5.call for help
6.explain sth to sb.
7.even though//if
8.It is the first//second time that +现在完成时
It was the first//second time that +过去完成时
9.have a test
10.get a full mark
The End
Unit 22
Lesson 86:
About the French Revolution:
It broke out in July,1789. In the revolution, the poor of the cities and the peasants in the country rose up against the French King and the rich. In the country, the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles’ castles and burnt them to the ground. The nobles caught many people and put them into prison.
About Charles Dickens:
Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in England. When he was about four years of age, his family moved to Chatham, and five years he spent there were the happiest of all his boyhood.
In 1821 his family moved to a poor quarter in London. Because his father was heavily in debt and finally was taken to prison. From then on Charles Dickens began to work in a shoe factory in the east end of London. And this was the most unhappy time of all his life.
Then he began to study at a school again. When he was 15, he left school for good and became a lawyer’s clerk. In 1834, he was taken on the staff(工作人员) of a newspaper and went all over the country getting news, writing stories and so on. At this time he wrote some short stories. His early book the Pickwick Papers(匹克威克外传) came into being. Thus, by the year he was only 24, he had become the most popular living novelist of his day.
The rest of his life is a story of work and work without rest. From 1838, he wrote many books, of which the most famous are Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿), David Copperfield(大卫.科波菲尔), Hard Times(艰难时世), A tale of Two Cities(双城记), Great expectations(远大前程)and so on. But he suddenly died in 1870, only at 58.
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities is a novel written by Charles Dickens. The “two cities” refer to Paris, the scene of the story, and London, where the hero of the novel spent his remaining years. The book gives a vivid(鲜明的,生动的) description of the French bourgeois revolution.
Key points:
1. They had come from England, having heard the strange news that Dr Manette, Lucie's father, was alive and was living in Paris. (as they had heard the strange news)
Not having seen him for many years, I did not recognized him at first.由于多年没见过面,一开始我没有认出他来。
Having heard the sad news, they felt sad. 他们得知这一不幸的消息,感到很悲伤。(原因状语)
The man died, leaving his wife and children nothing.
They sat around the fire, talking with each other happily.
Having finished his homework, he went out to play football.
The students ran out of the classroom, laughing and talking.
Being so poor in those days, we couldn’t send the boy to school.----
-----As we were so poor in those days, we couldn’t send the boy to school.(原因)
Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.-----
------When they hear the news, they all jumped with joy. (时间)
Her husband died in 1942, leaving her with five children. -----
------Her husband died in 1942 so that he left her with five children. (结果)
Working hard, you will succeed.------
-----If you work hard, you will succeed. (条件)
We worked there for a week, helping them to get in wheat. (伴随)
2.现在分词作状语时,也可以在前面加上从属连词while, after, before, since等,以构成分词短语。
Waiting at the dentist’s, I read a short story.=
While waiting at the dentist’s, I read a short story. =
While I was waiting at the dentist’s, I read a short story.
Before being in the army, he was an engineer. =
Before he was in the army, he was an engineer.
Using the brush, put it in its proper place. =
After using the brush, put it in its proper place.=
After you use the brush, put it in its proper place.
Since being in the army, he has been in better health.=
Since he was in the army, he has been in better health.
I heard him singing this song in the next room. (动作正在进行)
The food smells inviting. (主语的特征)
Having been there many times, he offered to be our guide.
= As he had been there….
Having worked among the peasants for many years he knew them very well.
= As he had worked….
That building being repaired now is our library.
= That building which is being repaired now is our library.
This is one of the experiments being carried on in our school.
= This is one of the experiments which are being carried on in our school.
有时也可以用完成式的被动形式, 但是这种用法是较少的。
Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it slip away?
2. Defarge was pleased at their arrival. 对于他们的到来,德法奇很高兴。
be pleased at//with//about…“对……感到非常满意//非常高兴”
be pleased to do sth
They are pleased at the good news.
Is your boss pleased with your work?
pleased前面可以有修饰词very (much)
Our teacher was very (much) pleased with our exam results.
I'm very pleased to hear the news.
3. All day long he worked at making shoes, as he had done in prison.
work at表示努力于…致力于…努力对付…
She is working at mathematics. 她在研究(攻读)数学。
The government is working hard at improving the living conditions of the teachers.
When at Rome, do as Romans do.
The teacher told us to do as he did.
You must do everything as I do.
4. Dr Manette had been put in prison for no good reason.
for this//that reason
for the reason of health由于健康原因;
for some reason或者for a certain reason由于某种原因;
for no reason 不因为什么;
for no good reason 没有正当的理由,没有合适的理由,
Don't punish children for no good reason.
The meeting was put off for some reason.
He went to France for some political reasons.
She had to give up teaching for the reason of health.
His reason for being late was that he missed the bus.
The reason why he didn’t come was that he was ill.
The doctor gave a reason which//that couldn’t explain the failure of the operation.
5. Dr Manette had been put in prison so that he would keep silent over this matter.
keep silent over/on/about sth 对某事保持缄默
He was silent about the plan.
History is silent on this event.
