Unit 9 Saving the earth

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Lesson 38
Teaching Aims
Step 1. Lead-in
Ask the students some questions about the present environment.
1) The world is facing a lot of serious problems. Do you think so?
2) What are these terrible problems?
3) How shall we save the earth?
Step 2. Dialogue presentation & Understanding
1, The teacher’s brief introduction.
Today we are going to learn a dialogue about a conference. It was called “Saving the earth”. Jackie id talking to Yang Pai about it.
2. Get the students to listen to the tape, with the following questions.
1) What was the conference about?
It was all about the damage that is being caused to the world.
2) What did they discuss at the meeting?
Pollution, agriculture, nuclear waste, radiation, population and so on.
1. Ask the students to read the dialogue silently and find out the answers to the following questions.
1) What opinion did Jackie have after attending the conference?
A, If we go on polluting the world, it won’t be fit for us to live in.
B, If people don’t stop polluting the seas and rivers, there will be no fish left.
C, If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left for us next century.
2) How did Yang Pei show agreement in the dialogue?
A, It is a good idea to hold such conferences.
B, Yes.
C, I agree with you.
D, Yes, it certainly is.
E, That’s quite true.
Step 3. Dialogue Drills
1. Ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs.
2. Get the students to retell the dialogue.
Jackie is talking to Yang Pei about a conference which he has been to. The conference was called “Saving the earth”. It was all about the damage that is being caused to the world. He listened to some lectures about pollution, agriculture, nuclear waste, radiation and so on. He also had a talk about the increase in the world’s population. Both Jackie and Yang Pei think that it is a good idea to hold such conferences, and if people don’t stop polluting the world, it won’t be fit for us to live in.
Step 4. Dialogue Practice
1. Ask the students to show their agreement or disagreement by using different expressions.
2. Get the students to work in pairs to make sentences by using the phrases given.(SB Page 49, Part 2)
Step 5. Dialogue production
1. Ask the students to make dialogues similar to the one in Part 1.
Student A is talking to Student B about a conference that he has just been to. It was about computer study.
2. Divide the class into several groups and ask them to exchange ideas on the following questions.
1) What will happen if we keep polluting the earth?
2) What should we young people do to stop the pollution?
Language points
1. --- What’s the conference like?
--- very interesting.
What is/was like?
What was the football match like? A wonderful close game.
What is Jack’s father like? He is tall and handsome.
What is the city of Suzhou like? Very beautiful.
What is that kind of thing like? Very strange.
What is that dictionary? A pocket one. Simple but clear.
What are your family like? They are all very kind and helpful.
2. damage/destroy
均可作动词,在破坏的程度上,damage 要小于destroy, damage 可以指不同程度的破坏和埙坏,而destroy 则一般指毁灭性的摧毁。两者常可通用。Damage 可作不可艘名词,而destroy 则不可。
In our country, about 50% of the forest had been destroyed/damaged by the year 1995.
This kind of “chemical rain” gradually destroys/damages trees in the forests and kills the fish in the rivers.
You have destroyed my life and all my hopes.
The storm caused great damage/did a lot of damage to the crops.
3. fit / suit
* fit 指衣服的大小、尺寸“合适”、“合身”;suit 指色别、款式“适合”、“合适”。
This shirt fits her perfectly/quite well.
I don’t think the trousers fit you.
This pair of shoes doesn’t fit me well.
The skirt fits her well, but the color of it doesn’t suit her.
* fit … on sb.
She fitted the coat on her daughter.
She fitted on the sweater (tried on ).
* His act doesn’t fit the position.
* fit --- adj. + inf.& for suitable--- 形状、颜色的协调、上下文意义的连贯、和不和某人的心愿。
He is fit for the job/the office.
He is fit to do the job. He is fit to hold the position.
The world won’t be fit for us to live in if we go on polluting it.
The weather is not for a football match.
These shoes are not fit to wear.
I don’t know whether the gift is suitable for her.
He is so weak and isn’t fit for the job.
This manager is fit for the position.
It was really a dinner fit for a king.
This kind of fish not fit to eat.
These shoes are too small. They are not fit for me.
I don’t think he is fit to look after the children.
4. What else did you hear about at the meeting?
Else adj. 另外的。通常与疑问词what, who, where 等连用,也可以与something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody等连用。
You can take these pictures. What else do you want to take?
