陈老师课堂点拨高一 U 7

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<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高一英语 U 7
1. Where there is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方就有城市。where 是连接副词,引导地点状语从句。从句中用了there be 句型,where 含有条件意味。E.g. Where there are flowers there are bees. 哪里有鲜花,哪里就有蜜蜂。This factory will be built where I was born. 这座工厂将建在我出生的地方。I found the book where I had left it. 我在我原先放书的地方找到了那本书。地点状语从句有时可以改为定语从句,只要在其前面加上in / at the place短语即可。上面的两个从句可以改为:This factory will be built at the place where I was born. I found my book at the place where I had left it.
2. Peter the great, like his country, was strong and proud. 彼得大帝就像他的国家一样,既强大又自傲。proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的;be proud of = take pride in 以……为荣; E.g. Li Hua is very proud of his new car. = Li Hua takes pride in his new car. 李华为他拥有新车而感到自豪。be proud to do sth. 因做而感到光荣; E.g. I am very proud to call you my friend. 能够高攀您为朋友,我感到很自豪。 She is proud to be invited to attend the conference. 她对被邀请出席这次会议感到自豪。
3. St Petersburg has also been the center of many important events in history. 圣彼得堡还是历史上许多重大事件的中心。event n. 事件;大事;E.g. It was quite an event. 那的确是一件大事。affair, business, event 都可以表示“事情”的意思,但是各有侧重:affair 事务;要事;E.g. a very small affair 一件小事;affairs of state 国事;政务;business 事情;E.g. It’s none of your business. 这不关你的事。Mind your own business. 少管闲事.
4. In 1941, the Germans tried to destroy the city. 1941年,德国人试图彻底摧毁圣彼得堡。1). German 德国人;复数形式为Germans。注意下面的复数形式 American  Americans; Russian  Russians;2). try to do sth. 试图干某事;E.g. He tried to get the work done with little help. 他试图在没有帮助的情况下去完成工作。 try doing sth. 试着干某事;E.g. I’ll try doing the experiment in another way. 我将试着用另一种方法做这个试验。He tried cleaning the spots with petrol. 他试着用汽油擦洗那些污点。
5. It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in. 城市遭到攻击达900天,但是圣彼得堡人民从未屈服。1). under attack 遭到攻击;attack n. / vt. 攻击;袭击;E.g. make an attack on the enemy 攻击敌人;The PLA soldiers attacked the enemy under over of darkness. 解放军战士趁着黑夜袭击敌人。2). under prep. 在……的过程中; E.g. The matter is under discussion. 这件事情还在讨论之中。The road is under repair and is closed to motor traffic. 正在修路,禁止机动车辆通行。3). give in vi.屈服;让步于;如要表示“向某人屈服”,要用give in to sb.; E.g. The murderer had to give in to the police in the end. 那个凶犯最后不得不向警察屈服。
6. St Petersburg was almost in ruins: fires burned everywhere. 圣彼得堡几乎成了废墟,大火到处燃烧。1). in ruins 废墟;遗迹;E.g. The houses across the street were in ruins. 街道对面的那些房屋成了一片废墟。Last Friday we had a visit to the ruins of ancient Room. 上周五我们参观了古罗马遗址。ruin n. vt. 毁灭;毁坏;使……毁坏; bring … to ruin 使毁坏;fall in / into ruin 灭亡; go / come to ruin 灭亡;E.g. The storm ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁坏了农作物。You will ruin your future. 你会毁掉你的前途的。2). fire n. 火;catch
fire 着火;be on fire 燃烧着;set fire to 放火烧;put out fire 扑灭火; E.g. The house caught fire last night. 昨夜那栋房子着火了。Please be careful. The gas catches fire easily. 请小心,煤气很容易着火的。Look! The building is on fire. 你瞧,那边的房子着火了。 Who set fire to the building ? 是谁放火烧那栋房子的?With the help of the firefighters, they finally put out the fire. 在消防队员们的帮助下,他们终于把火扑灭了。When they got there, the fire had been out for five hours. 他们到达那儿时,火已经灭了五个小时了。
7. Buildings were destroyed, and painting and statues lay in pieces on the ground. 建筑物惨遭毁坏,油画和雕像的碎片满地都是。lie (lay;lain;lying) 躺;位于;呈……状态;E.g. The boy lay on the grass. 那个男孩子躺在草坪上。 Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。Her success lay in hard work. 她的成功在于努力。**** lie (lied;lied;lying) 说谎;E.g. Father got angry and shouted: “Don’t lie to me!” 父亲生气地吼道:“别跟我撒谎”。 **** lay (laid;laid;laying) 放;下蛋;产卵; E.g. An oil pipe is being laid between the two cities. 这两个城市之间正在铺设一条输油管道。The cook lied that the egg lying on the table had been laid by him 那只公鸡撒谎说桌子上的鸡蛋是他下的。
8. Restoring the city and its cultural relics seemed impossible, but the people of this great city would not give up. 重建城市,恢复文物似乎是不可能的,但这座伟大城市的人民不肯放弃。give up vt. 放弃;停止;E.g. His father was persuaded to give up smoking. 他父亲被劝服戒烟了。My teacher gave up teaching when he was 60. 我的老师60岁时退休的。
9. Painters and workers had to be very careful when they were trying to bring the city back to life. 画家和工匠们在努力使城市恢复生机时必须小心认真。bring … back to life 使……复活;使……苏醒;使……康复; E.g. When he came back to life again, he found himself in a hospital bed. 他醒来时发现自己躺在医院里。
10. With the help of old paintings and photographs, the people of St Petersburg were able to bring back the beauty of their culture and history. 圣彼得堡人借助旧画和旧照片,终于找回了他们的文化和历史之美。with the help of sb. = with sb’s help 在……的帮助下; E.g. With the teacher’s help we have made great progress in our studies. 在老师的帮助下我们在学习上已取得了很大的进步。
11. Old paintings, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow outside St Petersburg, have been carefully recreated and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past. 包括藏在城外雪地里的彼得大帝肖像的古画,都小心地进行了复制,这些宫殿变得如同过去一样壮丽。including prep. 包括;包含在内;E.g. I have to prepare lunch for ten people including me. 我得准备包括我在内十个人的午饭。Thirty persons were present at the meeting, including the headmaster. 包括校长在内一共三十人出席了这个会议。**** 如果名词或代词在前面,要用included来表达。上面的两个句子可改为:I have to prepare food for seven people, me included./ Thirty persons were present at the meeting, the headmaster included. 包括校长在内一共三十人出席了这个会议。
12. Like their hero Peter, the people of St Petersburg have shown that dreams can come true. 圣彼得堡人民就像他们的英雄彼得一样,证明了梦想能够实现。come true vi. 实现;E.g. We are very glad that all our dreams have come true. 我们很高兴, 我们所有的梦想都实现了。Many ideas that seem strange to you today may come true one day. 好多你现在看来不可思议的事情将来有可能实现。




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