初三unit 14-15两单元教案

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Unit 14 Shopping
Lesson 53
Words and expressions
Be worn out, be excited about doing sth ,what size do you need?
A new pair of shoes, a bit expensive, how much are they ?
1. Duty report.
2. T: The spring festival is coming in about twenty days.
You are going back home for the holiday.
Are you excited about going back home?
Why or why not?
T: What are you going to do during the winter holiday?
S: I am going to…
T: People are usually busy before the spring festival.
What are they busy doing?
S: They are busy cleaning the house, doing shopping…
T: Children are usually very excited about the spring festival.
Do you know why?
S: They have new clothes to wear and they have lots of food to eat…etc.
1. T: Children usually wear new clothes during the spring festival.
What about you ?
Do you wear new clothes during the spring festival?
Did you buy any new clothes last year?
What clothes did you buy?
S: I bought a sweater…
T: What was it made of?
How much did it cost?
Are you going to buy new clothes this year?
What clothes are you going to buy?
S: I am going to buy a pair of shoes/trousers.
I am going to buy a sweater.
T:Are you going to buy a coat/ jacket/sweater/a pair of shoes/ trousers?
What color would you like?
What size do you need?
Would you like a cheap or expensive one?
How can you know whether the shoes fit you or not?
What must you do before you buy clothes?
S: I must try them on first and then decide whether to buy or not.
2.T: You are wearing a pair of sports shoes today.
What size are they ?
When did you buy them?
How much did they cost?
What are they made of?(leather,cloth)
Do you feel comfortable in these sports shoes?
What will you do if they are worn out?
S: I will buy a new pair.
3. T: Miqiko and her friend Miyoco are doing shopping now .
What are they going to buy in the shop?
Please read the dialogue quickly and then find out the answer to my questions.
4. Ask more questions.
a. Why is Miqiko going to buy a new pair of tennis shoes?
b. What about Miyoko?
c. When did they go shopping?
d. What sizesdid Miyoko need?
e. What size did Miqiko need?
f. What were the shoes made of?
g. How much were the shoes?
h. What did Miqiko think of the price of the shoes?
i. How did she feel after she tried the shoes on?
j. Did Miqiko take the shoes at last?
1. T: Next Sunday is your brother’s birthday .You want to buy a sweater for him.
2. T: You are going to take part in an evening party. You need a new dress.Your mother and you go shopping.

Lesson 53 Shopping online
Words and expressions
Shopping online, take pictures, shape, ad, make a decision, offer the most at the best price, order …,fill in the form, forever.
1.Duty report.
2.Revise the words and expressions
be excited about doing sth, try on, a new pair of leather tennis shoes, what size do you need? be worn out, a bit expensive, have you got anything cheaper, Have you got any other color/size/kind? / light green/ dark yellow
1. T: What is the time now?
S: It is 7:40.
T: When did we begin our class?
What were you doing at 7:20?
When did you have breakfast?
When did you do sport?
When did you get up this moring?
2. T: What had you done before 7:35?
S: I had done some reading before 7:35.
I had had breakfast before 7:35
I had done sport before 7:35.
I had got up before 7:35.
T: What had you done before 7:20/ 6:30/ 6:20/6:00?
S: I had had breakfast before 7:20.
3. T: What had you done before / when we began the class?
S: We had done some reading before/ when we began the class.
We had had breakfast before /when we began the class.
T: What had you done before you did some reading?
What had you done before you had breakfast?
What had you done before you did sport?
S: I had...... before/ when I...
6:00 6:20 6:30 7:20 7:35
get up do sport have breakfast do some reading begin the class now
4. T: When did you go to bed last night?
What had you done before you went to bed last night?
When did you get to school this morning?
What had you done before you got to school this morning?
What had you done before you got home last night?
1.T: Have you ever been online?
What do you usually do online?
S: Chatting, sending E-mail,seeing films, playing computer games, reading news etc.
