新目标八年级Units 1-3主要句型回顾

中学英语教学资源网英语教案句子和句型专题指导 手机版

  1. —What do you usually do on weekends? ——你通常周末做什么?
   —I usually play soccer. ——我通常踢足球。
  2. —What does he do on weekends? ——他周末做什么?
    —He sometimes watches TV. ——他有时候看电视。
  3. —How often do you shop? ——你多长时间购物一次?
    —I shop once a month. ——我一个月购物一次。
  4. —How often does he watch TV? ——他多长时间看一次电视?
    —He watches TV twice a week. ——他每周看两次电视。
  5. —What's the matter? ——怎么了?
    —I have a headache. ——我头疼。
  6. You should go to bed. 你应该上床了。
  7. That's a good idea. 那倒是个好主意。
  8. —I have a sore back. ——我后背疼。
   —I hope you feel better soon. ——我希望你很快会感觉好些。
  9. That's too bad.太糟了。
  10. —He has a stomachache. ——他胃疼。
    —He shouldn't eat anything for 24 hours. ——他24小时内不应该吃任何东西。
  11.—She has a toothache. ——她牙疼。
    —She should see a dentist. ——她应该去看牙医。
  12. I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不好。
  13. —What are you doing for vacation? ——你假期要做什么?
    —I'm babysitting my sister. ——我要看我妹妹。
  14. —When are you going? ——你什么时候去呀?
    —I'm going next week. ——我下周去。
  15. —How long are you staying? ——你们要在那里呆多久?
    —We're staying for two weeks. ——我们要呆两个礼拜。
  16. —Where are you going for vacation? ——你要去哪里度假?
    —I'm going to Italy (Greece or Spain). ——我要去意大利(希腊或西班牙)。
  17. What's it like there?/How's the weather there? 那里怎么样?/那里天气怎么样?



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