SEFCB1 lesson23

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Lesson 23
Teaching Aims :
1. Learn and master the following ;
Four skills : set up , training ( centre ) ,begin --- with , spend --- on
2. Learn the Future Passive . Teaching Important Points :
The formation and use of the Future Passive .
Teaching Difficult Points :
The question form and the negative form of the Future Passive ,
Teaching Methods :
1. Discussion to help the students to go through the learning content.
2. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
3. Practise to consolidate the usages of the future passive
Teaching Aids :
1. a projector . 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I . Greeting
Greet the whole class as usual
Step II . Revision
( Ask the Ss some questions to check their homework in Lesson 22.)
T: Yesterday we learned a newspaper article , Now I want to ask you some questions about the new car factory . Who knows how many cars will be made ? What will the results be ? Yang Li , you try . S: At the beginning at least 150.000 cars will be produced each year .Later , the number will grow to 300.000 a year .
T: Right , Thank you . Sit down , please .
Step III . Language study
T: Now look at the sentence on the blackboard .
( Teacher writes the following sentence on the blackboard and underline " will be built " with coloured chalk . A new car factory will be built in our city .)
T: The structure " will be built " is the future passive . It is made up of " will + be + Past Participle ": In Lesson 22, there are many sentences like this . Let' s underline them .
( Teacher underlines all the sentences which have the same structures in Lesson 22 with the whole class.)
( Bb : A new car factory will be built in our city ." will + be + P.P " .)
Step IV . Practice 1.
T: Now open your books . Turn to page 23 . Look at part 2. First look at the requirement and example .
( Teacher reads them first , then says the following .)
T: Have you any questions ? If you have no questions . please do them in your exercise books by yourselves .
( Ss begin to do the transformation . Teacher may go among the Ss to check their answers .After a while , teacher says the words.)
T: Have you finished ? Now please check your answers in pairs , and then let' s check the answers together
Suggested answers :
1. Almost 100 million yuan will be spent on the project .
2. A new bridge will be built over the river .
3. Plenty of jobs will be given to school - leavers .
4. Both cars and trucks will be made in / at the factory .
5. Cars will be sent abroad by sea .
6. The port will be made bigger and better .
7. Food and drink will be supplied on Saturday .
8. The car will be mended as soon as possible .
Step V . Language Study 2. and Practice 2.
T: Now look at part 3. It' s about the question form and negative form of the future passive .You should pay attention to " not " comes between will and be in the negative form , but the " nown " usually comes between " will " and " be " in question form . Are you clear ?
Ss: Yes .
T: Look at part 4. First look at examples :
( Bb : Will not be + P.P.; wh - will + n . + be + P.P.)
( After that , teacher lets the Ss write the sentences in their exercise books )
T: Now let's do the transformation in your exercise books.
( Teacher goes among the Ss , then checks their answers with the whole class.)
Suggested Answers :
1. How many new cars will be supplied ?
2. Where will the railway station be built ?
3. Will the port be opened to foreign ships ?
4. The building will not be locked on Sunday morning
5. When will a/ the training centre be set up ?
6. The building will not ( won' t ) be finished before May .
Step VI . Consolidation and summing
T: OK. Please close your books . Let' s do some other exercises . Look at the screen.
( Show the following exercises on the screen )
Turn the following sentences into negative and then the passive voice .
1. They will finish the experiment before . 10 o' clock .
2. She will return the cup to the teacher .
3. I will mix oil and water together.
4. They will speak French at the meeting tomorrow .
5. The fire will destroy the village .
6. He will sow the seeds in this red soil .
( First ask some Ss to answer , then teacher deals with it with the whole class.)
Suggested answers :
1. They won' t finish the experiment before 10 o' clock .
The experiment will not be finished before 10 o' clock .
2. She won' t return the cup to the teacher .
The cup won' t be returned to the teacher .
3. I won' t mix oil and water together .
Oil and water won' t be mixed together .
4. They won' t speak French at the meeting tomorrow.
French won' t be spoken at the meeting tomorrow .
5. The fire won' t destroy the village .
The village won't be destroyed by the fire.
6. He won' t sow the seeds in this red soil .
The seeds won' t be sown in this red soil .
( Then teacher helps the Ss to sum up what they have learnt in this lesson )
T: Today we are mainly learning the future passive " will + be + P.P" After class, you pay attention to its structure in use , especially its question form and negative form .
Step VII . Homework :
1. Review the future passive .
2. Do exercise 2 and 3
Suggested Answers :
2. 1. What will the country build in the next few years ?
2. Who will work together in the factory ?
3. When will the company finish the project ?
4. How many cars will the factory produce every year? 5. How soon will they mend your car ?
6. What will the new factory mean to school-leavers ?
7. How will the town become ?
3. 1. as soon as possible . 2. as quickly as possible
3. as clean as possible 4. as long as possible .
5. as high as possible 6. as well as possible .
Step VIII . The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard .
Lesson 23
A new car factory will be built in our city . will + be + P.P .
Wh - will + n. + be + P.P --- ?
Step IX . Record After Teaching:




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