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授课人:郭礼文 时间: 班级:
  4.能够理解和运用部分动词所带否定的宾语从句的否定前置。如:I don't think they can came on time.
  5. 除会叙述旅行之外,我们还要给出We should write a short passage about travelling. What do you think of travelling? Is it good or bad? 等题目进行写的练习。
1. I hope to see him as soon as possible.
  as…as possible是一个固定词组,与as … as I can/ could同义。soon为副词,可将soon换为别的副词或形容词,作“尽可能……地(的)”解。如:
  as soon as possible 尽可能早   as quick as possible 尽可能快
  as often as possible 尽量经常 as friendly as possible尽量友好
【例】(1)You’d better leave here as soon as possible. 你最好尽早离开这里。
  (2)Try to be as friendly to your classmates as possible. 对同学要尽可能友好。
  (3)Your should go home to see your sick mother as often as possible.
  (4)Get up as early as possible tomorrow == Get up as early as you can. 明天清尽早起床。
  (5)Will you please say it as clearly as possible? = Will you please say it as clearly as you can? 请你能尽可能说得清楚些吗?
  (6)Do it as quickly as possible = Do it as quickly as you can.尽快去做吧。
  需要注意的是as soon as possible指时间的迟早;而as quickly as possible则表示动作的快慢。
2. I’ll leave a message on his desk. 我将在他的桌子上留言。
  (1)leave a message. “留言;留话”,类似的还有:
  give sb a message 给某人带个口信; take message带个口信,带个话;
  send a message to sb 发信息给某人
  (2)leave 的用法归纳
  1)离开;出发。词组有:leave…for… 离开…去…;leave for 动身去…,如:
  When will you leave Beijing? 你们什么时候离开北京?
  We are leaving Beijing for Shanghai. 我们将离开北京去上海。(leave此句中是及物动词)
  When are you leaving for London?什么时候你将动身去伦敦?(leave此句中是不及物动词)
  I left my bay in your home. 我把我的书包忘在你们家了。
  3)过去分词left 用在名词后作宾语,意为“剩下”,如:
  Don’t worry, there is some time left. 不要着急,还剩一点时间。
  Will you leave the door open? 请把门敞开好吗?
3.I’m free every day except today. 除了今天我每天都空。
  在英语中,besides,but和 except作为介词,都有“除……之外”的意思。besides是“除……之外,还有……”是肯定的;而except和but是“除……之外,没有……”是否定的。在否定句中,besides可以和 except,but同义。与but相比,except所含“除外”的意味更明确,语气也更强烈。例如:
  (1)All came back besides Kate.除了凯特已回来,其他所有人也回来了。
  (2)All came back except/ but Kate.除了凯特,全都回来了。(意思是凯特还没有回来)
  (3)I don't want anything but / except this.除了这个,我什么都不要
  (4)We go to school everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们每天都上学。
4. What does the teacher say?
  She says that she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk.
  I hear she will be back in an hour.   He said she lived with her mother.
  He told me that the sun is the biggest of the three.
6. It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.
  句中的much和far是用在比较级前表示程度的。类似的还有:a little,still,a lot,even等。例如:
  (l)This text is a little more difficult than that one.这篇课文比那篇稍难一点。
  (2)I’m feeling even worse today.我今天觉得更不舒服。
  (3)I’ve made a lot more mistakes than you have.我犯的错比你犯的多多了。
7. It takes about ten minutes.
  “花费某人多长时间做某事”通常使用 It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.句型。
【例】 (1) It took me three hours to finish my work. 完成工作花了我三个小时的时间。
 (2)It usually takes me half an hour to do morning exercises.早锻炼通常花我半个小时时间。
8. They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window.
  The conductor kept coming go offer them hot water and selling them magazines.
  此两句中共同用到keep doing,keep作为动词有许多用法:
  Will you keep this seat for me?  替我保留这个座位好吗?
