Unit 3 Body language

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Lesson 9
Teaching Aims
Step I Lead-in
Sign to the students to be quiet. Then start a free talk with the students.
1.If you go to a shop, what does the shop assistant usually say to you?
Can/May/Shall I help you?
What can I do for you?
2.If you see your teacher carrying a pile of books, what should you say to her/him?
Would you like some help?
Would you like me to carry them for you?
3.When your mother is cooking, the salt happens to be used up, what would say to your mother?
Would you like me to go downstairs to buy a pack of salt for you?
Step II Dialogue Presentation
Today we are going to listen to a dialogue between Dr Yang and Mr. Lee. Dr Yang is one of the speakers invited to a conference. Mr. Lee, an organizer of the conference, is meeting him at the airport.
Ask the students to listen to the tape, with questions given before the listening.
The first listening:
What does Mr. Lee do for Dr Yang?
He would like to help Dr Yang to carry the boxes and the bag.
The second listening
1. What does Mr. Lee say when he would like to off help to Dr Yang?
Can I take these boxes for you?
Would you like me to carry it?
Is there anything else I can do for you?
2. What are the answers of Dr Yang?
Thanks. That’s very kind.
No, thanks. I can manage it myself.
No, thank you. Thank you for all your help.
To offer help:
Can / May / Shall I help you?
What can I do for you?
To accept help:
Yes, please.
Thank you for your help. .
That’s very kind of you.
To refuse help:
It’s all right, thank you.
It’s OK with me. I can manage.
Step III Dialogue Drills
1, Play the tape the third time and let the students read after it.
2, Let the students to practise the dialogue in pairs and encourage them to act it out.
Step IV Dialogue Practice
Practice 1.
Ask the students to retell the dialogue in the third person form.
Practice 2.
1. Learn the dialogue in 2 Practice on Page 13.
2. Work in pairs. Follow the dialogue at the bottom of page 13 and offer to do things for each other..
Step V. Dialogue Practice
Ask the students to make dialogues to practice offering help, accepting help or refusing help.
One of your classmates is a green hand in playing table tennis, football, volleyball, or basketball, and would like to offer some help.
Situation 2:
One of your friends doesn’t know how to use the computer, copier, camera, and you would like to offer him/her dome.
Lesson 10
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Ask some Ss to read and act out the dialogue.
3. Revise the dialogues in SB Lesson 9.
Step 2 Presentation for reading
1, Ask the Ss some questions:
What do you say in English when you meet someone for the first time?
What else can we do?
Do you know what people do in other countries when they meet for the first time?
Today we are going to learn how people behave when they meet or talk to others. Look at the title, and guess the meaning of “ body language”.
2,Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly to find the answer to this question:
Do the Chinese and the British have the similar body language?
Step 3 Reading
1,Read the whole passage and do Ex.1.
2,Dealing with the language points
1. meet
* 迎接I must go to the airport to meet my boyfriend.
* 遇见I often meet her on the street.
Men may meet, but mountains never greet.
* 满足某人的愿望,需要,要求,条件,期待.
Meet one’s wishes, needs, demands, requirements, and expectations.
* 开会 The members of the board meet every Monday.
* 见面,认识I know his name, but we have never met.
* 支付 Have you enough money to meet the bill?
meet with
* 遭遇He met with a small accident on the way.
* 偶遇I met with one of my old school friends on the train yesterday.
* 受到They met with warm welcome.
2. meeting, conference, gathering, party
meeting 指一般性会议,人们为讨论某个问题而集合在一起,使用最广泛,可以用语各种场合.
Where does the meeting take place?
参加会议: attend a meeting, go to a meeting
召集会议:call a meeting,
举行会议: hold a meeting, have a meeting
主持会议: Preside over/chair a meeting
conference 专门性的正式会议,常用于就某个重大问题进行专门的研究或交换意见的讨论会, 协商会议.
a conference on education work
an international conference in New York
gathering 非正式的集合, 常用于群众性的社活动,联欢会.
a public gathering
There was a get- together at her house yesterday.
party 社交性或娱乐性集会,多半有庆祝或喜庆的宴会和舞会.
