SEFCB1 lesson35

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Lesson 35
Teaching Aims :
1. Four skills : correct , form
2. Learn the Present Perfect Passive Voice
Teaching Important Point :
Master the Present Perfect Passive Voice
Teaching Methods :
1. A game helps the students to learn the Present Perfect Passive Voice .
2. Pair work or discussion to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids : 1. a projector , 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures :
Step I . Greeting
Greet the whole class as usual
Step II . Revision
T : Yesterday we learned the article " Computer for CAAC " . And we know the computer has helped to make the selling and buying of tickets much easier than ever before . Now here are some questions and answers about the article . I show them on the screen . Find the correct answer to each question .
( Show the following on the screen and ask the whole class to answer . If necessary , teacher may ask some Ss to answer some of them .
1. What has been bought by the CAAC ?
2. How many offices have been joined by the new computer ?
3. Who have been helped by the new computer ?
4. Is it easier to make plans for trips now ?
5. Was the computer expensive ?
6. When will all the cities with airports be joined by this computer ?
7. Are more people travelling by plane than before ?

a . Travellers and business people .
b . Yes , very .
c . Yes , the number is much bigger than before .
d . A new computer .
e . They will be joined together very soon .
f . Yes , I think so .
g . More than two hundred offices .
Suggested answers :
1 . d . 2. g . 3. a . 4. f . 5 . b . 6. e . 7. c .
Step III . Presentation
T : Now let's play a game " What has changed ?" Liu Fang . Go out of the classroom , please .
( Liu Fang goes out . After that , teacher .writes " Hello " on the Bb . )
T : liu Fang . Come in , please , Look at the blackboard . What has changed ?
S : You has written " Hello " on the Bb .
T : Class , what would you say to his answer ? Right or wrong ?
Ss : Right .
T : Yes , I have written " Hello " on the Bb . That is to say " Hello " has been written on the Bb
( Bb : Write them on the blackboard . )
Good , Liu Fang , return to your seat . please .
Step IV . Language study
T : Just now you might notice I used the Present Perfect Passive Voice . Its structure is " have been + P,P, . " ( Write it on the Bb . ) As you know , the Passive Voice is generally used when the doer is not important or unknown , or when we wish to highlight the object of and active sentence The Present is used for something that happened very recently in the past or has something to do with the present Now open your books . Turn to Page 35 . Look at Part 1 .
( Teacher points out emphatically the bold part in the two sentences .)
Step V . Practice
T : Now look at Part 2. Let's do some exercises to practise the Present Perfect Passive Voice . First let's look at the example . Then do it alone .Writing the answers in your exercise books , After that you can discuss them in pairs . At last I'll check the answers with the whole class .
Suggested answers :
1. Two offices have been joined together
2. A new computer has been bought .
3. The price has been brought down .
4. A lot of money has been spent on the computer .
5. A new computer room has been built ,
6. A new notice has been put up .
7. A great many letters have been written with the computer .
Step VI . Workbook
T : Now please turn to Page 99 . Let's do the exercises .
( First Ss do them alone , then teacher check the answers with the whole class .)
Suggested answers :
Ex .1
1. A new hospital for women and children has been built in Beijing.
2. Another man - made satellite has been set up into space by China .
3. More and more trees have been cut down for firewood by farmers .
4. Thousands of animals have been killed in the forest fire .
5. About 300 buildings and houses have been destroyed in the earthquake .
6. More than 100 famous films have been shown in the city since July .
Ex . 2 . 1. B, 2. D , 3. C , 4. C , 5. C
Ex . 3 . 1. C, 2. H , 3. E , 4. G , 5. B, 6. F, 7. D , 8. A
Step VII . Homework
T : For today' s homework , review the Present Perfect Passive Voice after class . Class is over . Good - bye , everyone
Ss : Good - bye, teacher
Step VIII . The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Lesson 35
Hello have been + P,P
I have written " Hello " on the Bb ,
"Hello " has been written on the Bb.
Step IX . Record after teaching



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