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过 去 分 词 在 非 谓 语 动 词 中 的 语 态 时 态 特 征
广东省深圳市宝安中学 赵国强 (518101)
感官动词和使役动词(如see, feel, find, make, need等)后面的宾语补足语,大多直接采用过去分词表示被动意义。如:
1) He often hears the song sung in the next room.他经常听见这首歌在隔壁房间唱起。
(比较:He often hears someone sing the song in the next room.他经常听见有人在隔壁房间唱歌。)
2) Would you like to have/get the bike repaired?你想要自行车给修一下吗?
(比较:Would you like to have someone repair the bike?或Would you like to get someone to repair the bike? 你想要请人修一下自行车吗?)
3) I won’t have anything said against him.我不容许背着他说他的坏话。
4)Will you speak a little louder so that you can make yourself heard?你讲大声点以便让别人听见你说的好吗?
5)Do you need the letter typed at once?你需要这信马上给打一下吗?
1) They will not allow such things to be done.他们将不准做这种事。
2) I won’t let them be treated in that way.我不能让他们受到这样的对待。
3) We suggested them being sent to hospital at once.我们建议他们给立即送往医院。
2. 状语中的过去分词表被动
1)Led by the old man, we had no difficulty in finding his house.=As we were led by the old man, we had no difficulty….由于老人带路,我们不费劲便找到他的家。
2)Satisfied with the boy’s answer, the teacher had a sweet smile.=Because the teacher was satisfied with…, he had …由于对男生的答案感到满意,老师甜甜地笑。
4) Given more time, they will probably agree.=If they are given more time, they will….如果多给点时间,他们很可能会同意的。
3. with复合结构中的过去分词表被动
1)With the gold cup held in his hand, he felt very excited.手里握着金杯,他很是兴奋。
2)The young guy lay on the grass with his hands crossed under his head.年轻人躺在草地上,双手叉着枕在头下。
4. 连词后的过去分词表被动
引导状语从句的连词(如when, while, though, once, as if等),大都单独采用过去分词表示被动,相当于一个省略的状语从句。如:
1)Don’t keep silent when (you’re)asked a question.当(别人)在问你的时候别不做声。
2)Once/ If (it’s) whipped, the horse will run faster.一旦(如果)抽鞭子,马就跑得快些。
3)Though (he was) taken there in his childhood, he still didn’t know the place well.虽然小时候给带到那儿去过,但他对这地方还是不熟。
但要注意:由before, after引导的被动语态动词短语代替从句,必须在过去分词前加上being。如:
After being shown around the factory, we had a rest.当领着参观工厂之后,我们休息了一会儿。(试比较:When shown around the factory, we had a rest./ Having been shown around the factory, we had a rest.)
5. 谓语中的过去分词表被动
在广告、通知、标题等文体中,为了行文简洁明了,谓语中也常常单独采用过去分词表示被动意义。如:Turners wanted!(招聘车工!) ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED!(各种货物大减价!) Trade agreements broken(贸易协定遭破坏)等等。
sweep the fallen leaves=sweep the leaves that have fallen扫落叶
a developed country=a country that has developed发达国家
1) He told us of the great wrong done to him.=He told us of the great wrong which had been done to him.他给我们讲了他所遭受的巨大冤屈。
2)Did you accept the invitation (that had been) given by the tour guide? 你接受导游所给的邀请了吗?
With the homework finished, I went out for a walk.=When the homework was/had been finished, I went out….作业做完之后,我出去散了会儿步。
3. 过去分词在状语中表示被动+完成
Weakened by the successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe. =As the bridge had been weakened by successive storms, it was no longer safe.由于遭到接二连三暴风雨的破坏,这桥已经不安全了。
1)Having corrected the students’ homework, he handed it out.他将学生的作业改完之后就发下去了。
2)Having been bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up.由于被狗咬过两次,邮递员要我们把狗拴起来,要不就不给我们送信。
3)Have you noticed the bridge being built there?= Have you noticed the bridge which is being built there?你注意到了那儿正在修的那座桥吗?
1. In Shishou of Hubei, the soldiers saved many important deer ____ milu deer.
A. call B. called C. is called D. which calls
2. The sun was shining brightly, ________ everything there _______ more beautiful.
A. making ; look B. to make ; looked C. and made ; looking D. and making ; be looked
3. Greatly _____ as a leading teacher, he was invited to attend the conference.
A. respect B. respected C. respecting D. being respected
4. On the grass lay an old man, with his hands _____ under his head and his eyes _____ at the blue sky.
A. crossing; staring B. crossed; stared C. crossed; staring D. crossing; stared
5. The students ____ to the office got their ____ papers, and most of them did well in the test.
A. invited; correct B. had been invited; corrected
C. invited; corrected D. having been invited; corrected
6. _____ nice, the food has a good sale.
A. Having been tasted B. Tasted C. Tasting D. Being tasted
7. Get the car thoroughly _______; I want to be free from worry on the trip.
A. check B. checked C. checking D. to be checked
8. At six o’clock in the evening, when a cat ran through a truck it narrowly escaped _______ over.
A. running B. to be run C. from running D. being run
9. The room, although ____ to be kept locked, was often left open.
A. ought B. supposed C. had D. should
10. He was found _____ at the desk, _____ something important.
A. seating; writing B. seated; wrote C. seated; writing D. seating; wrote
11. You’re requested to be present at the English evening _____ in our school.
A. hold B. held C. holding D. to be held
12. The man got the letter _____ with the car ____ at the gate.
A. typed; waiting B. typing; waited C. typed; waited D. typing; waiting
13. _____ in the war was very common at that time.
A. Killed B. Killing C. Be killed D. Being killed
14. _____ the bad news, they wore a _____ look on their faces.
A. Heard; worried B. Hearing; worried C. Hearing; worrying D. Heard; worrying
15. The books _____ next month are very well _____, and they’re really well worth reading.
A. published; written B. publishing; writing; C. to be published; writing; D. to be published; written
16. After _____ to hospital, the _____ were operated on in no time.
A. sending; injured B. sent; injured C. being sent; injured D. sending; injuring
17. When the woman saw the good result, she let out an _____ cry of joy, _____ like a lovely girl.
A. excited; jumping B. exciting; jumping C. excited; jumped D. exciting; jumped
18. _____ on top of the tower, the city looks extremely splendid.
A. See B. To see C. Seeing D. Seen
19. When he entered the room, he found the windows open and something _____.
A. missed B. robbed C. stolen D. disappeared
20. The speaker stood there talking, _____ by the journalists _____ the event.
A. surrounded; covered B. surrounded; covering C. surrounding; covered D. surrounding; covering
A.J.Thomson, A.V. Martinet: 《牛津实用英语语法》(第四版),外语教学与研究出版社,牛津大学出版社,1998年。




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