SB Unit 23

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1. 改错:If you have anything important to tell me, please telephone 7759443.
Dial vt.1)拨(电话号码) I dialed my friend’s number,but the line was busy.
2)打、拨号给(某人)She suddenly jumped out of bed,and dialed her husband.
2.电话用语A)别挂电话 Hold on or Don’t hang up. B)挂断电话 ring off C.打长途电话 make a long-distance call (to)sb eg.I’ll ring off now. Someone wants to use the telephone
注意:1)如接电话的人要去找对方要找得人,应说:Hold on,I’ll go and get him. Or Don’t hang up,please.
2)如对方打错了电话,应说;I’m afraid you have got the wrong number.
3)通知他人接电话,应说:Mr Li,you are wanted on the phone.
4)如要对方通知他人会电话,应说:Please tell him to call me back/return my call. My office number is…
3.suppose vt.1)think,guess (1)suppose+从句; (2)suppose sb(to be)+表语; (sb)be supposed to be+表语/to be doing/ to have done
eg.1)People in old times supposed the earth to be round.
2)He issupposed to be honest.
3)The club is supposed to have been set up in the 1930’s.
4)Who do you suppose he will turn to for help?
2)假定(Let us)suppose that… (1)Let us suppose that his statement is right. Suppose that line A equals line B.
译:1)We are supposed to get down to business now.
2) I was supposed to come to this lecture,but my car broke down halfway.
4.have sth on 有事,有约会
----I’d like to play chess this evening. Is this a convenient time?
----Sure,go and ahead. I have nothing on tonight.
1(对不起,今晚我有重要约会)----_______________________________________________ .
5.Get together come or meet together 相聚;(非法)聚会,联欢
1) Let’s get together some other time and talk about old times.
2) Our class get together at least once a year,either at Christmas or on Spring Festival. vi/c 闲谈,聊天 chat with sb about sth; have a chat with sb about sth
7.All the best(in) 打电话或告别时,祝愿用语
5.All the best in your new job. 6)All the best in your business.
转换句型 6。We should make the best ofnatural resources.(1)___ ___ ___ ___(2)___ ___ ___ ___
1. The electrical signal is change back into The electrical signal is changed/turned into sound again.
2. popular adj 1)讨人喜欢的,很受欢迎的7. He is popular ______girls.
2大众化的,通俗的 (1)popular medicine (2)book on popular science 科普书籍 3)pop music
3. over从。。。一端到另一端
4.Wind[wound,wound] (1)转动(手柄) In these days,to make a call,you had to wind a handle at the side of your telephone.
2)给(钟表)上发条。 Could you wind my alarm and set it for 6:30 in the morning?
3)缠绕 t/vi(1)She wound a piece of cloth around her neck.
(2)A snake winds around a branch.
4)(道路,河流等)蜿蜒前进 (1)A stream wind its way through my village.
(2)The car wound its way up the hill.
5.charge 用适当的介词填空 8。How much do you charge ______ a single room?
9)He was charged ______ murder.
10)Who will be ______ charge of the company during the absence of the manager?
11)Here you can get serve free ______ charge.
6.改错 12.For the last twenty years China has made great progresses in research into outer space.
7.转换句型 13。The electrical signals need to be strengthened every 3-4 km. need/want______
14.动词填空 I wonder which article require _______(rewrite)
strengtn 1)力气,力量 (1)She rose to her feet with great strength.
(2)Knowledge is strength.
2)强度,浓度 What we should do next is to test the strength of the wire/the strength of acid.
Strengthen vt.加强,巩固 1)We must strengthen the ties between China and Rusia. 2)Her wish to be a nurse was strengthened with each passing day.
8.改错15).I would prefer to have tea in the open air instead of the room.
16.There is no chance of getting touch with him except by getting the number of his mobile.
9.frequent adj happening 经常的,频繁的 反义 infrequent; adv.frequently
eg.1)He paid frequent visits to me during my stay in Beijing.
2)We had frequent calls all morning from customes.
10.recover 1)get well after an illness,accident,shock etc vt 恢复(健康,自觉,体重),vi 痊愈 恢复原状
eg.1)recover one’s senses
2)He has recovered from his bad cold.
译:17。恢复体力________ 16恢复体重________
2)get back 追回,收复 eg.1)The police recovered the stolen watches.
2)The army recovered a conquered town. adj 1)(物)灵巧的 2)(人) clever 聪明的,精明的 3)潇洒的
1) Isn’t smart of you to unfold our secret.
2) You look smart in this new suit.
1.选择 19。Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard_____ ,you failed. the end B.after all other words the same time
20.______ in his life I learned from my own experience the importance of knowledge.
A.Deeply B.Simmply C.Deep D.Late
注:1)have a word with sb 跟某人说几句话 2)have words with sb 与。。。争吵 Why ever did you have words with your wife again? 3)in other words=that is to say 也就是说 4)in a word 总之 In a word,I hate you.