I was invited to her birthday party.
a dinner party a tea party a dancing party
give/have a party
attend a dinner party
3. make + 宾语 + 宾语补足语
* make oneself (sb.) + v-ed
When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood.
He raised hid voice try to make himself hears by those at the back.
She waved her hand in the crowd trying to make herself seen by her boyfriend who came to meet her.
What made the little girl so frightened?
Asking with Professor Wang made her interested in history.
* make sb. + to do
You may take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink.
People who won’t work should be made to work.
*Make sb. (0neself) + adj.
Her coming to my birthday party made me even happier.
Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.
You are making black white and white black.
* make sb./sth.+n
We all made him our team leader.
He decided to make his study the lab for his scientific experiments.
He was made monitor at that class meeting.
4. While
1) 并列连词, “ 然而” 之意.
Some people are rich while others are poor.
There is plenty of rain in the southeast while there is little in the northeast.
I’m interested in sports while my brother is fond of music.
1) 从属连词, 作 “ 当…… 时候” 解.指一段时间,不能表示一点时间.
While I was sleeping, a thief entered my room.
While in London, he studied music and painting.
Strike while the iron is hot.
2) 作 “只要” 讲. = as long as
While there is water, there is life.
While there is life, there is hope.
5. take…for example 意思是 “以……为例. 比方说”.常用于阐明一件事的开头.
Take nodding the head for example.
Take this problem for example.
Take research work for example.
Take our school for example.
Take … for 把……当作……, 错认为是”. 表示结果与事实不付.
At first I took him for a Japanese.
She took me for my brother.
Don’t take me for a fool.
Take … to be/as 指主观上 “ 把…… 认作为……”. 不管对
We all take our teacher to be/as our good friend.
You must take English to be /as one of the main subjects you have to learn well.
类似的短语有: regard … as, look upon … as, think of … as, treat … as等.
6. 分词作状语
Hearing the news, they were much surprised.
Seeing those pictures, she couldn’t help thinking of the old days.
Walking out the room, he found the boy still there.
I learned a lot while serving in the army.
When leaving the airport, they waved again and again.
When asked to answer the questions, the boy felt very nervous.
Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful.
Being ill, he couldn’t come to school today.
Not wishing to continue his studies, he decided to work in a company.
Not knowing her address, we couldn’t get in touch with her.
Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.
Move by Lei Feng’s example, they did countless good deeds.
Having time, I will come and help you.
Thinking it carefully, you will not take the job.
You will never make good progress unless studying.
Given more time we can do it better.
Compared with your progress, mine is nothing
United we stand, divided we fail.
His wife died, leaving him with three children.
The liquid passed right through their bodies, only getting a little thicker and thicker.
He hit a parked car, thus breaking one of his legs.
Being ill, he still came to class.
He is unhappy though having a lot of money
Whether supported or not, I will go on it.
Though treated badly, the dog remained faithful to its owner.
They sat in the garden, talking about the days they spent together.
She stood there waiting for the bus.
He turned away disappointed.
The teacher went out of the classroom, followed by his students.
分词的一般形式表示分词的动作和谓语的动作同时发生或在谓语动词子前发生,或表示一般性的动作.其完成形式表示的动作在发生在谓语动词之前.如果现在分词与句子的主语是被动关系且是一个正在进性的动作, 则用被动形式,常作定语,宾补语及状语.
He hurried away, looking behind as went.
Walking down the street, I met an old friend of mine.
Hearing the news, he was greatly surprised.
Not knowing where the school was, he asked the police the way.
Having been there many times, he offered to be our guide.
Not having studied hard, he failed in the exam.
The building being built id our library.
He asked who is the man being operated.
You will find the topic being discussed everywhere.
As we went into the village, we found many new houses being built.
Having been give such a good chance, how he missed it?
7. 关于 with 的复合结构
1) 概念
2) 结构 --- with + pron./n + v-ed
3) 句法功能------ 定语

I can’t fixe my mind on my work with the children playing so noisily outside my window.
I won’t be able to go on my holiday with mother being ill.
The weather was even cold with the wind blowing.
