Unit 7

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1. 高考词语
2. 语法项目
3. 基础知识
1) fall off/ fall down
2) for a while
after a while
in a while once in a while
3) cut off
cut up
4) stay up
5) at the time of
6) in all one’s life = in one’s whole life = all through one’s life = through out one’s life
7) on the morning of
in the morning
8) reach as many as
9) at the speed of
10)lose one’s home
11) in the center of
in the middle of
12) ten times morn than
1. “许多、大量”的表示方法
1) 只能修饰可数名词: a large / great number of, many, many a, a good /great many
2) 只能修饰不可数名词: a large amount of, much, little, a little
3) 两者皆可:lots of/ a lot of, plenty of, enough, a large quantity of/ quantities of, a great deal of.
4) Plenty of 通常只用于肯定句中,疑问和否定句中用enough.
5) Large quantities of修饰可数或不可数名词,谓语动词的数根据quantities来定,故用复数.
2. cut的搭配短语
cut off切断\剪下\删去
cut down 砍倒\砍死
cut up 切碎、齐根割掉
cut in插嘴、突然插入
cut through 剪断、凿穿
The line was cut off whiole we were talking by telephone.
He often cut in with a few remarks while we discussing the problem.
I’m cutting this tree up.
The army was called in to cut through the fall trees and help clean the roads and paths.
3. sound/ noise/voice
We all heard the sound the breaking glass.
She has a sweet voice.
You should not make so much noise!
Your cough sounds better.
It sounds as if the government dosen’t know what to do.
The bell sounded for dinner at eight o’clock in the morning.
She sounded the fire alarm in a hurry.
After the hard work, she had a sound sleep.
1) We shouted at the top of our _____. ( voices)
2) We could not hear them because of the _____ (noise) from the river.
3) He opened his mouth but no _____ (sound) came out of it.
4) He had a loud ___ (voice).
4. destroy/ damage/harm/hurt/injure/wound
1) destroy毁灭,消灭。通过,某中有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般不能修复或很难修复,有时可用于比喻意义。
The earthquake destroyed the whole city.
All his hopes were destroyed by her letter of refusal.
2) damage伤害,损伤。主要对价值和功能的破坏,多用语无生命的东西,一般还可以修复。
Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of the disease.
They managed to repair thr house that had been damaged.
3) harm伤害,损害。主要用于有生命的东西,偶尔也用于无生命的事物,常指伤及一个人或其健康、权利、事业等。
Smoking seriously harmed his health.
They had their hearing harmed by the loud noise of the machine.
5) hurt指精神或肉体上“创伤、伤害”。不及物动词意思是“痛“。
His words hurt me/ my felling.
He fell off the tree and hurt his leg.
My shoes ate so tight that my feet hurt.
5) injure指意外伤害或事故造成的伤害,有危及功能发展之薏。
Several children were injured in the accident.
6) wound一般指刀伤、枪伤、战场上受伤,也可指对感情的伤害,后跟的宾语是人而不是受伤部位。
He got wounded in the battle.
There twenty wounded it the field hospital.
He received a serious wound in the battle.
5. discover/find out/ find/ invent
Paper was fisrt invented by Chinese.
I found a coin on the street.
Please find out when the ship sails for Shanghai.
6. be made into/ be made of/ be made from/ be made out of/ be made up of
In many parts of the world corn is made into powder.
We can make galss into different kinds of things.
The desks and chairs are made of wood.
This kind of wine is made from rice.
The article is made up of four parts.
The sports team is made up of twenty members.
7. turn out/ turn in /turn up/turn on/turn off/ turn down
The project turned out to be a failure. The day turned out to be fine.
I hope that everything will turn out fine/well/right.
He promised to come, but so far he hasn’t turned up yet.
I hope the missing watch will turn up one day.
Don’t turn to the dictionary when you come to a new word.
He turned the key in the lock.
Turn over the page.
The doctor turned him over anf looked at hios back.
Turn it round and let me see the other side.
Your father is sleeping, you’d better turn down the light/radio.
I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please turn it up?
8. prepare
1) prepare sth 准备某事(强调过程)
Mother is preparing a meal while we were doing our homework.
He is preparing his speech for tomorrow’s meeting. Don’t interrupt him.
The teacher is preparing the students for the coming ezamination.
2) prepare for st … 为… 作准备 = prepare to sth
Willyou help me prepare for the evening party?
The farmers are busy preparing for the autumn harvest.
3) be prepared for … 为… 作好思想准备
I’m not prepares to listen to your excuse.
He is noe prepared to accept other’s ideas.
The students are well prepared for the sports meeting.
They were not at all prepared for the bad news.
4) He getting prepared for the exam.
He is trying to prepare himself as a basketball player.
5) We have made preparations for the party.
Are you making preparations for the class meeting?
6) The secretary worked late into the night, preparing a long speech for the president.
7) be ready for/ get ready for/be ready to do
we are ready for the exam.
We are ready at all times to beat our competitor.
He is always ready to help others.
9. 倍数表示方法
1)主语+谓语+…+times+形容词比较级+ than +别比较的内容.
My books are three times more than yours.
This river is three times longer than that one.
2) 主语+谓语+…+times+as +形容词原级+ as =被比较的内容
We have got four times as many people as we expected.
This river is three time as long as that one.
3) 主语+谓语+。。。times +the size( amount,length, wideth, height,…)+of+被比较的内容
The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.
This river is three times the length of that one.
Compared with that of last year, our coal output has increases by three times.
5) 主语+ 谓语+…times + upon/ over…
The size of the sun is a million times over that of the earth.
6) This year we have produced twice as much grain as we did last year.
He is double my age.
10. be afraid of害怕某人或某物
be afraid to 不敢做某事,害怕做某事
be afraid that恐怕
Don’t be afraid of asking for help. Don’t be afraid of dogs.
We are never afraid to lay down our lives for our great revolutionary cause.
I’m afraid that I am late.
11. center/middle
1) They were in the ____ of the dinner when I arrived. ( middle)
2) He placed the roses in the ____ of the dinning-room table. ( center)
3) He died in the ____ of May. ( middle)
4) Beijing is the _____ of government, economy and culture. (center)
5) He stopped in the ___ of the road. ( middle)
12. Offer
1) 提供,~sth
~sb sth
~to do
2) 要价,索价
We offered him $ 20.000 for the house. 我们出价20。000美圆买他的房子。
We offer him the house for $20.000. 我们出价20000美圆卖给他那栋房子。
12. 有关“准备”的短语
常见强调句型 练与析