2. late adj/adv 迟,晚;later 以后,后来; latest 最近的,最迟的;lately adv 最近
填空:21。They all agreed to meet in the ______ afternoon.
22.He usually sits up very ______ .
23.Three days ______ he came back. 24)You will find the book instructive _____ .
25.This is the _____ news. 26.I haven’t seen any films ______ .
3.译:27。发展生产 28。研制一种新型电脑 29。开发自然资源 30。培养听说技能 31。冲洗胶卷
4.解释 32)The noise in the stret disturbed my study.______ ______
33)He was disturbed to hear the news of his father’s sudden death. ______ ______
interrupt 1)disturb 打搅,干扰 I’m sorry to interrupt you,but there is someone to see you.
2)get in a word 打断某人的话, I f you keep interrupting me,I will drive you out of the classroom.
3)stop,hold up 使(工作,活动等)中断 While we wer watching TV,a flash interrupted the program.
5.remind 1)提醒 remind sb of sth; remind sb to do sth; remind sb that 从句
36.I want to remind you that you will have something important on tonight.
2)使。。。想起 His walks remind me of the way his ather used to walk.
6.Due adj 1)定于(某时)到达 eg.The flight from pairs is due in Beijing at once.
My wife is due here at 11:45.
2)be due to do 预定,定于(做某事) 到期应该
eg.1)His new novel is due to be published next month.
2)The meeting is due to last a week.
3)Your electricity bill is due to be paid.
Due to :because of,as a result of;thanks to (用于指积极的原因) 作用 1)做表语 2)做状语
Eg.1)The company’s problem is due to bad luck and poor management.
2)The 10:40 train was delayed due to bad weather.
7.改错 41.The headmaster will announce us the result of the maths contest himself. (sewed,sewn) 1)缝制,缝上 2)做针线活
1)My mother sewed a dress for me. 2)She sewed small pieces of cloth together and made a pretty quilt. 3)Can you sew?
4)I like to do some sewing on Sundays.
9.bargain 1)削价商品 便宜货 vi. 讨价还价,谈判 bargain with sb about sth 就。。。与某人讨价还价 eg.At that low price the house is a bargain.
2)I always drive a hard bargain with the seller while shopping.
3)I refuse to bargain over the price.
4)Do you think there is possibility of bargaining with the enemy?
10.补充lack short of 缺少,没有 eg.1)What we lack is common sense.
2)I lack the experience to find a job.
3)n/u 缺少,不足 1)A lack of food caused her to grow weak.
2)The project failed due to/for lack of money.
return,dial,chat,get,remind,make,disturb,announce,be,recover,interrupt,lie,pay,go strengthen
42.----Hello,you shouldn’t have telephoned a person at midnight?
----Sorry,I ______ the wrong number.
43.----Does it matter if I ______ your call this evening?
----No,go ahead.
44.Marry said she was looking forward as much to seeing us as we were looking forward to_____
together at Christmas.
45.We ________happily in the open air when it began to rain.
46.It is a waste of money to buy a cordless phone because we find it hard _____ a long-distance call with it.
47.This man is supposed to be hard to deal with .I have ______ you to keep him at a distance.
48.----Ann is supposed ______ about what he did last night.
----I believe not. He is too honest to tell any lies.
49.I didn’t intend ______ you while you were sleeping,but I really had something important to report you.
50.You may as well ______ to your class that there will be no school tomorrow before class is over.
51.He is suffering from a bad cold. It is likely that he will take a long time ______ from illness.
52.There ______ great advances in reseach into the cause of cancer in the last twenty years.
53.The building of the bridge ______ many times ever since due to lack of money.
54.We must find out how much money is due ______ .
55.What we lack is belief in ourselves,and it required ______ .
56.These spare parts are meant for this car in case it ______ wrong halfway.
1. Sorry,I have something important on tonight.
2. Father is busy cooking lunch in the kitchen,while we are chatting in the room next door.
3. Can we get together some other day and have a chat about old times.
6.(1)make full use (2)make the most of
7.I drove over the Highway 312.
8.for 9.with 11.of 12.progresses---progress do/doing 14.rewriting 15.of∧in the 16.getting∧in 17 recover one’s strength 18.recover one’s weight 19.C 20.D 21.late 22.late 23.later 24.later 25.latest 26.lately 27.develop production 28.develop a new type of computer 29.develop natural resources 30.develop listening and speaking skills 31.develop films 32.interrupt 打搅 33.upset 令人心神不安
34.I have to remind you of what you’ve ever promised.
35.Please remind him to post the letter 5:00 at the latest.
37.This photo reminds me of my childhood.
38.Next train from Shanghai is due her at 10:40.
39.He is due to make a speech at the meeting tomorrow.
40.He was killed in car accidnt due to his careless.
41.announce∧to us 42.dialed 43. return 44.getting 45.were chatting 46. to make 47. to remind have lied disturb 50.have been recover
52.have been 53.has been interrupting be paid
55.strengthening 56.goes




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