  Does your watch keep good time? 你的表走得准吗?
  Who holds the position to keep goal? Who’s the goal keeper? 谁守球门呀?
  We should keep the motherland in mind and the whole world in view.
  We’ll keep you informed.  我们将随时让你知道情况。
  Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。
  The Chinese people always keep their word. 中国人民说话是算数的。
  She keeps regular hours. 她生活作息很有规律。
  How do you keep Spring Festival by yourself?  你一个人怎么过春节?
  To keep the Sabbath is a kind of habit of Europeans. 欧洲人的一种习惯是守安息日。
  The old man kept his bed for 15 years. 这老人卧床不起已有三5年了。
  The girl keeps the house. 这女孩足不出户。

  keep away 站开,使离开  keep back 后退   keep from 阻止
  keep down 镇压,控制   keep off 让开,不接近  keep out 靠外,免入
  keep under 压制,控制   keep up with 跟上,赶上.
  journey可指经常走过、旅行过的范围,它一般用于长距离的,其“旅行”方式不论海、陆、空交通皆可以。例如: Did you have a good journey? 你一路上顺利吗?
  They went on a long train journey. 他们乘火车出远门了。
  It's more than 27 hours 'journey by air from Beijing to London.
  This is my trip to the seaside.  这是我的海滨之行。
  Their honeymoon trip to Venice is exciting. 他们前往威尼斯的蜜月旅行令人兴奋不已。
  另外,它们的另一个同意词是travel,当travel作名词时,它的“旅行”含义是“出国旅行”。它不能与不定冠词连用,例如: a travel。如果要表示“一次”,我们可以说:“a trip”,“a journey”。
  Travel is much cheaper than it used to be. 现在旅行比过去便宜多了。
  I am writing an account of my travels about America. 我正在写一部美国游记。
   She says (that) she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk. 她说她将在校长的桌子放个留言条。
   I hope (that) you’ll have a good holiday. 希望你(们)假日愉快。
  2. 后面常接that引导的宾语从句的动词有:think, hope, say, tell, know, see, hear, mean, agree, fell等。如:
  I see (that) you come here on foot today. 我看你今天是步行来的。
  I hear (that) one of the pandas has a baby.我听说有只熊猫生了个小熊猫。
  Please tell Mr. Hu that I’m working hard on my Chinese. 请告诉胡老师我在努力学习汉语。
  You can see from my photo that I have a big smile and long black hair. 你可以从我的照片中看到我的笑容和黑长发。
  I don’t think any of the programmes is interesting. 我认为这些节目没有一个有趣。
  I don’t think chickens can swim. 我认为鸡不会游泳。
  3.后面常接宾语从句的形容词有:sure, glad, pleased, happy, afraid等。如:
  I’m sure he would love to come to your birthday party. 我相信他会很乐意参加你的生日聚会。
  We are both very happy that we are twins. 我们俩都为我们是双胞胎而感到高兴。
  I think I’ve lost my key.我想我已把钥匙丢了。
  I see you are on foot today.我看见你今天是步行来的。
  He says Jim will come back soon.他说吉姆很快会回来的。
  I’m glad she didn’t hurt herself.我很高兴她没有伤着自己。
  He said that he had a very good journey home.他说他们回家旅途愉快。
  He said he was working hard on his Chinese. 他说他在继续努力学习中文。
  He said he would have to give presents to all the family, but he hadn't chosen any yet.
  (3)如果宾语从句表示客观真理,即使主句中用了过去时,从句的谓语仍要用一般现在时。 The teacher told us that the sun is the nearest star to us of all.
(4)Could you tell me… ?是表示“请求”的委婉句型,并不表示过去时,所以其后的宾语从句的时态可根据需要用任何时态。
  Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?
关于Making telephone calls
  ★ 如想找某人听电话时,可说: May/Could/Can I speak to…, please?