一、强调句型的强调部分必须是对 that / who 之后句子的某一成分表示强调,如果把
"It is (was)...that "去掉,该句应该意思完整,不缺任何句子成分:
1. Is it _____ who wants to see you.
A. him B. he C. his D. himself
2. It was _____ who respected all their teachers.
A. them B. their C. they D. themselves
3. --- What is Mary ?
--- Was it _____ that you were referred to ?
A. he B. she C. her D. they
4. It _____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago .
A. was B. are C. were D. had been
5. It _____ at Christmas that John Smith gave Mary a handbag.
A. must have B. will be C. might have been D. may have had
6. ---Was that new school master who walked by ?
--- _____.
A. It must be that B. It must have been C. He must be D. This must have been
【题解】强调部分如果是人称代词,应根据句子需要选择它的主格或宾格形式:如第⒈ ⒉⒊ 小题。注意谓语动词形式与整个句子语境的一致性:如第⒋⒌ ⒍ 小题。
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B
7. _____ electricity plays an important part in our daily life ?
A. Why was it that B. Why is it that C. Why is it D. Why it is that
8. Who was it _____ wanted to see me just now ?
A. that B. who C. when D. when
9. _____ you met the foreigner from Canada ?
A. Where it was that B. Who it was that C. Where was it that D. Where was that
【题解】强调部分为疑问代词或疑问副词时,该强调句句型结构与特殊疑问句句型相 同,即:“疑问词 + 一般疑问句”
【答案】7. B 8. A 9. C
三、强调部分为 " not ... until " 句型:
10. It was not until late in the evening _____ her husband arrived home .
A. which B. when C. that D. how
11. It was not until 1920 _____ regular radio broadcasts began.
A. which B. when C. that D. since
12. It was not _____ she took off her dark glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.
A. when ; that B. until ; that C. until ; when D. when ; then
【题解】注意 " not ... until " 句型的变化。比较下列三个句子:
She didn't remember her appointment with the doctor until she had arrived home.
It was not until she had arrived home that she remembered her appointment with the doctor.
Not until she had arrived home did she remember her appointment with the doctor.
【答案】 10. C 11. C 12. B
13. I can't quite remember _____ you started doing the work .
A. that it was when B. when it was that C. when was it that D. that was it when
14. She wants to know if it is 600 miles an hour _____ the newest plane can go.
A. which B. that C. when D. on which
15. Was it _____ he was seriously ill that he didn't come to school yesterday .
A. although B. that C. because D. since
16. It was only when I reread his poems recently _____ I began to appreciate their beauty .
A. until B. that C. then D. so
17. _____ he came back home that we knew what had happened .
A. When it was B. It was when C. Was it when D. When was it
18. It was the training _____ he had as a young man _____ made him such a good engineer.
A. what ; that B. that ; what C. that ; which D. which : that
19. It was _____ he said _____ disappointed me at that time.
A. what ; that B. that ; that C. what ; what D. that ; what
【题解】当强调部分为从句或含从句的短语时,应首先确定它在句子中的作用。第⒔ ⒕ 小题为宾语从句;第⒖ ⒗ ⒘ 小题为状语从句,此时不能对 for, as , since , although 引导的从句表示强调; 第 ⒙ 小题的强调部分又被一个由 which 引导的定语从句修 饰; 第⒚ 小题的强调部分则为 what 引导的主语从句。
【答案】 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. D 19. A
20. It was through Jack _____ Mary got to know Bob .
A. who B. whom C. how D. that
21. It was _____ great care that they did the job. A. for B. about C. with D. in
22. It was on October 1st 1949 _____ new China was founded .
A. which B. when C. as D. that
23. Was it in this palace _____ the last emperor died ?
A. that B. in which C. in where D. which
24. It was the school gate ______ I met an old friend of mine after class .
A. that B. which C. where D. why
