<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 2Lesson 5

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1. Captain Cook is preparing for his first great expedition to the Pacific. 库克船长正在为他的太平洋远征做准备。 prepare for 为……做(事前的)准备; prepare 准备着…..;正在干……; 试比较:They are preparing for Li Mei’s birthday party. 他们正在为李梅的生日晚会做准备。 Mother is preparing dinner in the kitchen. 妈妈正在厨房里做饭。 They are preparing for dinner. 他们正在为那顿饭做准备(买菜,洗菜)。be prepared for = prepare for 为……做(事前的)准备。e.g. The students have been well prepared for the coming examinations. 学生们已经为即将到来的考试做好了充分的准备。prepare sb. for sth. 使某人对某事有所准备;prepare to do sth. 为做某事而做准备;
2. I insist on taking proper food for this expedition. 我坚决主张携带适合于这次远征的食品。insist v. 坚持;强调;后接名词, 代词或动名词时要先接介词on, 后接宾语从句时有两种情况:1). 如果从句的动作尚未发生,用虚拟语气 “(should) + 动词原形”, 表示“坚决/坚持要求某人做某事”。2). 如果从句的动作已经发生,或者情况确实存在,用陈述语气, 表示 “坚持认为;坚持说”。 e.g. They insisted on helping us with our work. 他们坚持要帮助我们干活。Our English teacher insists on the importance of correct pronunciation. 我们的英语老师强调正确发音的重要性。They insisted that he should be present at the meeting. 他们坚决要求他出席会议。 She insisted that she needed no help. 她坚持说她不需要任何帮助。 The doctor insisted that she should stay at home for at least three months. 医生坚持要求她至少在家休息三个月。
3. So I have decided to take live animals. 所以我决定只带活的动物。 live adj. 活的;实况的;只做定语;alive活着的;在世的;只做表语或后置定语;living adj. 活的;有生命的;可以做表语或定语,与the 连用指一类人。 请比较:Is this bird alive / living or dead? 这只鸟儿是活的还是死的? I only want live / living fish. 我只买活鱼。 His grandfather is still alive / living. 他的爷爷仍然活着。The living must fulfill the task that the dead haven’t ended. 活着的人必须完成死者的未竞事业。live broadcast 现场直播。
4. at sea 在海上;在航海;all at sea 茫然;不知所措;at the sea 在海边;by the sea 在海边上;e.g. The ship was hit by a hurricane at sea. 那艘船在海上遭遇飓风。 I can’t understand this problem. I’m all at sea. 我不懂这条题,我完全摸不着头脑。He lives by the sea. 他家住在海边上。
5. I suggest taking a lot of vinegar. 我建议带大量的醋。suggest vt. 1). 建议;后接名词,动名词,从句用 “虚拟语气 (should) + 动词原形”. e.g. Mr. Chen suggested a meeting to discuss these problems. 陈老师建议开个会来讨论这个问题。She suggested that the plan should not be put into practice at once. 她建议这个计划不要马上实施。2). 暗示;(从句用陈述语气) e.g. His silence suggested that he didn’t agree to our decision. 他的沉默表明他不同意我们的决定。



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