T: Have you ever bought anything online?
Have you ever done some shopping online?
Which do you prefer , shopping online or shopping in real shops?
Why do many people prefer shopping online?
S: It can save time.
it is interesting.
It is easier .
They can buy something without going out.You just click on the screen to order
the thing you want to buy.
T: Some people don't like shopping online, do you know why?
S: Maybe they are afraid they may be cheated online.
They can't see the goods before they buy them.
They can't try them on if they buy clothes, so maybe the clothes will not fit them.
2. T: What is used for taking pictures or photos?
Who owns a camera in our class?
Have you got a camera?
Is it new?
What kind of camera is it?( digital camera, an ordinary one)
How long have you had it?
How much did it cost?
Has it ever broken down?
What kind of pictures do you take with your camera?( trees, flowers, building,
When do you usually take a camera with you?
S: Going on a trip/ travelling to other places.
3. T: Yesterday we learned that Miyoko bought a pair of tennis shoes because she was
travelling to Beijing.
She is going to buy a camera online today.
What kind of camera did she order online?
How did she shop online?Please read the passage and then answer my questions.
4. T: Why did Miyoko decide to buy a camera?
Why did she buy it online instead of buying one in a read shop?
What kind of camera did she order online? What brand was it?
How long has she searched the Internet before she found an ad for the Canon digital camera?
What had she done before she asked her father if she could buy it?
What did Mr Sato think of her daughter's choice?
Why did he think so?(offer the best at the best price)
How did she order online?(first fill in a form)
What did she have to fill in the form?
(credit car number,,telephone number, address, e-mail address)
When did she receive the camera she had ordered online?
What did she see in Beijing?
What did she do there with the camera?
Why did she take so many photos there ?
Lesson 55
1. Duty report.
2. T:Words and expressions
be excited about doing sth, try on, a new pair of leather tennis shoes, what size do you need? be worn out, a bit expensive, have you got anything cheaper, Have you got any other color/size/kind? / light green/ dark yellow, make a decision , check out,take pictures/photos,shop online, as well ,offer the most at the best price, an ad for the canon digital camera, a place of interest, fill in the form, so that, so…that ,go over
3. T: Yesterday was the New Year’s Day.
How did you spend the day?
What had you done before you returned to school?
What had you done before you began the class?
What had you done before you had breakfast?
Why did Miyoko decide to buy a camera?
Why did she buy it online instead of buying one in a read shop?
What kind of camera did she order online? What brand was it?
How long has she searched the Internet before she found an ad for the Canon digital camera?
Why did she like the camera?
What had she done before she asked her father if she could buy it?
What did Mr Sato think of her daughter's choice?
Why did he think so?(offer the best at the best price)
How did she order online?(first fill in a form)
What did she fill in the form?
(credit car number,,telephone number, address, e-mail address)
When did she receive the camera she had ordered online?
What did she see in Beijing?
What did she do there with the camera?
Why did she take so many photos there ?
1. T: Suppose you are going to Beijing during the winter holiday, What will you do before you set off?
S: I will…
T: Miyoko had done many things to get ready for the trip before she went to Beijing.
What had she done before she went to Beijing? Can you guess?
S: I think she had…
2. Look at part 3 . Look at the picture and say.
1. T: Why did Miyoko buy a camera?
S: She bought a camera so that she could take pictures of the trip.
T: Why do people put on raincoats when it is rainy?
S: People put on raincoats so that they won’t get wet in the rain.
2. T: Ask the students to complete the sentences.
a. Mr Green works hard so that
b. We helped the old man cross the road so that…
c. I turned on all the lights so that
d. We planted more trees this year so that..
e. The girl cried harder and harder so that ..
f. I decided to go there by air so that
3. T: When do you usually get up?
If you are allowed to get up later than 7 , will you get up before 6?
S: no.
T: Why do you find it hard to get up in the morning?