Who else wants to go with me?
---- Is there anything that I do for you?
---- Nothing else. Thank you.
5. go on doing continue to do (doing)
go on to do
go on with
keep doing / keep on doing
1) 均可表示“继续做某事,反复做某事”, 可互换,只是 keep on 更加强调时间的间隔性和动作的反复性,及某人做某事的决心。
He kept on working until midnight though he was tied.
The boy kept /kept on asking some silly questions in class.
2) 若表示一连续不段的动作,或某一动作的持续状态,只宜用keep doing .
She kept waving to her husband until he was out of sight.
They kept standing outside the room during all the meeting.
Keep lying here; I will be back soon.
3) 若表示今后或将来继续做某事,则只宜用keep on doing 。
We must keep on working hard in the coming new year.
He kept on smoking though we advised him to stop to smoke.
6. cause / reason
* cause  指自然造成的某种结果的原因; reason 室在事实的基础上通过逻辑判断推出来的理由。
* reason 常和for连用;cause则和of连用。
* cause for后接表示忧虑,埋怨,惊恐等感情的词,如cause for anger/regret/anxiety/complaint; cause of后则接感情以外的词。如cause of the delay/the nose/the fighting/the disaster.
Heart trouble is one of the most serious causes of death among old people.
The cause of the fire is known yet.
The reason why he was absent yesterday was that he was ill.
If the doctor asks why, the computer goes through its memory and gives the reason.
We have no reason to dislike him.
* cause 也可作 动词。构成cause trouble to /for people = cause people trouble. Cause the patient much pain; cause sb. to do sth
The drought caused the vegetable prices to go up.
The shaking of his hands caused the old teacher to give up teaching.
7. leave的用法
* 剩下。多用于过去分词形式,作定语或表语。
After the big fire, there was nothing left in the room.
There was much left for us to be done.
I have got a few ticket left for you.
I would like to have some bread, but there was none left on the desk.
* 搁置一边,暂不解决
You can’t leave what you can do today till tomorrow.
I think we perhaps might leave it for the moment.
He took up the story that he had left it.
*r让...处于某种状态,leave +sb./sth. + V-ed
I am sorry I have left a little work unfinished.
He left a few questions unanswered.
They went off and left me standing there all by myself.
His illness left him very weak.
He went out leaving his papers lying open on the desk.
* 留给、交给 
leave sth.to sb. 留给,以后不再索还;leave sth. with sb. 暂存,以后还要取回。
You’d better leave the matter with / to us.
He has left a number of his books with/to me.
We didn’t find him and left a message with his neighbor.
* leave的宾语如表示人的名词或代词,应作“辞职”、“遗弃”解。
The typist said he would leave us next week.
He has left his wife.
I’ll drop in someday and leave my new dress.
Better leave your keys where your wife can find them.
* leave 的其他用法
Because of his illness, he was never left alone.
Leave him alone.
Oh, dear! She has left behind her travelling bag.
His wife left her behind her two little children.
What we have done leaves much to be desired.
You have made a mistake. You have left out s word here.
Her husband died, leaving her with two children.
They are leaving for Japan tomorrow.
He has left his schoolbag in the bus.
Lesson 34
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Ask the students to read and act out the dialogue.
3. Ask the students to retell the dialogue.
Step 2. Presentation
1. Talk about the damage that is caused to the world by pollution.
2. Ask the students to look at the map and read the passage to find where the damage has happened.
Step 3. Reading
1. Ask the students to read the passage carefully, grasping the main idea.
2. Go through Ex.1. Answer the questions, working in pairs.
3. Check the answers with the whole class.
4. Note making.
Some suggested notes:
Earth: not enough rain, too many cattle, cutting down trees, strong winds
Air: smoke from factories, power stations, cars, chemical rain, accidents at nuclear power stations and factories
Water: waste from factories and cities
Step 4. Language points
1. Many parts of the world, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts.
* plenty of  大量的,充裕的.既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词.
 Don’t hurry. There is plenty of time.
We have plenty of cakes. Take some more.
* 人口众多时,用large修饰;人口稀少,用small修饰.
China has a large population.
The population of Japan is smaller than that of US.
* population
What’s the population of China?
The population of China is 1.3 billion.
