SEFCB1 lesson36

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Lesson 36
Teaching Aims :
1. Four skills : repair , complete
2. Review the Present Perfect Passive Voice
3. Further master the usages of some important phrases in this unit .
4. Do some listening
Teaching Important Points :
1. Review the usage of " although " .
2. Further train students ' ability of listening and writing .
Teaching Difficult Points :
How to improve the students ' ability of listening comprehension .
Teaching Methods :
1. Review the Present Perfect Passive Voice through a little quiz.
2. Listening - and - choice activity to help the Ss to go through with the listening materials .
3. Pair work to make every student work in class .
Teaching Aids : 1. a tape recorder
2. a projector
3. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures :
Step I . Greeting
Greet the whole class as usual .
Step II . Revision .
T ; Yesterday we learned the Present Perfect Passive Voice . Now let's have a quiz . I do five actions . You must write down what has happened . Of course , you must use the Present Perfect Passive . Are you clear ?
Ss : Yes .
T : OK , Now look at my actions carefully .
( Teacher does the following actions in turn .
1. open the door , 2, move the desk
3. sweep the floor 4, turn on the lights
5, break a piece of chalk .)
T : Now , begin writing , please ,
( After two minutes , teacher asks some Ss to read out their sentences . If there are any mistakes , teacher corrects them with the whole class.)
Suggested answers :
1. The door has been opened
2. The desk has been moved
3. The floor has been swept
4. The lights have been turned on
5. The ( piece of ) chalk has been broken .
( Bb : Write them on the Bb .)
Step III . Preparation for listening
T : Now please turn to Page 135 . Let's do some listening. First , look at the pictures . Please guess what's happening ? What's on the radio ?Do you know what has happened in China recently ?
( Ask someone to answer , then talk about recent news in China or around the world with the whole class.)
Step IV . Listening
T : OK. Let's look at the requirements of each exercise , please .
( Go through the tasks with the Ss and make sure they understand what to do before the teacher plays the tape .)
T : Are you clear ?
Ss : Yes .
T : Now listen to the tape carefully . After that , do Ex. 1
Listening Text :

It is now possible to fly from Tianjin to Fuzhou . Tianjin is in the north and Fuzhou is in the southeast of China . The two cities are 1622 kilometres from each other . It now takes two hours and 20 minutes to travel between the two cities by plane .