S: The weather is cold and the bed is too warm
T: The weather is so cold that we find it hard to get up early .
Who studies best in our class?
Why can she study well?
S: She works so hard that she studied well.
4. a. He got up so late/ early that…
b. we have met so many times that ..
c. the star is so far away from us that ..
d. the room is so dark that …
e. The book cost so much/ little that…
f. Jim felt so tired that …
5. Finish the exercise in the workbook.
Lesson 56
1. Duty report.
2. T: We know Beijing is the capital of our country , many people travel to Beijing every year because there are many places of interest in Beijing.
What places of interest are there in Beijing?
S: The Great Wall , the Great Hall of the people, Tian’anmen Square, the summer palace, the Beihai park, the Palace Museum,
3. T: Have you ever been to Beijing?
How did you go there?
What places of interest did you visit?
Did you go to Tian’anmen Square?
What did you see there ?
Did you see any people flying kites there ?
Did you hear people singing Peking Opera there?
1. T: We know Mijoko went to Beijing last month, What had she done before she went
to Beijing? Do you still remember?
S: She had bought ..
T: Why did she buy a camera?
S: She bought a camera so that she could take pictures of the trip .
T: What places of interest did she visit in Beijing?
Please read her diary and then find out what places of interest she visited
in Beijing and after that put the pictures in the right order.
2.Read it again and answer the questions below.
How did she go to Beijing?
When did she get to Beijing ?

1. 名词复数shelf---shelves copy---copies German---Germans leaf----leaves
2. make sb do sth make+ sb + 形容词
keep sb doing sth keep +sb /sth+ 形容词
3. 动词过去式pay--paid say--said spend--spent cost ---cost cut ---cut fall---fell 点站feel--felt hurt---hurt lie—lay (躺) lay-laid (下蛋)
4.a.某人+pay + 钱+ for sth
b.某人+spend +钱/时间+ on sth/ doing sth
c.某物+cost +某人+ 钱
d.It take+某人+时间/钱+to do sth
a.I paid ten yuan for the book.
b. I spend ten yuan on the book/ buying the book.
c.The book cost me ten yuan.
d. I took me ten yuan to buy the book.
5...leave... for...离开....去某 leave Beijing for Shanghai.
1. since two years ago / a week ago (一段时间+ago)
since 1990 / last year (点时间)
8.句子中出现下列词,一般需用现在完成时态. never, ever , just , yet, already , so far , since , recently (最近),in the last two months
He has never been to Beijing.
It has rained since last week.
He has already finished his work.
How many words have you learned so far?
The boy has read two books recently.
He has just finished his book.
9. already 一般 用在肯定句中,而yet一般 用在否定句与疑问句中
Have you finished your homework yet? I haven't finished the work yet.
He has already done his work.
10. used to do 过去常常做某事
I used to play basketball in the classroom, but now I don't .
be used to (doing )sth 习惯于做某事
I was not used to living there last year but now I have been used to living here.
11.borrow sth from sb 向某人借东西. I borrow a book from him.
lend sth to sb 把东西借给某人 He lent a book to me.
12. give up doing sth practise doing sth enjoy doing finish doing sth take part in doing sth stop/ prevent/ keep sb/sth from doing sth
make a contribution to doing sth do well in doing sth
be / become interested in doing sth
keep (on) doing sth mind doing sth be busy doing sth
feel like doing sth be worth doing sth
13. what is the population of Beijing? 北京的人口是多少?
14. 最重要的the most important,
第二重要的 the second most important,
最不重要的. the least important.
15. a little , much , far 放在形容词或副词的比较级前面,用于加强语气.
He is a little younger than me.他比我稍微小一点.
He is far / much younger than me. 他比我要小得多.
16. some time表示一段时间
I stayed in Shanghai for some time last month.(上一月我在上海呆了一段时间)
I will go to see you sometime next week.(下星期某个时间我去看你)
some times 意思为"几次 "
I have been to Beijing some times.(我去过北京几次)
sometimes 意思为"有时"
Sometimes I go to school on foot. (我有时走着去学校)
17. have been to 去过某地,但现在已回来了.
