陈老师课堂点拨高一 U10

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<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高一英语 Unit 10
The world around us
1. Look at the causes and effects above.看看上面的原因和结果。 1). cause n.事业;原因;起因;E.g. the revolutionary cause 革命事业;She has made up her mind to fight for the cause of communism.她已下决心要为共产主义事业而奋斗终身。A cigarette end was the cause of fire.一个烟头是这场火灾的原因。Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter.热是膨胀的原因。What was the cause of the First World War? 第一次世界大战的起因是什么? vt. 引起;E.g. It is said that smoking causes cancers.据说吸烟可引起各种癌症。What caused the accident? 什么原因引起了这场事故?What caused the plants to die? 造成这些植物死亡的原因是什么?**** reason n. 原因;它指的是逻辑上推理出来的理由;而cause则指的是自然的客观存在的原因。E.g. We have reason to believe that he was murdered.我们有理由相信他是被谋杀的。What’s your reason for changing the plan? 你改变计划的理由是什么? 2). effect n.结果;后果;E.g. The film had quite an effect on her.这部电影对她影响很大。I tried to persuade him,but with little effect.我尽力劝过他,但没起任何效果。
2. Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.史蒂夫琼斯是一位环境专家,他致力于保护动植物免遭濒危。 keep…from doing…. 阻止……干某事;E.g. The heavy rain kept us from going out.大雨阻止我们外出。We should keep people from cutting down too many trees.我们应当阻止人们砍伐太多的树木。People are kept from throwing waste in the park.应阻止人们在公园里乱扔废物。 Comparison:He kept me standing with my face to the wall for half an hour.他让我面朝墙壁站了半个小时。 Mr Wang has a strange way to keep his students from making noises in class.王老师有一种奇特的办法阻止他的学生在课堂上讲话。**** keep on doing….继续着做…….(有停顿);keep doing…. 持续不停地干……;E.g. The baby kept crying all night.那个婴儿整夜哭闹。It kept raining for a week.雨持续下了一周。If you keep on trying, you will make greater progress.只要你们继续努力,你就能够取得更大的进步。
3. Many of the earth’s plants and animals have already died out, and several other species are endangered.好多地球上的动植物已经灭绝,一些别的物种正濒临着灭绝的危险。 1). die out 灭绝;绝迹;消失;熄灭;E.g. Many of the living things are dying out.很多生物正在绝迹。Many of our old traditions are dying out.我们的许多老传统正在逐渐消失。The forest fire died out.森林大火熄灭了。 2). species n.种类;E.g. a species of tiger 一种老虎;There are over 200 species of fish.有两百多个品种的鱼。Wheat is a species of grass.小麦是一种草本植物。 3). endanger vt. 危及……;给……造成危害;E.g. You will endanger your health if you work too hard.如果你过度劳累,你的健康就会受到损害。The
polluted air is badly endangering the health of the residents in that area.被污染的
空气正严重地危及那个地区居民的健康。Drunk-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also endanger the lives of pedestrians.酒后驾车不仅会造成交通事故,而且会危及到行人的安全。
4. If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures before it is too late.如果我们能更多地了解致使生物濒危的原因,我们就可以及早采取补救措施。 take measures 采取措施;E.g. What measures will be taken to prevent fires? 要采取什么措施来防止火灾的发生? We must take necessary measures to solve these problems one by one.我们必须采取必要的措施,逐个地解决这些问题。The governments are taking measures to control the prices of all kinds of goods.各级政府正采取措施控制商品的价格。
5. When the habitat of a species is changed or destroyed, the animal or plant has to either adapt to the change or find a new home.当一个物种的栖息地被改变或遭到毁坏时,这种动物或植物就必须适应这种变化或者必须找到一个新的家园。 adapt to 适应……;E.g. Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark. 我们的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗。Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life style? 你的思想能够适应新的生活方式吗?This TV plan was adapted from the novel of the same title.这部电视剧是根据同名小说改编的。We are going to have the material adapted for Senior One students.我们打算对这份材料进行改写以适合高一学生阅读。
6. A species may also died out if humans or other animals use too much of a plant or kill too many animals. 如果人类或别的动物从一个植物之中索取太多或杀掉太多的



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