【题解】强调部分为介词短语时,①应特别注意能引起误解的干扰选项,如第20小题; ②表示时间或地点时,应注意与定语从句的区别,如第24小题。
【答案】 20. D 21. C 22. D 23. A 24. C
He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方。
Do write to me when you get there.你到那儿后务必给我来信。
That's the very textbook we used last term.这正是我们上学期用过的教材。
You are the only person here who can speak Chinese.你是这里唯一会讲汉语的人。
Not a single person has been in the shop this morning.今天上午这个商店里连一个人都没有。
How dare you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢买这么贵的宝石呢?
Why ever did you do so?你究竟为什么要这么做?
He never said a word the whole day.一整天,他一句话也没说。
You've got to be very,very careful.你一定得非常、非常小心。
This is just what I wanted.这正是我所要的。
He was badly wounded.他伤得很严重。
I really don't know what to do next.我的确不知道下一步该怎么做。
4.用in the world,on earth,at all等介词短语可以表达更强的语气(常用于疑问句):
Where in the world could he be?他到底会在哪儿?
What on earth is it?它究竟是什么?
Do you know at all?你到底知不知道?
How interesting a story it is!这是一个多么有趣的故事啊!
Oh,what a lie!啊,真是弥天大谎!
Why!why!The cage is empty!啊!啊!箱子是空的。
They walked for miles and miles.他们走了好多英里。
On the table were some flowers.桌上摆着一些花。(强调地点)
Many a time have I climbed that hill.我多次翻过那座山。
Only in this way,can we solve this problem.只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。
8.用强调句型:“It is(was)+被强调的部分+that(who)+原句其它部分”来强调说话人的意愿:
It was on Monday night that all this happened.所有这一切发生在周一晚上。
It's me that he blamed.他怪的是我。
1)If从句+I don't know who/what,etc.does/is/has,etc.;主语部分也可以用nobody does/is/has,etc.或everybody does/is/has,etc.来代替(这里的if从句往往是正话反说,反话正说):
If he can't do it,I don't know who can.要是他做不了这件事,我不知道还有谁能做。(强调只有他能做)
If Jim is a coward,everybody is.要是吉姆是个胆小鬼,那么人人都是胆小鬼。(强调吉姆不是胆小鬼)
2)if从句+it be主句(此用法可看成是第8中强调句型的变形,即把所要强调的内容放在it be的后面,把其它内容放在由if引导的从句中):
If anyone knew the truth,it was Tom.如果说谁了解事实的真相,那便是汤姆。
If there is one thing he loves,it is money.如果说世界上还有他爱的东西,那便是金钱。
It's because of hard work—ten years of hard work.那是因为艰苦的工作———十年艰苦的工作!
He began the work in late May.他在五月底开始的这项工作。(强调时间)
江苏 陈力铭 崔 艳
Revision for Attributive Clause
1. 学习定语从句的意义
2. 定语从句的定义
The dictionary that I want to buy is an English one.
The number of people who lost homes reached as many as 250,000.
The house where he lived is now a library.
2.定语从句必须有先行词(所修饰的名词或代词),并且应尽 量靠近先行词。
理解和牢记这两条概念,弄清关系词在定语从 句中充当什么成分,是掌握定语从句的关键。
关系词的选择完全取决于先行词在定语从句中 所充当的什么成分。
先行词为物时,引导词用that,which. (ex3,4,5,6)
E.what 不能引导定语从句。(ex4,5,6)
A.whose在定语从句中作定语,表示引导词与whose后的名 词为所属关系。又如:
Here comes the man whose English is very good.
That is the book whose cover is blue.
B.whose常用of which替代。上句可变为:
This is the book of which the cover is blue.
This is the book the cover of which is blue.
( 用of短语修饰的名词前应有“the”;而whose 修饰词前则无)
(Ask Ss to change the two sentences in the paper)
A.最高级和序数词如the most,the last,the first(ex12,14)
D.the only,the same,the very修饰先行词。如:
The only thing that I want to do is to study English well.
It is the very book that I want to buy.
E. 先行词为人+物时,如ex6
F. 主句中有who ,which, 如:
Who that knows him would trust him.
Which of these two trains is the one that goes to Paris?
This is the boy who you should look after.
He often talks about the people and the things that he heard of.
He is the person to whom I want to give this book.
The Chinese team won 16 gold medals,of which 12 were won by women.
5.18-23为when,where或先行词为时间或地点时介词+关系代词的 情况:
B.when=in(at...)which; where=in(at...)which 如:
That is the day when/ on which he was born.
That is the day which he was born on.
I know a place where/ in which we can have a talk.
6. 24为way的情况:
that, in which,how,或不用引导词,又如:
He showed me the way how/that/in which/--he made money.
Do exx II in ex-paper
Do the paper given
关系代词 who 和 that 的用法区别

