SBII Unit 22 A tale of two cities

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1. 用see,watch,notice 填空:
1).Did you ______ anything else unusual?
2).He was too tired to ______ how hungry he was.
3).They ______ train until it disappeared in the distance
4).Who is ______ the children while their parents are on vacation?
5).______ out for cars while crossing the road.
6).Can you ______ the tower over there? Can you ______ what is going on then?
注:see 看见,查看。 Watch 注视,观看,看护,监视 notice 注意到,擦接到
2.改错 7)Loud noises can be heard out in the street.
8)The young couple must quarrel about money again.
2. 对已发生情况的推测有两种形式

对目前情况的推测 对已发生情况的推测 对将来可能发生的情况推测
Must be
Must be doing Must have done Be sure to
Will surely do
May be
Might be doing May have done
Might have done May/might do
Eg.1)Mr Li hasn’t returned. He must have been waiting for his uncle at the airport.
2)She couldn’t have been writing. So far as I know,she has been ill since last month.
选择:9)The Kates together with a cousin of ______ went for holiday.
A.their B.them C.hers D.thei
句型转换:10)This daughter of hers is very lovely.=
11)We think much of that invention of his=
14)The burning building lit up the night sky.
15)His face lit up when she was present.
5.句型转换 16)It took him aged to answer the door.=He ___ ___ ___ to answer the door.
选择:17)How much did you ______on the second-hand air conditioner.
A. cost B.took C.paid D.spent
18)He ______ this bike for 600 yuan. Though it was a bit expensive,I think it was reasonable.
A.offered B. paid C.spent D.cost
1.选择:19)At that shop on show is a new of computer,______ makes it attractive to students.
A.its low price B.ehich C.that D.the low price of which
注:I live in the room whose windows face to the south. Whose windows=__ ___ ___ __
2.单词辨析 1)活着的(作表语,前制定语) 2)活着的(作表语,宾补,后制定语)
3)live (1)活着的(作前置定语,常修饰动物或无生命的东西);(2)adj/adv、实况直播的 4)lively (1)生动活泼的 (2)精力充沛的
20)I am afraid he is no longer ______ .
21)No ______ things exist on the moon.
22)To my great joy,I find him ______ .
23)He is referred to as one of the greatest writers ______ .
24)The room was ______ with laughter.
25)They are doing an experiments on a ______ mouse.
26)Though he is in his eighties ,yet he is ______ .
27)Mr Li always makes his lessons ______ and interesting.
28)We watched the football game on ______ television.
3. 选择:29)______ the offical’s lost words,Bill looked at him angrily.
A.To B.At C.With D.By
注:at 因听到或看到。。。而 常与表示感情的adj/adv连用 例如:1)She was surprised at what he said. 2)I am pleased at the news.
4译:30)把钱存入银行 31)从银行取款 32)在这个村庄户户有存款
5.Disturb vt.make sb upset/uneasy 令人心神不安 disturb sb;be disturbed to do
eg.What disturbed the workers was that they might be fired at any time.
He was disturbed about his wife’s serious illness.
比较:interrupt,trouble 干扰,打搅,捣乱 1)The noise in the street disturbed my study.
2)A light wind disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.
6.mental 1)精神的,心理的 He is being treated in a mental hospital.
She was mentally disturbed by his son’s death.
2)智力的,脑力的 (physical 生理的,体力的) 1)We’ll have a mental test today.
2)Now there is a great difference between mental labour and physical labour in our country.
7.1)in peace:quietly,peacefully 安静地,平静地 at peace with sb
3)make peace with sb
译:1)The old man spent the rest of his life in peace.
2)My only wish is to live in peace.
8.for no good reason 无正当理由,莫明其妙 for no reason无缘无故的
9.解释:1)Don’t worry .Two nurses attended on the patient day and night. Watch
2)Who is it up to attend(on)? Look after/take care of
37)出席医学大会 38)上学 39)听关于历史讲座
10.Keep silent over about对。。。。。。保持沉默
1) She kept silent about the secret..
2) She kept silent about the secret.
11.fall in love with sb/sth 爱上(瞬间动作)。Be in love with sb.与。。。相爱(状态)
1) Immediately I saw the American actress,I felt in love with her.
2) They had been in love with each other for four years before they got married.
12.1)She is weak.She looks as if she has been ill for a long time. As if 陈述能性很大,用陈述句的内容可
2)The chockstick is partly in a glass of water. It looks as it were broken. As 陈述的内容为不切实际想象或夸大地比喻用虚拟语气
1)主语+as if were 2) 主语 +as if+ had done 3)主语+as if would do
were doing
13.改错 40)The doctor did everything that he could rescuer the drowing boy,but he didn’t succeed.
选择41)---He promise that she ______ get a nice present on her birthday.
---Will it be a great surprice to her?
A.should B.must C.would D.shall
14make sure of sth/doing sth;make sure that 从句 1)弄清楚 2)see to 确保,设法做到
1) Mr Li,do make sure of your students success.
2) I will make sure of his arriving in Beijing safely.
15.deed1)(所做的)事情,事迹 do good deeds 做好事 2)action 行为
eg.1)The US-led Nato bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.They will surely be punished for their cruel deeds.
2)He is honest in deed as well as in word.
16.Suffer 1)(主动态) with 遭受(痛苦,损失) The city suffered serious damage in the eathquake. mental or physical pain 受苦,受折磨 The patient is still suffering after the operation.
Suffer from 1)因。。。遭受损失,因。。。受苦 2)患。。。病 3)痛苦 不可数名词;苦难 可数名词 eg.1)His health suffered terribly from drinking heavily.
2)The country is suffering from overpopulation.
3) He is suffering from a bad cold.
4) Wars bring a lot of sufferings to ordinary people.
17.Spy 1)n.间谍 H额瓦斯阿热热沙特队阿瑟安年日年年售票员。
