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湖南省涟源市私立行知中学 曾省初 刘扬群
[精讲] dozen表示确切数目是除能与a和基数词连用外,还能some; many; several修饰,只是确切数含糊。如:three dozen books 其中dozen不加s,其后也不用of;如果dozen 后有these, those, them, us等词, 表示“范围中的某某”时,其后加of.
如:1. We bought two dozen story books yesterday.
2. Three dozen of them are league members.
[高考考例] 1. Shortly after the accident, two _____ police were sent to the spot to keep order. [NMET2000]
A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of
Shortly after the accident, two ______ the police were sent to the spot to keep order.则选A。译文:事故发生后不久,这些警察中的二十四个被派往现场维持秩序。
[精讲]dozen 构成dozens of 相当于scores of/ a lot of等表示“许多”
[考例]2. There were ____ flies everywhere in my house.
A. dozens of B. three dozens C. four dozens of D. seven dozen of
析:答案为A. dozens of 表示许多,译文为:我房子里到处都是蚊子。
[聚焦]dozen 常见结构:
(1)基数词/many/ several+ dozen+复数名词;
(2)基数词+ dozen + of sb或基数词+ dozen +of these/ those/ one’s+ 复数名词
(3)dozens of +复数名词



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