I have been to Beijing several times.(我去过北京很多次)
have gone to 去了某地,人还在那儿
My father has gone to Beijing.( 爸爸去北京了).
18. 形容词或副词必须放在enough 前面,old / big / carefully enough
19. had better (not )do sth let / make sb do sth
would you please (not) do sth ? Could you please (not) do sth?
Watch sb do sth
20.feel / find/hear / see sb do/ doing sth
21. would like /encourage/ want / help/ like / get / ask / tell sb (not) to do sth
warn sb not to do sth
22.hope/ wish / want/ fail /forget / remember/ like/ hate / would like / would love /begin/ start/ plan /decide to do sth
23 . death 为名词"死亡" His death made us very sad.
die 为动词"死亡" He died two days ago.
dead 为形容词"死的" The dog is dead.
24. I have had the books for two years( 买)
I can keep the book for a month.(借)
He has been in the Party for three years. (入党)
I left my book at home yesterday. (忘)
25. too....to .... He is too old to climb up the tree.
so....that ..后面跟上句子,that从句表示结果
He is so old that he can't climb up the tree.
So that 引导的句子表示目的
He gets up early so that he can catch the early bus.
26. none , neither 后谓语动词用单数
None of them is from Linhai.
Neither of them likes eggs.
Neither …..nor .. , either …or… 后面谓语动词与后一个主语保持一致。
Neither he nor I am a student .
Either you or he is a student.
27. south / north/ west/ east 的形容词+ern southern /northern/ western/ eastern
28.-------I have lost my book.
-------When __A__ you _____ it?
A. did , lose B. have , lost
29.Even though/ Although.....引导的让步状语从句,不要再加but
Even though he was late again, but the teacher didn't get angry. (错)
30.return =get back /give back return back (错)
31.名词health 形容词 healthy 副词 healthily
luck lucky luckily
truth true truly
safety safe safely
32. I don't know __B_____ he likes it or not. A. if B. whether C. weather
33. I am not sure if it ___B_tomorrow, If it_____tomorrow, I will stay at home.
A.rains , will rain B. will rain , rains C. will rain , will rain
34.There is a boy___B_____outside. A. to play B. playing C. play
35. _____A____ is very interesting. A. Watching TV B. Watch TV
36. My dream is __A____ a scientist. A. to become B. become
37. I have nothing __B__ to you A. saying B. to say
38.information, spirit ,scenery ,news,work,weather为不可数名词.
39. The story is very____A______, we are ______ in it.
A. interesting, interested B. interested , interesting
40.sound/ seem/ look/ smell 等系动词后用形容词.
The song sounds _______.(beautiful, beautifully)
The food smells _________.( nice, nicely)
41.prefer sth to sth I prefer apples to oranges.
Prefer doing sth to doing sth I prefer swimming to skating .
Prefer to do sth rather than do sth
I prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping.
42. hardly 是否定词,通常与can ,could连用。
He could hardly swim, could he?
44. ------How far ( away ) is Beijing from New York?
-----It is more than 6789 kilometres away .
45. thanks to ..多亏….
With the help of …在…帮助下
In this way 用这种方法
In old clothes 穿旧衣服
Tie….to …把…系到
Be full of
Be filled with
On Christmas eve
Keep doing on sth
46. 情态动词被动语态结构.
Must/ will/ may/ can/could + be + done.
It can be used as a pencil-box.
47. be made of Stamps are made of paper.
be made from Paper is made from wood.
48. 1/4 one fourth / a quarter 3/4 three fourths/ three quarters
48. put up 把…挂起来,举起 put off 推迟 put away把…收起来 put down 放下
49. one morning /afternoon 一天早晨/下午
one day morning/afternoon(错)
Unit 15 A doctor for animals
Lesson 57
Words and expressions
1. Duty report.
2. T:You came back to school last week.
Which do you prefer , to study at school or to stay at home?