6. Although Lucie married Charles, Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness. 虽然露西嫁给了查尔斯,但是悉尼还是对露西许下诺言,说为了确保她生活幸福,他愿意永远为她做一切可能做的事。
promise (sb.) to do sth.;
promise (sb.) that…
make a promise发誓;
keep the promise守诺;
break the promise
7. However, an English spy told the Defarges in Paris that the nephew of the old Marquis was living in England under an English name. 可是,有位英国间谍告诉了住在巴黎的德法奇夫妇,说老侯爵的侄儿用了一个英国名字住在英国。
under the name of… 以(不是本名的)……名字
in the name of 凭…之名;以…的名义;代表…,
under an English name以一个英国名字
He attended the party in the name of his father.
He lived abroad for years under the name of White.
He writes under the name of George.
He sold the car he had stolen under a false name.
8.come to…有多种意思,译法也较灵活,常见的译法有“降临”,“发生”,“出现”,“谈到”,“涉及到”,“共计”,“达到”等。
A strange idea came to my mind.
Let’s come to the next question.
“How much does our bill come to?” “The bill comes to one hundred dollars”.总计多少钱?总计达一百美元。
The wounded came to when they were taken to the hospital.
9.disturb vt.“打扰(某人)”,“扰乱(人心)”,
She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.她轻轻地开门,以免惊扰了睡着的孩子。
Don’t disturb the papers on my desk.
No sound disturbed the silence of the evening.
10.I felt angry about the way that//in which//X he has treated me.
He found a way that//which led to success.
The End
Unit 22
Lesson 87
1. The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country, having lived such a hard life for so long, took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles. 城市贫民和乡村里的农民由于长期以来过着非常艰苦的生活,拿起刀枪开始杀起富有的贵族来了。
live a life 过某种生活, live和life是共同的词源,我们一般把这种词叫做动词和它的同源宾语,同源宾语一般都带有一个定语,这个定语在概念上起着状语的作用
He died a heroic death.= He died heroically.
She dreamt a sweet dream.= She dreamt sweetly.
They lived a happy life.= They lived happily.
She smiled a bitter smile.= She smiled bitterly.
take up“拿起”,“举起”,“占去(时间、空间)”“从事(某工作)”,“开始(某活动)”等
Many young people took up arms to defend the country in the war.
He took up the luggage and got off the bus.
I’m sorry to have taken up much of your time.
I took up the study of English when I was six.
He took up law after he left collage.
2. Some time later, Charles Darnay found at a bank in London a letter from France addressed to him不久以后,查尔斯•达尼在伦敦一家银行发现一封法国来信,信是写给他的
What's your E-mail address?
address vt. 在信上)写姓名地址”,“把信写给……”“向……说话或发表演说”,“把……讲给…
The letter is wrongly addressed.
This package is not addressed to me.
The letter was returned because of being wrongly addressed.
Is there a letter addressed to me? 有我的信吗?
Please address your reasons to the teacher.
The politician will address us on the subject of war and peace.
3. or rather
We got home late last night, or rather, early this morning.
4. On reading it, he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own. 看了信,他得知他法国家中的一个仆人无辜地被关进了监狱。
介词on/upon作“在……时”解释时,后面跟-ing形式的动词,相当于一个用as soon as引导的时间状语从句,强调这个动作一发生,另一个动作立即发生。
On reaching Paris, they called at the wine shop in the poor district. 一到巴黎,他们立即就到穷人区的那家酒店去了。
On arriving at the station, he found his wife waiting to meet him.
On hearing the news, he rushed out of the room.
On arriving at the foot of the mountain, we set up the tent and made a fire.
on/upon 后还可跟名词:
Upon his return from Beijing, he began his research work.
On his arrival//arriving in Paris he was recognized as a noble.
through no fault of his own“并不是由于他本人的过错”,其中的through是介词,表示“由于”的意思,相当于because of和as a result
The accident happened through no fault of yours.
We got lost through not knowing the way.
It was through you that we were late.
at 表示听到的、看到的原因
with 表示个体外部的原因
through 表示自身的原因
be sad at the news
be frightened at the sight
At the news, the whole country was in deep sorrow.
jump with joy
turn red with anger
shake with cold//fear
make the mistake through his carelessness
be put into prison through no fault of his own
5. do good/harm/wrong/the terrible things to sb
do wrong to sb=do sb wrong
do much wrong-----do right
do sb a great wrong=do a great wrong to sb
6. take the place of sb=take sb’s place
I’ll take the place of my father for a while.
in place of…
Won’t you go in place of me?
instead of…
I have to finish my homework instead of going out.
I’ll go to see her instead of you.
7.His final thoughts were: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known." 他临终前的想法是:“我所做的,是我所做过的最好、最最好的事情;我所得到的,是我知道的最安祥、最最安祥的休息。”
比较级前可以加以下的状语: much, still, even, far, a little, a lot, rather, no, some, any, a bit, a great deal three times, one year…
She sings far/much better than others.
I don't think a hair cut could make you love me any less.
far------ by far.
He is by far the tallest.(by far 用在最高级前 )
This is better by far .(by far 用在比较级后)
This is far better.( far 用在比较级前)
He is by far the stronger of the two.
( by far 可用在此句型中)
The End




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