英汉使用colour的差异 |
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Abstract Colorful materials build the world .But the meanings of color words have some differences and identifications in Chinese and in English , thanks to the different social environment, cultural background and historical cause in the two countries. In this article , we will analyze how to use these words in English and make some differences between two countries by comparing their symbol meanings. 中文摘要: 世界是由绚丽多彩的物质组成,但由于社会环境,文化背景和历史原因不同,英汉两种语言中表示颜色的词语既有相同之处,又有很大差异。在这篇文章中,我们将通过比较中英两者的象征意义来分析两者的不同。 Introduction The color words is very simple from the literal meaning, but the meanings of color gave some differences and identifications in Chinese and English, thanks to the different social environments, Cultural backgrounds causes in the two countries.So we produce some emotions and associations,which have some differences, but also have the same meanings. When we use the English language ,we should pay attention to them . By this way we could make some mistakes in understanding and make jokes. So in this article ,we’ll analyze their symbol meanings in English and compare their differences and identifications in Chinese and in English. 1. The color word “Red ” 1. 1 Expression of emotion The word red is always relative emotion both in Chinese and in English .The expressions “her face and red ” in English and red face ”in Chinese are the same meanings .But the way of using the word “red ” in some idioms,which is difficult to the Chinese to understand . For example, the expressions to see “red ” and waving red flag “ may both mean infuriate of latter is something make somebody angry ”. And so are some other expressions ,such as “red about the girls ”and “run red in the girls ”. 1.2 Expression of joy and good luck Both in English or in Chinese ,the word red is always relative with joy joyous day and celebration activity. There is an expression “red –letter days” in English which is concerned with Christmas or other festivals that includes joyous day, commemoration and auspicious and so on . They are all marked red in calendar ,so the phrase “red letter ” expresses the meaning of commemoration, joyous thing. The phrase “the red carpet ” is the thing that is used to receive honored guest . For example , the expression “to roll out the red carpet ”shows “welcome somebody ceremomously” , And the expression “to paint the town become red ” shows “drink happily ”, but not “make the town become red ”. In addition , but translated to expression “to begin well ” and “to make a good start ” indirectly. For example , the expressions “the Red Army(红军)”, “the Red guard (红兵)” , and “ the political power (红色革命政权)”. The word red (the alphabet “r” is capital letter ) expresses that people support socialism and communism in English. But some words and expressions with the word in Chinese will not express the original meanings that are translated into English .For instant , the expression “be loyal to party” means “take the red heart to the party”. 1. 4Expression of violence , bleeding and danger When seeing the red ,people always connect the violent activity and bleeding in their mind . The expression “Red hands” means “two hands with blood” ; the expression “red bottle” means “sang winery bottle”; and the expression “red vengeance” means “recking of blood vengeace”. These expressions can find the correct vocabulary both in English and in Chinese. But the phrases “see the red light” and “red light” couldn’t be translated by literal meaning , which need analogical meaning , the former express “coming disaster”, and the latter express “dangerous signal”. 1. 5 Other expressions Some phrases with the word red in English are translated into Chinese which aren’t their literal meanings any more . For example, the phrase “red tape” means “the style of bureauratism”; the phrase “a red cent” means “a cent”; the phrase “red herring” means “some words changed one’s attention”; the phrase “red-handed” means “arrest somebody on the spot”. There are the same cases when translate some Chinese expressions with word “red” into English. For instance , Good look(红运),Black tea(红茶), Brown sugar(红糖) , Healthy and energetic(红光满面). 2.Green 2.1expressing of crisp, vigorous/exuberant, ripe The green makes someone good-looking in nature, and symbolizes youth and vitality. For example, the phrase “a girl green from school “ means “a girl just graduated from school”, the phrase “a green old age” means “the full of vitality old”; the phrase “green fruit” means “ripe fruit”; the phrase “green corn” means “crisp corn”; the phrase “green meat” means “fresh meat”; the phrase “green years” means “youth”. 2. 2Expressing of envy or admiration The phrase “green with envy” means “fully envy and admire”. There are some other phrases “green-eyed, and green-eyed monster” which all mean “somebody are envied or admired” in English , but the phrase “red-eyed” may be used to express the same meaning in Chinese. 2.3Expressing of inexperience The color word “green” also expresses that somebody or something , which is inexperience, and unfamiliar, because of imagining he green plants. For example, the phrase “green horn” means “raw recruit”; and the phrase “green hand” means “inexperience person”. 2.4Other expressions 2.4. 1Some phrases There special meanings with word green which are not relatives with literal meaning. Green house温室 green bag 律师 Green back 美妙 green room演员休息室 Green fingers 园林技术 green line 轰炸机 Green power 金钱的力量 green wound未愈合的伤口 2.4.2Being relatives with environment protection Nowadays with every country developing, it is more and more important to protect the environment, the color green can give person comfortable , so the word green is relative with protection, taking the following as some examples, the phrase “green ban” means “banned someplace”; the phrase “green; abeling” means “the label of protection”. 