China has a population of 1.3 billion.
Two thirds of the population of this city are workers.
Seventy percent of the students in our school come from the countryside.
* once 过去有一次,曾经一度
I once saw the head teacher was working with the students in the field.
They were once friends, but now they are enemies.
2. Then one year, the rains failed to come.
* fail 没有,没有能够,可接不定式或in短语,指某学科考试不及格时,也可直接接一名词,三个结构意思相同。
The man did very well, but he failed to break the record.
The main speaker failed to come because of bad weather.
She didn’t work hard at her studies, so she failed to pass all the exams.
His memory / eyesight /health is failing/is beginning to fall.
She has been failing I health for the last two months.
The water and food supply has failed.
The teacher failed me in maths.
3. When trees are cut down, there is nothing to hold the soil in places on the hillside.
* hold = keep 使(某人/某物)处于某种状态或位置.
They held their heads up and walked out of the hall.
He held a cigarette between his lips.
Her speech held the audience silent.
Please hold yourself still while I take your picture.
* in place 在原来的地方
She likes everything to be in place.
I hope you will keep the books in place.
Don’t move the table. Leave it in place.
4. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illness caused by this accident.
It is said/ thought/believed/supposed, etc. + that clause. 椐认为,据说 =
People think/say/believe/ + that clause.
It is thought that our team will win the game.
It is said that he is going abroad next week.
People say that our team will win the game.
The game is said to be won by our team.
5. wash 短语
When it rains, the soil is washed down the hill and into the rivers.
Crops were often washed away just as they got ripe.
The bridge was washed away by the swollen river.
Go and wash the mud off your face.
I will be with you as soon as I wash up.
6. die out/ die away/ die for
Many of the living things are dying out.(= disappearing)
The big fire died out.
The sound of the car died away in the distance.
The north wind is dying away..
They waited till the storm died down.
Many people died for the liberation of our country.
* be dying to do sth. = be anxious to do sth.
He is dying to see you.
We are dying to hear about your experience in the army.
He is dying for a drink/cigarette.
7. no more than/not more than
* no more than = only,仅仅,只有,有数量少的含义. Not more than = at most ,至多,不超过。说名一个事实。
In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in China.
His whole education added up to no more than one year.
There are not more than ten apples left.
Not more than fifteen students passed the exam.
* 在程度上进行比较时,no more …than.有“两者都不”的含义,not more…than则含“一个不如另一个”的意思。
This novel is no more interesting than that one. =
Neither this novel nor that novel is interesting. =
This novel is not interesting. Neither is that one.(两个都不有趣)
This novel is not interesting than that one. =
That novel is more interesting than this one.(两个都有趣,只是有趣的程度不同)
Step 5. Reading aloud
Play the tape for the students to losten and repeat.
Step6. Workbook
Do Ex.2. ask the students to do this exercise in pairs.
Ex.2. write the new words on the Bb. Ask the students who know the answers to raise their hands. Finally get them to translate the words into Chinese.
Step 6. Consolidation
Get the students to the class any pollution locally. Ask the questions:
Is the water clean?
In the river safe to swim in?
Are there many fish in the river now?
What should we young people do to stop the pollution?
Read the passage again and write down the general idea.
Finish off all the exercises.
Write down the answers to Ex.1 in the exercise book.
Lesson 35.
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework exercises.
Ask the students to explain chemical rain, how it is caused and what its results are.
Ask some students to retell the three passages in SB Lesson 34.
Step 2. Presentation
Ask the students if they have seen a tiger, where they saw it.
Get the students to look at the picture and what they can see in the picture.
Ask the students to read the passage and answer the question: Why are there so few tigers in China today?
Step 3. Reading
Ask the students to read the passage carefully, then ask them some questions.
Deal with the language points.
1. Three billion years after life began, the earth is now the home to many different kinds of living thing --- perhaps five to the million kinds.
* after 前可用名词词组,或副词来修饰。如three years after, soon after, long after, shortly after.
I found the letter two weeks after he left.
He came back three years after he was missing.
Soon after he returned, the telephone rang.
Shortly after he left home, it began to rain.
* home 动植物的产地或栖息地,= a place where an animal or plant can be found living, especially in large number
India is the home of elephants.
The home of the lion is Africa.
By 1985 this had risen to one per day.