How long did you stay at home for the winter holidays?
Did you enjoy yourself during the winter holidays?
What did you do during the winter holiday?
Did you watch TV? Did you play computer games?
Did your parents complain about it when you watched TV or played computer games?
What did they want you to do at home?
3. T: you are going to graduate from the school in four months.
Do you think you will continue to study in another high school after you graduate from this school?
Which do you think is the best school for you to continue your study?
S: Taizhou Middle school.
T: Is it your dream to study in Tai zhou Middle school next term?
To study in Taizhou Middle school is your dream.
Do you think your dream will come true?
T: What should you do to make your dream come true?
S: I should work harder.
T: To work hard brings you success.
Have you made up your mind to work harder than before?
4. T: Do you like to keep animals? Do you like to have a pet at home?
Why or why not?
What pets do people like to keep at home?
Some people think to keep a pet at home brings pleasure. while some people think to keep a pet at home brings trouble. What do you think? Who do you agree with ?
A: Yes : Give people a lot of pleasure.’
Help people especially old people feel less lonely
They don’t complain and they are grateful.
B. No. It takes time to take care of them., feeding them, walking it ,cleaning it.
They cost money .
They make room dirty and smelly.
Some animals can spread diseases
5. T: Have you ever kept a pet at home?
Is it still living with you? What happened to it at last?
How did you feel at that time?
How long did you keep it?
What did the pet bring you, trouble or pleasure?
Do you keep a pet at home at the moment?
What animal do you like to keep at home?
Which animal do you prefer to keep at home, a cat or a dog ?
S: I prefer to keep a dog at home.
T: Why do you like to keep a dog at home?
S: Dogs are honest.
Dogs can help guard houses.
Dogs are always grateful.
T: what will a dog do when it is happy to see you?
S: It will wag its tail or puts its ears straight up to show that it is happy or grateful.
T:What will it do when it is angry?
S: it will bark.
1. T: What do you want to be when you grow up?
S: I want to be..
T: Do you like being a doctor? Why ?
What does a doctor do?
Do you like being a doctor for animals or for humans?
Some people believe that it’s more important to help people than to help animals? Do you agree?
3. T: David’s father is a vet. He is a doctor for animals. One day David and his father were talking something about his job.
What does he think of his job?
What does he think of being a doctor for animals?
Let’s read the dialogue in Lesson 57
4. T: Ask the following questions
a. what does Mr Smith think of his job?
b. What animal does he like best?
c. Why does he like to work with animals better?
d. How can he tell when an animal is grateful?
e. What does he think is more important, to help people or to help animals?
f. Why does he think so? Why does he think helping animals is helping people?
g. What pet does David’s family keep? What was it called?
h. Who is the famous animal doctor who wrote many books about animals ?
i. Where did he come from?
j. What other information did he know about the animal doctor ?
k. What did they want to do to get more information about the doctor ?
5. Listen to the tape and repeat.
1. To study in Taizhou Middle school is your dream.
To work hard brings you success.
To keep a pet at home is a good thing,
To keep a pet at home brings trouble
2. 不定式作主语。
Lesson 58 The man who loved dogs
make one’s mind , mostly,heal,Education, Yorkshire,countryside,treat,
before long, regard…as, exactly, experience
1. Duty report.
2. T: As we all know , people in big cities like to keep small animals such as fish, dogs ,cats, mice,rabbits as their pets, they never kill them, instead, they look after them very well.They regard them as members of their families. In the countryside farmers also keep animals,but these animals are not kept as pets . They are kept to make money. What animals do farmers usually keep in the countryside?
S: Pigs, cows, sheep, rabbits, horses and so on.
T: What do farmers have to do when their animals are ill?
S: They have to send for a vet/an animal doctor.