  ★ 如你就是某人时,可答道:This is …(speaking). /This is …here/…here / speaking 不能说I’m…
  ★ 当对方想问你是否某人时,说: Is that,…(speaking)? 而不说Are you…?
  肯定回答是:Yes,it is. 不说Yes,I am. 否定回答是No,this is … 而不是No,I'm…
  ★ 如要让对方等一等,可说:Hold on(for a moment),please. 或One moment,please.
  He/She isn’t here right now / at the moment.
  或I’m sorry he’s / she’s our at the moment. 表示要找的人不在。
  ★ 在这种情况下,接电话的人表示愿意传话,可说:
  Can I take message (for you)?  I’ll leave a message (on her/his desk).
  I’ll give her/ him the message.
  ★ 听电话时,开始要用招呼语,如Hello! Hi! 如要问候对方,就用问候语:
  — How are you?  — Fine,thanks. What about you?/And you?
  — I'm fine,too. Thank you.
  ★ 结束时用告别语:Goodbye! /Bye. /See you(tomorrow).等。
  另外,在通话过程中可用May I help you?表示可以帮忙,That's very kind of you. 表示感谢,Yes,that would be fine. 表示同意。
I. It’s very nice _________ you to help me.   A. for B. to C. of D. about
  解析:本题考查“It is (was)+形容词+介词+不定式”这一句型的用法。It is +形容词,后可跟介词of或for。二者的区别在于:(1)所使用的形容词不同,for sb 的句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词,常用的形容词有:easy,difficult,hard,important,necessary,unnecessary,possible,impossible,interesting等。例如:It was hard for him to say good-bye.对他来说,道声再见是很难的。It is easy for me to learn English.对于我来说,学英语很容易。 (2)of sb的句型一般用表示主观感情或态度的形容词。常用的有:good,kind,nice,clever, foolish,right,wrong,careful,careless等。例如:It is foolish of you to do that.你真傻,做那样的事。It is very kind of you to help me.你能帮助我,真是太好了。of sb句型一般可以转换成一个不定式做状语的句子,而for sb句型则不可以。例如:It is very kind of you to help me.=You are very kind to help me.所以此题答案为C。
II. 词语练习:根据句意选择合适的词语填空。
1. -Could I use your bike, please?
  -Sorry, you _______. I'm going to see my mother by bike in a moment. (couldn't, can't)
2. I did my homework ______9 o'clock, (until, since)
3. Dad ______early this morning. (woke me up, woke up me)
4. Mary ______us to go to visit her house. (hoped, wished)
5. Father fell ______ while watching the TV play. (asleep, sleep)
6. I have ______a few books on science. (very, quite)
7. When I got to Bob's home, his family _______ chess in the living room. (was playing, were playing)
  1.can’t(这句中的could是表示请求的委婉说法,不是一般过去时,所以回答时不用couldn’t。)2.until(由于since通常用于有完成时态的句子里。这句话的意思是:我做作业一直做到九点。所以用until)3.woke me up(一个不及物动词和一个副词构成一个动词词组做及物动词用时,作宾语的代词要放在副词前。)4.wished(因为这是个及物动词+宾语+宾补的结构,所以不能用hoped。)5.asleep(因为fall asleep是个固定词组,意思是睡着了。) 6.quite (因为quite可以和a few连用,意思是:颇有几个/有不少个。而very不能和 a few连用。)7.were playing(全家人都在下棋,所以family要看成是所以家庭成员。)
