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  终止性动词也称非延续性动词,它所表示的动作一经发生立即完结,不再延续。常见的这类动词有:come, go, leave, open, begin, start, finish, stop等。
  The spacecraft is returning to the earth. 宇宙飞船就要返回地面了。
  I'm leaving for Lanzhou.我要出发去兰州。
  二、 终止性动词不能与how long引导的疑问句连用。如:
  不能说:How long have you left school?
  应该说:How long is it since you left school?
  或者说:How long ago did you leave school?
  不能说:He has bought the computer for two months.
  应当说:He has had the computer for two months.
  或者说:He bought the computer two months ago.
  也可说:It is two months since he bought the computer.
  还可说:Two months have passed since he bought the computer.
  I haven't heard from him for six months.
  He hasn't come here for a week.
  四、 终止性动词与until引导的时间状语(或从句)连用时,只能用否定形式,不能用肯定形式。如:
  I didn't know until yesterday.直到昨天我才知道这件事。
  He didn't return until midnight.他直到午夜才回来。
  Don't get off the bus
  until it has stopped.等到汽车停妥后再下车。



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