在定语从句中,若先行词指人。其关系代词可用 who,whom , 也可用 that。

The girl who ( that ) is speaking at the meeting is our monitor .

※ 在下列情况下多用或须用 who。

1 . 关系代词在从句中作主语时,多用 who。

Do you know the man who spoke just now ?

The doctor who treated me was very experienced .

2 . 先行词 all , anyone , one , ones 等时,多用 who。

All who heard the news were excited .

Anyone who breaks the rule will be punished .

3 . 先行词为 those 和 people 时,多用 who。

Those who want can see sometimes act just as foolishly .

4 . 在非限制性定语从句中须用 who。

Tom's father , who is over sixty , still works hard .

Mr Green , whom you saw in the library yesterday , will teach us physics next term .

5 . 在被分隔的定语从句中须用 who。

A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you German .

6 . 在以 there be 开头的句子中多用 who。

There is a stranger who wants to see our headmaster .

7 . 一个句子中带有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词是 that , 另一个须用 who。

The student who was praised at the meeting is the monitor that is very modest and studies very
hard .

※ 使用 that 的几种情况。

1 . 若先行词前有形容词最高级或序数词修饰时。

He is the finest comrade that I have ever worked with .

The first person ( that ) I visited there was Mr Green .

2 . 先行词前有 the same , the only 等修饰时。

She is the same teacher that was praised the other day .

She is the only person that understands me .

3 . 当主句是以 who 或 which 开头的特殊疑问句时,定语从句须用 thet,以免与先行词

Who is the boy that was here just now ?

Which of us that knows something about physics does not know this ?

4 . 若先行词兼指人与物时,须用 that。

We know nothing about the doctors and the hospitals that you are talking about .

5 . 若关系代词在从句中作表语,一般须用 that。

He is not the man that he used to be .

He is not the naughty boy that he was five years ago .