III. We are _______ by the _______ film.
  A. moving, moved B. moved, moving C. moving, moving  D. moved, moved
正确答案为 B
  解析:moved 和moving,一个是过去分词,一个是形容词。前者是“感动的”,后者是“令人感动的”,它们的含义不同,用法也不同,“moved”一般与人连用。例如:
I was moved by the story. 我被故事感动了。
We were moved after we heard of the news. 听到这个新闻我们受到了感动。
a moving story 感人的故事 a moving film 感人的影片
His speech was very moving. 他的讲话非常感人。
IV. Do you like ________ English? A. every day B. everyday C. each day D. eachday
  解析:every day与everyday的区别是:every day是个短语,表示“每天;天天”。它在句中作状语。例如: We go to school every day.  我们每天上学。
  Every day she comes to wake me up to rise.  每天,她都前来叫醒我起床。
  而everyday则是一个单词,它表示“日常的;每天发生的”,也含有“常用的”概念。everyday在句子中用在名词前面作定语。例如:everyday troubles 日常烦事
  everyday English 日常英语用语
V. 把下列句子连接成宾语从句。
l.“I want to have an apple.” Polly says. Polly says ______ ______ ______ to have an apple.
2. “It’s very cold in Moscow.” He said.
 He said ________ ________ _______ very cold in Moscow.

四、习题精选 初三英语总复习单元自查练习(UNIT 4)疑难解答。(本习题课前发给学生)
  1. The word o___________ shows that something belongs to a person or another thing
  2. The word p___________ means to do something so often that one will be good at it.
  3. Do you m______ if I sit here?
  4. The music is bright and l______.
  5. They had an e______ time in Sydney.
答案:1. own 2. practise 3. mind 4. lively 5. enjoyable
B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。
  1. Which is ____, traveling by air, by train or by ship? ( popular)
  2. As soon as he went to bed, he fell ____. (sleep)
  3. Jim thinks travelling by train is far more _______ than by air. (enjoy)
  4. What do you think is the ______ way to travel ? (comfortable)
  5. You must return the library books ______. (you)
答案:1.the most popular 2. asleep 3. enjoyable 4. most comfortable 5. yourself
C) 选用下列动词适当的形式填空,并作相应的变化
  take get pass offer go fall travel show leave speak hurry sell
  1. Mother tried to practise ________ English every day.
  2. He ________ asleep soon after he went to bed.
  3. ________ forever are the days when you look young!
  4. Don't ________ it on to the next student!
  5. They keep ________ us some tea at the meeting.
  6. Would you like to ________ me around your factory?
  7. ________ up, or you’ll be the last one to ________ to the top of the hill.
  8. She ________ a kind of new apples in her shop now.
答案:1. speaking 2. fell 3. Gone 4. pass 5. offering 6. show 7. Hurry, get 8. is selling
A) 句型转换
1. Wei Hua was washing clothes last night. (对画线部分提问)
 ________ ________Wei Hua ________clothes?
2. You’d better get to sleep earlier, or you’ll be tired. (同义句转换)
 If you ________ ________ ________earlier, you won't be tired.
3. While we were talking, the teacher came in. (对画线部分提问)
________did the teacher________ ________?
4. He saw the bag before his bike hit it. (用until转换)
 He________ ________the bag ________his bike hit it.
5. You help me with English. It's nice of you. (连成一句)
 It’s nice of you ________ ________ ________with English.
答案: 1. when, was, washing 2. get, to, sleep 3. when, come, in 4. didn’t, see, until
5. to, help, me
1. I’m sorry he isn’t here right now.   I'm sorry he’s ________the____.
2. I hope to see him as soon as possible. I hope to see him as ____as ____ ____.
3. He says that he won't be free until tomorrow.He says that he___ ___free ___tomorrow.
4. Jim Green has been in China for more than two years.
Jim Green ____to China ____two years ____.
5. It's best to travel by train.   ____by train ____the ____.
6. They went to Chengdu by train.   They ____a____ ____to Chengdu.
7. Everybody is here except Jim Green.   ____Jim Green ____here.
8. It’ll take us two weeks to spend our holiday in the country.
We’ll have our ____ ____in the country.
