<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 5Lesson 19

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1. What makes a good advertisement? 怎样才能做成一个好的广告呢?make 使……成为;是;e.g. She will make a fine teacher. 她将会成为一位好老师的。Experiences have made him a man. 经历把他磨练成好汉。
2. There have been major changes in advertising in the past sixty years. 六十年来,广告制作有了重大的变化。1). in the past sixty years = in the last sixty years 在过去的六十中;(此短语用于现在完成时) e.g. In the past few years great changes have taken place in our city. 在过去的几年中,我市发生了巨大的变化。2). major adj. 主要的;n.专业/主课;少校; vi.主修;专攻; e.g. Liverpool is a major British port. 利物浦是英国的一个重要港口。What is your major at collage? 你在大学里学的什么专业?He rose quickly from rank of Major to Colonel. 他很快就从少校升到了上校。Wang Dong majors history of America at collage. 王东在大学里主修美国历史。
3. Today’s advertisements often start with a question, or a puzzle, with the purpose of attracting the readers attention. 当今的广告常常以一个问题或一个谜语开始,目的是为了吸引读者的注意。1). with the purpose of doing sth带着干……的目的;e.g. Did you come to kuitun for the purpose of seeing your grandpa? 你到奎屯来是为了看望你爷爷吗?They came here with the sole purpose of making trouble. 他们是专门到这儿来捣乱的。(参见Unit 2 Lesson 6点拨5) 2). attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力;attract vt. 吸引;e.g. At the zoo, the panda always attracts large crowds. 在动物园,熊猫总是吸引着大批观众。In space, all bodies attract other bodies. 在太空中,一切天体都互相吸引。He shouted to attract others’ attention. 他大声叫喊以引起他人的注意。
4. However there is danger in this. There are other dangers. 然而,这其中有风险之事。还有别的不保险的事。 danger n. 指具体的危险或造成危险的人或事物时是可数名词;用于一般概念时是不可数名词。e.g. That man is a danger to society. 那人对于社会是个危险人物。He looked around carefully for hidden dangers. 他仔细查看四周,看看有无隐藏的危险。There is danger ahead. 前面有危险。
5. A German speaker at the factory pointed out to the sales manager that the British name of the car meant “ animal waste ” in German. 这家工厂的一位德国发言人向销售经理指出,这种汽车的英国名字在德语中的意思是“动物垃圾”。point out 指出; e.g. The teacher pointed out my mistakes in my homework to me. 老师指出了我作业中的错误。point to … 指着……; point at … 指着……; 把……对准; e.g. He pointed to a girl and said to me: “That is my little sister.”. 他指着一个女孩对我说:“那是我的小妹妹”。 The hunter pointed his gun at the tiger. 猎人用枪瞄准那只老虎。
6. Her companion, blamed for the accident, had not been driving carefully. 她的同
事以前开车一直不小心,这次为这一事故受到了责备。blame vt. e.g. Don’t blame him; he is just a child. blame sb. for sth. 因某事而责备某人; blame sth. on sb. 把……责任归咎于某人; Don’t blame the crisis on poor planning. 别把危机归咎于计划不周。Don’t blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,应该怪我。
7. She was devoted to her mother and looked after her for many years. 她深爱着她
的母亲,细心照料了她好多年。be devoted to 把……专用于; 喜欢; 疼爱; e.g. This magazine is devoted to science. 这份杂志专门刊登科技文章。The shops are on the ground floor while the first floor is devoted to living. 商店设在一楼,二楼仅供居住。 Her son, to whom she is devoted, died in fighting the flood. 她非常疼爱的儿子在抗洪中牺牲了。She told me she was devoted to the child. 她告诉过我说她喜欢这个孩子。
8. We have a used computer for sale. 我们有一台旧电脑出售。1). used adj. 旧的;用过的;a used car = a second hand car 一辆旧车;used books 旧书; 2). sale n. 卖;销售;廉价处理; for sale 待售; 出售; on sale出售;e.g. July is the season for sales. 七月是大减价的季节。Coats on sale this week! 本周大衣减价销售!That is not for sale. 那是非卖品。 sell vt. 卖; sell … for … 卖换钱; sell … at … 以价格出售; sell … by … 以计量单位卖; I sold my second hand computer for 1500 yuan. / at a low price. 我以1500元的价格 / 以低价卖掉了旧电脑。 Eggs are sold by the dozen. 鸡蛋是按打卖的。 vi. 卖;This kind of cars sell well. 这种汽车很畅销。 sell out 售完; sell off 甩卖; sell sth. to sb. 使某人相信某事属实;He sold us an excuse. 我们对她的借口信以为真。



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