Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin

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Lesson 17
Teaching Aims
1. 通过本单元对话课教学,让学生对电影和戏剧电影的工作有所了解。
2. 学会使用讨论未来计划时常用的问句及相关答语。
Step 1 Lead-in
Talk about films with the students, asking them some questions.
1. Do you like going to see the films? How often do you go to see the films?
2. What kinds of film do you like, comedy or tragedy? (Comedy is a funny and interesting play or film that makes people laugh, while tragedy is a very sad play or film that often makes people shed tears.)
3. Can you name some good comedies and tragedies you have ever seen?
4. Can you name some famous comedy actors at home or abroad?
5. Are you planning to be an actor in the future?
6. What do we call the person who tells the actors what to do and how to do in the play or in the film?
Step 2 Dialogue Presentation
T: Now we are going to listen to a dialogue between a journalist and a director. You may listen to it carefully and then answer some questions:
1. What is the director planning to do?
2. What does a director do in the theatre?
3. How does the journalist ask the director about his future plan?
Step 3 Explanation for teacher’s reference
1. When asking about people’s future plans, we may use the following sentences:
What are your plans for the future?
What do you intend to do/plan to do/want to/hope to/expect to do?
What would like to do?
What have you decided to do?
What are going to do next?
2. When people tell us about their future plans, we may use the following sentences to express our opinions or best wishes:
I hope it will be very successful.
It will certainly be very good/interesting.
It sounds perfect to me.
3. Some of us do not know much about the theatre.
theatre 戏剧,戏剧艺术。不可数名词,其前通常用定冠词。
He showed special interest in the theatre.
The director gave us a lecture on the theatre.
They are discussing the future of the theatre.
4, at the beginning of  在.......刚开始的时候,在.......之初.------ at the end of
in the beginning  开始,起初.------ in the end
The organizer made an opening speech at the beginning of the conference; at the end the main speaker gave a summary.
4. not only … but also 不仅......而且.
Not only the teacher but also the students are going to the cinema.
Not only did the students like the film, but also the teachers were interested in it.
5. intend to  打栓,存心,有......的意图.
What do you intend to do today?
We intend to have a visit to our old teacher.
I have made a mistake, though I didn’t intend to.
6. put on 穿戴,上演,演出.
They intend to put on a dance.
The actors put on a fine play by Shakespeare.
They are going to put it on in the Capital Theatre.
Step 4 Dialogue Drills
1. Play the tape the third time for the students to read after it then asks them to read the dialogue themselves.
2. Let the students practice the dialogue in pairs and then encourage them to act it out.
Step 5 Dialogue Practice
1. Ask the students to tell what a director’s job is.
A director is a person who directs play or film. At the beginning of his work, he must choose a good play and select excellent actors. Then for a period of time the director and his actors practise doing the play. During the practice, the director tells the actors where to stand and where to move and how to say the lines. They also practice entrances and exits. At he end of this period they put the play on in the theatre.
2. Ask the students to practice talking about future plans.
Play the part of a journalist and a director/an actor. The journalist interviews the director/the actor and asks about is/her plans for the future.
J: What do you do in the theatre?
A: I’m an actor. I act in plays.
J: what do you do as an actor?
A: I sing, dance and act.
J: Can you explain exactly what you do?
A: Yes. I practice singing and dancing every day. But if I’m chosen by a director to act in a play. I’d get the play script and read it very carefully first. I’ll try to understand my part and remember my lines.
J: Then what?
A: Then we will practice doing the play for a few weeks. The director tells me when to begin, where to stand and where to move. We practice entrances and exits, too. When everything is ready, we put the play on in a theatre.
J: What are you doing at present?
A: We are doing a comedy. It’s really funny.
J: What is your plan for the future?
A: There is a particular opera my friend has decided to do. And I am given a part in it. I would very much like to have a try in the opera.
J: What do you enjoy doing most of all?
A: Er…, it is a bit hard to say. I always intend to try something new. Different roles with different characters would most appeal to me.
3. Encourage the students to find out some ways to talk about their plans.
A: What are you planning to do next weekend?
B: I’m thinking about going camping in mountains with some friends.
A: I t will certainly be very funny
Step 6 Dialogue Production
1. Talk about plans with the students.
1) Do you have any special plans for this weekend?
