SEFCB1 lesson32

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Lesson 32
Teaching Aims:
1. Make the students understand the listening material.
2. Do some writing by using the Attributive Clause.
3. Correct use of come verbs.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Use the Attributive clause correctly
2. Use some verbs correctly.
Teaching Difficult Pints:
correct use of the verbs.
Teaching Methods:
1. Asking and answering questions to help the students to understand the reading material
2. Pairwork to do some exercises.
Teaching Aids: 1. a tape - recorder
2. a slide projector
Teaching Procedures:
Step I. Greeting
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II. Revision
1. Check the answers of Ex.3. on the Ss ' workbooks. First ask an individual student to give the answers, and then correct the mistakes if there are any.
2. Revise the names of different kinds of food.
T: What can I buy in the market?
SA: Apples , pears , bananas , oranges …
SB: Meat , chicken , fish , beef , pork …
Sc: Cabbages , potatoes , tomatoes , peas …
Sd: Rice , sandwiches , beancurd , coffee , …
(Collect a list on the Bb.)
3. Revise the Attributive Clause and get some individual Ss to make up some sentences,
Step III. Preparation for listening
(Teacher asks Ss to turn to Page 134 to deal with the listening.)
T: What can you see in the picture?
SA: A lot of people who are buying things in a market.
T: What kind of market is it?
SB: A fruit and vegetable market, I think,
T: Quite right, in all the large cities of the world there is such a market. But prices of fruit and vegetables are not always the same. Farmers need to know the market prices of things which they are going to sell. So they telephone the market to find out the prices there.
(Before playing the tape for the exercise, go through the introduction and the table to make sure the Ss know how to fill in the information.)
Step IV. Listening
Listening Cassette Unit 8. Play the tape once. If there is something they can' t hear clearly, use the pause button and play it once again. Then play the tape once again to confirm the answer. Finally check the answers with the class.
Listening Text
Hello, Here are the market prices at Londay on Friday, 17th September.
Tomatoes 36 P a kilo
Cabbages 18 P a kilo
Carrots 14 P a kilo
Apples 34 P a kilo
Pears 35 P a kilo
Oranges 30 P a kilo
Peas 60 P a kilo
Bananas 35 P a kilo
Potatoes 20 P a kilo
That' s the end of the report of market prices at London.
Hello. Here are the market prices at Beijing on Friday, 17th September.
Tomatoes 40 fen a kilo
Cabbages 60 fen a kilo
Carrots 1 yuan a kilo
Apples 4 yuan a kilo
Pears 3 yuan a kilo
Oranges 2.5 yuan a kilo
Peas 5 yuan a kilo
Potatoes 80 fen a kilo
Step V. Word study
SB Lesson 32, Part 2. Go over the words in the box and make sure the students know their meanings. Let the Ss work in pairs first. Then check the answers with the whole class. Meanwhile some explanation can be given to the Ss on the screen.
Suggested answers and the explanations of the verbs:
1. fetch, boil
1) fetch: go for and bring back sb. or sth 接人取物
fetch sb. / sth /
sth. for sb.
sb. sth.
e.g. Please fetch the children from school.
2) boil : cook in boiling water 用开水煮
2. preparing
prepare : get ready 准备 prepare sth .
(vi.) (sb.) for sth.
(sb.) to do sth.
e.g. I haven' t prepared my lessons yet
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Please prepare the table for dinner.
The foreign teachers are busy preparing to go on holiday.
The nurse is preparing the child to go to hospital.
3. discovered
discover : find out ; get knowledge of 发现
(vt.) discover sth. / that clause
sb. doing sth.
sb. / sth. to be …
e.g. We suddenly discovered that it was too late to catch the train
We have discovered him to be quite untrustworthy.
We discovered them sitting round a fire talking
4. offers
1) offer : say what one is willing to give ( 主)提供, 提出。
(vt,) offer sth.
sb. sth.
to. do sty
e.g. May I offer you a cigar?
He offered to get some tickets for us.
2) all kinds of + Countable noun (single or plural from)
Uncountable noun
e.g. There are all kinds of books in the library.
5. allowed, taste
1) allow : let ; permit 允许
(vt.) allow sth.
sb. to do sth.
sb , in / out …
e.g. Smoking is not allowed here.
Please allow me to carry your bag. The doorman allowed the people in one by one
2) taste : be aware of the taste of sth .品尝
