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合江县先市中学 周其明
1. 三合一(打一大写字母) (Y)
2. 一条曲折的人生之路(打一字母) (S)
3. 半把剪刀(打两个小写字母) (d, p)
4. 幼苗初绽(打一小写字母) (r)
5. 永远走不完的路(打一字母) (o)
6. 月圆总有月缺时(打两个字母) (O, C)
7. 眼镜横放不露脚(打一大写字母) (B)
8. 双峰倒影(打一字母) (W)
9. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人(打四个大写字母) (Y, O, W, V)
10. What letter can fly? (b→bee)
11. What letter can see? (i→eye)
12. What letter has water? (c→sea)
13. What letter can we drink? (t→tea)
14. What letter don’t you know? (x→未知数)
15. What letter is nothing? (o→零)
16. What letter is a question? (y→why)
17. What letter is a part of the head? (i→eye)
18. What letter is a vegetable? (p→pea)
19. What is the end of everything? (g)
20. It appears once in a “minute”. It appears twice in a “moment”. But it doesn’t appear in a “year”. What is it? (m)
21. It’s seen twice in “every day”. It’s seen four times in “every week”. But it’s seen only once in “a year”. What is it? (e)
22. Wha is it that we have in December but that we don’t have in any other month? (D)
23. What stands in the middle of the world? (r)
24. If you feed it, it will live. If you give it water, it will die. What is it? (fire)
25. My shape is long. My colour is white. My friends are teachers. Do you know who I am? (chalk)
26. What question can never be answered by “Yes”? (Are you asleep?)
27. I have a cap. I don’t wear it at work. I put it on when I have a rest. What am I? (A pen)
28. Father lost her. (fat)
29. I’m not in the rain. (ran)
30. There is not it this time. (me)
31. She isn’t on the shore. (or)
32. The ball of football was gone. (foot)
33. My face is black. I can’t talk. The teacher writes on me with chalk. After school you go home. But I’m always in the classroom. What am I? (a blackboard)
34. She has it. They have it. But you don’t have it. When I say hello to you, it comes again. What’s the word? (he)
35. Can you put three “6” together to make seven? (6又6分之6)
36. Your aunt has a brother. But he isn’t your uncle. Who is he ? (your father)
37. Mr Smith has five sons. Each son has a sister. How many children does Mr Smith have? (six)
38. What kind of table has no legs? (timetable)
39. What is the best and cheapest light? (daylight)
40. What man can’t live inside the house? (a snow-man)
41. What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than yourself? (your name)
42. Why is the letter B like fire? (Because it makes oil boil.)
43. Why is the letter D like a bad boy? (Because it makes ma mad.)
44. Why is the letter F like death? (Because it makes all fall.)
45. Why is the letter O like a pain? (Because it makes man moan.)
46. Why is the letter T like an island? (Because it’s in the middle of water.)
47. Who carries his house with him? (a snail)
48. It was neither my sister, nor my brother. But it was still the child of my father and mother. Who was it? (myself)
49. Your uncle’s sister isn’t your aunt. Who is she? (your mother)
50. Why is a river rich? (Because it always has two banks.)
51. What’s it that’s always coming but never arrives? (tomorrow)
52. What’s it that’s always behind time? (the back of a watch)
53. What’s it that has legs but can’t walk? (a table or a chair)
54. What’s it that everyone in the world is doing at the same time? (growing older)
55. What’s it that has two heads, six feet, one tail and four ears? (a man on the horseback)
56. There is a word of five letters. If you take away two letters, only one remains. What’s the word? (stone→one)
57. There is a word of five letters. If you take away two letters, but six remains. What’s the word? (sixth→six)
58. What begins with T, ends with T and is full of T? (teapot)
59. Which is the longest word in English? (smiles)
60. What does FAMILY mean? (Father And Mother I Love You)
1. 2. 3.
