SEFCB1 lesson8

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Lesson 8
Teaching Aims :
1. Review the grammatical points and the sentence patterns which
express orders and requests.
2. Further master the usages of some important phrases in this unit
through a little quiz.
Teaching Important Points :
1: Four skills
on holiday message . proper
2: Further train Students to write instructions and how to report
somebody else' s request .
Teaching Difficult Points :
how to change direct speech into indirect speech
Teaching Methods:
listening, speaking , reading and writing
Teaching Aids:
1. a projector 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I. Greeting
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II, Revision and checkpoint
T; Yesterday we learned how to report other people' s orders and
requests , Now just think if I say " Don' t do it , please , " how
can you report it ? Xiao Hong . you try , please.
S: You asked us not to do it .
T: Yes. If I SAY " Don' t do it , " HOW TO REPORT IT ?
S: You told us not to do it .
T: Very well . Let' s look at some direct speeches. Think them over
and then change them into indirect speech.
( Show the following sentences on the screen.)
Change " Direct Speech " into " Indirect Speech ".
1. " Don' t touch anything, " he said.
2. " Make sure the door is shut, " said he
3. " Please tidy the lab, " she said.
4. " Do some shopping for me, please, " he said to her.
T: First , you should judge which sentences belong to orders , which
belong to requests .
( After a while , teacher may ask one student to answer . )
S: No . 1. and No . 2. are orders . No . 3. and No.4. are requests .
T: You are right . Now let' s do it , please .
Suggested answers :
1. He told us not to touch anything.
2. She told me to make sure the door was shut .
3. She asked me to tidy the lab .
4. He asked her to do some shopping for him.
T : Now let' s have a little quiz. Look at the screen.
Complete the sentences below with the expressions in the box .
1) do some shopping 2) make sure 3) make a face 4) turn off
5) at the end of 6) first of all 7) on holiday 8) instead of
9)in my opinion 10) follow the teacher' s instructions
11) by the side of
1. _______ the experiment , remember to tidy the lab .
2. When you leave the classroom , _______ you ________ the
electricity .
3. Americans say " on vacation " , but English people say " ________
" .
4. When the students go into the computer room , _______ , they must
know what to do and what not to do .
5. _______ , no one is allowed to smoke in any office.
6. Don' t ________ when you don' t understand others .
7. Would you like to _______ with me ?
8. When we do experiments in the lab , we must______.
9. I am going to stay with a family __________ staying in a hotel.
10). I saw some old men fishing _______ the river.
Answers : 1. (5). 2. (2). (4). 3. (7). 4. (6) 5. (9) i( in capital
letter ) 6.(3). 7(1). 8(10)
9. (8). 10 . (11).
Step III. Preparation for writing
T; Now open our books. Please turn to Page 8. Let' s look at "
writing " , First look at the instructions .
( Give the Ss on minute to go through the instructions , then
teacher may say the following words . )
T: Are you clear ? I can set an example to you . I do the first two
sentences orally . Look at them carefully . " Please give the bird
clean water every day . Do not let it out of its cage " . Do you
understand ? Now let' s begin .
( Bb : write the answers on the Bb as a model . )
Step IV. Writing
( When Ss begin to write , teacher should let the Ss write their
messages in their exercise - books . Check them in pairs and make
changes if necessary . )
T: Write your messages in pairs . Finally we check the answers
together . If necessary , you should change them .
Suggested answers :
(1) every (2) Do (3) a (4) and (5) the (6) of (7) because (8) sure
(9) before (10) Please (11) and (12) at (13) good (14) (Your Own
Name )
( Bb Write them on the blackboard . )
Step V. Workbook
T: Now turn to Page 65. Let' s do the exercises.
Suggested answers :
Ex 1: Harry asks Bill to give him some rice , a little meat , some
vegetables and some milk every day . Harry tells Bill to leave some
water in his plate when Bill goes out , Harry tells Bill to wash him
every week , but not to wash him with cold water . Harry tells Bill
to let him out twice a day for ten or fifteen minutes , but not to
do that when Bill is not at home . Harry tells Bill not to let him
get into Bill' s bed . He tells Bill that he must stay in his own
little house at night , And Harry tells Bill not to forget to teach
him to play games.
Ex3: 1." 很遗憾, 你们当中谁都观察得不够仔细。" 老师说。
2. 如果到那时汤姆感觉不错, 就会去看电视,( 看完 ) 足球比赛后, 他就好了。
3. 如果熊猫找不到足够事物, 他们就会死或必须离开他们的地方。
4. 再小心也不过分。(越小心越好)
Step VI. Homework
( After finishing the exercises , teacher should give the assignment
and announce the end of the class . )
T: Today' s homework is to revise the language in this unit after
class. Now that' s all for today . Class is over , Good - bye.
S : Good - bye .
Step VII. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.
Lesson 8
(1) every (2) Do (3) a (4) and (5) the (6) of (7) because (8) sure
(9) before (10) Please (11) and (12) at (13) good (14) ( You Own
Step VIII. Record after teaching :
Attachment :
Unit 2 Revision ( Page 66)
Suggested answers :
1. 1), a 2),b 3), d 4),c 5), b 6), a 7), d 8), d 9), c
2. 1), She told you not to touch the things in the corner.
2), She told you to tidy your room up and put away your dirty
clothes .
3), I told you not to drive so fast .
4), Mum asked you to pass her the soap.
3. 1), She told me not to telephone her after eleven o' clock .
2), Make sure all the windows are closed / shut before you leave .
3), She allowed us to use her cupboard and computer .
4), When you use this machine, please make sure you follow the
5), Are they still on holidays?




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