T: Do you think a vet is a good job?
Do you like being a vet?
Which do you think is more rewarding, to be a doctor for humans or a doctor for animals ?
Which do you think is more difficult, to be a doctor for humans or a doctor for animals?
What does a doctor do?( Heal sick people)
Where does a doctor do?( in a hospital)
What does a vet do ?( Heal sick animals)
Where does a vet usually work?( on a farm)
What kind of people would like to be a vet ?(People who love animals very much)
3. T: Yesterday we got some information about David’s father.
What does his father do? A vet
What does he think of being an animal doctor ?
What animals does he like best?
Why does he like to work with animals better than with humans?
How can he tell when an animal is grateful?
Why does he think to help animals is helping people?
What pet does he keep at home? What is it called?
Who was the famous animal doctor who wrote many books about animals?
Where did he come from?
Did they know any other information abouth the animal doctor?
What did they do to get more information about the animal doctor?
3. T: After they searched the Internet, they got more information about James Herriot, Today we are going to read the story about the animal doctor,please read it carefully and then answer the questions in your workbook.
T: When and where was James Herriot born?
What was his favourite animal?
How can you tell Herriot and his pet dog Don loved each other?
What did Herriot want to be after he graduated from high school?
Was it possible for him to be a vet for dogs at that time?
Why was it impossible to be a vet for dogs when Herriot went to college?
Did he give up his education at the college?
Why did he continue his education?
Where did he work after he graduated from the college?
Why did Herriot start treating dogs?
Why was Herriot laughed at by other vets?
What did they think were real animals?
Why were the owners of the dogs very glad that Herriot would help their pets?
What pets did Herriot himself keep? What were they called?
How did they do when Herriot went to the farms to heal sick animals?
What did Herriot do to let other people learn his experience as a country vet?
How many books did Herriot write about animals?
Which book was just about dogs?
How do you feel when your pet gets ill?
Do you think it necessary to have vets for dogs in your city
Lesson 59
1. Duty report.
2. T: Revise the words and expressions
A doctor for animals/ an animal doctor/ vet
Make up one’s mind/ make a decision/ decide
Graduate from, at first, grow up, heal/ treat sick animals /be grateful to sb/ before long/ regard…as…/ continue to do sth, high school/wag one’s tail
3. T: Yesterday we read a story about a famous animal doctor.
Who was the famous animal doctor who loved dogs very much?
When and where was James Herriot born?
How can you tell Herriot and his pet dog Don loved each other?
Where did he and his dog usually go ?
What did Herriot want to be after he graduated from high school?
Was it possible for him to be a vet for dogs at that time?
Why was it impossible to be a vet for dogs when Herriot went to college?
Did he give up his education at the college?
Why did he continue his education?
Where did he work after he graduated from the college?
What kind of city was Yorkshire?
What work did he do in the city?
Why did Herriot start treating dogs?
Why were dogs never treated?
Why was Herriot laughed at by other vets?
What did they think were real animals?
How did the owners of the dogs feel?
Why did they feel happy?
What pets did Herriot himself keep? What were they called?
How did they do when Herriot went to the farms to heal sick animals?
What did Herriot do to let other people learn his experience as a country vet?
How many books did Herriot write about animals?
Which book was just about dogs?
1. T: Do you want to work in a hospital in the future?
Why not?
Don’t you think to work in a hospital is interesting?
S: No.
T: To work in a hospital is not interesting.
Although to work in a hospital is not interesting ,sometimes we have to go to the hospital when we don’t feel well.
What will a doctor do for you?
What will the doctor ask you to do?
S: To take some medicine.
T: what should you do with the medicine if you want to become well?
S: You should take the medicine on time.
T: Is it necessary to take medicine on time?
S: To take medicine on time is necessary.
T: Sometimes a doctor will ask you to get an injection if you want to become well more quickly.
Are you afraid of getting an injection? Why?
S: To get an injection is a little painful.