. 定语从句
1. 引导词有几个?一共有9个:who , whom , whose, that, which , when , where, why, as
关系词 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 说 明
that 人/物 人/物 √ × √ 不能用于非限定性从句
which 物 物 × × √  
who 人 × × × ×
whom × 人 × × ×
whose × × × 人/物 ×
when × × × × √
where × × × × √
why × × × × √
as 主要用于非限制性的定语从句和such…as, the same…as, as…as,结构中。
2. 引导词的功能有哪些?
⑴引导定语从句。 ⑵代替先行词在定语从句中充当一个成分。
3. 定语从句的关键是什么?
4. 只能用that引导定语从句有哪些情况?【适合于高一, 高二, 高三】
  现行词前为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much等不定代词时.
  先行词前有:all, every, no, some, any, little, much, few等不定代词修饰时.
  先行词前only, just, very, last有等修饰时.
  主句是以who, which,开头的疑问句或先行词是疑问代词时.
  在修饰时间、地点等先行词时,只有用that代替when, where等引导词。
   例:I'll never forget the Sunday (that) you first arrived.
   Do you know anywhere (that) I can get a drink ?
  先行词为reason, way (意为"方法")时,常用that 代替why, which, in which,
   例:It is a dictionary that will help you a lot.
  当主语以there be 开头时.
5. reason后面用什么引导?way 后面用什么引导?【适合于高一, 高二, 高三】
way 后面定语从句用in which 或 that引导that可以省略。
6. when引导的定语从句等于什么引导的定语从句?【适合于高二, 高三】
when引导的定语从句等于 介词+ which引导的定语从句。
7. where 引导的定语从句等于什么引导的定语从句?【适合于高二, 高三】
where 引导的定语从句等于 介词+which引导的定语从句。
8. one of 和 the (only) one of 引导的定语从句在主谓一致问题上应注意什么?【适合于高一, 高二, 高三】
9. 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句有和区别?【适合于高二, 高三】
10. as 和which引导的非限制性定语从句在用法上有什么区别?【适合于高二, 高三】
as和 which 都可以引导非限制性定语从句.都可以代替主句中的整个内容或某一成分.
  as 引导的非限制性定语从句可以位于句首,并常和know, see, expect等词连用.意为:"正
11. as 可以用于哪些结构中引导定语从句?【适合于高二, 高三】
such... as the same... as so ... as..
12. the same...as和 the same ...that 引导的定语从句如何区别?【适合于高二, 高三】
   the same...as 引导的定语从句指的是相同事物,强调同类.the same...that 引
   This is the same pen as I bought yesterday.  (相同)
   This is the same pen that I borrowed from Mr. Li. (同一物)
13. such...as ...和 such...that...如何区分?【适合于高二, 高三】
   such...as ...引导的是定语从句.as必须代替先行词在其引导的从句中充当
14. whose 引导定语从句有那些注意点?【适合于高一, 高二, 高三】
   whose 作定语,后面跟名词.一般有三种表示形式. 例:
This is the dictionary whose cover has come off.
= This is the dictionary the cover of which has come off.
= This is the dictionary of which the cover has come off.
B. 名词性从句
不能用关系代词 Which 的几种情况
1.当先行词为all, little, much, few, everything, none 等不定代词时关系代词用that而不用which.
I will tell him all that you told me at the ball. There are few books that you can read in this book store.
2.当先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that, 不用which.
He asked about the factories and workers that he had visited.
3.当先行词有形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词用that, 而不用which.
This is the best novel that I have ever read. Guilin is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever visited.
4.当先行词有序数词修饰时,关系代词用that, 不用which.
The first sight that was caught at the Great Wall has made a lasting impression on him.
5.当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the right等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.
That is the very thing that we can do. It is the only book that he bought himself.
6.当先行词被all, every, any, much, little, few, no等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.
You can take any room that you like. There is no clothes that fit you here.
Which of the books that had pictures was worth reading?
8.在强调句型" It is ... that ..." 中,只用that,不用which.
It is in this room that he was born twenty years ago.
9.在" such (the same) ... as ..." 句型中,关系代词要用as, 而不用which.
We need such materials as (not which) can bear high temperature.
10.表示" 正如... 那样 "," 正象..." 之意时, 用as, 不用which.
Mary was late again, as had been expected.
11.As 引导的定语从句可以放在主句前面, 也可以放在主句后面或主句中间,而由 which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后面。
As we all know, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth.
23. 同位语从句与定语从句如何区别?【适合于高二, 高三】
充当句子成分。 24. 何为"就从不救主"原则?【适合于高二, 高三】
   "就从不救主"原则是指在名词性从句中,当主句中差宾语同时宾语从句中差主语,在选择whoever, whomever或 who, whom 时,必须首先满足从句中的主语,故称之为"救从不救主".
25. reason 后面有几种从句?如何判断?【适合于高二, 高三】
   定语从句: 由for which, why引导,引导词必须代替先行词在其从句中充当成
分.如:What is your reason why (for which) you were late?
   同位语从句:由that引导,引导词在从句中不充当句子成分.如:The reason that
he didn't come her this morning is not clear.
   表语从句: 由that引导,在从句中不充当句子成分.如:The reason is that he
doesn't like being laughed at in public.

