陈老师课堂点拨高一 U9

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高一英语 Unit 9
1. Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagers who live life “on the go” and use cellphones.跟许多中国青少年一样,王梅使用手机,享受“移动人生”,过着“忙碌”的生活。 1).teenager n. 青少年 (二十岁以下的少男少女);E.g. There is a club for teenagers in our city.我们城市里有一个青少年俱乐部。 2). on the go 忙碌的;活跃的;E.g. She has been on the go all day.她终日忙忙碌碌。I have been on the go since 6 o’clock this morning.我从早上六点钟起一直忙碌到现在。**** go作名词可以构成下面的短语:all the go 时髦的;be full of go 精力充沛;have a go at sth. 尝试着做某事;E.g. Leather gloves were all the go last year.去年流行皮手套。He blew out all the candles on his birthday cake at one go.他一口气把生日蛋糕上的蜡烛都吹灭了。He is always full of go.他总是精力充沛。
2. Words and images are being sent throughout the world.1). image n. 形象;肖像;非常像的东西;E.g. His image is still fresh in my mind though he has passed away for ten years.他的形象仍然留在我的记忆之中, 尽管他已经去世十多年了。He is the very image of his father.他长得跟父亲一模一样。2). throughout prep. 遍及;到处;= all over E.g The news spread throughout the country.消息传遍了全国。It rained throughout the night. 雨下了整整一夜。
3. Modern cellphones are more than just phones—they are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Internet.现代手机不仅仅是电话—他们被用作照相机,收音机,还可以发送电子邮件或上网。1).more than不仅仅;不止是;E.g. Mr Chen is more than a teacher, most of his students regard him as their friend.陈老师不仅仅是位老师,很多学生都把他当着朋友。more than enough绰绰有余;more than happy 极其高兴;E.g. We were more than excited to hear of your success.听到你成功的消息,我们都极其兴奋。She said that she was more than surprised to see you.她说她见到你非常吃惊。 2). be used to do = be used for doing 被用来干某事;E.g. This tool is used to cut wire / for cutting wire.这个工具用于切割金属线。Bamboo can be used to build houses.竹子可以用来建造房子。
4. The latest cellphones have features such as games, music and an electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates.最新款式的手机拥有特别吸引人的东西,像游戏,音乐和电子日历,电子日历会提醒你别忘了约会和重要日期。remind vt. 提醒;remind sb. about sth. 提醒某人某事;E.g. Please remind me about it again tomorrow in case I forget.请你明天再提醒我一下免得我忘记。Please remind him to return the books to the library.请提醒我把这些书还给图书馆。She reminded me that I hadn’t watered the flowers.她提醒我还没有浇花。remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事;E.g. The play reminds me of my childhood.这个戏剧使我想起了我的童年.This film reminded me of those years when I was in the countryside.这部电影使我回想起
在农村的岁月。A student should always remind himself not to be late for class.
学生应当提醒自己上课不要迟到。You remind me of your father.你使我想起
5. If a phone starts ringing in the classroom, teachers and students are disturbed and cannot work.如果手机在教室里响起,手机铃将会扰乱老师和同学们,使他们不能上课。disturb vi. vt. 扰乱;妨碍;使人心神不宁(常用于被动语态);E.g. She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.她静悄悄地开门以免惊扰睡着的孩子。He was disturbed by the news that you were ill.听到你生病的消息后他感到不安。
6. The students obey the rules and agree not to use their phones in the classroom.学生们遵守学校规章制度,同意不在教室里使用手机。1).obey the rules遵守规章制度;obey sb.服从某人;obey orders服从命令;E.g. As a soldier, you must obey orders.作为军人,你必须服从命令。The part should obey the whole.局部应当服从整体。2). agree to do sth.同意干某事;E.g. We all agreed to start at once. 我们都同意马上出发。Do you agree to this arrangement?你赞成这个安排吗?agree to sth. 同意某事;E.g. I agree to the plan /proposal. 我同意这个计划/提议。agree on sth. 对……取得一致意见;After discussion the two sides agreed on a ceasefire.经过协商,双方达成了停火协议。Finally they agreed on a plan of work.他们最后就今后的工作计划取得了一致的意见。agree with sb. 同意某人(的意见/看法);(Sth) agree with sb. 与……一致;(食物/气候等)适合于某人;E.g. I agree with you / I agree with what you said.我赞同你的意见。Do you agree with him on that matter? 关于那件事情,你同意他的看法吗?As an honest man, his words must agree with his actions.作为一个诚实的人,他应当言行一致。The weather here didn’t agree with him.这儿炎热的气候不适合他。