c t t
h i t t
t t
p n c l t t
t t
a s T t
y k t T
4. 动物世界
g a t
b r o
i t e n s r
r i a b e t
o g r e f x
e l p h n t i
d e e i r s
s h e p
三、词汇变换游戏。将某个预定的单词通过更换、增加或减少一个字母变成另一个单词。如: shoot→short→shirt→skirt…
四、扩词成句游戏。由教师给出一个单词,再由学生逐步扩展,最后成为一个句子。如:desk→a desk→a new desk→near a new desk→sit nesr a new desk→I sit near a new desk …
八、首尾接词游戏。以小组为单位,小组的每一个成员依次到黑板上写出一个单词,要求所写单词的首字母与前一个单词的尾字母必须相同,如:red→desk→knife→egg→green … 差生不会写的,同组同学可以提醒,在规定的时间内,书写单词多的小组获胜。
十一、快乐传真游戏。教师分别在各组的第一名学生耳边悄悄说出一个英语单词或句子,然后喊“one, two, go!”. 学生分别向后耳语传递,传递时出声为失败,以最后一人大声说出,快捷准确无误者为胜。
十四、抢球游戏。两队学生相向而坐,中间保持2至3米的距离,甲队的第一名面向乙队的最后一名,甲队的第二名面向乙队的倒数第二名,依此类推,在两队之间的中心位置上放一小凳子,凳子上放一只球,每个学生需充分集中注意力,教师说No. Five或The Fifth,两队的第五名学生跃起抢球,抢得者为本队得一分,出错扣分。
十五、发命令游戏。两组学生轮流发命令,互相指定对方的一个学生执行。如:Open the door. Shut the door. Come to me. Go to the blackboard. Put your book in Li Ping’s desk. Touch your nose. Hold up your left hand. … 命令发对的得一分,执行对的也得一分,发错命令或执行错误者扣一分,最后得分多者胜。
十六、拆词游戏。将一串字母拆成单词,不打乱顺序,拆得多者胜。如:1. bedroomeathere 2. abouthrowearthat
3. tomorrowatchaireader 4. Sundayoursweater
5. fatheredoor 6. goodbyeteachers
7. ideanothereatcher 8. brotherseat
9. catchaireaddressporthisit 10. anewriseatenowelcome
十七、听音接龙游戏。主持人先说出一个单词,如:go 。参加者立即说出该词的同韵词,一人一个,如:slow, yellow, window, hellow, no, know, bow … 在规定时间内未完成或出错者被淘汰,坚持到最后者获胜。
十八、数字游戏。让参加者先依次报数,并记住自己的号数,然后由主持人叫号,如 Tom is calling ten. 十号必须立即呼出 Ten is calling twelve. 未立即呼出者被淘汰,呼叫被淘汰号者也被淘汰,坚持到最后者获胜。
十九、猜东猜游戏。两人一边说Rock! Scissors! Paper!其中之一,一边出相应的手势,得胜者必须说出“Scissors cut paper.”、“Rock breaks scissors.”或“Paper covers rock”才能得1分,首先得满规定分者获胜。
1. 洗牌后各人依次抽一张,谁离a最近谁就是游戏的开始者,由开始者首先翻开一张牌,放在自己面前的桌上,其余几人依次进行,用自己的牌拼成单词,同时也可选用别人面前翻开的牌组词,当拼出一个词就喊一声“My word!”。并把这些牌按拼写顺序排好放在自己面前,如果有人摸到一张牌,可以利用别人已经拼出的单词构成新词,就把别人的牌全部拿过来作为自己的“My word!”。摸完牌后,计算牌数,能构成单词的纸牌每张得2分,不能构成单词的每张扣1分,积分多者获胜。
2. 洗牌后各人依次抽一张,谁离a最近谁就是游戏的开始者,依次拿完牌,由主持者出一张或组成词句的几张牌,下一家出的牌必须和上家的牌一起构成新的词或句,否则不能出牌,如上家出h,下家可出e或se构成he或she;上家出she,下家可出is;上家出her,下家可出一个名词。谁手里的牌最先出完,谁就是本局的获胜者。
3. 用两副牌,洗牌后各人依次抽一张,谁离a最近谁就是游戏的开始者,依次抓13张或20张牌,开始者应多抓一张,把不能构成词句的牌打一张出去,其余依次抓牌换牌,可利用别人打出的牌构成词句,放在自己的面前,谁手里最先全部构成词、短语和句子者和牌获胜。




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