Our city is going to plant more trees this year . The city is going to plant 1.2 million trees this year . It is going to plant more grass too . It is also going to plant more than 300.000 young plants . The city will look even more beautiful .
T : OK . Let's listen to the tape again . After this time , you can do Ex . 2 and 3. First do them alone , then discuss them in pairs ( Play the tape again . After that teacher goes among the Ss and checks their answers . At last checks the answers with the whole class .If necessary , teacher may play the tape again .)
Suggested answers :
Ex . 1 : Travel News . Greener city
Ex . 2.: 1 . Fuzhou : 1622 ; 2 hours and 20 minutes
2 . million ; grass ; young plants
Ex . 3 : Correct : 1
Step V . Checkpoint
T : Now please turn to Page 36 . Look at the Checkpoint 9.
( Go through Checkpoint 9 with the whole class . After that , let Ss do some exercises on the screen .)
( Show the following on the screen .)
Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the Phrases given .
make a decision . at one time . take up
make a plan for . go up , bring down ,
keep a record ( of ) , thanks to
1. _______ your help , we finished the work in time .
2. I hope we can _______ today .
3. The medicine will _______ your fever _______
4. His mother was a teacher _______ .
5. Sorry I've _______ so much of your time .
6. I haven' t ______ the trip to America .
7. The prices of vegetables have ________
8. I always ______ how much I spend .
Suggested answers :
1. Thanks to 2. make a decision
3. bring --- down 4. at one time
5. taken up 6. make a plan for
7. gone up 8. keep a record of
Step VI . Word study
T : Now look at Part 2. This part is mainly dealing with the usages of " and , but and although " . First we should pay attention to their difference . '' Although " introduces Fact A which does not stop Fact B ." . " But " is used to balance negative and positive points " And " is used to link two positive or two negative points together ., Now look at the example --- . I do the first one orally . " This TV set is more expensive , but gives you a better picture , " Are you clear ?
Ss : Yes
T : Please first do them alone . Then you can check your answers in pairs . At last I'll check them with the whole class .
Suggested answers :
1. but , 2. Although , 3. and , 4. although
5. but , 6. Although ,
Step VII . Writing
T : Look at Part 3. Write a summary of Lesson 34 . Do you know summary ? Summary means brief description of an article . Now I give you three minutes to write the summary of Lesson 34 . First write by yourself When you finish it , you should show your work to your partner to check.
Suggested writing
A new computer has been bought by the CAAC . It will join all the CAAC offices in and out of China . It records the tickets which passengers buy and also records the date on which they will travel . So now it is possible to find out much faster which planes still have free seats . That is to say it is much easier to make plans for your trips . Because travellers and business people have been greatly helped by the new computer . Soon the computer will join all the cities in China which have airports .
Step VIII . Workbook
T : Now please turn to Page 100 , Let's do Ex . 1 and Ex . 3.
Suggested answers :
Ex . 1. 1. although , 2. but , because , 3. or , 4. and , 5. unless
Ex . 3. it , It , It , them , Some , some cats , cat , They , it , it , They , cat , it , Cats ,
they , They ,they cats , them .
Step IX . Homework
T : Today' s homework is to revise the language points in this unit after class . and write down the verb phrases in Ex . 2. in your exercise books . Class is over . See you tomorrow .
Ss : See you tomorrow
Suggested answer :
take : take down 拆段, 记下 take on 呈现, 具有
take --- for 认为, 误认为
take off 脱掉, 取消
take out 拿出 ,取出. take over 接替/管
get : get at 到达,了解 get down 下来, 弯下腰。
get off ( 从--- ) 下来 get on 马奇上, 有进展,起来
get over 爬过,克服 get out 出去,离开
get up 起床,站起来 ,代装。
send : send for 派人去请/取
send in 呈报, 递( 名片)
send off 送行, 寄出
send out 发送, 派遣, 发出(光)
look : look at 看 look for 寻找
look in 顺路,走路 look on 旁观
look out 当心,注意 look over 快速地查看
look up 抬头看, 有起色, 查寻
put : put down 镇压 put off 推迟,拖延
put on 穿/戴上,演出 put over 解释,说明
put out 扑灭,熄灭,出版。
see : see off 送行.
work : work at 做, 从事,学习 work on 继续工作
work out 算出, 解决,设计出
turn : turn in 转身进入,交出, turn off 关, 避开
turn down 关小, 调低,拒绝
turn on 开, 对--- 发怒 turn out 驱逐,翻出,结果是
turn over 打翻,反复考虑。
wait : wait for 等待
wait on 服待,招待
Step X . The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Lesson 36
1. The door has been opened
2. The desk has been moved
3. The floor has been swept
4. The lights have been turned on
5. The ( piece of ) chalk has been broke .
Step XI . Record after teaching
Unit 9 Revision ( Page 101 )
Suggested answers
Ex . 1. 1. In my opinion , we should join all the offices together with computers .
2. I think it is a waste of money to buy such and expensive car .
3. Don' t make a decision before you have checked the price .
4 . More than fifty people have been sent abroad to study computer science .
5 . Thanks to your help , these children have returned to their schools .
6. Although it is very cold , the students are still doing morning exercises outside
Ex . 2. 1. A, 2. B, 3. A, 4. B, 5. B, 6. A ,
Ex . 3. 11:50 祖国各地 12:40 电视连续剧: 四世同堂第一集
13:20 音乐电视 14:35 动画世界
16:10 东方时空 17:30 动物世界




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