答案:1. out, at, moment 2. soon, I, can 3. will, be, after 4. came, over, ago
5. Travelling, is, best 6. took (had), train, ride 7. Only, isn’t 8. two-week, holiday
1. The little boy was ________with the big boy because he was ____words to him.
  A. fond, speaking B. angry, saying C. angry, talking D. friendly, telling
2. Lucy, please don't play with fire. __________.
A. How can you say like that? B. It's right. C. It doesn’t matter. D. Sorry, I won't do it again.
3. We don’t know If it _________. If it______, we won' t go out for a walk.
  A. rains, will rain, B. rains, rains C. will rain, will rain  D. will rain, rains
4. It's difficult ________your sound because the noise is too high.
  A. to listen   B. to know   C. to learn   D. to hear
5. He says ____he will be back soon. A. when B. what  C. that  D. where
6. He told a very ____story about his life in America. A. live B. living  C. lively  D. life
7. If you don't get up early, you' II ____the bus. A. not miss B. miss C. catch D. lost
8. How long __it __to go there by train? A. do, take B. does, take C. does, spend D. does, play
9. A young man practised ________ English with Mr Green.
  A. speak   B. speaking   C. to speak   D. speak in
10. She says she can get to Tian’anmen from Wangfujing by bike________ ten minutes.
  A. after   B. in   C. before   D. about
11. We should help her when she is ________.
  A. in trouble   B. in a trouble  C. in the trouble   D. in troubles
12. The policeman kept the thief ________ for four hours.
  A. standing   B. to stand   C. to sit   D. siting
13. I want to visit England ________.
  A. if it possible B. as soon possible C. as soon as possible  D. if possible
14. They ______Hong Kong twice.
  A. have gone to B. have been to C. have been in  D. have gone in
15. I have never seen ______film before.
  A. a so interesting B. a such interesting C. so a interesting D. such an interesting
16. Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday ____Jim.A. but  B. not C. except D. besides
17. What ______just now?
  A. was happened B. were happened C. happened D. happens
18. If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind ______ classmates.
  A. another   B. the others   C. other   D. the other
19. ______ did Lin Tao say about Mount Emei? A.What B. How C. When D. Why
20. I’m afraid ______ you may be late. A. when B. that C. why D. how
答案: 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B
  Allan was worried. This was his first time to go travelling 1 . He did not know how to find his seat, 2 he went to the air hostess (空姐) and asked, “Could you help me? I can’t find my seat.” The air hostess showed 3 the seat and told him 4 and fasten the seat belt (系牢安全带). She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan’s ears might feel 5 strange, but he didn’t need to 6 it because many people felt 7 that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk round. He could 8 read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would 9 food and drinks. Allan could enjoy the flight and 10 soon.
(  )1.A. by ship .  B. by air   C. by car   D. by bus
(  )2.A.yet  B. or   C. but   D. so
(  )3.him   B. me   C. her   D. he
(  )4.A. stand up B. sleep C. to sit down D. sit down
(  )5. A. a little B. little C. a bit of D. bit
(  )6. worrying B. be worried C. worry about D. worry
(  )7.A.in B. for C. as D. like
(  )8 .A. neither B. either C. both D. also
(  )9. A. hold B. take C. bring D. carry
(  ) 10 .A. arrive home B. arrive C. get to home D. reach at home
答案:1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. A
(A)Ted worked in a factory in a big town. He liked go fishing 1. __________
very much and was very well at it. Whenever he was free, he went 2. __________
down to the small river behind the factory and tried catch some fish, 3. __________
but there were very little there, because the water was dirty. Then 4 . __________
one summer he went to the seaside during his holiday and to stay 5. __________
at a small cheap hotel. “I’ve never fished in the sea ago.” He 6. __________
thought. “It’ll be rather more different from fishing in our river.” 7. __________
  On the first day, he caught a lot of fish and felt happily. 8. __________
He gave them to the hotel and cooked them for the all guests. 9. __________
And they enjoyed it very much. 10. _________
答案:1. go→going 2. well→good 3. catch→to catch or tried→ tried to
  4. little→few 5.tostay→stayed 6.ago→before 7. 去掉more
  8. happily→happy 9. the all→all the 10. it→them
(A) Roast (烧烤) is very famous in Brazil(巴西). Customers (顾客) just sit, waiting for waiters to send them all kinds of meat. If you like, you take one; if you don’t, the waiters pass you. If you don’t give any messages (信息) of stopping sending, they will goon.