T: Have you ever seen a nurse give a baby an injection?
What does a baby usually do when he is given an injection?
S: He always cries or moves his bady.
T: Is it easy to give a baby an injection?
S: To give a baby an injection is not easy.
2. T: To work in a hospital is not interesting.--- It is not interesting to work in a hospital .
To give a baby an injection is not easy.--- It is not easy to give a baby an injection.
3. Ask the students to make more sentences like this.
To watch TV interesting/ important/ rewarding/ exciting
To be a teacher easy/ difficult/ painful / dangerous/ useful/
……. Helpful/ kind/
Lesson 60
earthquake, rock, as if, at sea, two-story, grab, crash, mobile phone, at all,at least
1. Duty report.
2. T: As we all know , many people like to keep dogs as pets . In the old days people kept dogs because dogs could help them look after their houses. In the modern world people keep dogs because they feel lonely and dogs can help them feel less lonely .Dogs are always regarded as the most useful animals in the world.
There are many interesting stories about dogs and his owners.
Have you ever heard of such kind of stories ?
Today we are going to read a story about a dog called Cody. It saved a baby in a
Please read the story again and tell me how Cody saved the baby .
How did Cody save the baby?
Where and when did the story happen?
What was the baby doing when the earthquake happened?
What was Cody doing when the earthquake happened?
What was Mrs Parley doing when the earthquake took place?
How did Mrs Parley feel when the earthquake happened?
Why couldn’t Mrs Parley reach the baby’s house?
What happened to the house because of the earthquake?
What happened to Mrs Parley when she dropped to the first floor?
What did she shout to the dog?
What happened to the bed when Cody jumped out of the bed?
Who called the police ?
Was the baby frightened ?
What did the police do to help them?
What may happen to the baby if Cody didn’t save him?
What can we learn from the story?
3. T: Just now we read a story about a dog called Cody.
There is another dog called Cody. It is ill today so its owner took it to see an animal doctor. Please listen carefully and choose the right answers.
Lesson 60 (II)
1. Duty report.
2. T: Yesterday we read a story about a dog called Cody.
What kind of dog was it?
What did it do for its owner?
Where and when did the story happen?
What was baby Robert doing when the earthquake took place?
Where was Cody? What was it doing?
What was Mrs Parley doing at that time?
How did Mrs Parley feel during the earthquake?
Why couldn’t Mrs Parley reach the baby’s room?
Where was Mrs Payley after the house broke in two?
Why couldn’t she climb to the second floor?
What did she shout to the dog?
How did Cody save the baby?
What happened to the bed just as Cody jumped out of the bed?
Who came to save them later?
Who called the police?
Was the baby frightened by the accident?
How can you tell the baby was not frightened by the accident?
Who were taken to the hospital?
3. T: That is the story of Cody . There is another dog called Cody. It is ill today , so its owner Joe took him to see an animal doctor.
What is wrong with it?
What did the doctor do for the dog?
Please listen carefully and choose the right answer for the question in your workbook..
4. Write a story about the pictures in the workbook.
Mrs Green was an old woman .She kept a pet dog called Cody . It was a clever dog .One morning , Mrs Green was badly ill in bed, but nobody could send her to hospital , because she lived alone. Cody felt worried about its owner. Suddenly it came up with a good idea. It opened the door to find someone to save Mrs Green.Just then a man walked past . When Cody saw him , it grabbed the man’s coat in its mouth and pulled the man to Mrs Green’s room. At first the man felt very surprised ,but then he knew why the dog did so.(what happened) He quickly took Mrs Green to the nearest hospital by taxi. At last Mrs Green was saved. When the doctors heard of the story , they spoke highly of the dog.
