SEFCB1 lesson21

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Lesson 21
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following:
1) Four skills: take a look at, notice, company, raincoat, and railway
2) Everyday English.
How long have you had ---?
I say, let' s ---
2. Train the students ' hearing
3. Learn how to write a notice.
4. Master a little knowledge of word formation
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn how to appoint a date for something
2. Learn the form and writing method of English
心子去过这两年地方吧 notice .
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to teach the difference between English notice and Chinese notice.
Teaching Methods:
1. Listening - and - answer activity to help the students to go through with the dialogue.
2. Pair work or group work and look - speak method to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids: 1. tape recorder
2. a projector
3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I. Greeting
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II. Revision and lead - in
(First check the homework exercises, and then teacher can say the following.)
T: Now I want to ask you some questions Have you ever been to Beijing / shanghai?
Ss: Yes, we have.
T: How did you go there? By train or by plane?
Ss: By train.
T: Yeah, You went there by train. Train is ' a kind of transport. Can you think of how many different means of transport?
Ss: Car, bus, truck, plane, Ship, motorbike.
(Students may say in random order. But teacher can' t dampen the enthusiasm of the students. ) T: All right. Today we are going to learn a dialogue. It talks about a new car. Listen to the tape carefully. It refers to two friends .Sue and Allen. You should pay more attention to what they decide to do next Sunday. OK. Listen!
(Play the tape, and then teacher asks the following question.)
T: What do they decide to do next Sunday?
Ss: They will go out for a drive and a picnic next Sunday.
T: Right, Now open your books, Read the dialogue, please.
( Teacher goes among the Ss . After a while, teacher plays the tape again . This time , teacher lets the Ss listen and repeat . After that , Ss practise the dialogue in pairs ?
T : OK , Let' s listen to the tape again . This time , you can read after the tape , After that , please practise the dialogue in pairs . Of course , you can use look - speak method . Are you clear ?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK, Let' s begin.
(After a while, teacher asks some pairs to act it out. Better not let Ss look at their books when Ss act it out. At the same time, teacher may explain some language points to the Ss
T: Now I'll ask some pairs to practise the dialogue. Butter not look at the books. Any volunteers? OK, Xiao Li and Wang Hua, you try first, please.
(After some pairs practise it, teacher can say ---)
T: OK. Maybe you find one phrase " I say " is not so familiar, In fact, " I say " is an interjection, meaning " Listen!" or " Hey!" or " I think you can guess their meanings, yes or no?
Ss: Yes,
(Bb: Write, " I say, how long, How far " on the blackboard)
T: Now let's look at part 2. In part 2. the word " minibus " is a new word. " But we know " bus ", mini - is a prefix. It means " small “, and can be used with anything that is smaller than its usual size, For example, a miniskirt, (Do an example with the whole class as a demonstration.) So you can guess the meaning of minibus - a type of small bus. Now make up a similar dialogue with your partner. Say you like his or her bicycle or motorbike or something else. Of course you can ask some other questions, such as " How much did it cost? Where did you buy it? " And so on. Do you understand?
Ss: Yes,
T: OK, Let' s begin. After a while I'll ask some of your pairs to act out.
(Bb: Write " minibus " on the blackboard)
Step IV. Preparation for reading.
T: Let' s learn some new words and phrases.
(Show the new words and phrases on the screen. Let Ss read them after the tape. Teacher can give a brief introduction to students if necessary.

notice n . [ ́nƏutis]
province [‘prƆvins ] n .
company n . [‘kʌmpƏni]
raincoat n. [‘reincƏut]
railway [‘reilwei] n.
T: Now look at part 3. This is a notice. The notice is about a visit in the future to a car factory by some Ss, I give you three minutes to read the notice. Try to find out the content shown on the screen. Then I'll check them.
(Show the following on the screen).
Visit to:
What to bring:
Place where we meet:
What we shall see:
Time we meet:

Answers: Car factory
Hubei Province
Monday, 26th, Oct
raincoat picnic lunch
under the clock at the railway station
car factory and its different areas.
at 7:00, Monday morning.
Step V. Reading
T: Let' s read the text again. This time you should pay attention to the form and writing method of a notice and some language points in it.
(Show them on the screen and give some introduction to the Ss.)
* * * * * * * * *
* content *
* *
* *
* * * * * * * * *
date of writing the notice unit of writing the notice
1. Pay attention to the differences among " wear, put on and dress "
e.g. Tom always wears black shoes.
He put on his coat and went out of his room.
She always dresses well.
2. do + v - ing ---- do walking / washing ---
e.g. I did a lot of reading last winter.
Who does the cooking at home?
3. word - formation
raincoat, motorbike, football, playground, man - made.
(Bb: wear, put, dress)
Step VI. Consolidation.
T: Now close your books, please, listen to the tape carefully. You should try to catch the information, and then please answer some questions.
(Show the following questions on the screen) **************
Answer the questions:
1. To whom is the notice shown?
2. What place are they going to visit?
3. On what day will they go and how will they go there?
4. In which year did the factory begin to build?
5. When was the factory opened?
6. What is the factory making?
7. Are they going around the factory in a bus?
How do you know?
8. How long do you know they will spend in the factory?
Answers: omitted.
Step VII. Wordbook.
T: Now turn to page 82. Let' s do exercise 1 and exercise 2. First you can do it by yourselves, then you can check or discuss it each other. At last let' s deal with them together.
1. railway, postcard, sunshine, everywhere, fireplace, newspaper, airport, loudspeaker, weekend, motorbike,
2. Bill: Guess what it is ?
Mike: Who gave it to you? / Who gave you this?
Mike: When did it come to you? / When did it reach you?
Mike: Can / May I have / take a look at it?
Step VIII. Homework.
1. Write ten compound words in the exercise book.
2. Do exercise 4.on page 82.
Suggested answers to the exercise 4.
Class Two of Grade One will go to Western Hills to plant trees tomorrow, Since we'll do some work on the gate of the school at 9 o' clock, then take a bus to go there, Don' t be late.
Step IX. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.
Lesson 21
I say ---, How long ---, How far ---,
Minibus, raincoat, do walking,
Step X. Record After Teaching.




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