7. I don’t dare to use the phone in school, because they will take it away from me.我不敢在学校使用手机,因为它会给没收的。dare vt. 敢;胆敢;dare to do sth. 敢于做某事;E.g. We should dare to think, dare to speak and dare to act.我们应当敢想,敢说,敢干。The girl dared to walk at night.那个女孩子敢走夜路。He didn’t dare to speak to her.他不敢和他讲话。Do you dare to fight him? 你敢和他打架吗?v. aux. 一般用于否定句,疑问句或条件句中。E.g. I dare not climb the hill.我不敢爬山。Dare you tell her the truth? 你敢告诉她真相吗?How dare you say such a thing? 你竟敢说这种话呀?If the enemy dare come, they will never be able to get away.如果敌人胆敢来犯,管叫他们有来无回。If you dare break the rules, you will be punished.如果你敢违反纪律,你将会受到惩罚。
8. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.答案似乎是:无论我们在何处或正在做什么,我们都需要与朋友和家人不断取得联系。1).need n.需要;必要;需求;E.g. There is no need for you to wait here.你没有不要在这儿等了。in need of 需要;E.g.You look tired.You are in need of sleep.你看来很疲
倦,你需要睡眠。Are you in need of help? 你需要帮助吗?vt. 需要;有必要;
E.g. You don’t need to come if you feel sick.如果你不舒服,就不必来了。(如
不定式的被动形式。)E.g. These trees need watering / to be watered.这些树需
要浇水。2).stay in touch with = keep in touch with 保持联系;get in touch with
取得联系;lose touch with 失去联系;be out of touch with失去联系;E.g. We
stayed in touch with each other by letter in the past.我们过去靠写信保持联系。
Now we stay in touch with friends and family by phone.现在我们靠打电话同朋
友及家人保持着联系。3). no matter what / who / when / whether / whose / where
/ how 无论……;E.g. No matter where you are, you can always find time to study
无论你在哪里,你都可以挤出时间来学习。No matter who telephones, say I’m
out.不管是谁打电话过来,都说我不在。No matter what he may say, I’ll not
change my mind.无论他说什么我都不会改变主意。No matter how hard it is,
you must do your best.无论多么困难,你都要尽力去干。
9. Having a cellphone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.有了手机也能使我们感到更安全,因为出了紧急情况,我们可以打电话求救。 1).call for 要求;大声呼叫;E.g. Frightened by the dog, he called for help.他被那只狗吓坏了,大声地求救。I’ll call for you at six o’clock.六点钟时我去接你。 Success calls for hard work.成功要靠勤奋。 2). in case of 万一;如果;E.g. In case of fire, ring 119.万一着火的话,请拨打119。In case of rain, the football match will be put off.如果下雨,足球比赛推迟举行。in case 在……的情况下;万一的话;以免;以防万一;E.g. In case anything important happens, please call me up.万一发生什么重要的事情,请打电话给我。Take a taxi in case you are late for class.打的去吧,免得开会迟到。I’ll leave some bread in case you are hungry.我将留一些面包给你,以免你挨饿。Take warm clothes in case the weather is cold.穿上暖和衣服以防天气变冷。 Ask the police for help in case of losing your way.万一你迷了路,请找警察。 In case of rain we will not come. 万一下雨我们就不来了。
10. Useful Expressions: 1). disagree 不同意;E.g. --Do you agree with me about the matter? --I disagree. --你同意我对这件事的看法吗?--我不同意。Finally he disagreed that I could do the work. 最后他们不同意我来做这项工作。 2). absolutely 当然了;E.g. --Can you agree a price? –Absolutely. --我们能不能商量一个价格?--当然可以。--Don’t you agree? --Oh, absolutely. --你同意吗?--当然同意。 3). That’s exactly what I was thinking. 这正是我在考虑的。 E.g. --I ask for a pay rise. --That’s exactly what I was thinking. --我要求涨工资。--这正是我在考虑的。 4). That’s just how I see it. 那正是我的看法。E.g. --I don’t think it is a good idea to climb mountains. --That’s just how I see it. --我认为去爬山不行。--那正是我的看法。I want to present my opinion, First…. Secondly…. Thirdly…. That’s just how I see it. 我想陈述一下我的观点:一……. 二……. 三……. 这就是我要说的。




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