教 案
地点:包头市第二十九中学 班级:初三(4)
时间:3月27日 授课教师:包头市第二十九中学 刘慧君
教学内容:Lesson 60 in Unit 15 Book III
本单元话题为Cody saves the baby。主要功能项目为学习动词不定式的用法。本课是一篇阅读课文,介绍了一个美国普通家庭发生地震的故事。全篇课文以一般过去时进行介绍,是学生复习一般过去时的好机会。同时引入了动词不定式做主语、表语、状语及定语的用法。整篇课文约240个词,生词不算多,没有很多新的语法难点。教完课文后可让学生复述课文以巩固所学内容。并且就课后出现的课文填空,可用课文的录音加以练习,以锻炼听的内容。
在教学课文之前,有必要回忆一下有关包头地震的内容。然后提问What happened to you at that time?以激发学生的学习兴趣。动词不定式的用法可以通过课堂操练加以掌握。
1、认知目标:掌握as if、storm、at sea、hang、storey、grab、crash等词汇,复习一般过去时。
2、能力目标:培养学生 听的技能、阅读能力、口语表达能力、书面表达能力及综合理解能力。
Step 1. Duty work.
Everyday speech +discussion
Step 2. Presentation
Revise the earthquake that happened in Baotou in 1996.Let the students chat first (以聊天的形式缓解听课状态下的紧张氛围,打开学生的思路,练习说的能力) and ask some students to tell the others what happened to them at that time, and then give them a short passage that happened to me in the earthquake using the new words and expressions. (通过我的故事,引入生词、词组,给学生以初步印象,导入课文)
Step 3. Presentation.
Show flashcard about the text, and let the students guess what happened. (an earthquake, the dog saved the baby)---就图片展开联想,导入新课。
Then turn to Page 74 and look at the text.
Step 4. Read and explain.
Ask the students to read the text paragraph by paragraph (讲解前让学生逐段阅读课文,以检查其预习效果及阅读能力)and then I explain the important points paragraph by paragraph. (用提问的方式引出课文内容,让大部分学生都张嘴说出课文的大致内容,练习一遍),and then list the key words and expressions on the blackboard, and ask the students to retell the text after me first.(在课文讲解的过程中,一边回答一边列出各段的关键词、句,为后边的复述打下基础)
Step 5. Drills.
Ask some students to retell the text according to the words and expressions listed on the blackboard. 复述是学生对课文内容的又一次巩固,同时又能在课文内容的引导下,使用一些自己的语言,锻炼其表达能力。
Step 6. Practice.
Exercise 2 on Page 178. Show a flashcard about it. Judge whether right or wrong the statements are according to the story, and then correct the wrong ones.
Step 7. Practice.
Exercise 3 on Page 179. Show a flashcard about it.
Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. (录音机使用的另一种方法)
Ask a student to come to the front to fill in the blanks and then check the answers. (又一次巩固了所学的内容)
Step 7. Write.
Exercise 6 on Page 180. Show it on the flashcard.
Give the students five minutes to write a short passage about the pictures. (with music) And then ask some of them to read their passage. (即兴作文在锻炼学生写作及表达能力的同时,更能激发学生的创造能力。学生经常在自己的造句和写作中有着异乎寻常的表现,也是学生很爱做的练习之一)
Step 8. Word game.
There are some verbs that come from the nouns of some animals. Give them the nouns and let the students guess the meaning of the verbs.
(snake n.蛇---v.蜿蜒而行, snail n.蜗牛---v.缓慢爬行 dog n.狗---v.跟踪,fox n.狐狸---v.欺骗,peacock n.孔雀---v.炫耀,pig n.猪---v.过着猪一样的生活,wolf n.狼---v.狼吞虎咽 ….)
Homework: Finish all the exercises on the workbook.
Lesson 60 the sixtieth lesson Cody saves the baby
sleeping/asleep felt as if tried to call the police
beside in a storm climb to get
be busy with… at sea broke her leg not… at all
doing… broke in two shout to… be taken to…
earthquake drop…to… jump into All are now
rock leave out of doing well.
hang grab It’s true to
on the edge of just as say…
two-storey house at least




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