(vt. / vi.)
e.g. If you have a bad cold, you cannot taste.
6. .fed
1) feed (vt.): give food to 喂, 饲养
e.g. The baby can't feed itself.
2) feed on : take as food 以… 为食
e.g. Cattle feed chiefly on grass.
7. supply
supply (vt.): give or provide sth, needed or asked
for. supply sth. to sb.
sb, with sth
e.g. More vegetables and fruit were supplied to the cities last year.
Step VI. Writing
T: When you go to a market to buy some kinds of food, how can you choose them? When you buy a lot of food and take it home, how can you keep it? Here are some instructions. Complete these sentences using the words given to you, and you' ll get the answers to the questions above. Are you clear?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK, Let 's first go over the example together.
(SB Lesson 32. Part 3. Go over the example with the Ss and then let them work on their own. The Ss are required to write the sentences in their exercise books.)
Suggested answers:
1. Don' t buy apples or oranges that / which are soft.
2. Choose vegetables which / that are fresh.
3. Always choose fish which / that is fresh.
4. A fish which / that has a bright eye is fresh.
5. You'd better buy vegetables from farmers who / that grow them.
6. Buy your food from shopkeepers who / that are always busy.
7. The food (which / that) they sell is fresh.
8. Keep any cream, butter or cheese (which / that) you buy in the fridge.
9. Put the eggs (which / that) you buy in water.
10. Any eggs which / that stay near the top of the water will be bad.
11. Vegetables which / that are cooked too long will become soft.
12. Put any soup that / which is left after a meal in the fridge.
Step VII. Checkpoint
Use the slide cards to revise Checkpoints 1--7 quickly. If the Ss have any other language problems, they are encouraged to raise them, in this way Ss can go over all the important grammar items and phrases in Unit 1--7
Step VIII. Workbook
Wb . Lesson 32 Ex 1 and Ex 2. For Ex. 1. the Ss are required to fill in the blanks with the relative pronouns " which, hat and who “, For Ex. 2. The Ss are required to join each pair of sentences after the model. hey are also required to translate the sentences into Chinese While doing the two exercises, the Ss must remember the function of each relative pronoun so that they can use them correctly. The two exercises can be done orally in class. First give the Ss some minutes to prepare. They are allowed to discuss the answers in pairs. Then teacher asks the Ss to give their answers one by one. If there are any mistakes. teacher will correct them and give the right answers to the Ss.
Suggested answers:
Ex .1. : 1. that (“ which " can' t be used here.)
2. (that / which)
3. who / that
- 4. who / that
5. (which / that)
6. who / that
7. which / that
8. which / that
Ex. 2: 1. The letter (which / that) I received two days ago is from my aunt.
2. The play (which / that) we saw the night before was very interesting.
3. The train which / that was going to Yichang was late
4. Wheat is a plant which / that is grown in Northern China.
5. He is the most careful boy that I know.
6. I have lost the watch (which / that) my father gave to me two years ago.
7. Cheese which / that is liked by people in western countries is made from milk.
8 or. Cheese which / that is made from milk is liked by people in western countries.
8. Cream, butter and cheese are kinds of food which / that make you fat.
1 我前两天收到的这封信是我姑姑寄来的。
2 我们前一天晚上看的那出戏很有趣。
3 开往宜昌的火车晚点了。
4 小麦是一种在中国北方种植的植物。
5 他是我所认识的最细心的男孩子。
6 我把我父亲两年前给我的那块表丢了。
7 西方国家人们喜欢的奶酪是用玉米制成的。
8 或:用玉米制成的奶酪西方国家的人很喜欢。
    8 奶油, 黄油和奶酪是能够使你发胖的几种食物。
  Step IX. Homework
1. Write down Part 3 in the exercise books.
2. Review the whole unit
Step X. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
apples cabbages meat rice
pears potatoes chicken sandwiches
bananas tomatoes fish beancurd
oranges peas beef coffee
…      …      pork …

Step XI. Record after teaching;

Unit 8 Revision (Page 96)
Suggested answers:
Ex. 2.
1. Corn is a plant that can be eaten by people and animals
2. The film / movie (that) we saw yesterday was not interesting at all.
3. The woman (that) I met in the shop was one of my old classmates.
4. Today, corn can be found all over the world
5. Would you like to have another piece of beef?
Ex. 3: 1. D. 2. C 3. B 4. A
5. B. 6. A 7. B 8. A




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