  Finally came the day __ he had to begin his study for the next term.
  A.till    B.that    C.since    D.which
  让我们来分析这个句子的结构,这是一个倒装句,还原应为:The day came finally,中间he had to begin his study for the next term为the day引导出的一个从句。这道题考查的目的就是看学生对从句的掌握情况如何,能够在名词后跟从句的只有两种,即定语从句和同位语从句,假如这是一个定语从句,先行词the day就该由关系词来代替在从句中作时间状语,关系词应为when或on which,但没这两个答案,这就只可能是同位语从句,这个从句只是对前面的名词the day进行补充说明,就可用that来引导同位语从句,答案为B。
  I have heard of the news that he would come to China.
  I have heard of the news that he got.
关系词 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 说 明
that 人/物 人/物 √ × √ 不能用于非限定性从句
which 物 物 × × √  
who 人 × × × ×
whom × 人 × × ×
whose × × × 人/物 ×
when × × × × √
where × × × × √
why × × × × √
as 主要用于非限制性的定语从句和such…as, the same…as, as…as,结构中。
  Is there anything that you want to explain?
  In 1898 they declared that they believed there was something in nature which gave out radiation.
  This is the only reason that I can say.
  This is the first step that can be taken.
  It is the best one that you may choose.
  3.way后面的定语从句,引导定语从句有三种情况:a.在比较正式的文体中用in which;b.一般情况下用that;c.in which和that省去。
  a.I was struck by the beauty of the way in which she stood.
  It was clear that the speaker now trusted Tom from the way in which these words were said.
  b.Lincoin asked the people to think of slavery in the way that these men did.
  Mary,there is one way that you could stop others talking about you and criticizing you.
  c.That's the way I looked at it.
   The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.
  The room where(=in which)he used to live has now been turned into a museum.
  The desk where(=on which)I put my bag is his.
  This is the school where(=in which)I joined the Party.
            ┏ at which he works.
            ┣ which he works at.  
  That is the college ┣ where he works.
            ┣ that he works at.
            ┗ he works at.
      ┏ on which he was born
      ┣ which he was born on
  The day ┣ when he was born was Aug.20,1952.
      ┣ that he was born on
      ┗ he was born on
  6. 除了第4、第5条中when,where可以用介词+关系词这种用法外。还有其他情况也可以用这种结构。即:介词+which。或介词+whom。请看下面例句:
  This is the classmate with whom I'll go to the cinema.
  The subject in which I'm most interested is English.
  We can see the method by which the computer works.
  as引导定语从句主要用于非限制性定语从句和the same…as,such…as,as…as的结构中。
  He married the girl,as(which)was natural.
  He seemed a freigner,as(which)in fact he was.
As was natural, he married the girl.
  2.在the same…as,such…as,as…as结构中,same,such,as之后应是名词或形容词+名词。
  We are facing the same problems as we did years ago.
  Some people have no doubt that their cat understands as many words as a dog does.
  We hope to get such a tool as he is using.
  We are facing the problems which we faced years ago.
  Some people have no doubt that their cat understands the words which a dog understands.
  We hope to get the tool which he is using.
  3.the same…as与the same…that引导的定语从句在意义上的区别是:前者修饰的是与原物同样的;而后者修饰的就是先行词同样的东西。是比较:
  This is the same watch as I lost.
  This is the same watch that I lost.
  He expressed the hope that he has had for many years.
  5.the reason why(=for which)是由why或for which引导的定语从句。而the reason that也是that引导的定语从句。that往往省略。
  This is the reason why he was late. =This is the reason (that)he was late.
  Who is the man that is standing by the door?
  Which of the two cows that you keep produces more milk?
  John and his dog that were here a moment ago disappear now.
  He is no longer the man that he was.
  9.“one of+可数名词复数”引导的定语从句中,谓语动词应用复数;而“one of+可数名词复数”前有the,only或the only修饰,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。
  He is one of the students who study very hard at school.
  He is the(only/the only) one of the students who studies very hard at school.




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