<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 1

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Lesson 2
1. Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discover of radium. 居里夫人这位镭元素的发现者,将永远为人民所怀念。 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事;remember to do sth. 记着去干某事;remember sb. as… 把某人当着……来怀念;remember sb. to sb. else 请代向某人问好;e.g. I remember seeing her somewhere. 我记得在什么地方见过她。Remember to turn off the lights before you leave the room. 离开房间时请记住关灯。Please remember me to your parents. 请代我向你的父母亲问好。
2. At that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland, so Marie was determined to go to Paris and study there. 当时在波兰是不允许妇女进入大学的,因此玛丽决定去巴黎学习。1). admit vt. 许可;让……进入;承认;供认(后接动名词);e.g. The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house. 仆人来开了门让我进了屋子。The thief admits having stolen the gold medal. 那个小偷供认他偷了那块金牌。My sister was lucky to be admitted to Beijing University. 我妹妹很幸运考上了北京大学。600 students are admitted to Senior Grade 1 this year in our school. 今年我校招收600名高一新生。 2). be determined to do… e.g. We are determined to get the work done before May Day. 我们下决心要在五.一前完成这项工作。She was determined not to allow his advice. 她决意不接受他的劝告。 determined adj. 坚定的e.g. Madame Curie was a determined woman. 居里夫人是一位坚定的女性。
3. She succeeded in taking a first-class degree in physics…. ……她成功地取得了一级物理学位。1). first-class = the first-rate 一级;第一流的;the tenth-rate最差的;succeed in (doing) sth. = be successful in (doing) sth. 成功地干某事;e.g. China has succeeded in applying for the Olympics of 2008. 中国已经成功地申办了2008年奥运会。 He succeeds both in his work and in his life. 他在事业和生活上都取得了成功。succeed vi. e.g. He is the type of person who succeeds everywhere. 他是那种到处都能吃得开的人。success n. 成功;e.g. Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。
4. Not long before another scientist had found that uranium gave off rays, …. 在此之前不久,另一位科学家曾发现铀放出射线,……。give off 散发;发出(液体,气体,味道); e.g. Boiling water gives off steam. 沸水散发出蒸汽。 So much smoke was given off by the coal. 这种煤散发出这么多的浓烟。 give away 送掉;分发;放弃机会;give out 分发;发出(热,光,声音,信号); 公布;发表;用完;精疲力竭;give up 放弃;give back 归还;
5. …she named “Polouium” in honour of her motherland --- Poland, and on which she wrote a research paper. 为了向她的祖国 --- 波兰表示敬意,她把这种矿物质命名为镤,并写了一篇关于镤的论文。in honour of 为了向……表示敬意;为了纪念……; 为了招待……;e.g. It is only a party in honour of Li Mei’s
birthday. 这仅仅是为了庆祝李梅的生日而举办的晚会。A monument was built in honour of their heroic deeds. 为了纪念他们的英雄事迹而建立了纪念碑。
6. They devoted all their hours to working in their laboratory. 他们把所有的时间都花在了实验室里。devote… to… 把……用于;(to是介词) e.g. They devoted themselves to the cause of revolution. 他们把毕生精力都献给了革命事业。We should devoted every effort to helping the disabled people. 我们应当竭尽一切努力来帮助残疾人。
7. Its rays could go through every mineral except lead. 它的射线可以穿透除铅以外的所有其他的矿物质。lead n. 铅; go through 通过;穿过;经历;完成;e.g. The thread went through the eye of the needle. 线穿过了针眼。The old Red Army man went through many dangers during the war. 这位老红军战士在战争期间经历了很多危险。
8. It looked like ordinary salt, but was one million times more radioactive than uranium. 它看上去就像普通的盐,而它的放射性要比铀大一百万倍。time n. 倍数;倍数的表达法句型:
a). A + be + 倍数 + 比较级 + than + B
b). A + be + 倍数 + as + adj + as + B
c). A + be + 倍数 + the size / length / height / depth / width + of + B
e.g. Asia is four times as large as Europe. == Asia is three times larger than
Europe. == Asia is four times the size of Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。
其他的表达法:e.g. This street is twice the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的两倍长。This pencil is a quarter as long as that one. 这枝铅笔是那枝铅笔的四分之一长。Our room is 60% the size of theirs. 我们的房间是他们的房间的60%大。



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