 One day when I was in Brazil, I went to a restaurant to try the roast. After I took my seat, the waiter gave me a sign (牌子) with the colour “red” on one side and “green” on the other. I said “thank you”, then the waiters began to serve me. My plate was already full, but the waiters still kept on serving me more. I thought I had to eat more quickly. But to my surprise, the waiters still kept on serving more. Then a waiter found out the reason. He helped me turn the sign over, with red outside. When I finished, I found the waiter didn't serve me, just passed me. If I didn't call them, they didn't take a look at me. Do you know why? It's just like the traffic lights in the street. How wonderful!
(  )l. The waiters gave me a sign ________.
A. after I went into the restaurant B. when I sat down
  C. when I tried the food   D. when my plate was full
(  )2. When I began the meal, the colour red was ________.
    A. inside B. outside C. not seen D. not on the sign
(  )3. How did the waiter know you wanted food?
    A. Put the “green” side outside.      B. Take the sign away.
    C. Put the “red” side outside.      D. Keep the waiters away.
(  )4. Why didn't the waiters serve me? Because ________.
  A.I didn't call them B. I didn't want more C. the “red” was outside D. they didn't like me  
(  )  5. Which is the best title of his passage?
    A. How angry I was! B. The sign. C. Enjoy roast.D. The traffic lights on the table.
答案:1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D
(B) Americans can travel almost anywhere they choose. But to protect its people, the government(政府) lists a few dangerous places where Americans can’t go. These places are unfriendly countries or countries at war. There the traveler might not be safe. These countries are listed in a small book called passport (护照).
  This passport is a government request for the safety of its travelling people. It is also a government's pledge(保证)that the people will obey the rules of the host country(东道国).
  To receive a passport from the government, a traveler must prove(证明)that he is an American citizen (公民). An American can not go overseas (外国) without a passport. Only certain close countries such as Canada and Mexico do not ask for passports.
  Pasted inside the passport is the traveller’s picture. Children traveling with their parents are included in one parent's book.
  Thousands of people from the United States visit other countries every year. An American traveler might carry plane tickets, money, clothing and many other things. But the most important that he carries in another country is his passport.
(  ) 1. A passport is not needed when an American goes to ____.
A. foreign countries  B. dangerous areas(地区) C. Canada or Mexico D. countries overseas
(  )2. From the passage we can see that ____.
  A. children can't travel to foreign countries    B. Americans like to travel
  C. A traveller is not safe in most countries D. Americans like to travel to close countries
(  )3. Why does a traveler need a passport?
A. He needs something more to carry when he travels.B. It helps the country to protect the people.
C. He needs to have his picture taken more often.D. It helps the travellers to know where he will go.
(  )4. Which statement does the passage lead you to believe?
A. People should take care of their passports. B. It is not important to have a passport to travel.
C. Children are never included in a passport. 
D. When you are in another country, money is more important than a passport.
(  )5. Which of the following is true?
A. When Americans are traveling in another country, they must obey the rules of the country.
B. The American government sometimes allows its people to travel to dangerous places.
C. A passport is needed wherever an American is travelling.
D. Everyone who lives in the United States can get a passport from the American government.
  答案:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A
  John, like, Chinese, very much, make friends, Chinese students, say, great country, people, very friendly, told, me, be, in China, three more years
  John is from England. He has been in China for two years. He likes Chinese very much. He has made friends with a lot of Chinese students. He says that China is a great country, and the Chinese people are very friendly. He told me that he would be in China for three more years.
1、预习UNIT 5
2、完成练习:初三英语总复习单元自查练习(UNIT 5)




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