He usually worked in his study with the door locked.
The outside sight looks beautiful with everything covered with snow.
She used to sleep with the windows open.
She went into the classroom with her face red.
She came to a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides.
The teacher came into the room with some books under his arm/in his hand.
He managed to send a picture with a machine to help him.
She lives in the city of Shanghai with her son a teacher.
He went out with his head down.
Step 4 Reading aloud
Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Pay attention to correct phrasing and intonation.
Step 5 Comparison
1, Ask the Ss to read the passage again and find out all body language mentioned in the text and gets the meanings clear.
2, Check that the Ss understand the meanings of the body language in the table and know what they have to do.
Step 6 workbook
Do all the exercises in Lesson 10.
Step 7 Consolidation
Revise the contents of the passage. Ask the Ss some questions:
What did you learn about touch?
How should you eat in Arab countries?
Finish all the Workbook exercises. Read the passage again and again and try to learn it by
Write down the correct sentences for Ex. 2.
Lesson 11 00/09/11
Step 1 Revision
1, Check the homework exercises.
2, Books closed! Ask the Ss some questions, using Ex. 1 as a guide.
Step 2 Presentation
T: Today we are going to read more about body language. How close do people stand when they are talking together? Is it good manners to stand very close to your friend like this? The distance between people who are talking is different in some countries. Let’s read the passage.
Step 3 Reading
Asking more questions on the reading passage. Let the Ss read the passage and answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 4 Language focuses.
1, manner n.--- way in which a thing is done or happens; person’s way of behaving toward others
Do it in this manner.
He spoke in such a manner as to offend them.
I don’t like his manner.
His manner showed his anger.
manners n. social behavior; habits and customs
He has no manners at all.
It is bad manners to stare at people.
According to manners, he must be still in bed at this time of say.
2, keep a certain distance away 保持一的距离, keep away 作 “避开,使离开,不使接近”.
Keep away, or I will call the police!
Keep away from that house. There is a dangerous dog there.
If you can keep them away, you are safe.
3, certain 作 “某个,一定的,某种程度的,” 讲.
There is a certain distance between the village and the bus stop.
They escaped to France for a certain political reason.
He must be waiting for you at certain place.
*certain 作 “肯定,有把握’讲.
I’m certain that they don’t know the meanings of the gestures.
Are you certain that you’ll get there in time?
Some comrade Wang wants to see at the gate of the school.
A certain Wang is wanting to see you at the gate of the school.
I am sure that our football team will win the game.
That our team will win the football game is certain.
It is certain that our team will win the football match.
4. manage Vt. & vi.
1) control 控制,经营
He couldn’t manage this horse, and it threw him to the ground.
The boy is so naughty that his parents cannot manage him.
Mr. Brown manages a large company in the town.
2) succeed, be able to do sth. 设法完成, 应付
Though I have a lot of difficulties, I can manage to get everything ready.
I shan’t be able to manage without help.
If I can’t borrow the money, I’ll have to manage without.
manage 和 try 的区别
manage : do then succeed 设法做成了某事
try 表示尽量做,但不一定成功
He tried to pass the exam, but he failed.
He managed to pass the exam, and the teacher praised him.
5. custom 和 habit
custom 表示 “社会,集体,国家” 等的 “风俗,习惯”. 而 habit 只能用于表示个人的习惯.
To spit about is a bad habit.
It was Tom’s habit/custom to get up early and go for a walk before breakfast.
Be in habit of; fall/get into bad habits; form a habit of; get out of a habit
Step 5 Practice
SB Page 16, Part 2. Teach the new words. Do one or two sentences orally in each part as an example, then let the Ss work in pairs, making up suitable sentences.
Step 6 Practice
SB Page 17, Part 3. Go through the example. Teach the new words. Let the Ss work in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out in front of the class.
Step 7 Discussion
SB Page 17, Part 4. Ask the Ss to list out all the body language they have learned and write them on the Bb. Then let the Ss work in pairs and discuss. What the body language will help to do.
Step 8 Workbook
Finish the workbook exercises.
Revise the contents in this unit.
Do Ex.3 if it is possible.




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