2)vi.spy on (暗中)监视 The police have been spying on his moments
18.under the name of 用。。。什么的名字(非真名) by the name of…名叫
1) He wrote under the name of Gadfly(牛虻)
2) I have a good friend of mine by the name of Jack.
47)填介词:The Lake was named ______ Queen Victoria.
1. 改错 48)A week after the accident,most of the injured got well;the rest was still treated in the hospital.
2. take up 1)pick up 拿起 The whole nation took up arms against the enemy.
2)occupy 占用(时间、空间、注意力)(1) I won’t take up much of your time. (2)This table takes up too much room.
3)begin to learn or deal with 开始学习、着手处理(1)When did you take up Japanese? (2)This matter will be take up at the next meeting.
3.Set fire to sth=set sth on fire 1)纵火烧 2)点燃,使着火
1) Who set fire to the storehouse remains unknown.
2) It wa a cigarette end the set the house on fire.
4.burn sth to the ground:destroy…by fire 烧毁 与burn down 同义 The big fire burned his house to the ground
5.address vt 1)(在信封,包裹等上)写上收信人姓名和地址 2)address sth to sb post sth to sb 把。。。寄给某人 3)address a meeting 在大会上发表讲话或致词
译:51)I’m afraid that I have addressed the parcel wrongly.
52)The letter was returned because of being wrongly addressed.
53)The letter is addressed to you,not me.
54)It is said that Professor Li will address the medical conference.
55)The president addressed us seriously.
6.(句型转换)56)As soon as he received my letter,he telephoned me at once. ___ ___my letter….
57)The moment he arrived in Beijing,he fell ill. __ ___ ___in Beijing…
58)He was on/at the point of leaving when I arrived.=He was___ ___ ___when I arrived.
7.throughbecause of,as a result of 因为 through no fault of his own 决不是因为他自己的过错
指出through 在不同句子中的不同含义
59)He went into the room through the window.______
60)The news spread through the village quickly.______
61)He was wide awake through the night.______
62)I borrowed the refence book through Mr Li.______
63)Are you through your work?______
64)The boy bedcame ill through eating too much.______
8.keep sb a prison=keep sb in prison 把某人囚禁在狱中 be kept a prison 被囚禁在狱中
9.wrong 1)adj go wrong 1)出事,出问题 (1)All our plans went wrong.
(2)You won’t go wrong if you read the instructions carefully.
2)(机器等)坏了。 The machine has gone wrong. I can’t get it to stop.
n.错误,邪恶,冤枉(屈)The boy is old enough to tell right from wrong.
Do wrong 犯罪,作坏事 He did much wrong,and was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment.
Do sb wrong=do wrong to sb 作对不起某人的事,虐待某人,冤枉(屈)某人
Eg.1)She looks unhappy.You must have done wrong to her.
3) Who can I tell the great wrong which has been done to me.
补充:work at put effort into sth/doing sth 致力于,在。。。下功夫
1) Charles is still working at his new book.He won’t join us in the journey.
2) The government is working hard at improving people’s living conditions.
用下列动词的正确形式填空 suffer,face,address,do,disturb(两次)attend,attend on ,work at,take up,burn,offer,put
65)The patient looks pale.He appears _______ a lot during the operation.
66)Are there any letters ______ to me today?
67)This is the main problem ______ us at present.
68)He will surely be punished for the great wrong he ______ to his workers in the past few years.
69)I dislike ______ during my work.
70)Hearing the news,the girl seemed both angry and _______.
71)His father insisted that he ______ a law school after graduation.
72)How kind it is of you ______ those homeless children.
73)The peasants objected to building a new airport because it would ______ much of their farmland.
74.You have to ______ your pronunciation if you want to improve your spoken English.
75)I’d like ______ $4000 for his house with a garden.
76)The fire ______ the building to ground by the time the firemen came.
77)I didn’t want to ______ him to the trouble of meeting me at the station.
1.notice 2.notice 4.watching 5.Watch 6.see 8.must∧be 9.D
10.Her daughter is… 11 his invention…
12.this is the first time I have visited the Pudong Developing Zoo.
13.This was the most frightening sight I have ever seen.
17took a long time 18.A 19.D 20.alive/living 22 alive 23 alive 24 alive 27.lively 29.B. 30.put money in the bank 31.draw money from the bank 32.In the village,every family has money in the bank/
33.She was disturbed to heat of the news of her mother’s illness.
34.I don’t wish anyone to disturb me at this moment.
35.Don’t punish children for no good reason.
36.We required the boss to apology to us for firing the workers for no good reason in public.
37.attend the medical conference
38 attend school 39.attend the history lecture
40.could ∧rescure 41.D
42.He is always ready to do good deeds for disabilities.
43.People sing high praise for his heroic deeds in the fight against the floods by writing letters or phoning.
44.That factory suffered a great loss in the fire.
45.Before liberation my parents suffered (from) cold and hunger all the year around.
46.The patient suffering from cancer is dying.
49.Music usually takes up 30% of the broadcasting programmmes.
50.I took up the violin at the age of 5.
56.on receing 57.on his arrival 58.about to leave 59.通过 60。遍及 61。整个 62。通过。。。。。。手段、媒体 63。完成 64。由于 65。To hae suffered 66.addressed 67.facing
68.has done 69.being disturbed 70.disturbed 71.attend attend (on) 73.take up hard at 75 to offer 76.had burnt 77 put




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