* by 到...为止.谓语动词通常用完成世态,故去完成时态或将完成时态。
By the end of last year, the hunters had kill 12 tigers.
By last Sunday the production of the bikes had increased to 250 per say.
We will have finished two thirds of the task by the end of this year.
* per day = for each day
The newspaper costs 50 cents per copy
Tom earns 1.000 US dollars per month.
There are many reasons for animals dying out, but the most important one are the part that humans heave played.
* animals dying out   关于动名词的复合结构
构成:名词所有格或物主代词加v-ing. 名词和代词为v-ing的逻辑主语,v-ing的动作是由名词和代词发出的.
His smoking caused the fire in the forest.
We don’t like young people smoking.
The mother’s worry is her son making trouble for his school.
There will be no chance of your seeing him again.
Mary’s coming late made her teacher very angry.
Do you mind my reading your letter?
The doctor insisted on his patient’s staying in bed.
* 动名词的逻辑主语如果是无生命名词,抽象名词或不定代词, 须用名词普通格或人称代词宾格.
Is there any hope of your team winning the game?
The boy was alarmed by someone knocking at the door.
We could hear the noises of desks being opened and closed.
Nobody doubts the policy being correct.
* 如果动名词的复和结构在句中作宾语,可用普通名或宾格.
I remember my mother reading me the story in my childhood.
Do you mind me smoking here?
* play a part 起作用
Unhealthy foods played a part in the spread of the disease.
The workers have played an important part in the development of production.
The part of women played during the war was great.
* man/mankind/human being
man 人类,男子,男子汉.不用冠词,谓语动词常用单数.
mankind = all human beings 人类,全世界的人.
human being 相对于其他动物而言的人,人类 
Man had made history.
All progressive mankind love peace.
I’m a human being. I can stand on my own feet.
In his story human beings are replaced by robots.
soil 着重指土壤,泥土.Earth指土,泥,也指地面,陆地.Land 着重与河流相比较,指陆地,地面. Mud 指泥巴,稀泥.
The peasants are preparing the soil for seed.
Rain turns dust into mud.
He filled the pot with earth and planted a rose in it.
About a third of the earth’s surface is land.
You find mud at the bottom of a pool.
Step 4. Language study --- Past Participle
关于过去分词 --- v-ed.
We need more qualified teachers.
The wounded soldier lay on the ground, unable to move.
The girl dressed in red is my sister.
We are going to talk bout the problem discussed at the last meeting.       
后位修饰:如被修饰的词是不定代词(some/any/no + thing/body/one ) 或指示代词(those ),分词放在被修饰词后.
Is there anything unsolved?
There is almost nothing changed since I left the town two years ago.
Lost time --- time which is lost
A wekk-known writer --- a writer who is well known
a return soldier --- a soldier who has returned
retired workers --- workers who have retired
a learned man --- a man who is of much learning
a sunken ship --- a ship which has sunk
a fallen leaf --- a leaf which has fallen
形容词 + 过去分词
 a long-remembered story
a green-painted door
a ready-made drens
副词 + 过去分词
a well-educated woman
a widely-read book
a badly-lighted room
名词 + 过去分词
hand-made shoes
a heart-broken woman
a man-made satellite
The glass is broken (状态).
It was broken by my sister.(动作)
The street is crowded with people.      
They were crowded into on room.(动作)
The ground is covered with snow.(状态)
This point has not been covered yet.(动作)
Step 5.Practice
SB Page 53, Part 2.
SB Page 53, Part 3.
Step 6. Workbook
Do Ex.1 to revise the first passage in SB Lesson 35. Pairwork first. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Use Ex.2 to revise English numbers. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
Do Ex.3 in the same way as Ex.1. Then get several students to tell the story in their own words.
Do Ex.4 with the class. Call out the students to give the complete sentences and then translate them into Chinese.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Revise the new language in this unit
Lesson 36
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework exercises.
Ask a few questions about the tiger:
How many kinds of tiger are there in China?
Is the number of tigers in China getting bigger or smaller?
In which country is the number of tigers increasing?
Why are there fewer tigers now than before?
What was done in 1970 to protect tigers?
Step 2. Preparation for listening
Step 3. Listening
Step 4. Checkpoint
Step 5. Practice
Step 6. Discussion
Step 7. Workbook




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