3.1Expression of u.nfortunate , evil The black is evil color .The way of its use is the same both in English and in Chiese .In English , the Friday is just the 13th ,which is a calamitous day , so called “black Friday” or “black Market”. And the phrase “black art” is relative with bad superstition in English . the color black is a grieved color , so the eastern take it as sable’s color , which is the same to the Chiese .For instance , when people take part in a funeral, they always tie the black cloth up on their sleeve .In addition , there is still some other expressions. “black market(黑市)”, “black money(黑钱)” and “black mail(敲诈)” in Chinese. 3.2Expression of some bad persons and things The phrase “the black sheep” means “bad person”. In addition , the expression “call black white” means “confound right and wrong”; the expression “black tiding” means “bad news”, the expression “black heart” means bad person with bad heart”. 3.3Expression of profit The color black also expresses good things in business English. For example , when a company gain profit from competing, the color black always is used , like the phrase “be in the black”, which we should remember and don’t translate by literal meaning. 3.4Other expressions There is a phrase “beat some body black and blue” means “person with wounds all over the body”. And the phrase “in one’s black books” means “unspotted person”. In addition, the phrase “in the black and white” can be found both in English and in Chinese. 4White 4. 1Expression of pure , spotlessly When the color white is used express the meaning spotlessly. There are extremely similar point in English and in Chinese .There are phrases as “as white as lily(洁白无暇),” “as white as snow(洁白如雪,纯洁无暇)” in English .In Chinese there are also phrases as “return me pure(还我清白)” and “quite clear(清清白白)” and so on . The white also symbolizes the pure things. For example, when getting married the bride always wears the long white skirt and veil, because it shows that the bride is pure , and the wedding is sacred . 4.2Expression of conservative, counterrevolutionary and reactionary. The color white is also a bad symbol both in English and in Chinese , which may always express the meaning “counterrevolutionary” and “reactionary”. For example, there is a phrase as “white party(反动党派)” in English . And there are some phrases as “white army(白军)”, “white district(白区)”, “white terror(白色恐怖)” and “white bandit(白匪)” in Chinese. In addition , there is a phrase “white flag” in English , which is the same to the Chinese meaning, expressing “the traced flag”. 4.3.1Using in idiom The phrase “white elephant” expresses that something is useless and serious burden ; the phrase “white lies” means “goodwill lies”; the phrase “white alert” means “get rid of alarm”; the phrase “white day” means “good day”; the phrase “stand in white sheet” expresses “someone regrets doing something”; and the phrase “days marked with white” means “happy life”. 4.3.2Some fixed phases with the color white There are phrases, which symbolize other meaning in English . For instance, White Christmas(有雪的圣诞节) white harvest (晚秋时节的收获) A white war(不流的战争) white rage (震怒) White night (不眠之夜) white-lived (胆小的) White lady (可卡因) white coal (水利) 5. Blue 5.1Ecpressing of the sorrowful, melancholy and depressed emotion. When seeing the color blue , we usually think of the blue sky and the blue sea in China . And the English usually think of the blue jacket and Navy blue apart from the blue sky and the blue sea. The word “blue” to always used to convey a sorrowful , melancholy or depressed emotion. Such as in “the blues(忧郁型的人,毫无信心的人)”, “be in blue(心情消沉)”, and “to be lonesome and blue(孤寂寡欢)”. 5.2Expression of highly power In English the color blue expresses that the person have highly status and power. For example, the phrase “blue blood(高贵门第)” and “the blue book” means that many power and famous people were in the book. 5.3Expression of the low-down and pornographic things The color blue still expresses the low-down and pornographic thing in English. For instance, there are phrases as “blue talk(下流言论)”, “blue movie(色情电影)”, “blue joke(下流笑话,不合适的笑话)”, and the sentence “the Collins Co build Essential English Dictionary” is relative with the sex. In Chinese , we use the color to express such a meaning. 5.4Other expressions For example: Blue chip(热门的股票) shout blue murder(发出恐怖的叫声) Blue ruin (灾难,大失败) blue staking(女才子,女学者) Blue print (蓝图) till all is blue(直到酩酊大醉) 6.Yellow 6.1Expression of the bad things and persons The word “yellow” may mean bad things and persons both in English and Chinese . For example: there are phrases as “to be yellow(胆小如鼠)”, “yellow belly(卑鄙的胆小鬼)” “yellow dog(卑鄙小人)” and “yellow streak(胆怯)” in English. While in Chinese, there are phrase as “yellow books(黄色书刊)” , “yellow films(黄色电影)”, “yellow movies(黄色录像)”. 6.2Symbol of imperial power In ancient China , the word yellow symbolizes the imperial power, where the common people were kept from wearing clothes with the color yellow . Because only the emperor wears the yellow cloth, which symbolizes the emperors might power and rein of all people. When visiting the palace in China , you will know the word yellow is a dignified and powerful symbol . But in English , there is no such meaning. 6.3Symbol of fortunate and satisfying In China, if people go to someplace or have important things to do, they always choose a luck day(黄道吉日), which is used in Chinese language. But there isn’t equivalent this expression cannot be found in Engilsh, In addition , there is yellow announcement in ancient China, which is used to register successful people in examination that also express lucky. Conclusion Language is always based on the cultural background and historical cause. So when people study English, they should learn English culture and custom. Especially, we must pay attention to the fixed expression of color words in both languages.Expressions of color words can our English and make us learn and understand more the English culture and custom. However , this paper just discusses some aspects of the usage of color words and the similarities and difference both in English and in Chinese. If readers are interested in the color words in both language , you may have a further study. Biography 1.邓炎昌,语言文化[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1989 2.吴丽萍。英汉色词使用上的一些异,英语知识。1996[3]:23-25 3.王军,“色”词在英汉语言中意义上的异同[J]。西安外国语学院学报。1996(4): 13-16 4.赵永冠,论颜色词在英汉语言中的运用[J]。钦州师范高等科学校学报。2002(3):40-42 Advisor Date Score Remarks: 相关链接:教学论文
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