2) Where do you plan to go?
3) How do you get there?
4) Are you going there alone or with some friends?
5) Why do you going there instead of going to other places?
2. Ask the students to make dialogues according to the situations given below.
Situation 1:
This weekend you intend to see a film/watch football match/visit a friend or some relatives. Or you plan to go shopping/go fishing/go sightseeing/go mountain climbing.
Situation 2
Suppose you have some special plans for New Year or for the winter holidays. You would like to talk about it with your friends.
Step 7 Exercises and Homework
Lesson 18
Step 1 Revision
1, Check the homework exercises.
2, Revise the dialogue in Lesson 17. Ask the students to recite and act out the dialogue.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Ask the students if they have heard of Charlie Chaplain and if they have seen any of his film.
2. Ask them to read the passage quickly and answer the questions at the top of this page.
3. Go through the questions in the exercise. Let the students read the whole passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 3 Language Points
1,Charlie Chaplain was considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the world.
Consider = regard 认为,以为。
Consider sb./sth. ( to be ) 把......认为是,当作是.
You can’t consider him to be an honest man.
They considered the experiment to be a success.
Most countries in the world consider Taiwan to be a part of China.
2, During his lifetime, he acted in 13 films, and he wrote, directed and acted in 69 other films.
Act VI. 表演
All of them acted well in the play.
The little boy was chosen to act in the TV play.
Act Vt. 扮演......角色
What are going to act in the play?
I am going to act King Arthur.
4. At seventeen he set off for the USA with a group of comedy actors.
Set off------ begin a journey 动身,出发.
They set off early the next morning.
The children are always excited to set off for the seaside.
Set out 1, set off 动身,出发
2, set about, begin to do sth. 着手做某事,开始做某事
set up 1, found 成立,建立
2 put up 搭起,树起,举起
3. build 建造
They set up their tent by the riverside.
He set up the camera and began to take photos of his friends.
The learning group was set up last month.
5. as ….as
I hated him as much as you do.
I saw him as early as ten years ago.
She played the part as early as 1965.
6. be well received
The magazine “Readers” is very well received in China.
The new textbooks are well received by students and teachers.
The recent films are not received.
7. Before he died, he was honored in a number of ways for his contributions to the films.
Miss Zhang was honored for her excellent teaching.
The old doctor was honored for his selfless contributions to people in the mountain areas.
8. contribution
People remember him for his contributions to the country.
The invention of the typewriter id a great contribution to painting.
9. certain / sure
be sure/certain about/of
Are you sure about the matter?
No, I’m uncertain of it.
Be sure/certain to
We are sure to win the football game.
He is certain to come on time.
It is certain that he will win the first prize in the competition.
A certain Mr.Wang is wanting to see you.
Step 4 Reading aloud
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to stress and intonation.
Step 5 Note making and Practice
Step 6 workbook
Step 7 Consolidation
Get some students to tell the story about Charlie Chaplin.
Step 8 Homework
Read the passage again and again ,trying to remember it.
Finish off the exercises.
Do Wb Lesson 18, Ex. 1 as written work
Lesson 19
Step 1 Revision
1. Books closed. Ask the students some questions about the life and work of Charlie Chaplin.
2. Check the homework exercises.
Step 2 Presentation.
1. Ask the students to read the passage quickly and answer some questions.
2. Deal with some language points.
1) The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Be set in
The play was set in the countryside in 1958.
The novel is set in the 18th century England.
2) rush
rush : go or come hurriedly: do sth. with violence or speed
The children rushed out of the school gate.
People rushed up the stair to put out the fire.
The policeman asked the children not rush across the street.
It is not necessary to rush into print.
3) People said gold could be easily picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.
Pick up 1.
Alice picked up a wallet on her way to school and handed it in.
He picked up his stick and walked out.
Jack has picked up a large number of Chinese stamps.
a. = great respect, high public regard
win honor in war
show honor to one’s parents
The soldiers were fighting for the honor of their country.
He is an honor to his school.
I feel highly honored by the kind things you say about me.
I am honored to be asked to speak at the meeting.
I am honored that you should noticed me.
bring up
He was well brought up.
Brought up in a poor mountain village, he is not used to city life yet.
At the meeting they brought up many problems and discussed them one by one.
He brought up all that had eaten.




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